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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds



Ansom had left to go take care of... something or other. Whatever it was, Violetta was honestly just glad that she even saw him. It had been longer than she would have liked since their last encounter, but it was an encounter nonetheless. There was still some shopping left to do, and the goddess/human figured she could do the stuff that didn't require heavy lifting. If she wasn't fully human at the moment, it'd be no issue, but this was a cross to bear that she made herself, which was fine. There was still plenty of light shopping to do.

The supermarket came into view as she made her way downtown. The crowds were starting to thin out a bit, people returning to work and returning to normal lives. Violetta pulled out her list one last time to make sure she was getting all the right groceries, not wanting to have to make yet another trip out. It was hard enough getting around with a pregnant body, she didn't want to have to go the extra effort. That reminded her... what was Kai doing? He could have been doing the shopping instead of her, but no, he was off doing his own thing leaving her to do things she probably shouldn't do when she was so close to her due date. Speaking of due date, when were these babies going to get here? She was nine months pregnant, she should be having them any day now. More and more recently she felt them kick, every hit against her insides slightly startling. It was kind of weird to think there were two beings literally living off of her at the moment. Granted, she was happy they were there, but the kicks reminded her of how strange the whole human pregnancy cycle was.

Violetta had nearly reached the store when she felt something that felt like another kick. Except, it wasn't exactly like a kick. It was stronger, and a bit more painful. It stopped her suddenly, surprised by the sudden burst of pain. After a moment it wore off, and she stood up wondering if they had just kicked a sensitive spot or something, if that was even possible. Brushing it off, she continued making her way to the store when she felt it again, and it was as strong as the first, if not stronger. She placed her hand on her stomach only to feel the same pain again, a small groan escaping her lips. Worry immediately surged through her, wondering if something was happening to the babies. Her mind wracked itself trying to recall all the books on pregnancy and birthing that she could, until finally it dawned on her that she was probably in labor. Well... crap. Trying to focus as much as she could with the amassing pain in her abdomen, Violetta took out her phone and dialed Kai's number, wanting to let him know what was going on. She wished he was here with him, not knowing what to do in this situation otherwise. Unfortunately, another labor pain shocked her system and she dropped the phone, doubling over on the verge of tears. She couldn't really talk to him in her condition, especially since the phone skidded a few feet away. Everybody who had been shopping had either gone to lunch or was inside, so at the moment she was alone on the sidewalk, feeling more and more labor pains and the wetness that meant her water broke. Violetta knew this wasn't good, and she had to get her phone, but also knew she was in no condition to attempt to get it either.

no slide
no slide
LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru looked over at the girl, then back at Everest, "Seems that way" she said. "I don't know if he's a good or bad guy, he's a playboy, but he's a great chef"
Everest smiled,

"He's neither, he does what he thinks he should do, or what he wants to do. If he feels he needs to be the hero, he's good, but if he feel's the good thing to do is wrong, he's the villain. Do you really believe such a thing as good and evil exist? Its all perception."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Everest smiled,
"He's neither, he does what he thinks he should do, or what he wants to do. If he feels he needs to be the hero, he's good, but if he feel's the good thing to do is wrong, he's the villain. Do you really believe such a thing as good and evil exist? Its all perception."

Hakuru shrugged, "I don't believe in anything, but even if good and evil don't exist, there's still a right and wrong thing to do" she said.
Jennete said:
Nissa: She looks around a bit and see's the merry go round... her interest sparking. "That."

"If you insist, Nissa." He said as he looked over at her with a blank face before he began walking over to the merry go round, not feeling like he was too young for it at all.



LunaCrosby said:
Hakuru shrugged, "I don't believe in anything, but even if good and evil don't exist, there's still a right and wrong thing to do" she said.
"That's true, so I guess simply put, Fenris is an overall good guy, just dangerous."
Nona said:







Eating Lunch



Interacting with:

Moonstone and Junchi


@The Royal Keen


~Elliot and Elaena Rillas~

Elliot looked at them both witha curious and confused expression when they explained about how Junchi got expelled from their own school....It wasn't pg? Elliot waved his hand a little "Im fine with not knowing then." he said laughing somewhat sheepishly.

Elaena lifted her head from the table and picked up her sandwhich "Im not." she said shaking her head "Im curious to know what it was" she said with a bright smile.

Elliot rolled his eyes before he shook his head causing Elaena to pout "You can find out later maybe" he said with a nod before pokingat his food, thinking about Moonstones question. "Ehhhh...It wasn't aschool for supers, so we were treated less than nice but I guess it wasn't all bad..." he answered eventually. "You're lucky to be homeschooled, I would have rathered that"


"Huh, I would think that being in a school for non-supers and being the only supers there would earn you a lot of respect. I mean, if I had no powers and were surrounded by people stronger than me, I'd certainly be intimated." Moonstone explained before stuffing more ice cream in their mouth. It seemed like the ice cream they had was never ending, since every time they took a bit it just filled back up.

