The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

God-damn you reply fast, man!

I'm good with PbP, but I would request some way of being in contact with you via instant messenger. In my experience, IM's cut out a lot of the back-and-forth in PbP. If, "I walk into the room, what do I see?" "There's a guard glaring at you" "I attack him like so," "he defends like so" are all seperate posts, that tends to drag things out a lot, whereas if I can just IM the DM, I can fold all of that information into one post, which keeps things moving at a more brisk pace.
Taliesin said:
God-damn you reply fast, man!
I'm good with PbP, but I would request some way of being in contact with you via instant messenger. In my experience, IM's cut out a lot of the back-and-forth in PbP. If, "I walk into the room, what do I see?" "There's a guard glaring at you" "I attack him like so," "he defends like so" are all seperate posts, that tends to drag things out a lot, whereas if I can just IM the DM, I can fold all of that information into one post, which keeps things moving at a more brisk pace.
When the game starts I will hand out my various IMs and stuff, I usually do.

SilverWinglie said:
Do you want the information from character creation posted here, or PM'd, etc?
No PMs, No need to keep anything a secret from anyone else. That way I can later move your post and turn it into a thread once the forums are up in the proper character area.
Every purchase of a charm in a tree grants a free Excellency from that tree. Charms that require Excellencies as prerequisites still require excellencies.

For Alchemicals character creation: Any chance of a slight upgrade for Alchies in that 1st, 2nd and 3rd Excellencies no longer have an Installation cost? Or Excellencies become permanent purchases without taking up a slot?
Taliesin said:
God-damn you reply fast, man!
I'm good with PbP, but I would request some way of being in contact with you via instant messenger. In my experience, IM's cut out a lot of the back-and-forth in PbP. If, "I walk into the room, what do I see?" "There's a guard glaring at you" "I attack him like so," "he defends like so" are all seperate posts, that tends to drag things out a lot, whereas if I can just IM the DM, I can fold all of that information into one post, which keeps things moving at a more brisk pace.
I will give out my various IMs out once the game starts.

SilverWinglie said:
Do you want the information from character creation posted here, or PM'd, etc?
All here please. That way when the forums are up I can separate the posts into individual threads for each character.
MrSerious said:
Every purchase of a charm in a tree grants a free Excellency from that tree. Charms that require Excellencies as prerequisites still require excellencies.
For Alchemicals character creation: Any chance of a slight upgrade for Alchies in that 1st, 2nd and 3rd Excellencies no longer have an Installation cost? Or Excellencies become permanent purchases without taking up a slot?
I'd say that you can install the first three augmentations in any slot that is currently used for a charm from that tree

Also if everyone can look at the first post again, I added a tab called Static XP and also made it so that everyone including none solars use bp costs since its a mixed game.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'd say that you can install the first three augmentations in any slot that is currently used for a charm from that tree

Hmm, so you're saying that say I took a charm that required a Dexterity Exellency, I can install the Charm AND the pre-requisite in the same slot?
Ok for lunar, we are either using canon or TAW, not both, so things don't start get confusing. I will leave it up to a vote so just respond back letting me know what you want.
Would you be against an independent Abyssal either from the beginning of the story, or acquiring independence later on via Immortal Malevolence Enslavement? I have this idea of my character wanting to serve the Doom Train itself, no presumptuous deathlords as middle men, but direct loyalty to this new Neverborn.
MrSerious said:
Hmm, so you're saying that say I took a charm that required a Dexterity Exellency, I can install the Charm AND the pre-requisite in the same slot?
I'd say no. You have to install the charms in order, so you need the excellency attached to ANOTHER charm first, then you can get whatever requires it as a pre-req
I vote against. I know nothing about them other than that they're a rewrite for Lunars and don't feel like rereading and relearning everything about them again
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]For what :D ? People have not voted yet. I assume you are voting for TAW <_<?

I just really don't like scaling XP costs. Never have, ever since I discovered the alternative.

But yes, naturally I'm voting for TAW. That said, I'm not so sure a vote is a good idea. Firstly because I'm not sure how much of a problem it would be - I mean, we've already got players running around with different Exalt types*. Secondly because I get the sense that TAW's are new to people here, which will probably bias the votes.

* I certainly wouldn't be against playing a TAW alongside a canon Lunar, and it's not hard to handwave in-setting. "There's something weird about your magic, it's not like other Lunars I've met," "Well, it did come from Luna. She's got all those different aspects, right? Besides, isn't 'something weird' basically Luna in a nutshell?"
[QUOTE="Lord-Leafar]Would you be against an independent Abyssal either from the beginning of the story, or acquiring independence later on via Immortal Malevolence Enslavement? I have this idea of my character wanting to serve the Doom Train itself, no presumptuous deathlords as middle men, but direct loyalty to this new Neverborn.

The Doom Train does not want you. It has like 90 percent of Alchemicals, some tasty deathlords and it is not stupid enough like the neverborn and yozi to employ Exalted it cannot truly control.

Though if you can give me some good backstory, I could be willing to change that detail, maybe he does have abyssal minions, but not as of this moment.
For Abyssals wanting to serve the doomtrain


Cost: —; Mins: Integrity 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent Keywords: Avatar (5), Obvious Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Faithful Killer’s Reprieve, Freedom in Slavery Understanding

All Abyssals serve the Neverborn whether they intend to or not, but some embrace their destiny as world-killing weapons with a fervor that unnerves even the Deathlords. This Charm may be learned by only those deathknights who journey to the temple-tombs of their undead masters and prostrate themselves without interrupting their vigil for the time necessary to learn the Charm with a teacher. At the conclusion of this training period, the Neverborn judge the deathknight’s heart. If any positive Intimacies remain, the Exalt suffers a 10-Resonance eruption and finds herself violently expelled from the unhal- lowed caverns in rebuke for troubling her sleeping masters.

Abyssals who come with truly desolate hearts watch as a new Monstrance of Celestial Portion grows out of her own flesh and forges a link to her Exaltation. Meanwhile, her old Monstrance implodes with a thunderclap, informing her liege that the death- knight no longer requires an intermediary to command her. The Deathlords dare not gainsay the revealed will of their masters, but the Exalt does lose the substantial benefits of any Liege dots she possessed. In exchange, she exists entirely outside Fate as a direct agent of the Neverborn and gains limited immortality.

Unless slain with an attack that can permanently destroy spirits, any lesser demise does not actually kill her. Instead, her body dissolves into tarry smoke that hisses one final retort. Following these parting comments, her Exaltation instantly returns to its Monstrance in the temple-tomb, leaving all possessions behind at the site of her death. Her body requires a day to regenerate within its cage, after which she awakens screaming in agony and with one less dot of Essence. The char- acter temporarily loses access to all Charms whose minimum Essence exceeds her new rating until she spends the experience to regain her former Essence rating. (Immortal Malevolence Enslavement is an explicit exception to this rule.) Abyssals reduced to Essence 0 by this Charm fall into Oblivion.

In case it isn’t obvious, this Charm disqualifies an Abys- sal from ever redeeming herself and becoming a Solar again. From this decision, there is no return.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'd say no. You have to install the charms in order, so you need the excellency attached to ANOTHER charm first, then you can get whatever requires it as a pre-req

Even more confused.
shepsquared said:
Does the background aquiring in game mean that I can't start with a daiklave?
You can purchase Backgrounds in character gen, that rule is for after generation.

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