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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Akane blinked, she wasn't sure if she should use her husbands last name or her own. "Uhh... Akane..." she said, using neither. "I don't think I belong here either way though."
''you dont. please leave the area or i will have you executed''
HimeragiSeiker said:
still resisting. cuz you left out some info. theres an HQ called UNION Closers. a supernatural team that is like a special type of military. and same with C.R.O.S.S. a supernatural hunting team but with supernatural among them. what will happen?))
((( Chances are C.R.O.S.S. would join the government, as they'd know there'd be some Specials resisting. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Chances are C.R.O.S.S. would join the government, as they'd know there'd be some Specials resisting. )))

oh forgot to mention. how would chips alone restrict powers? sounds too simple that it doesnt sound believable......))
HimeragiSeiker said:
''you dont. please leave the area or i will have you executed''
"Wait! Are you the general?" Akane asked. "I just want to know... Nothing more. If the answer is yes, I wish to talk to you, if not, ...Then I have some questions."
Roman said:
"Wait! Are you the general?" Akane asked. "I just want to know... Nothing more. If the answer is yes, I wish to talk to you, if not, ...Then I have some questions."
''no. you are to leave immediately''
HimeragiSeiker said:
oh forgot to mention. how would chips alone restrict powers? sounds too simple that it doesnt sound believable......))
((( Chips are injected into the brain, so that whenever a power is about to be used, it activates the brain's mechanic to release large amounts of a hormone called melatonin, which in turn makes the person fall asleep immediately. )))
HimeragiSeiker said:
''no. you are to leave immediately''
"I didn't come all this way for nothing! Now why am I to leave immediately?!" Akane asked angrily.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Chips are injected into the brain, so that whenever a power is about to be used, it activates the brain's mechanic to release large amounts of a hormone called melatonin, which in turn makes the person fall asleep immediately. )))

(i want to count my characters out on this event honestly. (Since you never really attend any of my events and...i only wish to go on here and have a good time. not trying to feel devastated)
HimeragiSeiker said:
(i want to count my characters out on this event honestly. (Since you never really attend any of my events and...i only wish to go on here and have a good time. not trying to feel devastated)
((( I'm busy writing up plot points of the RP to participate in any events. The only reason I participated in Jofune's casino is because I had finished writing up this event. Also, it is a way to keep RPers guessing, being that every turn they take, the government will be waiting to neutralise them, or, if they go along with the government, it will force them to fight against those who were previously their friends. Also, this event is fun, as it's an actual plot point which is focused on how your character would react to this scenario, which in turn increases character development. It's the reason why everyone is going to be a part of this scenario. )))
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Roland huffed before looking at her then leaned in close to her "It is if you want to be brave and the hero for the girl you love." he said almost playfully before nipping at the tip of Dakota's ear.

Dakota giggled before looking at him and tilting her head a little bit "Fair enough, and yes, you are my hero and you are brave" she said as she leand over to nuzzle his nose "but that dosent mean i cant think the things you say and do sometimes are cute~~" she chimed happily.

WeirdPrincess said:



Yoshino gave him a glare and shook her head before crossing her arms under her chest as she sat up. "Positive. I feel fine now, I wanna do it today." She said, acting slightly childish as she pouted.



Yumi had bent down to look at some drinks that were below the fruit bowls before she heard Elliot. She abruptly shot up, her mouth shaped in an O form as she looked at him in surprise. He didn't leave his house much? Was he like an introvert? "Why not? Is the outside scary to you?" She asked before she realized that may have sounded rude and shook her head. "You don't have to answer that!"

Elliots gaze moved off to the side and his cheeks tinted a pale pink "W-Well not exactly, but mayb-, not really-" he rambled quietly before pausing and taking a breath "...Yeah" he admitted, looking down at his feet, kicking them a little, now going silent.
...✦Natsumi saw the news and quickly turned to Natsuru. They soon teleported the mansion and every household member in the house and teleported them into Aion✦...

''humans...*sigh* why are they always thinking of a revolution...?''