"Home school gets pretty lonely though, and it's super boring. My family would always try to teach me stuff I didn't feel was necessary in education or like a real school. Stuff like morals and cooperation."

Moonstone had to elbow Junchi slightly to get them to stop snickering what what they just said. "Sorry, sorry. I just find it funny how you find morals and cooperation unnecessary." Junchi replied with a cheerful smile.

When the school bell rang for class, Moonstone stood up and groaned as Junchi sat still. "We should start heading to class." Moonstone said as they got prepared to dump their food.

Extra Information

Location: Fantasy High's Cafeteria

Mood: Happy

Status: Eating ice cream and lunch with Elliot, Elaena, and Junchi

Interacting With: Elliot, Elaena, Junchi

Character Sheet: Moonstone

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Ribbon tilted her head questioningly,
"Statues aren't a problem, anything below 500 tons is fine, but if your planning on swinging me or throwing me that won't end well... But if you wanna give me a piggyback ride, then we could be like doctor octopus together!"

"Good. We'll be taking about two of those, so you should be alright. Ribbon, while the... Ribbons... I don't know what to call you... But while your ribbons carry the statues, I'll need you help fighting. Sound good?" Perfect asked as he landed right outside the museum.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]



...♅Akira waited patiently within his office, eating the food which he'd manifested for himself. He ate quickly, as his class was about to start. Just as he finished his food and placed the plates into limbo, the school bell rung, signifying the end to lunch, and the beginning of his class. Akira's appearance changed in a vibrant flash of gold as he resumed his previous form. His golden hair slowly turned black and began spiking themselves up while his body grew taller and more muscular. His red irises slowly changed, taking on the shade of black to match his hair. He then vanished from his office and appeared outside, within a large green field that was part of the school grounds. The grass grew in tussocks and flattened in waves with each gust of wind, only to spring up as fresh as a bunch of flowers right after. It was nothing like the wild grass that grew naturally. Each tuft was tame and slightly yellowing under the sun and between each there was bare soil, baked and powdery. It was clear that the field was well maintained. The soil was dry from the summer heat, and stretched a little over half of the field. The combat class was scheduled there. Akira stretched his arms and back as he looked around him, nodding at the dimensions of the square patch of soil. He then raised his right arm to his forehead and spoke, his head tilting upwards to face the sky above him as he did so♅...

And now I wait.

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Lunch is officially over from this post on.

All characters are required to attend the combat class, as it is a core subject for all students, whether they're freshmen or seniors. To accompany Akira, is @Tobi Neafearn's Ayen. He will be the second teacher in the class. That is all~

Lance sighed as he walked into the class room and sat at his desk, spinning the rifle off his back and placing it on the ground besides him.
Roman said:
"Good. We'll be taking about two of those, so you should be alright. Ribbon, while the... Ribbons... I don't know what to call you... But while your ribbons carry the statues, I'll need you help fighting. Sound good?" Perfect asked as he landed right outside the museum.
Ribbon giggled and smirked before speaking sarcastically,

"Why do I get the feeling you're making me carry the heavy stuff."
kk1243 said:
Arrow simply grabbed her and slowly swam towards a more shallow end " Just stand! Don't worry I got you! Plus this water only goes to your waist..." She held onto Sylvias Hand " Alright! Now Don't be scared because you fell under the water for a few seconds! I got goggles here for you " She put a pair of silver goggles into sylvias Hand " Now I want you to hold onto my hands and kick with your feet! "
Sylvia put on the goggles, and nervously gripped Arrows hands and slowly tried kicking

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed as he left Mr. White's class. He had made it to lunch and got his food, so he was well fed and ready for his next class. "Combat... Class?" He asked himself curiously. He sighed and put his schedule in his pocket, walking in the halls to his next class. Upon making it there, he went to a spot more... Isolated from the others, showing his true antisocial personality. "I shouldn't be here... I can already fight."

More Info

Location: Combat Class

Mood: His same Moody self

Status: Waiting for class to start

Objective: Waiting for class to end

Interacting with: Akira

TheDragoon said:

"If you insist, Nissa." He said as he looked over at her with a blank face before he began walking over to the merry go round, not feeling like he was too young for it at all.



Nissa: She nods and starts walking towards the ride, holding up a packed lunch. "You can feed me food, I saw couples doing it and they looked happy and I want to make you happy..."

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmmm...how about a movie we can watch with the kids?''

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour

Akane smiled and nodded, "There's a bunch of kid movies that they have at the local movie store by the store not too far from here. We can make a run up there since Azusa is here, he'd be able to watch the girls." She suggested.

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking with Aselia

Objective: Get a movie to watch with their daughters

Interacting with: Aselia


TheDragoon said:
Shuu blinked. Was the baby coming? If it was he was starting to get fearful. After what Lena described last night it seemed that she would die and leave him with the child... After all, this wasn't how he thought it was supposed to be. It wasn't supposed to be just HIS child... It'd be THEIR child. Together. But without Lena he felt... Empty.
After a few minutes, Lena's eyes slowly opened, as she yawned, her hands resting on her stomach.
Roman said:

Akane Ishida

~ Sanctum of Weapons and Amour

Akane smiled and nodded, "There's a bunch of kid movies that they have at the local movie store by the store not too far from here. We can make a run up there since Azusa is here, he'd be able to watch the girls." She suggested.

