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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project

Let's see

An alcoholic Mexican Wrestler who after driving drunk fell off a cliff and woke up in hospita. He hit his head so hard and yet survived hence he concluded that he obviously had superpowers, all while the medical record read "mental damage"

The twist, it coincidentally worked!!!
Also question, What Power level would a Limited range Portal Manipulation equate to

Oh and what would Paper Manipulation be?
I , for one, am kind of interested in making a metahuman, whose mutation was caused by alien cells (used to save his life and mostly used for his right arm). He would have enhanced physiology and a right arm which could morph into various things (mostly close quarter weapons, but he could also generate things like extra eyes or another mouth through it)...Kinda like this:



I don't know how well it would fit with this RP though.

Side note: if it wasn't obvious, I really like the anime 'Parasyte-the maxim' /'Kiseijuu- sei no kakuritsu' xD
@Azure Sky

Sorry. But how exactly everyone got their powers is the same. But also a secret. To be revealed later ic. But you could probably find powers like those at powerlisting.wikia.com and simply choose them. So long as they fit the rules of choice powers.
I am so excited and I already know exactly what I am making.

I'm gonna be one of those people who sticks with just 1 level 1 power for now and its gonna be great!
Literally just joined the site, went through the Interest checks and this immediately caught my eye.

I also like how this seems slightly more original and well thought out than most Superpower Rp's I've seen!

Oh and it seems I don't have to rely on luck for the power I hope on using it seems, It goes under Level 3!

I don't think this question has been answered, but how many Characters are players allowed to have?

Also out of sheer curiosity, but would people be able to play as Humans?

I'm not sure what a Hosted Project is, but I'm going to go on a Limb from the little bits of the one's I've seen and assume It's just a really big Roleplay with multiple threads?

oh i also love your profile picture @AllHailDago

Thank you that's very kind!

Yea that about sums up hosted projects. Long, massive, multi thread rps.

As for your questions. 3 characters are the limit at first. Only two are allowed to be chosen. If you do a third, random is required.

Vanilla humans are perfectly allowed. But for secret reasons I'd not suggest only having a vanilla human. Highly suggest against that. C:
I think It is open, I don't think the Rp itself has even been launched yet but It should be soon!

@Chloe Collat
@Chloe Collat and anyone else who wants to know. This rp won't ever be closed per se. But atm it's currently not launched. When it is this thread will know
You have a lot of interested people and I mean a lot. I counted around 10 and that's unusual for interest checks... shouldn't you start with the game already?
DontFearTheReaper said:
You have a lot of interested people and I mean a lot. I counted around 10 and that's unusual for interest checks... shouldn't you start with the game already?
HPs take a long time to set up. The administrators actually need to put it together and it was just approved yesterday so they may not have gotten around to it yet.
I believe it's still being processed or something maybe by the admins?...I've had a look at other Hosted projects and they're all quite massive.

I think the admins themselves launch it and then the Creator gets it once It's actually been made, but I might be wrong.

Waiting for something like this is definitely worth it though and I doubt It'll take that long, Maybe a few days or a week. That and the creator did say that they wouldn't launch this for a few months, but eventually got it launched waayyy earlier than expected. So that's something to be appreciative about.
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Daughter of Athena and Shon are correct. The Admins must put it together before I can get to starting it. Also, patience is something you'll want in my HP...... otherwise all the teasing hints will eat you away
AllHailDago said:
Daughter of Athena and Shon are correct. The Admins must put it together before I can get to starting it. Also, patience is something you'll want in my HP...... otherwise all the teasing hints will eat you away
Oh, I'm patient, Ive been in many roleplays and some even lasted years. I also had GMd very long RP.

Is just that I kinda joined one here earlier, waited a week and half.... and well GM never answered and the thing didn't start.

There will be no fear of lack of or poor communication concerning me or this rp. You will all be updated frequently on what's happening and the status of things. Should I not be able to be on for a couple days, that will be said as well. Plus @Atom and @CJ Mason are here to help as well!
Btw Dago, I have two ideas of power, I dunno if I'm trespassing rank territory, shall I wait for the sheet or post 'em here?
Let's see....

Idea 1: Severing and Rejoining.

My character, let's call it X by now, can use his power to separate the bonds of a physical structure and rejoin them into a new shape. It could be incredible broken, so there are limitations.

1) It can't break the bonds of structures physically superior to a certain level. Limit is probably around a car. X can however break and rejoin small portions of a bigger structure if said portions are of a different construct.

2) It can't break items in the posession of another living being. However that only if: The being is strong (kinda around X's level), and if the being have an idea of "strenght" within the item, this meaning, if the person consider said item to be something powerful or strong on its own. A weak person may have a gun that he could break, however if it's a strong person who trusts his weapon as something strong, he will be unnable to break it. (This is to prevent an abuse and destroying other people's weapon).

3) It can't target living beings, neither parts of living beings. He can't target non organics sentient or pseudo sentient beings as well (For example, a robot, I dunno if there will be something like that in the game, but just to prevent)

4) It can only focus on one construct at time, X can however, shift his focus to another element.

So yeah that's the power.... problem is that is kinda close to be Matter Manipulation, and I think that's a field we can't touch.

Interesting. I'll talk it over with my storytellers and get back to you on that. Did you have a second?
Second is a bit more boring to play with though.

Distance touch: Can touch things at distance and move them or provocate them do something....

Though is kinda simplar to telekinesis, its diferent.
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