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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project

Hmmm...this is a maybe. We'll see if I could join in a couple weeks time.

In case I do, what would you think of having an ability where a person can split their mind into different parts, allowing them to efficiently do 2 or three things at once, such as doing math calculations with one hand and copying text from a book at the same time.

I might randomize abilities though, sounds fun.
I was browsing the super power wiki and discovered 'Holiday entity physiology' Basically meaning the user can transform into holiday icons.

I will laugh so hard if someone gets this, and they have to save the world by turning into Santa Claus.

That is an interesting ability. I would need a bit more detail on how it works to set a ranking for it. But it just sounds like Super Multi Tasking to me. So I'd guess 1 unless theirs some secrets you haven't explained. ^w^


Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail. Thank you! C:


That sounds hilarious. I hope so too!
I think I'll do my power at random too. Sounds like a fun game of chance.

Watch my luck suck and get a horrible power xD

It should be fun! And no matter how seemingly lame the power you should be able to improvise and improve it into something awesome!
I'd do a randomly powered character. If at most you can only have 3 powers, then randomizing gives you the greatest surviveability, since the weakest you could be is three level two powers. For the customized characters the weakest would be two level twos and one level one ability. Assuming that you have to use up your point balance?

If you choose random you do not random your own powers out. I do that. And powers won't be revealed until everyone's are revealed on the specific ic day.

And that power is definitely a 4 seeing as how incredibly vast and versatile it appears to be.
It was still in the works the whole time cx

But yes. I've turned in the application to the admins requesting a Hosted Project.
Hurrah! I thought you said it might not happen if there wasn't enough support...but I didn't know where the threshold lay. (*^*)
AllHailDago said:
@Atom @CJ Mason
I've been plotting this for some time. But never considered it seriously until recently when I received quite the amount of positive feedback. So before I decide to bring it to staff I want to get a public opinion.

Originally it'd start in only one city to make in game timezones less a in game problem. Characters go to bed after living their everyday lives. Whether you be a student, doctor, lawyer, etc. But inexplicably random members (haha) of the general populace will wake up to discover throughout their day that they have new and unbelievable abilities.

People must work out whether to hide it and live their lives as before. Or be in the open. Hero? Villain? That's to be decided as each person tries to test and master their new abilities.

Meanwhile the government is starting a new task force known as the Empowered Humans Response Unit. With a purpose of documenting and defending civilians from the Empowered, they will be both friend and foe at different times. They'll even try recruiting Empowered with strong senses of justice and peacekeeping.

This is the base premise for the start of the rp. But don't fret. At this time 10 arcs are laid out. Which each would be at least several months in length most likely. There will be villains galore. Twists. Intrigue.

As well as possible character death. Hell. Likely character death in some cases. There'll be threads you can't enter unless you accept that you can die. But fret not, the Story tellers and I aren't going to just gank you. Unless you are looking for that? In which case, pm me so we can work out a dramatic death to scare your friends!

Speaking of Storytellers. As you might have noticed in the tags Atom and CJMason have already agreed to be STs for this. Excellent choices, eh? As things expand and become more stable more STs may be accepted. If interested, say so and I'll keep you in mind.

Further details. There will be a couple options for what powers you will have. But keep in mind at the start no one will have them quite yet, so no backstory should involve power use unless your joining after said events.

The powers will be ranked 1-5. Here are the scale examples.

1- Mundane abilities that seem almost useless in many situations, especially battle. Applied correctly these would give you an advantage over a single or maybe a couple of nonpowered people in combat.

Examples: 360 vision, enhanced reflexes, enhanced senses, etc

2- These abilities go beyond human. Clearly you are possessed of an ability that sets you apart. Most abilities here and above have at least some measure of combat application. Only the best of humans could beat you in single combat, but likely you could handle a dozen or so before being pushed.

Examples: Super strength, invisibility, iron skin, etc

3- Well above even other Empowered, these abilities are normally exceptional for battle application. Dangerous and intimidating, often they may take some sort of supernatural form. Likely it would take a concentrated effort of several Empowered or a hundred+ humans to challenge you.

Examples: Intangibility, Teleportation, creating or manipulating a specific element, etc

4(randoms only)- These abilities are highly rare. Immediately warranting fear and awe by even strong Empowered. Battle applications are given. Humans and empowers alike would have to combine their efforts to give you pause. And they still might not.

Examples: Telepathy, Weather Control, Mass Manipulation, etc

5(randoms only, highly moderated as well)- God like abilities beyond or almost beyond understanding. Such abilities can when controlled well, or even when not, lay waste to armies worth of people. Or possibly more.

Examples: Destruction, Molecular Manipulation, Omnilock, etc

As you see 4 and 5 says random only. I was originally gonna make all characters require randomly given powers. But I decided against it. Instead I found a way to allow choice, but emphasize the awesomeness of choosing random.

If you choose your powers you may have a total = to 5 total, split between three total powers ranked 3 or below. Aka 3 1's, or a 2 and two 1's, or a 3 and a 2. Powers will be discussed between you and myself, or a ST. But 4s or 5s will not be accepted under any circumstances for choice pc's.

If you choose random I personally go tj superpower.wikia.com and random page around to give you your powers. Should you be lucky you will land a 4 or 5. If not you will get random powers below that totaling 6 rather than 5. A bit more enticing then choice in my opinion. But the choice is yours. (Please choose random? :c)

So who finds this an exciting prospect? It may be sooner rather than later. It might be a couple months off. Either way I'd like to take stock of public opinion. Get some of you on board. Tease you with withheld information like I'm doing to my STs. ^w^ Heres looking forward to your opinions.

Very interesting. I really like the idea of a random power, so when (or if) it opens, I'd like my power to be randomly chosen.

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