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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Kisaki said:
"Thanks , but don't have to worry about me."
" You wouldn't because the Forgotten kingdom is very isolated and most of these books will never make it out of the kingdom. Magic totems were used by the mages to learn new skills "He picked up the book about Ice powers and closed the chest.
*Kiya stopped and shook herself* "Ugh! That was bad!" *Cody smiled and laughed* "No, it was funny!" *Kiya growled at him, and Cody ignored it* "So, is there any with fire in there? Because..." *He points back at the arena, where there were some burn marks on the floor* "I need to get my power under control..." *He couldn't fully control the fire power yet, and getting angry sparked the gas that was in his veins to make him burn*
Nona said:



School Grounds


A little bit annoyed


Talking with Wylie



Interacting with:



@Storm Guardian

~Rosalie Dalton~

Another giggle could be heard "Ah, right. If that noise caused you to stop then you must have only arrived. Those sounds are around all of the time, you'll get used to it eventually." she smiled looking up at him. It was then that she saw him look at her face and frown. Yeah, she knew what that meant. She had gotten that look before when she was at the normal non-super school. She knew her communication skills were a bit....odd but it still kind of annoyed her to see people with that kind of reaction, like she was super weird or something and this was the first time someone from this school had looked at her that way, with a gentle frown, she averted her gaze away from him. "I should probably go find my class..." the voice said, slowly dying down with each word.

"Well, if you must." Wylie's frown disappeared "I find it interesting how you communicate. Looks useful." he pauses "What class do you have."
charleen said:
Nico was heading to her next class which was P.E. She never really enjoy anything physical intensive, but hopefully this year will be different. Nico was so drawn at looking at her schedule that she didn't realize she bump into another student.

"Uh.. Sorry person!!"

She laughed awkardly to herself.

"I'm just so clumsy.."

Nico sighed slightly.

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Moonstone stumbled back a bit as they quickly left their thoughts. "I'm so sorry, it's not your fault. I'm sort of an air-head at times... well... most of the time" Moonstone apologized to the girl. They then realized this was the perfect chance to get some help on going to their class. "Um, where is the P.E. class?" they asked after making sure both were okay. "It's my next class and I don't want to be late for it."

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Extra Information

Location: Hallway

Mood: Apologetic

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

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CERBERUS177 said:
*Kiya stopped and shook herself* "Ugh! That was bad!" *Cody smiled and laughed* "No, it was funny!" *Kiya growled at him, and Cody ignored it* "So, is there any with fire in there? Because..." *He points back at the arena, where there were some burn marks on the floor* "I need to get my power under control..." *He couldn't fully control the fire power yet, and getting angry sparked the gas that was in his veins to make him burn*
Jack gives Cody a book named 'The Art of Fire'. "You can keep it. It's not like I'm going to use it.
Kisaki said:
Jack gives Cody a book named 'The Art of Fire'. "You can keep it. It's not like I'm going to use it.
Roy watches this curiously a few steps behind "What is all these books and totems for?"
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Roy watches this curiously a few steps behind "What is all these books and totems for?"

"I really don't know. However these books are very rare and most of them stored away in the King's library"

" I'll probably just give it to some of the witches in this school"
Kisaki said:
"I really don't know. However these books are very rare and most of them stored away in the King's library"
" I'll probably just give it to some of the witches in this school"
"King's library?" Roy is confused "What are you talking about?"



Nico laughed slightly from their 'airhead' comment.

"But I don't think you can be worst than me though."

She gave them a small grin. Nico nodded at their question.

"Oh yes! I know the way!!"

Nico quickly grabbed their wrist and pulled into the direction of the gym which hold the P.E. class itself. She let go of their wrist and giggled.

"I'm kinda touchy sorry hehe.. But here we are, the beautiful gym of Fantasy High School!!"

She panted a bit from the slight jog.

"Obviously this is my main hangout!! Ha.. Ha no."

She said sarcastically.
Kisaki said:
Jack gives Cody a book named 'The Art of Fire'. "You can keep it. It's not like I'm going to use it.
*Cody takes it and cracks it open* "...Calm your mind and clear your thoughts...." *Cody sighs* "Welcome young grasshopper..." *He says trying to make a joke* "Well, I'm going to P.E., since I have nothing else to do, and I want to try out my new BDU's I got from my moms friend." *He bucks the gun behind him and walks to his car but stops and turns around* "You guys know who I can ask about a dorm? I'm getting kicked out because...they have dorms here and mom wants me to stop getting her so late, so she want's me to stay here."
Roman said:

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince

"White hair... Blonde hair... So you are the two girls in that picture?" Alejandro asked himself. "My dad.. OUR dad has a picture of you two and whenever he looks at it, he gets sort of emotional." He said. "Why don't you stay with him? He talks about you a lot and how much he misses you both." He told them.

