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Fantasy The Empowered - A Superpowers Hosted Project


Nanite Reality?

Where the heck can I find Nanites?(ran a random page)

EDIT: oh ok, so they're nanobots?
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I guess. I don't know, though.

But I really hope someone gets a rank 5 superpower. I'd like to "borrow" theirs. > :D
Just a reminder that Dago will be doing the randomizing when the time comes.

But feel free to have a little fun with it if that's what you're doing.
Ah ok(lol), so let's hope omnipotence or that kind of things doesn't come up at all when he rolls the dice...
Interested in this!

I'll be going for randomizing as well because that sounds like lots of fun. I also have either great luck or terrible luck so really, who knows what I'll get.
AllHailDago said:

Omnipotence isn't obtainable as only one being can have it, and their already exists such a being.....
Actually i was talking about any kind of powers that could be utilised to stimulate omnipotence, i.e. telekinesis(by their scientific definition), boundary manipulation, scientikinesis, omniarch, chronokinesis, etc.

Needless to mention complete arsenal and omnikinesis, too.
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Thaumaturge said:
Actually i was talking about any kind of powers that could be utilised to stimulate omnipotence, i.e. telekinesis(by their scientific definition), boundary manipulation, scientikinesis, omniarch, chronokinesis, etc.
Needless to mention complete arsenal and omnikinesis, too.
I'm just going to throw in my two cents here even though I know it isn't a very popular opinion, but I personally don't care if someone is extremely overpowered or not, as long as the roleplayer is competent. Roleplaying isn't about having the coolest dude, but instead about seeing how characters react to certain situations. In reality not everyone is on the same level. Some people are simply superior at certain things. I always love playing characters that aren't necessarily very competent in the intended sense, but find ways to deal with it. I understand the fear of having someone God Modding and sucking the fun out of everything, but some faith has to be had. I'd say to just let the chips fall where they may, and if things get out of hand THEN the issue can be dealt with.
I was trying to be mysterious with the being already existing comment. For the most part a PC will never receive an ability that would classify as omnipotent/unbeatable.

However as those with dark tendencies advance their powers and they can make use of lower tier powers seem like fives. Such as a air manipulator removing oxygen from someeones bloodstream or some such. Creativity will allow weak seeming powers to become strong. And strong powers will be crazy. But as such, you must be careful with any villain you may want to play. Remember that character death is possible. Likely in some cases.

Also, not every power will be to the technical definitions down to the last detail. Some will, but not all. *looks at Telekinesis*
@CrimsonEclipse As far as I can tell, this will not be open for some time (maybe a few weeks?) due to the large scale of the project. But once it goes live, I think Dago said anyone can join at any time (also due to the large scale of the project). What powers will be accepted will be based on a scale decided by the mods (so if they deem your power 3 or under it's ok! It explains that more in the OP...they might decide power scale alongside of skellies but for now Dago is just answering as people post).

That's what I've gathered so far. (OuO)
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Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9362-crimsoneclipse/ said:
@CrimsonEclipse[/URL] As far as I can tell, this will not be open for some time (maybe a few weeks?) due to the large scale of the project. But once it goes live, I think Dago said anyone can join at any time (also due to the large scale of the project). What powers will be accepted will be based on a scale decided by the mods (so if they deem your power 3 or under it's ok! It explains that more in the OP...they might decide power scale alongside of skellies but for now Dago is just answering as people post).
That's what I've gathered so far. (OuO)

I'll have to look into it in a bit but I'd put density manipulation at a four or more based on the ideas I'm getting from the name.
I'm a bit of a sucker for super power RPs, so I think I'd be interested. I also really like the idea of randomizing the powers, so I'll definitely choose that option.
So I'm getting pretty interested in this, but I love having support characters or general characters (as in can do a lot of things, but not as powerfully or diversely.)

I have two powers that I was wondering where they fell:

1. Power amplification. (strengthens the power of another, maybe is able to copy it at it's basic/weakest level.)

2. Rune/Word animation (being able to summon something from words. Ex. summoning a fire out of a book, creating a sword, etc.)

Also what web site are you using again? Is it Powerlisting.wikia.com?
@Celebi @Spinoceratopsrex

Glad you're both interested. ^w^ I'm happy to see so much positive interest

@CrimsonEclipse @Atom

Density/Mass Manipulation is definitely a 4


Power amplification would be a 2. Copying abilities of others as far as I know is not a sub ability of this. So not possible.

Rune/word animation is tipping between 3 and 4 for me. You'd have to explain limitations for me to decide. Could you write black hole? Or "thing that beats this bad guy"?

For Power amplification, I just thought it'd have to have some personal benefit. It wouldn't copy as much as allow the amplifier to direct a small amount of the amplified's power.

For limitations it'd probably be based on experience, but it would have to be specific. You couldn't animate "X's weakness" but eventually black hole could probably be summoned. (Why someone would summon a black hole, I couldn't tell you. It'd cause as much damage to the summoner as the enemy...)

Maybe something along the lines of more experience = more mass?
Im interested :) If you are still accepting people please may I join?

Im up for a random power , I usually have the worst luck so this should be hilarious.
I would join this, I think. It looks cool. Though I'm not sure if I got the powers right. Basically, Tier 1-3, I can pick freely by using the points system (so, I could have five Level 1 abilities, one 3 and one 2 etc.) or I pick random. So far, I think I got it right.

About the others though... If I pick random, I either get one of the high abilities, or get the lower tier abilities that will total 6 instead of 5. The downside to that is, that I can't pick them myself, which equals out the higher number. Right?

But what if someone picks random and you get, for example, a 1 and a 5? That'd equal six, right? Would that be given? And what about Thinks like, say, 3 and a 4. That'd be too high, but what if I'd rather have the 4 ability instead of what comes after that totals a 6 with lower numbers?

I'm gonna have to decline taking part of the amplifiers ability, even temporarily or at small degrees. However self amplification for strength or speed is possible. But it'd move it from a 2 to a 3.

Alright. A 3 then. But as well as the experience = mass, experience should also = how abstract or no physical the summoned is. Aka, fire or tornadoes or blackholes would require higher experience than a sword or a shield. Also living constructs would not be allowed, aka creating spiders or humans would not be possible. Also it's only that which you write. You can't use that which is written by others. At first at least.


The rp is not started yet. And will not start for at least a couple weeks most likely.


Pretty much, except for choice you cant have five 1's. It can be split between 3 powers max

As for randoming, thank you for these questions. It helps me tweak my ideal system for it. But as for wanting the 3 rather than the 4. Well, you'd never know you missed out in the first place, hm? Don't worry. I'm working out a system to deal with these problems. A super sekrit system! C:
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Oh yeah, the last scenario would assume you'd not just say "Nope, 4 is out now, hush" when there are draws that cancel each other, and randomize until you get the lower numbers. I just assumed it'd then be possible to pick between Higher and Lower, without actually knowing the abilities themselves! But i assume just going with whatever suits the first roll is a good choice.

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