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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

"That's is a very interesting place Dravo. I've heard of that place, I always wanted to go there to see how your people live. I've been living in that home of swamp for the past ten months and I'm still getting used to seeing the sun for more than 3 hours a day. I'll introduce myself for the heck of it since we are introducing ourselves then. For you two that don't know me, My name is Alisha and I'm a vampire if you couldn't tell from my appearance. I'm what you called a turned about 10 months ago. I moved to the swamps 10 months ago and I still haven't controlled my power yet. I'm working on it and I might go a little bit insane if I kill someone, so watch out. Just a warning for you guys." Alisha continued to drink the Ale she hated and waited for that hog to be ready.
'Wood carving elf ?!', he wondered, increduled at Abelard's words. He wasn't sure if it was meant to offend him or as humor. He didn't receive it well however and was about to argue when he realized how strange Abelard was acting. 'That't not how he usually is. He's got something on his mind. Whatever it is, it must really be weighing on him.', he concluded.

He sighed as he blew the dust off the last hole in the flute. The flute was complete. Still on the roof, he shouted over to Abelard who was in the wagon below him. "Hey, Abe.... I don't know what you're going through but I can't help unless you let me.", he said as he replaced his dagger in its sheath. He twirled the flute in his hands and continued, "If you need someone to listen, I need you to know that I'm here." He lifted the flute to his mouth. "I promised you that I'd play the song old man Haeron thought me. Well, my flute's finished and this seems as good a time as any.", he said as he started playing the flute.

Elven Flute.mp3
(The audio file didn't work btw I couldn't down load it)

"Castien, that song was amazing, I am honored to be your friend. Did you not hear what I said about you and Ayrren? Don't worry about me Castien, I am simply a monk who is not free to fall in love like the rest of you, and is weighing in on me a bit. Thank you for the nickname as well.

Castien, you should befriend the female elf, she is very new to the group and needs your friendship."

Abe waited for a reply from Castien

With those words Abelard went back inside, and had just walked in when Dravo started his story.

Abelard was very pleased his new friend followed his request!

"Dravo, does the magic fascinate you? I too have weird, random magics"
Ren didn't touch the ale, knowing what it would do to her, but almost choked on nothing at the rooming arrangements. Thankfully, Norven seemed like one of the more honourable people, so all she had to do was worry about Dravo. Turning to look as the man in question arrived in the room, Ren gave Norven a look at his comment of sharing. "If anyone's sharing a bed, it will be you two." She muttered.

Listening quietly as the others shared their stories, Ren couldn't help but smile a couple times, playing with one of the small scars on her hand. Then Sarvi suddenly stood, a pale look on her face, and disappeared. "The ale takes it's first victim." Ren said quietly, half to herself. Giving a quick glance at her cup, Ren sighed and took a quick drink. "Bleah..." She groaned, putting the mug down just as quickly as she picked it up. She then went back to listening to people, the sounds of the tavern all melding together.

((Sorry If it's short, but I'm writing it on my phone and can't tell how long it is...))

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Cas smiled at Abelard's response. He seemed to have cheered up, at least a little and that's all Castien had wanted. "That's not true.", he had replied to Abelard earlier. "I believe that there's someone for each of us. She might be here right now or..... she could still be on the way. Either way, you shouldn't give up.", he said with a reassuring smile.

It was the same with his situation, he thought. It might not seem like it to the others who seems to go out of their way to push him and the other elf together, but it was. They were worlds apart and perhaps being comrades has opened up some kind of door to her that he had not expected though his sight remained focused, and for now, anything other than the future of the orphans in Windell comes second. Even if it is to a rare chance for love.

As Abelard returned into the tavern, he picked up the flute and decided to entertain himself with some of the songs he had heard on his travels. Including some of those he had heard from Abelard. Though not perfect, he did quite okay considering he had learned them by ear.
When he heard the knock on the door Varick stood from his seat on the bed and walked over to the door opening it, revealing Sarvi behind it, "i'm just fine actually thanks to a friend, and i just decided it would be best to turn myself in for the night with all that's happened in a last day or two, but as i said i'm just fine."

Before continuing he paused for a moment looking at the ground as if trying to find the words in his mind until finally looking back up at her and spoke again. "I know i haven't exactly been the best of friends to you or anyone else recently and i apologize for that, i guess i was just simply so blinded by our mission that i had forgotten how to be friends with anyone, but i promise you and the rest of our group that i'll try harder." He placed a hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before finishing. "Especially for you".
Dravo smiled at Alisha, "Well if you have any questions feel free to ask, my uncle was the shaman and I learned a lot from him so fire away."