Levya only managed to see the news before quickly teleporting the house into Aion. With Vanille

(basically, if you accept to go into the other dimension Aion, the characters will be in the mansion with all my other characters)
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Nanne said:
((I guess we can time skip haha you can start))

Yuna woke up the next morning with a stretch and a yawn, soon rolling over to check the time....correct that it was almost noon, damn, she had slept in again. Letting out a small groan of annoyance that she had slept through her alarm she hopped out of bed, grabbing a clean dress and whatnot, she headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. Now clean and dressed, she fixed her hair before pulling on her coat and scarf to go out.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
----Two Hours Later----

...ΨKenji remained on his knees as he spoke, clearly overcome with griefΨ...

“ All those children.. gone.. ”

...♅Akira sighed and spoke as he clenched his fists♅...

“ I.. didn't know they were there.. ”

...☄Suddenly, armed police surrounded them and put Akira and Kenji's arms behind their backs, handcuffing them. They didn't fight it, as they were still in shock over the previous events. The police then shoved Akira and Kenji into the back of their heavily fortified van and began transporting them to a jail. They passed through the city centre, where a flat screen television was situated on a building☄...

----------On the flat screen television in the city centre, there seemed to be a broadcast of a meeting of the United Nations-------------

“ Not just two hours ago, we suffered a terrible tragedy. Two super powered men fought each other, and in the crossfire, destroyed an elementary school, which still had children within it. I ask you, how many more people need to die for us to wake up! We need to regulate, control and punish these super powered individuals, so that this may never happen again! That's why, starting from this very moment, the U.N has introduced a new law; "The Regulation and Registration of Specials Act". Anyone who has these powers will be taken to a government agency and will be implemented with a chip and will also reveal themselves on national television. The government will then catalogue said individuals as a special, along with their powers. The chip will actively and forcibly, restrict the individuals powers, and, if need be, eliminate said individual. Your local law enforcement will have scanners that will locate your chip, making it impossible for Specials to hide. Any special individual that isn't chipped after today will be considered a threat, and will be eliminated on sight. ”

...ΨKenji spoke as he continued to stare at the van's floorΨ...

“ Maybe it's for the best. All these powers with nobody to keep them in line is dangerous.. ”

...♅Akira's irises shot up to Kenji and spoke as the van's interior exploded, sending the armed police soaring along the ground, unconscious. Akira and Kenji leaped out of the now tumbling van and broke out of their handcuffs. They began having a talk♅...

“ You're kidding, right? They need to learn how to control their powers, not have them restricted. ”

“ But if their powers are restricted, they won't need to learn how to control their powers. They'll be able to continue with their lives, as if they didn't receive them. ”

“ What are you talking about?! Their powers are a gift from their Gods, and yet you wish to have them removed?! ”

“ Yes. No more people will have to suffer through their destructive powers. The world can be like it used to be, peaceful. ”

“ And what if the government decides to use them as weapons? Have you ever thought about that?! ”

“ They won't. I have faith in Humanity, and their words of promise. ”

“ You fool. Humans are weak, base and petty. There aren't many things you can believe from their mouths, that's how human beings work. They only care about themselves, and no one else really matters. They get caught up in their own lackadaisical dialogue, lying their way through life. This will turn into a war, and I'm afraid I can't stop it. Two sides fighting, one for the restriction act, the other opposing it. It seems we'll also be involved in this war, but in opposite sides. ”

“ If that is how it shall be, then I'll see you on the battlefield. ”

...ΨKenji then vanished, leaving Akira standing among the wreckage of the vanΨ...


