The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]The Doom Train does not want you. It has like 90 percent of Alchemicals, some tasty deathlords and it is not stupid enough like the neverborn and yozi to employ Exalted it cannot truly control.
Though if you can give me some good backstory, I could be willing to change that detail, maybe he does have abyssal minions, but not as of this moment.

Ok, so what happens with the Deathlords he acquired that already had Abyssal minions? Do these Abyssals got 'fired'? Destroyed? thrown into the void?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]It has like 90 percent of Alchemicals, some tasty deathlords and it is not stupid enough like the neverborn and yozi to employ Exalted it cannot truly control.

[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Ok, so what happens with the Deathlords he acquired that already had Abyssal minions? Do these Abyssals got 'fired'? Destroyed? thrown into the void?

One moment I will make an official judgement on this. Let me just update the house rules to make it so it says "Backgrounds not purchased at character creation may only be acquired through roleplaying"

To prevent confusion.
Ok, The Train does have abyssal minions through his deathlords.

However the goal of the game is to destroy the train, regardless of who you are. So if you start serving it, how do you intend to play?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Ok, The Train does have abyssal minions through his deathlords.
However the goal of the game is to destroy the train, regardless of who you are. So if you start serving it, how do you intend to play?

Ahhh gotcha, that changes my character approach then, gonna change the character appropriately.
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Ahhh gotcha, that changes my character approach then, gonna change the character appropriately.

MrSerious said:
He does have abyssal minions now.
Any objections to trying to revive the Great Maker? Or are you ruling that out emphatically as 'impossible'?
MrSerious said:
Any objections to trying to revive the Great Maker? Or are you ruling that out emphatically as 'impossible'?
No comment, Every character can have what ever goal it wants and then we will explore that together as ST and player.

I just hope I don't get left behind as a lowly Alchemical... :) I still can't make sense of your proposed change to Alchemical Excellencies O.o
MrSerious said:
Even more confused.
For example, let's say you want to install Piston-Driven megaton hammer, but have no other strength charms installed. You cannot install P-DM without an augmentation, so you'd need to install another Strength charm that DOESN'T require an Augmentation first, such as Integrated Arsenal System. That charm would give you a free Augmentation, which fulfills the pre-req for P-DM
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]For example, let's say you want to install Piston-Driven megaton hammer, but have no other strength charms installed. You cannot install P-DM without an augmentation, so you'd need to install another Strength charm that DOESN'T require an Augmentation first, such as Integrated Arsenal System. That charm would give you a free Augmentation, which fulfills the pre-req for P-DM

Okay, but for Alchemicals the limiting factors are Charm Slots and motes for Installation. Free Charms aren't a big deal since we can purchase them comparatively cheaply using Alchemical XP charts. The chart you've provided doesn't mention Charm Slots for starters and Charms are actually MORE expensive (almost twice as much!) using your normalised chart for Alchies. Slots are the thing that costs big and Personal Essence limits how much stuff we can have installed at once. Making Augmentations permanent (not requiring a Charm Slot) and doing away with installation motes (again only for aug's 1 2 and 3) makes the Alchies slightly more competitive with the higher tiers of Exalted (though still not even close to Solars)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You can purchase Backgrounds in character gen, that rule is for after generation.

Cool. Here goes nothing:

Name:Taralian Graveborn

Age: 21 years

Caste: Zenith

History: Born in a small eastern shadowland, he grew up fearful of shadows, forced to obey thw whims of the local ghosts. He never knew his parents, never had a friend for longer than a day. In time he decided that enough was enough, causing him to take a stand against the ghost that demanded hims worship. After obliterating it in a flash of glorious sunlight he saw the glory of the Unconquered Sun and knew that it was his duty to ensure that all life was free from the tyranny of the dead. Following his dreams and instincts he found a shattered manse at the centre of the shadowland that he had called home, arming himself with the orichalcum artifacts he found within. For the last year he has roamed the East, destroying various ancestor cults and ghosts, always keeping on the move, because he has seen the dread power of the Deathknights. He knows of the Wyld Hunt, but believes that they would assist him in his holy quest.

Appearance: He stands at 6'10", with pale skin and white gold hair that reaches his shoulders. His eyes are the azure blue of the sky and his pale skin is the only remanant of his birth in a shadowland. He wears white-gold orichalcum armour and wields an orichalcum grimcleaver and an orichalcum powerbow. He is muscular and rarely smiles, charismatic and confident.
Dammit! I look away for a second and the thread grows by two pages! At this rate I won't be able to come up with an original character. Sorry, but it looks like I'll be reusing my Night Caste.
Ok I'm going to be quite honest here. I typically don't like Lunars, so lets try Terrifying Argent Witches, I'm not leaving it to a vote any more.

Also for those of you with Wyld Shaping spells, follow this:

MrSerious said:
Okay, but for Alchemicals the limiting factors are Charm Slots and motes for Installation. Free Charms aren't a big deal since we can purchase them comparatively cheaply using Alchemical XP charts. The chart you've provided doesn't mention Charm Slots for starters and Charms are actually MORE expensive (almost twice as much!) using your normalised chart for Alchies. Slots are the thing that costs big and Personal Essence limits how much stuff we can have installed at once. Making Augmentations permanent (not requiring a Charm Slot) and doing away with installation motes (again only for aug's 1 2 and 3) makes the Alchies slightly more competitive with the higher tiers of Exalted (though still not even close to Solars)
Alchemicals will now follow this chart:

Charm: 4xp

Dedicated Slot: 4xp

General Slot: 2xp

Upgrade: 2xp

General Slot: 6xp*

that way, a charm+Favored slot is 8xp and charm+Unfavored slot is 10xp, just like Solars
Well, I need to completely rework the Charms that I have for my character with the new rules you have. :( But I will get more stuff. :)
JayTee, I sympathize with your desire to not want to re-learn everything. Since it was me who suggested TAW's, I feel it only fair to offer to ease your way as much as possible - if you PM me your IM details (AIM or Skype for preference, though I also have MSN and Steam), I'll gladly help you with TAW rules. I'm familiar with converting characters between the two, so I reckon I can 'translate' quite well.
Feantari said:
How does your free excellency houserule work for Infernals?
One second :D !

MrSerious said:
Thank you kindly... I will take my partial win and leave it there :D
Free Augmentations with the 3rd 4th and 5th dot of attributes. The key is to make them free with something else rather than costing xp

since the other Exalts get free excellencies too.

Sound good?

Adding that to the first post right under the new Alchemical XP chart
Taliesin said:
JayTee, I sympathize with your desire to not want to re-learn everything. Since it was me who suggested TAW's, I feel it only fair to offer to ease your way as much as possible - if you PM me your IM details (AIM or Skype for preference, though I also have MSN and Steam), I'll gladly help you with TAW rules. I'm familiar with converting characters between the two, so I reckon I can 'translate' quite well.
No thanks, with 3E coming out I feel this would be a waste of my time. Also, note my signature.
JayTee said:
No thanks, with 3E coming out I feel this would be a waste of my time. Also, note my signature.
We are not nessicarly upgrading to 3E since I most likely will not be able to afford it, just saying.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]One second :D !
Free Augmentations with the 3rd 4th and 5th dot of attributes. The key is to make them free with something else rather than costing xp

since the other Exalts get free excellencies too.

So.. Attribute 5 gives 3 free Augmentations for that Attribute? And just the Charm, not the Slot to house it?

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