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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project

Shon said:
*Brutally stabs people with hype*
The project just got released. { Nothing's on it at the moment though obviously, literally just got finished }

*Hype hype hype hype*
That's my announcement to make! >:(

*is legit working on the OOC thread*

But yes. It's posted. I'll tell when it's open for sign up. But to be plain, it won't be until at least Thursday/Friday

This seems very interesting to me :D ! I would love to join! I also like the idea of having the choice to pick the random option. I would love to be given a random power haha.
So will we make a character sheet and then you will dole out powers afterward? Also, this is reminiscent of Sanderson's Steelheart, don't know if you've read it.
I'll definitly be joining this and you know what? I'll go the random route. I just hope I don't get the power to wield dogs to people..
This sounds interesting, but I'm curious where one of my most beloved powers would end up in terms of classification.

It is a power I created which gives a strong advantage in combat situations, but isn't an actual combat power. The character itself is as strong and weak as a normal human.

Allow me to explain:

I'm not exactly sure what to name it, probably some long and confusing name like Temporary Space-Time Distorting Object Summoning or Space-Time Continuum Distorting Summoning.

In short: To be able to borrow objects from any time or location by creating a rift through time and space itself. Aka: Borrowing/Summoning.


Everything borrowed from a different time or space will fade and disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. How quickly depends on the size of the object. Larger objects range between five to fifty minutes, while simple small items can range up to being in possession for a few hours or a full day. That however is very rare.


Items from the past or future are more difficult to summon. Objects brought in from a different time period do not fade faster than similar objects from the current flow of time.


Larger items are more difficult to borrow. Not only do they fade faster, they also cost more energy to collect.


In order to collect something from a location or time, the character has to (roughly) know where the item was put. For small stuff like desk items it's enough to focus on a desk and collect from there. More complex and larger items and past/future items need a more specific focus point. For example wanting to borrow Hitler's gun means having to know exactly where it was, when it was.

Also, if an item is in the same room as where the character is, it can not be summoned to their hands.

Space-Time Continuum

The same object can never exist in the same room at the same time. If someone's phone was borrowed from the past, and the person walks in with their phone, the borrowed phone will disappear instantly.


If the character can't remember where they saw the item, or what it was exactly, or when it was there, it can't be summoned. (This can be combatted by keeping a record of useful items.)

Physically it's quite straining to reach into a different location or time in order to take something. By over exerting themself the item will not only not appear, but they could pass out as well.

Items can't be sent to a different time or location. Items can only be released back to where they came from.

The effects of the borrowed item stay when the item has faded/sent back. (e.g.: bullet hole (and bullet if that wasn't borrowed too), cleaned wounds, etc)
In a fighting situation the character will be able to collect whatever they thinks will be of use. Guns, knives, bandages. The character does have to keep in mind that things will eventually disappear again, so in the case of bandages, that it will only be considered a temporary fix till actual bandages are brought in.

In many cases they'd be the go-to person for forgotten equipment. Need a clean shirt till at least the end of the day? Make-up that will only last for one night (no clean up). A deck of cards to play poker that can disappear the moment a boss walks in? Just ask them.

(didn't list all the weaknesses or applications as they would be character and specific)

The full extent of the power reaches beyond the present dimension, it means the character can contact through the multiverse. This is optional as it is an extension, not an essential
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Umm @Olissa space time distortion and A Yes is a combat power and B is really over powered (sorry if I sound rude not trying to be)seeing that as The user can create distortions within the space-time continuum, the very fabrics of which the world exists in, allowing them to achieve a plethora of effects throughout time and space.
Depends on how it is used.

Essentially it is borrowing items from any random location. This, in and of itself, isn't overpowered.

It can obviously be toned down to not include the other dimensional breach, as it isn't essential to how the power works. That part simply is an extension of the power. I decided to add that part not as a necessity (forgot to mention that part) but as an example of what the maximum could become. Sorry that that was incorrectly conveyed. (Edit: rearranged the multiverse stuff to make it more clear that it is an extension, not part of what the power is about)

The only thing the character can do is bring items in and release the borrowed item back to its location. Nothing can be sent away, nothing can be harmed by the distortion. An item temporarily disappears from a location, but then returns back in the exact same way that it used to be, causing no permanent alterations to the timeline.

The distortion is because it temporarily causes something to disappear, it isn't permanent.

The actual fabric of time and space itself is not damaged.

If I had left Space-Time out of the name and not explained the full potential of the power it is likely that you wouldn't have viewed it as overpowered.

I could have called it 'borrowing' or 'summoning' but that didn't properly cover what the power truly meant.


Just so this is clear: I am not asking if I can play that power (Though if it is considered a low enough level then I might reconsider) I am asking what level it would fall under. That is all.
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Things have gotten a bit busier for me. Still curious what level that power (borrowing across time and space) would be considered, but for now I'm going to have to wait till things calm down a bit before I can go all out (and ask for a random power)


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