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Fantasy The Eight Kingdoms

Ogden finished ripping the last put of meat of his boar leg and sat it at the table he had placed himself at half way through the meal. With an exhale of contempt, he reached for his mug. Bringing it to his beard he noticed it was empty once again. He chuckled a bit and lifted himself from his seat. He walked over to the barrel, and began to pour the golden ale into his mug. He glanced around and noticed the Dragon King by himself. He gabbed another mug and filled it. He made his way over to Shin and titlted his head as he approached. "Good evening Lord Shin." He held the mug up to him, "If ya found the meat delicious, your going to love the combination of flavors this will give you."
Laeretes spotted a group of colorful looking characters at the food table, what appeared to be a elven girl, possibly royalty, the dragon prince he recognized, and probably a dragon girl hanging a little farther away from the two. A small smile began to play on his lips as he walked over to the table, surveying the food options. He knew he wasn't going to eat anything, obviously, but he had...well...something in mind. "Hello," he greeted cooly as he wove his way through the people.
Katla glanced at the vampire that walked by the people at the table. He had a cane and his voice was very cool. She subconsciously shivered at the chilling tone. She watched him in interest and didn't realize she was out of place by staring.
Shin looked it was the Ogden the Dwarve King he took the drink. "Thank you very much." He knocked back the drink. "Ahh just what I needed tell me Ogden how have you been?"
Ogden smiled, he had always liked Shin. His father had always made him out to be a monster, but when his father was killed and Ogden was given the chance to meet the King of the Drakes he was able to see that his father was wrong in many ways. "Things have been great Shin. How are things in Hasai?" Ogden motioned for one of the servants to come over and refill Shins beverage.
Shin thanked the servent. "Good I was a bit worried I wouldn't be able to fit in at this ball as you can see I didn't have any fancy clothing." Shin chuckled the Dwarfs were better with Ogden he felt alittle bad because of the war and the soldiers he killed but he thought there was no other way.
Laeretes cast a glance at the staring dragon girl. "I'm sorry, did I say something?" He chuckled to himself, rubbing his jaw. "Or do I have blood on my face?" His eyes twinkled maliciously.

Katla glanced away politely and though his voice chilled her, she didn't scare easily, "I apologize, sir. I was being rude." She spoke accordingly for a servant. She kept her eyes on the ground but did chance a glance at the dance floor again. Stop dreaming, she scolded herself.

"Oh, not at all," Laeretes responded, flashing a charming smile. She was a servant then. How funny. A dragon servant, a bit of an oxymoron, wasn't it? "It was I who was being rude, I didn't even introduce myself. Laeretes." He held out the hand that didn't have the cane in it for her to shake. "And you are?"

She looked at him, A little surprised, "Katla, my lord." She placed her hand in his and bowed her head politely. She kept her eyes on the ground.

Ogden chuckled, "Ah don't pay any attention to the suits and dresses that the lads and lasses here are wearing. You look like a respectable king to my dwarf eyes." Ogden finished off another mug of ale and grimaced. "Ah lets not make them work harder. Come lets get some seats closer to the ale." He trunned and walked back to the table he had come from. Once seated he signaled for the servants to bring the second of the 3 barrels he had brought with him to the table. The servant brought the barrel and taped it, He poured himself another mug and relaxed in his seat.
Shin knocked back his drink. "It is a shame I feel as if I'm getting rusty I may have to start sparing with my son." He chuckled. "Have you been training?"
Laeretes grinned widely again. "I admit, I've never met a dragon servant before," he announced. "Are you always so timid? " He was reminding himself of Thomas now, making his smile grow even more unnaturally across his pale face.
She glanced at him, "I'm not timid. I'm just a servant. I have No place to be bold among nobles." She pushed her red hair back. She looked a little confused at his smile.
"Well," He sighed, "it appears that I have much to learn then, about you dragons. My own kingdom likes to keep me dark in such areas as foreign policy. My apologies if I made you uncomfortable."
"I'm not. I'm just not used to conversing with others. We don't usually go to such functions." She smiled slightly.
Mira greeted the vampire when he came and said hello, but he began discussing something with a servant. She continued eating her fruit, observing everyone in the ball room. Who would make good company? She would have to figure it out soon enough.