He then turned his attention to Abelard, "Actually yes it does, I've never encountered another enchanted item with such an enchantment. My sword has even broken other enchantments, along with the objects." He took another drink of the ale hoping to avoid spitting it out this time. It was actually ok now that he could actually taste it but it still wasn't Vraal mead.
"There are many kinds of monks where I am from, and all of us get our strength from our spirit. Some of us start with a little mark somewhere on our bodies, but it grows slowly until your covered by the mark. Some are considered ugly for their marks outside of the monastery, however, anyone with those marks within those walls are considered stronger then the rest. They come to have a personified, outspoken spirit, or so we are told. The subconscious comes alive in them, and that allows them to fight as two instead of one.

Some of us are not blessed that way, we are given tattoos from our spirits that bestow strengths and abilities upon us. Some of us gain nothing at all.... and there are many different phenomenon that can happen, too many of which I haven't studied.

But my brother woke up one night with a wail, when we found him he writhed with pain, and on his chest was glowing. He screamed again and again, STOP THE PAIN!!! HELP ME!!!!

Damn it, we could nothing to ease his pain. The master said it was natural and we spent our night watching his agony...

-Abelard looks shaken.-

My brother and I spent the next day sparring. I threw a front thrust kick, and he dodged and returned with one to my ribs, I narrowly avoided it. He then glided across the ground to make up for my dodge. He would never notice he was doing it. At one point he disappeared during the fight, and only after hearing him scream did I look up. He was swatting the air trying to get down. Yes, the magics are unique to the individual, and very dangerous. To my knowledge he never goes outside in case it happens again."

Abelard shifted his weight on his chair. His scarf and hood kept his face hidden, he wasn't sure what made him more uncomfortable. The fact that he was in a foreign world, or the fact that he was beginning to get comfortable in it.
Sarvi was glad when Varick opened up the door and listened as he mentioned he was going to bed to which she quickly replied "But don't you want any dinner?! I ordered a hog roast, it will be good to tuck in while we have food like this!". At that moment a wonderful smell wafted up the stairs which made her mouth water, apparently the hog roast was done and was on it's way to their table for the rest of the Ebony Guard to tuck in. She couldn't wait to go down there and join them in the feast, she felt kind of starved now.

It seemed that her invitation to join in the food and drink went on deaf ears however Varick soon continued his little speech to which Sarvi tilted her head listening to what he was saying. As he placed his hand on her shoulder she looked at the floor feeling a little shiver run down her spine. She blinked looking at the scuffed worn floor boards with a blank look upon her face. It took a moment to regain her thoughts and looked up at him "Thanks..." she said slowly "If you want to join dinner your welcome too". She turned around and walked down the steps to rejoin the group though her mind was completely elsewhere.
After seeing her heading back down the steps to join the others, Varick stood there thinking of what to do. A few minutes pass and finally he decided it would be best to join them as this may be their best living arrangement for quite some time. "Might as well enjoy this while i can" He said to himself while going down the steps, noticing the group and walking over to them, deciding to sit next to Sarvi.
Sarvi had sat herself at the table, the hog roast had been placed in the middle accompanied by a loaf of bread, roasted potatoes and a few bowls with an assortment of vegetables. She raised her eyebrows at the extras wondering if they just came with or if that was going to cost extra, eventually she shrugged her shoulders with a huge grin across her lips having decided that whatever the cost it was worth it. She had just started to pile her plate with the potatoes when Varick took the seat next to her "Glad you could join us! It might be a while before you can eat as much as you want!"

Reaching for the carving knife she cut herself a few slices of meat and placed them on the plate before reaching across for a slice of bread and the little tub of butter that came with it. "I hope everyone is enjoying themselves!" she shouted with a mouthful of food, unfortunately table manners wasn't her strong point. "Because I know I am!" beaming as she tried to fit in an entire slice of the hog in her mouth and failing terribly, it was hanging out of her mouth to which she started to chew as fast as she can in order to get it all in. It was a wonder she hadn't started choking yet.
Abelard fell off his chair in laughter, watching Sarvi and Varick was the most amusing thing ever. Abe realized the way they both had their own needs to show off, how much more alike they were, and the fact that the mighty Varick, the guy who saw the ambush coming long before the rest of them, could not see why Sarvi was perfect for him, and it was hilarious. The irony was going to kill the monk where he rolled.

after several minutes of laughter, and several minutes of gasping for air Abelard sat back down at the table. He didn't mind stares from all over the bar, he just mumbled loud enough for some of the group to hear "The irony is amazing"

He followed Sarvi's suit and began to eat vegetables, bread, but no hog. Unlike Sarvi he had decent table manners, and

faster then anyone else he had finished eating. "Sarvi, you're brilliant, a genius, no I'm serious Sarvi I mean it, oh and when you two(indicating Sarvi and Varick) are done eating, you should dance."