More Info

Location Class:

Mood: Calm

Status: Talking with his half-sisters

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Miyuki and Assana

Tags: @Jennete

Assana: "Because..."

Miyuki: "Family... Loving them..."

Assana: "It will hurt you in the end."

Miyuki: "And we are always reminded how we are a broken family. How he has a whole one, a better one." She spits out bitterly.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"King's library?" Roy is confused "What are you talking about?"

" It's a library found apparently in my dad's castle Most of the books stored there are mostly rare.

CERBERUS177 said:
*Cody takes it and cracks it open* "...Calm your mind and clear your thoughts...." *Cody sighs* "Welcome young grasshopper..." *He says trying to make a joke* "Well, I'm going to P.E., since I have nothing else to do, and I want to try out my new BDU's I got from my moms friend." *He bucks the gun behind him and walks to his car but stops and turns around* "You guys know who I can ask about a dorm? I'm getting kicked out because...they have dorms here and mom wants me to stop getting her so late, so she want's me to stay here."
"I have no Idea. I just grabbed a random key off the principal's desk."
Kisaki said:
" It's a library found apparently in my dad's castle Most of the books stored there are mostly rare.
"I have no Idea. I just grabbed a random key off the principal's desk."
"Hmm... well, as long as your okay, I'm going to go." Roy waves and heads off to explore the south area.
charleen said:
Nico laughed slightly from their 'airhead' comment.
"But I don't think you can be worst than me though."

She gave them a small grin. Nico nodded at their question.

"Oh yes! I know the way!!"

Nico quickly grabbed their wrist and pulled into the direction of the gym which hold the P.E. class itself. She let go of their wrist and giggled.

"I'm kinda touchy sorry hehe.. But here we are, the beautiful gym of Fantasy High School!!"

She panted a bit from the slight jog.

"Obviously this is my main hangout!! Ha.. Ha no."

She said sarcastically.


Moonstone flinched when Nico touched them and had them run to the gym, but soon got over it once they got to their destination. Still, they didn't feel comfortable being touched, but they tried to think about something else, which was the amazing gym they saw in front of them. "Woah." they said, dropping their usually polite and formal facade.

After hearing Nico's sarcastic comment about herself, Moonstone said, "I love working out. It's so relaxing for me." Then, before walking into the gym and to their class, they replaced the clothes they were wearing with their P.E. clothes by having a glow shine on their body as their current clothes shapeshifted into P.E. wear. "Come on, we shouldn't be late." Moonstone said as they began moving towards their class.

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Extra Information

Location: Gym

Mood: Slightly uncomfortable, Happy

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

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[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]"Hmm... well, as long as your okay, I'm going to go." Roy waves and heads off to explore the south area.

Jack nodded and waved good-bye. He carried the chest to his room. He opened up the chest again. He notice that there was a crown. It was made of silver and crystals and blue gems were implanted inside the crown.

"I guess this is mines now." Jack put the crown on his head . "Not really my style though"
WeirdPrincess said:
(( Okay! ))

Yumi Eru

~The Secret Gamer


Yumi was particularly excited about school starting up again, seeing as how she liked it so much. Seeing the familiar faces of her friends and having the joy of attending fun classes. One could say she was a nerd in that sense, which she never denied that she wasn't. She noted that she did often focus more on her studies then really hanging out with her friends or doing anything. She just wanted to do good in school, a reason as to why she studied so much. During the first day of school, she really didn't do much but study, briefly talk with her friends during lunch before heading off to class, which was a study hall. She didn't do much of anything in her other periods, except for taking notes and finding out she had a test in a few days. The year had barely started and she already had something to study for her Advanced Weapons Instructor's test. She both liked and detested Mrs. White. She was hoping it wouldn't be until later in the next couple of weeks or month for that matter. Yumi may have liked school, but she didn't like it enough to want to have a test during the first week of school. To top it off, she had the same teacher for Trig/Pre-calc. She hoped the teacher wouldn't give her any problems throughout the year. Oh well, she probably didn't need to worry about that now. What she needed to focus on was studying.

