The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

MrSerious said:
Sherwood the Alchie you're fixing up was it from magnificentmomo's game?
Hmm. Trying to remember. I think so... but not a hundred percent sure.
MrSerious said:
Sherwood the Alchie you're fixing up was it from magnificentmomo's game?
Actually, Sherwood and Arynne may or may not remember the first attempt I made to play the Abyssal in question.
Then it must have been a different character, since Hammer was written for a game strictly inside the Great Maker, after some great disaster struck the city. I played Most Assurant of Three Assemblies for the other game.
Here's the character I had in mind. The name and backstory will probably be tweaked to better fit the new setting, and the stats and caste will change, but overall you get the gist of it
I'm pretty sure it was for momos game which had an event called The Great Void quake. The long term goal was to cure Autochthon but sadly it fizzled out before we even got more than the first few scenes finished.
Ok, I have this concept so far, a Midnight caste, a charming and evil cowboy scoundrel looking forward to get on the murder wagon that is the Train of Doom.
The Silver Prince is not with The Death Train, Prince's neverborn was actually hit by the train, so hes kind of in a really awkward state of not knowing what to do and not having a plan for that. After some idea bouncing with Captain, the prince is most likely getting suicidal/confrontational and will amass his fleets and drag them to the underworld and try to fight the train.
I saw this thread on break at work and thought it was interesting, then get home and finally look at it again and suddenly there is seven pages O.o

Seeing as someone has mentioned Terrifying Argent Witches I am definitely in the mood to create another Lunar. Been wanting to use the TAW rules for a while if they are acceptable,
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]The Silver Prince is not with The Death Train, Prince's neverborn was actually hit by the train, so hes kind of in a really awkward state of not knowing what to do and not having a plan for that. After some idea bouncing with Captain, the prince is most likely getting suicidal/confrontational and will amass his fleets and drag them to the underworld and try to fight the train.

Oh...well, dang. Not how I'd had him pegged, then. Hmm.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Oh...well, dang. Not how I'd had him pegged, then. Hmm.

The Silver Prince is The Asshole, the planner, he is just this:


How ever after reading the information in the book and various threads on ww forums and just asking around and stuff, it seems that the Prince really doesnt do anything, not even fart with out asking his neverborn for permission, If his neverborn dies, we just effectively took away the crack away from a crack addict, so of course hes going to panic and start doing stupid stuff.
I just don't know entirely yet, The Silver Prince was one of the few ones if the only one giving me a little bit of trouble to decide exactly where he needs to be.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I just don't know entirely yet, The Silver Prince was one of the few ones if the only one giving me a little bit of trouble to decide exactly where he needs to be.

Should we assume that the deathlords left for the st's creation went kaput?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]What?

I remember reading that there were 13 deathlords, but ww only detailed 9 in the books, leaving the other four up to the story teller
shepsquared said:
I remember reading that there were 13 deathlords, but ww only detailed 9 in the books, leaving the other four up to the story teller
Most likely. I'll post up a Deathlord Roster shortly.
Do we have firm word on what format the game will take? I assume primarily PbP, given the talk of needing a lot of players.
Because I've forgotten how to do tabs again...

Character Concepts:

ONE: Alchemical: Custodian of Unity. A Jade caste Alchemical brought to life in the final years of Autochthon. He and a team of other Alchemicals were given the solemn task of saving the Great Maker from whatever ailed him. They failed. Even with the best technology and support of the Eight Nations, they were unable to stop the spread of the Void and revive their god. Now all of existence may pay the price. CoU was given a soulgem belonging to the greatest of Sova's heros throughout history and had much to live up to and have proved a source of strength to him in this dark time. The Engine of Extinction has only hardened the Jade Alchemical in his quest to save himself, what remains of Sova and in his deepest of secret hearts fulfill the charge given to him of reviving the Great Maker no matter how hopeless the concept may be.

More to follow....

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