The monk pulled out his flute and used his scarf like a bowl. He dropped a coin into the

scarf and began to play music. He hoped to make some money, and give his friends a even better time.
Norven's eyes nearly erupted from the sockets when he saw the hog roast set down on the table. "I think I've died and gone to heaven," he announced, almost fainting out of his chair when he saw that there were vegetables and bread too. Norven hastily reached for the nearest plate and began piling on mashed potatoes, as if there were to soon be a potato shortage and this would be the last time he'd get to eat them. After he managed to stack a mound almost as large as his head, he began to carve off slabs of hog, piling those into the mashed potatoes. He attempted to mix the entire thing together, found it difficult due to the shear amount of food on one plate, and gave up on the idea. Grabbing a half loaf of bread, Norven began scooping the mashed potato/hog mixture up, using the bread as a spoon, and eating it, some how managing to get very little food on his face.

Turning his head toward the bandit, Norven swallowed his current mouthful and smiled. "Would you like some as well?" The bandit, with eyes bigger than his stomach, nodded deftly. Norven gathered a bit of potatoes and meat onto a slice of bread and, unceremoniously, pushed it into the man's mouth. "Remember our deal, now," Norven said, turning away. At that moment, Abelard began playing a flute - something Norven didn't know he could do, but glad he could. Norven's face lit up with another smile.

"Excellent food, delicious ale, wonderful friends, and decent music," Norven winked at Abelard at the last remark, "But one thing is missing: a good song!" Norven slammed one fist against the table, raised his ale with the other, and began belting out a tune:

"Golden years ago in a mill beside the sea.

There dwelt a little maiden, who plighted her faith to me;

The mill-wheel now is silent, the maid's eyes closed be,

And all that now remains of her are the words she sang to me:"

Other tavern patrons heard the song, and joined in on the chorus

"Do not forget me I do not forget me!

Think sometimes of me still;

When the morn breaks and throstle awakes,

Remember the maid of the mill.

Do not forget me! do not forget me!

Remember the maid, the maid of the mill."

More and more people joined in, as the singing became louder and merrier

"Leaden years have past, gray-haired I look around,

The earth has no such maidens now. such mill-wheels turn not round

But whenever I think of heaven and of whut the angels be,

I see again that little maid and hear her words to me:

Do not forget me I do not forget me!

Think sometimes of me still;

When the morn breaks and throstle awakes,

Remember the maid of the mill.

Do not forget me! do not forget me!

Remember the maid, the maid of the mill."

At the end of the song, a the entire tavern cheered, sloshing ale into the air, with small groups breaking out into their own songs. Norven sat back down, a smile so large, it made his face look as if it were cracked in two. He tossed a few coins into Abelard's scarf as thanks for the tune.

"Anyone else have any?" He huffed, still smiling.
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Varick just laughed at Abelard's request, "Well as much as i would love to, one i can't dance.....at all, and two i really think we should try to get some sleep for our journey tomorrow.......wherever that takes us." he said as stood from the tables and walked over to the steps before stopping and looking over to Sarvi. "You coming?".
Sarvi who had ate enough of the hog roast for three people and was slumped in her chair stuffed, trying to gulp more of the ale down looked over at Varick and nodded her head not wishing to say anything. She staggered over to the door before turning towards the group "Well goodnight every-" she gave a huge belch "One... sorry.. see you all-" hiccuped "Tomorrow..."

With that she turned around and heaved her sleepy body up the stairs so slowly she was surprised Varick hadn't started to kick her up it instead. Opening the door she gazed at the double bed through sleepy eyes before collapsing on it fully dressed with one leg dangling on to the floor.
Upon entering their room he immediately noticed her going to the bed and propel herself on it, barely moving afterwards. "Crazy woman." He muttered to himself. He then walked over to the bed and sitting on the opposite end as her, and turning towards her and admiring her for a moment. "Have i really been blind from all of these signs?" he thought. After a few moments he shifted the rest of his body over the bed, laying down staring at the ceiling, and waiting for sleep to overtake him.
Before Norven could start up another song, Sarvi and Varrck left for their room, with Sarvi more stumbling than walking. Norven simply smiled, half tempted to whisper some sort of cat call or tease the two, but he decided against it. "Best to let them do what they want to do," he thought. Norven stood up from the table, pushed his chair in, and began fiddling with the ropes tying the bandit up. After a moment or two, he'd managed to move them so that the man's legs were free to walk, meaning Norven no longer had to tote him about everywhere.

