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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project

AllHailDago said:
The application is pending review by the admins


Glad to hear it. I was most excited about getting such an element in a rp. I'm very happy it's had such a positive response.


I'm working through various ideas for it.
I mean can't we just have the say if are character dies or not and just leave like that I mean that sounds more fair.

Pictures are optional and up to personal choice.


Great to hear! Any questions are welcome!


In some cases it will be, in others it most certainly will not be. Death is in fact, not fair. It's emotional, and makes for sad, fantastic emotional material for other characters. I'm not gonna straight up instakill people, but in some situations should a character make an outstandingly risky or stupid decision, they may very well be killed. Violently.
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I'm really interested in this project and that random selection of high powers of yours will add a bit of excitement but I was wondering would physics based powers be tier 4 and 5?
@Kenji Jensai

Depends on the power. But as it'd be one of the two, choosing them is impossible. Also I've decided level fives will be limited to where no level 5 power is available for more than one person.
I'm hooked, more than hooked. I really love these kinds of RPs. From Sky High to Xmen and beyond, Superpower RPs are honestly my all time favorites.

The choice to get a Random Superpower seems really interesting and curious, you could end up with the most random as hell power, from the ability to be luminescent when the lights go out, to animal shape shifting (and even then you could turn into a Guinea Pig for all you know), or even High Powered Regeneration ala Wolverine.

It's like a Russian Roulette, you will never know what will come out of it until you dive right in. The anticipation of getting a cool move or a random one can be quite exhilarating.

I just hope it is not too late to join? (:3)
I'm so glad that I don't have to randomize, And if there's one thing no one wants, its the ability to make people crap themselves at will (Corporeal Evacuation)
Sunbather said:
The last one would actually be really challenging, 'cause it's technically a really handy power, but also difficult to write tastefully and non-explicitly.
@Sunbather Perhaps it could be handwaved into another power, like Compulsion? I believe in one of the Xmen movies involved Wolverine, there was a Chick that could "Persuade" anyone she touched into doing whatever she wanted to.
I'm definitely interested in joining, being a newbie to the site and a tad rusty in terms of RPing, I may be slow on the uptake but I'm a fast learner :3


Besides me acting like a complete idiot, I am interested. Random for me. Also, How is it going to work?
What happens if we get a power that could be considered really offensive, would we still have to use it or would we get different powers?

e.g Racism Inducement Heresy Empowerment

Seriously, I don't want to be the guy who can make people really racist or (even though I am not religious) gets power from burning bibles or whatever would be considered heresy.

Ooooohhh, Highly interested

I'd also be interested in a ST position later on, If needed.
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Well that's exciting news to hear! I already have a few character concepts I'm excited about floating around in my head, so Imma go write those down so they don't flutter away.

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