More Info

Location: Home

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking with Aselia

Objective: Get a movie to watch with their daughters

Interacting with: Aselia


''Yeah. Sounds like a plan.''
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince


Alejandro sighed as he left Mr. White's class. He had made it to lunch and got his food, so he was well fed and ready for his next class. "Combat... Class?" He asked himself curiously. He sighed and put his schedule in his pocket, walking in the halls to his next class. Upon making it there, he went to a spot more... Isolated from the others, showing his true antisocial personality. "I shouldn't be here... I can already fight."

More Info

Location: Combat Class

Mood: His same Moody self

Status: Waiting for class to start

Objective: Waiting for class to end

Interacting with: Akira

(I see a family member is here...(:3))
Jennete said:
Nissa: She nods and starts walking towards the ride, holding up a packed lunch. "You can feed me food, I saw couples doing it and they looked happy and I want to make you happy..."
Aiden laughed a little and took it. "Well, I guess I'm happy if your happy, so sure." He said happily as he waited the ride to come to a complete stop. Once it did the person controlling the ride waved them on.
TheDragoon said:
Mari nodded. "I'm actually totally free today, still waiting for Rosie-San to get out of the hospital. It's a bit strange though. I might stop by there later today to see if she's alright." She told him happily.

Hansuke Ishida

~ One of the Five Archangel


"Great! I have a whole day with the nature goddess!" Han said jokingly as he hugged her for a second. When he let her go, he gently ruffle her hair and smiled, his sword vanishing and his clothes turning into something more casual. "Alright, where should we go?" He asked himself curiously. "Wanna grab a bite? Then I'll take you to the amusement park. Sound good?"

More Info

Location: The mansion

Mood: Happy

Status: Talking with Mari

Objective: Spend the day with Mari

Interacting with: Mari


Nanne said:
"What happened?..." she asked quietly. She looked up at him and touched his hair softly. "What's wrong? Why do you look sad?"
"I'm the reason you're hurt." Alex said softly. "You attacked me.. And I... I reacted out of pure instinct and threw you into a tree." Alex said, holding Yuki a little tighter. "I..."
Mayyflower said:

~? Origami Noire ?~


Origami smiled at Paris as she ate her food. "What do you plan to do after we finish eating?" She asks

Extra Info




Talking with paris





Interacting with:



"Most likely walking the prettiest girl in the school to her next class." he complimented her. He finished his food and was enjoying his time with her Until the call to the next class. This was as close to heaven as he was going to get.

Jofune Tsurabisu]"Most likely walking the prettiest girl in the school to her next class." he complimented her. He finished his food and was enjoying his time with her Until the call to the next class. This was as close to heaven as he was going to get. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16519-mayyflower/ said:

~☾ Origami Noire ☽~

Origami blushed and smiled. "Awe, your so sweet Paris" she says happily before they had to get back to class, she finished eating and stood up and held her hand out to him

Extra Info



Talking to paris




Go to class

Interacting with:



Roman said:
"I'm the reason you're hurt." Alex said softly. "You attacked me.. And I... I reacted out of pure instinct and threw you into a tree." Alex said, holding Yuki a little tighter. "I..."
Yuki got down and looked at him for a few seconds then hugged him tightly. "It's okay....you did the right thing. I'm the one who should feel bad about what happened...Alex, I'm sorry." She gave him a small smile but was saddened about what she had done. She looked at his neck where she had bitten him and gently touched it, "I'm terrible...I'm dangerous...I'm a monster." she said quietly and started tearing up.
Mayyflower said:

~☾ Origami Noire ☽~

Origami blushed and smiled. "Awe, your so sweet Paris" she says happily before they had to get back to class, she finished eating and stood up and held her hand out to him

Extra Info



Talking to paris




Go to class

Interacting with:



He obliged and taken her hand. Its gentle softness gave comfort to his feelings. He was thankful for meeting such a wonderful girl. "It seems I have weapons class next. Odd for an academic pursuit, but fitting nonetheless." he said as he was enjoying his peaceful time with her. "Say, would you like to spend some time with me in the library after school, studying, then maybe some dinner?" He asked her as the thought formed in his mind.

Izuku, while walking through the front gate and towards the school, smiles as he writes down a few notes over powers in his notebook. He slowly finishes up his notes and closes his notebook, satisfied with what he wrote. He looks up towards the school feeling excited finally being able to attend Fantasy High. He continues to walk towards the school while looking around at the pleasant scenery the school has. He suddenly stops, forgetting that he doesn't know the school's layout so he quickly starts to panic due to him not knowing where or how he's going to get to the principal's office. He slowly calms himself down and slowly looks around to see if there are any directions towards the principal's office so he would be able to grab his schedule since he had just transferred in to the school.

(Free Character Open)


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