"Well, my friends," he began, "I've got some business to attend to. Our friend here has some things he'd like to tell me, and I think he's too excited to wait any longer," Norven reached around and grabbed the bandit on his shoulder, squeezing tightly. The bandit pursed his lips at the slight pain, but said nothing else. Norven relaxed his grip. "Nobleflame has to be fed and stabled as well, and I myself," Norven lifted his arm and sniffed under it, following with an exaggerated "pyooh", "need a bath. Unless you want to sleep in musk to thick, you can cut it with a knife," Norven smiled at Ren and Dravo. "If anyone would like to join me, now's your chance."
Cas stopped playing his flute when he heard the faint song from the tavern. He opened his eyes as he lowered the flute, only now realizing that a small crowd had gathered around the wagon. He suddenly felt self-conscious of his music. The smiles on their faces told him what he had wanted to know however prompting him to leap to his feet and give a rather theatrical bow. The people started clapping and immediately his mind went back to the ceremony two days ago. As the crowd dispersed; some heading into the tavern for more entertainment while others went their own ways into the night, he sat back down on the wagon's roof.

He smiled as he sat back, the wind gently blowing as he closed his eyes and faced the heavens, savoring the wind's gentle caress. "I need to be more open with people.", he said to himself without opening his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes. "Tomorrow's gonna be one hell of a day.", he muttered to himself as he decided to go down into the wagon, ready to call it a night.
Sarvi opened her eyes finding herself in a strange surrounding and quickly bolted upright, she didn't recognize these furnishings, the view from the window nor the layout and was about to start panicking when a huge snore erupted from behind her. She quickly turned to see Varick sprawled over the bed and suddenly became aware of a heavy weight in her lap which turned out to be his hand. "Yeesh!" she quickly picked it up by the sleeve and dropped his arm down by his side, that could of been awkward.

Entering the tavern she looked around to see if she could spot anyone she could recognize from the Ebony Guard but it was clear that either they had disappeared off somewhere or was simply still in bed. Only a few early morning workers with even fewer regulars were around to which Sarvi walked past and out the door checking to make sure her purse was still on her. The sun was barely in the sky, pink, blue and golden hues hung in the sky, the cool air was refreshing upon her cheeks. Noticing Castien's legs sticking out from within the wagon she allowed herself a little chuckle "What a wasted opportunity..."

The traders of Vall Hollow had already started their work with their doors pinned open ready for business, Sarvi had been so caught up in trying to make everyone friends with the newcomers that she didn't have the time to buy the supplies they needed and thought it was best to do so while everyone was sleeping. She headed to the multitude of food stands, to which Sarvi brought as much as she could carry though trying to buy as little meat as possible, the stuff didn't tend to last long and she could always hunt for that. She turned her nose up at the local Fletcher, she had half a mind to buy some arrows so she didn't have to make them herself but upon seeing their bad quality she offered to buy his materials instead at a good price. Taking an apple out of her bag and munching on it she then decided to hit places of interest, at a trader that mostly dealt in odd bits and bobs, she stumbled across a map of Namira, a few books that peaked her interest and a much more intricately designed bow however upon looking at the price attached to it she quickly gave the trader an embarrassed smile and left the shop. She always had a slightly hard time at a clothes shop and while she didn't buy a single item of clothing she couldn't tear herself a way a particularly pretty silver circlet with a single gleaming emerald at the front. Placing it on her head she walked over to the mirror with her hands on her hips, in her eyes it just made her look alot more noble and heroic. In the end she walked out of the shop with jewelry piece upon her forehead having paid quite the fortune for it. She just hoped no one would think much of it or even worse asked her the price.

Upon reentering the tavern she noticed that it seemed no one was still up yet and so she sat herself down in the corner, ordered a large ale and spent the time sipping it not noticing she was getting an ever increasing mustache from the froth.
Abelard woke up near dawn. He quickly left for the training dojo, in town, he paid them some cash for their services. He worked hard to be flexible, stretching, punching, kicking, he worked his agility, jumps, and then focused on some more powerful moves.

Eventually, a larger man then Abelard asked if they spar. The grin made it clear he thought he had the advantage standing a foot taller, and weighing much more then the monk.