Aiden on the other hand greeted the vampire with a nod and said, "Hi," after quickly swallowing his bit. The prince then turned back to his food.
Showing up incredibly late, King Thresh, his wife, and daughter all stepped foot into the main room. The adviser and ambassador staying in the background. along with several servants. They were dressed in their ceremonial garb. Robes of the finest cloths, and jewelry of the rarest metals. Thresh had his hair tied into two tails with gold bands along their length. He had no crown to display his position, but with his confidence and stature he didn't need one. His queen at his side just as confident, and his daughter the high shaman all stood tall and confident. Standing tall above most of the servants they made their way to a half empty table that they presumed was meant for them. They didn't sit though, they stood looking around to see if they truly were the last to arrive.
Ogden laughed "Sparring, i haven't stepped into a spar in months. The forges have been so productive lately that keeping up with the kingdoms orders has....." Ogden trailed off a bit and then brought himself back. This was no place to talk about business. "Ah i try to get my fill of excitement when i can." Deep down Ogden hadn't realized how much long he had been since his last sparring match and begin to think of ways to get out of his duties to spend a few hours in the training halls.
Leon looks at Calenhad and smiled slightly. It is indeed my lord. He then looks around the ballroom trying to see what races have arrived. Tonight was very important to make bonds and strengthen them, and he didn't want it to go to waste.
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Calenhad wasn't a large friend to vampires, orcs and dragons. He didn't dislike them, but he didn't like them either, dwarves and elves he could tolerate more. Yet wolves, he had no opinion on them. Finally spotting what appeared to be the dwarf king, Calenhad made his way towards the man, regardless of the occasion he was always a man of business, and it would be a lie to claim he wasn't looking for a deal, his own forges were certainly no joke, but dwarven craft was a thing of legend. He had the money to secure a deal, it was of course up to the dwarven king. Yet he had no reason to refuse after all. He turned to his ambassador, Leon once more. "I seek to converse with the dwarven king, you may enjoy yourself should you wish."


Great, father-dearest was heading in the most boring direction possible, the dwarven king. Ugh, how boring. Alistair, on the other hand, certainly wasn't going to stick around for that, though his father had given ambassador Leon the go to leave, he hadn't given it to Alistair, yet he could use the words to Leon as an excuse for later, but right now it was time to have some fun. Sneaking away from Calenhad's side Alistair eyed the dance floor interestingly, alas, a dance required two partners. It wasn't like he knew anybody here either, like usual, he would have to improvise.
Axl was walking around and listening to conversations as he passed. He might have to find a partner to dance with and didn't see anyone, until his eyes landed on the Elf princess. She seemed to be looking out to the dance floor. He headed to her and when he was by her he bowed his head slightly, "Hello."

Thresh bid his leave from his arriving party when he saw the Dwarf king conversing with the dragon king over ale. He ha a smile on his face as he approached them, Dwarven ale was among the best in all the lands. He knew from his personal stock back at his hold. He passed several tables nodding his greeting to most everyone that stopped him. He came upon the two laughing about something. He had swiped a mug of ale from a nearby servant and was already half way done with it by the time he reached them. "This is the best I've had to date!!" he exclaims in a deep loud voice. coming up behind the two. It really was the best he's had. He would have to make sure to put up an order with the king's traders after he spoke with the king. "Gentlemen!! How goes the evening!" He asks taking another swig.

Kara watched as her father moved on to meet with the other kings. She stayed by her mothers side wanting to sit. She didn't, she knew the scolding her mother would give her if she didn't try to socialize. She wanted no part of that, the socializing, or the scolding. It didn't matter that she was the most important spiritual figurehead of her people, her parents had a way of reminding her exactly where it is that she came from. She began shuffling about the room as her mother watched her.
Ogden drained yet another mug and reached to refill it. "Shin, how many ales are we down now? i seem to have lost track." The kings slightly inebriated state always made things funnier than they were for Ogden. He laughed again and took another gulp from his mug. As he did this he looked up to see Lord Calenhad approaching the table. Ogden had done lots of business with the kingdom of men, and there had never been an ounce of strain on the two kingdoms relationship. Ogden was always pleased to see Calenhad, even when he had an agenda of business. "Good evening my'lord! Come, sit, and have some ale!" Ogden's voice may have been a tad louder than it should have, but he shrugged it off on account of the ale. He turned with a fresh mug from the table and fill it and saw Thresh enjoying a mug as well. "By my beard, Thresh!! How are ye my friend. We seem to be accumulating Kings at our table, come and join us!!" He motioned with his hand towards the table.

@Archangel Galdrael @andujarprime
Thomas had mingled with a few of the other guests then saw a table with most of the kings of the other kingdoms. He made his way over, but his eyes caught on Rhoswen again , he hesitated, wanting to go dance again, but instead continued his way toward the table. As he approached he bowed slightly and smiled, his canines showing, "my kings, queens! How are we this evening? I hope you are all enjoying yourself."

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