@Everyone Decide, will you be go along with the registration act, or will you resist?|

((Gonna reply to this because it's got Kenji in it))

...♤Lumina had decided to move to the couch, her dizziness having subsided for the moment, and turned on the tv. She was thankful Asuka had modded it to recieve Earth shows. The technology here was pretty impressive, she had to admit. Really there was nothing that special on, but for some reason a lot off stations were showing the same urgent news story. Bored, and curious, she left it on, watching it happen. First there was some guy yelling, but it was the actual footage that caught her eyes. And suddenly she gasped, seeing Kenji and Akira being detained and thrown into a police van. Lumina could only stare wide-eyed at the screen, half tempted to teleport to earth right this second. At this point she wasn't really paying much attention to what they were saying, or anything about how people with special powers would have to be detained or anything, she was just worried about Kenji. Lumina sighed, not knowing what to do. He had told her to stay away from Earth until he got back, but was that even possible anymore? Plus, Asuka was still here and it'd worry her if she just left. Lumina sat back against the couch, at a loss for what to do♤...
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''10 seconds...''
"I'm gonna kill you... If you don't answer my question. So if u continue your countdown, consider your life over."
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Raising his brow, Kaname shifted his attention back to Camilla. He had forgotten that she didn't know what slang was, and thus he cleared his throat and chuckled. Rubbing at the back of his head, he stood to his feet, offering a hand out to Camilla. "You're so adorable...Let's go."

Camilla's cheeks tinted pink as she was called adorable but it was also out of embarrassment of not knowing what he even meant earlier. She then nodded as she then took his hand and stood up as well "Okay~"
Roman said:
"I'm gonna kill you... If you don't answer my question. So if u continue your countdown, consider your life over."
''ei--.....jegeo daesang''

...✦She said before she attacked Akane with bladed wheels that were covered in plasma✦... (last post so i can go sleep)
((I know, same here, im finding it really difficult to find everyones replies ;- ;) )

Rini had been lost in her thoughts, worrying, she had been silent as they spoke, continuing to bath herself until she was clean. But she was still listening to their words, a small frown on her face, what if Chiharu was right and he wasnt coming back because he was badly hurt or worse. Rini only frowned more as yet again more worry washed over her, she didnt want to have to think such thoughts. Hearing the women speak in the background Rini turned her head to view them with furrowed brows, such narrowminded things to say in her opinion she sighed a little before Misafune was soon taken into the room, she quickly looked over, her eyes widening a little at his condition, he looked defeated. "Misafune..." she said with a saddened expression as she brought a hand up to her mouth as she viewed him, soon relaxing a little when she smelled herbs, he had been treated for his injuries it seemed, meaning he wasnt going to get 'cleansed' again...well atleast she hoped not.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''ei--.....jegeo daesang''
...?She said before she attacked Akane with bladed wheels that were covered in plasma?... (last post so i can go sleep)
Akane thought for a moment, fighting a mechanical being... Maybe overloading it's core would work. She then changed forms and equipped her Lightning Empress Armor. She quickly dodged the attack and jumped into the air, aiming her lightning staff at the nasod and firing huge bolts of lightning at it.


Nonalaka said:
Dakota giggled before looking at him and tilting her head a little bit "Fair enough, and yes, you are my hero and you are brave" she said as she leand over to nuzzle his nose "but that dosent mean i cant think the things you say and do sometimes are cute~~" she chimed happily.
Elliots gaze moved off to the side and his cheeks tinted a pale pink "W-Well not exactly, but mayb-, not really-" he rambled quietly before pausing and taking a breath "...Yeah" he admitted, looking down at his feet, kicking them a little, now going silent.


Yumi felt bad for asking now with the way he reacted. "O-Oh um... y-you really didn't have to answer if you didn't want too." She said, looking off to the side a little. She really didn't know what to say now, she didn't know if she could reassure him or just stand there quietly and not say anything. Which would be rude in her opinion, but she was at a loss for words.

Nonalaka said:
Yuna woke up the next morning with a stretch and a yawn, soon rolling over to check the time....correct that it was almost noon, damn, she had slept in again. Letting out a small groan of annoyance that she had slept through her alarm she hopped out of bed, grabbing a clean dress and whatnot, she headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. Now clean and dressed, she fixed her hair before pulling on her coat and scarf to go out.
Mako woke up early the next morning, "Well...I guess I better go for my morning run..." he said a little groggy. He got up and took a quick shower and put on his workout clothes, one of his "sisters", Yuki,was already up getting ready for her morning run as well so she had made a protein shake for him as well. Mako headed out first, "Alrighty then..." he said stretching before he made his way to the park, "let's get this day started I guess.."

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