Yumi sat at her desk, flipping through her notebook that she had specifically for her Advanced Weapons class. Truthfully, she had a different notebook to take notes in for each class. She didn't want all of her notes for different classes in one notebook or she'd have to be searching through stuff for ages. Her brows scrunched together as her eyes scanned the neatly handwritten words on her notebook, reciting the information repeated in her head so she could remember it. She was already started to get tried of it, wanting to just toss the notebook to the side and study later on when she was at her dorm, where she could be more focused. Yumi always studied better at home then she did during study hall. The silence was practically killing her, she needed some kind of lullaby or music to bare through this deafening silence. Listening to music usually helped her with memorization, plus she didn't really like studying in silence. It felt weird and strange to her. She wished she brought her headphone to put some kind of in the quiet room.

"I think done for the day, I'll just continue at home." Yumi said, closing the paged book in her hands and setting it on the hard wood in front of her before laying her head down.

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Slightly annoyed and tired


Study Hall


Study for upcoming test


No one





Study hall


Lost in thought/Sleepy


Studying/Trying to stay awake


To study/ talk to the girl next to her

Interacting with:

No one/Yumi



~Elliot and Elaena Rillas~

Elliot was in the study class, keeping true to his words to Yumi that he would start the school when classes offically begun. Though Elaena did have to come to his dorm and drag him out of there. Though he had to admit this school wasnt half as bad as his old one so, so far he didn't mind it. Luckily he didn't have to go to combat class, he felt that maybe he'd be eaten alive by the others if he went. Elliot was at the table next to his sister his eyes scanning over his notes for the same test Yumi was studying for but he certainly didn't look as annoyed about it. Probably because it was his kind of thing, give him a class like geography or something and he could barely gather the energy to even lift the book, never mind study for a test. For other classes he even had comic books tucked into his textbooks to read if he was loosing interest. For now though, those werent being used, his eyes gazed over the pages as he held his pen in his mouth. If he had noticed Yumi he would have said 'Hi' but he hadn't looked out of his notebook to notice for now. But he would probably notice her as soon as he looked up from what he was doing.

Elaena was also laying with her head on the table, though honestly it wasn't from being fed up with studying. Elaena was just being...Elaena. In fact if anyone were to look at her notebook they'd notice that not one word of study notes were even on it, it was just loads of doodles. Yet, even though her pages were mostly doodles, if someone were to test Elaena on a subject she could answer the questions just fine. It was just the kind of peculiar girls she was. Although she slept through a lot of it, she really did love school, she liked the atmosphere there and she also liked exploring the dreams of those who doze off in class, that was really fun. Turning her head to lay the opposite direction, she spotted Yumi doing the same thing. The girl smiled sleepily as she looked at Yumi "That's how I spend my study classes too" she said softly as she smiled, pointing out how Yumi was laying.

@Storm Guardian[/URL]


~Rosalie Dalton~

Rosalie blinked at his words, why was he frowning then? She didn't get it really "Huh? Really, because you seemed weirded out." She frowned a little, looking him up and down ((mostly up, he was quite the ways taller than her)) "I use my abilities of manipulating sound to talk because I'm mute. So I guess its very useful" Her voice explained before he asked what class she had "Combat class....I-If I can find it..." She let an inaudible sigh "I may have been staying in the dorms for a while but, classes havent officially started until today so I'm still not 100% sure where everything is..." She admitted.






Nico gasped when she saw the glow shine from them. She didn't realize what was happening, but she saw them now in the PE attire. She pretended to cover her eyes.

"I swear I didn't see anything.."

She chuckled in her own amusement.

"Yeah let's go in.."

She sighed mostly cause she actually didn't want to go inside, but proceeded to go in anyway.

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[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"That's true, so I guess simply put, Fenris is an overall good guy, just dangerous."

(sorry lack of replies x3 I should be back to normal nowz x3)

Hakuru nodded, "Yeah, if you and Fenris are so old, then why are you in school?" she asked.
Nona said:



School grounds




Walking next to Wylie


Go to class

Interacting with:



@Storm Guardian

~Rosalie Dalton~

Rosalie blinked at his words, why was he frowning then? She didn't get it really "Huh? Really, because you seemed weirded out." She frowned a little, looking him up and down ((mostly up, he was quite the ways taller than her)) "I use my abilities of manipulating sound to talk because I'm mute. So I guess its very useful" Her voice explained before he asked what class she had "Combat class....I-If I can find it..." She let an inaudible sigh "I may have been staying in the dorms for a while but, classes havent officially started until today so I'm still not 100% sure where everything is..." She admitted.

