The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

MrSerious said:
How about:
Alchemicals get Free Augmentations with the 3rd 4th and 5th dot of attributes. For the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Augmentations gained in this manner only have zero mote installation cost and are permanently installed - they do not take up a charm slot
This is fine I will update the post.
Here's my character so far, although I might decide to discard the Abyssal concept and try my hand at an infernal instead, we'll see >_> However, if anyone would like to make characters with a shared background I would be interested, wether an Abyssal or Infernal, I've been wanting to do that for a while.

Name: Formerly: Assue/"Vessel of Fire & Torture"

Apparent Age: 13 Real Age: 20

Caste: Midnight/Moonshadow (Haven't decided yet, most likely a Midnight)

History: Assue was a very special child born in a Shadowland in the East. From a very young age she developed a keen intellect and an apparent grasp of Essence perception and it's magical qualities within the Underworld. Her mother, scared by her abilities and the possible dangerous attention she might gather from the Deathlord and it's minions, saw this as a sign of a tainted soul by the underworld, and decided to kill her little child by burning her, hoping for her soul to reborn free of any dark taint. This however, brought the exact opposite, as her death drew the attention of an Abyssal shard, and amidst the pain of her skin and bones melting in the fire, Assue gave in the bliss offered by the voice calling her to the service of Oblivion.

As an Abyssal Exalted she never fully hated life nor Creation, yet she understood the essence of the Underworld perfectly, this drove her to a deep hunger of understanding, so she set on a mission and traveled to the deepest parts of the Labyrinth. Within her meditation at the mouth of the Void, she saw a truth never spoken by the Neverborn that whispered in her mind. The Void was a wound eating at the Underworld, and would eventually devour it along with Creation, and it could never be sealed unless the Neverborn were put to rest, and to do that, she needed to destroy the dead souls of the Primordials. This realization shocked her, and gave her a strange resolve to prevent the Void from consuming everything, yet force the Neverborn into letting themselves be consumed by it.

Appearance: Assue looks like a small girl of 13 years old, pale skin and short dark hair, her eyes red pupils on black, yet she does not act like a kid of her age. Her mind has been slightly shattered, and she shows signs of autism. She perceives reality somewhat differently from everyone else, and although not inherently evil, she is somewhat oblivious as to the needs of the living folk and the suffering and despair she causes with her powers.
JayTee said:
Cool, thanks
Alright, you can use it but I reserve the right to revoke this decision if it proves troublesome or too powerful. You'll be allowed to trade out the charms in that case.
Starting Stats:




Melee 1

Presence (F) 3

Resistance (F) 1

Craft © 5

Investigation © 3

Lore © 5

Medicine © 5

Occult © 5

Awareness (F) 2

Dodge 1

Stealth (F) 1

Linguistics (F) 3

Compassion 2

Temperance 1

Conviction 4

Valor 2

Willpower 6

Essence 3

Personal/Periperal 15/27


Artifact 2

Whispers 2

Liege 4


Reinforced Soulsteel Buff Jacket


Pitiless Triage Judgment (+2nd Medicine Excellency)

Cannibalistic Renewal Incitement (+1st Medicine Excellency)

Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness (+3rd Medicine Excellency)

Bone Graft Technique

Life-Mocking Assembly

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy (+2nd Occult Excellency)

Cadaverous Torpor Technique (+Ox-Body One -1 health level and two -2 health levels)

Fault-Finding Scrutiny (+2nd Craft Excellency)

Eternal Embalming Preparation (+1st Craft Excellency)

Frenzied Forge Within (+3rd Craft Excellency)
Let me know if I messed up anywhere!
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Here's my character so far, although I might decide to discard the Abyssal concept and try my hand at an infernal instead, we'll see >_> However, if anyone would like to make characters with a shared background I would be interested, wether an Abyssal or Infernal, I've been wanting to do that for a while.

If you want to do a shared Abyssal background, Artisan always appreciates the value of having intelligent contacts... :)
Since so many people are playing non-Solars, I am considering giving a 20% boost to xp rates for Lunars, Alchemicals and Sidereals. This way, they can keep up despite more powerful Solar charms

Is everyone alright with this? Anyone against?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Alright, you can use it but I reserve the right to revoke this decision if it proves troublesome or too powerful. You'll be allowed to trade out the charms in that case.

I feel confidant that it wont be, but that's perfectly fair. Did you have any thoughts on my character or should I get started on his stats?
JayTee said:
I feel confidant that it wont be, but that's perfectly fair. Did you have any thoughts on my character or should I get started on his stats?
You can go ahead and begin.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Since so many people are playing non-Solars, I am considering giving a 20% boost to xp rates for Lunars, Alchemicals and Sidereals. This way, they can keep up despite more powerful Solar charms
Is everyone alright with this? Anyone against?

Note that many people are playing Infernals or Abyssals, who are on the same power level as Solars. That said I am against an XP boost, but am not at all against some other method of evening things out.
JayTee said:
Note that many people are playing Infernals or Abyssals, who are on the same power level as Solars. That said I am against an XP boost, but am not at all against some other method of evening things out.
Abyssals/Solars/Infernals would not get the boost.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Since so many people are playing non-Solars, I am considering giving a 20% boost to xp rates for Lunars, Alchemicals and Sidereals. This way, they can keep up despite more powerful Solar charms
Is everyone alright with this? Anyone against?

I'm for it, but I'm playing a Alchemical.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Abyssals/Solars/Infernals would not get the boost.

I know, I meant that I am against the non-solar tier characters getting the xp boost, but agree some method should be found to even things out between the solar and non-solar tiers.
JayTee said:
I know, I meant that I am against the non-solar tier characters getting the xp boost, but agree some method should be found to even things out between the solar and non-solar tiers.
Got any recommendations?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Abyssals/Solars/Infernals would not get the boost.

Neither should TAW's, honestly. They've got Solar-level power in a lot of the ways that look like they'll matter for this campaign.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Got any recommendations?

Allow them to use Solar mote pool calculations, start them off at a higher level than solar tiers, allow a two or one when it comes to buying charms. Not all three, mind you, but they were just off the top of my head.

MrSerious said:
Another question regarding alchemicals. With te death of the great maker what happens to Clarity?
All Clarity, all the time ;)
MrSerious said:
Another question regarding alchemicals. With te death of the great maker what happens to Clarity?
Clarity is a function of their exaltation, leave it alone
Correction: high-clarity Alchemicals should follow the lead of the Doomtrain's Prophet:



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