"Heh perfect training dummy for my arts today you oaf!"

Before Abelard could bow the man set upon him. A kick flew into Abelard's gut, and the wind exploded from his lungs. While coughing, Abelard barely dodged the other blows. Eventually he got his breathe back, and let a kick make contact. He snatched it up and kicked the mans only leg out from under him. He put the full power of yu axe kick next to the mans head.

"Get up" growled the shadow soldier

The oaf got up, and before he could anything the spin kicks and palm strikes opened up. Before the man got his ground the little monk was bouncing around the practice floor. As the man's nose got crushed the opponents punch connected to the face. Both men grabbed their faces and began to circle each other.

"Its not too late to give up" chanted the shorter one.

As the man began to charge Abelard dropped back and used his legs, and his foes momentum to toss him across the floor.

This time his for was gasping for air. Abelard went over and put him into a choke, and waited until the giant fish passed out. He put a few coins in the mans purse and waited for the guy to wake up.

"Uh, where am I? Oh wait your that monk... What the hell was that? Why? I guess I lost eh. What's your name black scarf?"

"Abelard, sir, I paid for you for being a exquisite opponent"


Abelard walked into the tavern. He sat down across from Sarvi, no one else appeared awake.

"Ale at this hour? Were going to have make castien lead the carts while you sleep in his spot. Also, your welcome, his change in attitude came from my pep talk. Anyway, what's the plan for today my crazy, redheaded leader?"

His eyes twinkled with mischief, and the black scarf hid his smirk.
Castien smiled in his sleep as he shifted his body and scratched his neck. His body was rather sweaty as the wagon had been directly under the sun for the past hour or so. A sudden croak erupted within the wagon, almost giving Castien a heart attack as he awoke, wide eyed. He shivered for the first few seconds as he looked around for the source of the sound. His eyes stopped on an innocent looking rooster. 'This tiny hting made that noise?', he wondered in confusion as he laid back down. The rather small rooster was scratching around and pecking within the wagon. He turned to look straight at the chicken. "How did you even get in here?", he asked before sitting up. He yawned as he stared out the wagon, only now realizing that it was morning.

For the first time since they arrived, he stepped foot in the Tavern. It was rather quiet in the morning as he walked in, deciding to use the restroom to freshen up. The first thing he saw was Abelard and Sarvi talking. As he saw Sarvi drinking, his stomach growled. "I'll need to get bst.reakfa", he said to himself, checking his pouch for coins but there weren't much in there. "Great.", he exclaimed sarcastically as he headed towards the restroom.
Sarvi sat in the corner tapping her boot against the leg of the table listening to abelard complaining about her drinking ale and glared at him mischievously "I am quite capable of drinking and driving a cart just watch me".

She took another gulp out of her mug when Castien came in announcing his desire for breakfast to which she chuckle "Better hurry up, I can't wait to get back on the open road, we have a long way to go before we reach Gorthek!". She pulled out the map she had brought earlier and started to scan it to find the easiest route to their final destination though she was starting to think she might get things going if no one woke up soon.
Ren groaned and rolled sideways off of her bed, the quiet thud of her hands and knees hitting the cold floor jolted her awake. Last night had been probably the most fun she'd had in years, and after people started to drift towards their respective beds, Ren did the same.

Slowly standing up, Ren sent a quick look towards her still asleep comrades, and quietly slipped out of the room. Making her way downstairs, she saw Sarvi, Abelard, and the half elf. She barely heard the last bit of their conversation, but decided not to say anything, just slid into a chair next to them.

"Good morning." Ren managed, still half asleep. Apparently, rolling off the bed to wake yourself up isn't as effective as she had once thought.
Valdemire had not taken part in the festivities of the night. He sat outside and bathed in the darkness while laughter and song billowed distantly from the tavern. The merriment sounded to have gone on nearly to morning, though it died down considerably before the sun broke the horizon. Mist hovered over the earth and clung thickly to the road to mute the morning light.

It was at this point the vampire decided to enter into the tavern with no purpose other than to discuss their departure. He found Sarvi and Abelard at a table and approached calmly, his reddened eyes cast downward from his standing stance. "At what hour do you expect we will continue?" he asked Sarvi.
"Good morning Ren, Castien, Sarvi yu guys hungry? Ill buy. Ive done some training this morning so im famished, barmaid! Lots of vegitables and cheese for me please! Some bread to! Get my fellows whatever they want. "

Before long Abelard made short work of his meal.

Well sarvi, if you crash the cart my stuff isnt in it

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