"Well, weirded out for a moment." said Wylie "But yeah... I think the Combat ground is southwest of the dorms."
charleen said:
Nico gasped when she saw the glow shine from them. She didn't realize what was happening, but she saw them now in the PE attire. She pretended to cover her eyes.
"I swear I didn't see anything.."

She chuckled in her own amusement.

"Yeah let's go in.."

She sighed mostly cause she actually didn't want to go inside, but proceeded to go in anyway.

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Moonstone noticed how Nico covered her eyes, and blushed heavily. "You wouldn't have seen anything, sorry about that." they said. As they joined up with their class, they turned towards Nico and asked, "What usually happens here anyways? I'm not used to how high-school works, especially not a high-school like this."

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Extra Information

Location: Gym/P.E.

Mood: Happy, Embarassed

Status: Talking to Nico

Interacting With: Nico

Character Sheet:

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*Cody decided to read the book instead, and went to the combat arena* "...When ready, pump your most powerful arm in the direction you want the flame to go... Alright." *Cody set the book down and started to move his hands around and pumped his fist into the air, shooting a stream of fire for three seconds*

"Woohoo! That was awesome! But if I have to do that, hand dancing thing, then my ass is grass..let's see.. so meditating will help me understand it better, alright." *He sat down and closed his eyes, the area was in complete silence, then he started to have visions*
Nona said:





Slightly Confused


Sitting with Asako



Interacting with:




~Kenai Yelil~

Kenai slowly nodded his head before moving himself to sit down. He positioned himself to sit beside her before he spoke, taking out a bag of candy he had bought on the way to the park. "I guess that makes sense" he answered before his expression changed, now looking a bit confused. "Wait..." he furrowed his brows lightly as his head turned in her direction to view her "...Shouldn't you be at school too? Why are you here instead?" he asked her with a curious tone in his voice as he questioned her before popping a piece of candy in his mouth. His hand moving to offer her a piece of candy from the bag.




...........................................................................~The Scarred Light Spirit~

Asako took the piece of candy and looked to the side before speaking, "I'm enrolled, but, there's too many scary people for me to deal with in a day, so I stopped going" she said.

More Info






talking with Kenai



Interacting with: Kenai Yelil


[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She smiled back and took her ticket then started for the theater room as she started to panic a little

Aaron wnr to get the popcorn and some drink, putting his ticket in his pocket. He waited in line for a few minutes until it was his turn and he bought one -are bowl of popcorn and two large sodas before returning to Annabel who was in the screening room.
Jennete said:
Assana: "Because..."
Miyuki: "Family... Loving them..."

Assana: "It will hurt you in the end."

Miyuki: "And we are always reminded how we are a broken family. How he has a whole one, a better one." She spits out bitterly.

Alejandro Ishida

~ Ice Prince

"No family is perfect... And he never speak about his last family because of what happened." Alejandro said, shaking his head. "He's a heartbroken man, but it's your choice. If you don't want to see him, I'll remember not to tell him you go here."

More Info

Location: Class

Mood: ...

Status: Talking with his half-sisters

Objective: N/A

Interacting with: Assana and Miyuki

Tags: @Jennete

*The visions were of the old user of the book, a young female, about my age, she was a fire warrior, she tamed the fire's around her and used them to her bidding... I felt hatred and sadness, then I saw what she was doing, she was burning villages and killing people with beings that looked like ash, then they attacked a kingdom, killing hundreds and then burning the houses with people in it, I couldn't open my eyes..."Cooody" I heard a bone chilling voice of a woman, then the visions showed her being killed, and when the attackers left, she scrolled something with her blood... "You see what I see." then that voice... "That's a nice wolf you have there... Cody." Then there was a giggle, then I was able to have a say, "Who are you?", the words after that question, chilled me to the bone... "...I'm simply, you, your inner fire and soul. I'm you before you were even a thought or a cell..."

*Cody's eyes jerk open as he sucks in air and coughs* "What...how...who the..." *Cody looked around to make sure it was just him and nobody else, nobody was near him, so he had no choice but to rule out it was someone messing with his mind, he then thrusts his arm in the air and sees a stream of fire come out* "So..that worked, but that scared the hell out of me..." *Cody grabbed the book and put it in his bag and walked to the principles office*

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