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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Norven turned toward Tayana as she entered and began questioning him and Sarvi. "We hope the Queen will understand," he smiled at the elf, "It seems to have just been a simple misunderstanding." Norven put his hand over Sarvi's bow and gently pushed it down, hoping that the act would show they meant neither harm nor violence.

"Friend elf, it seems one of our own has been taken to your jails. While I can't say he's doing nothing wrong, I'd like to ask you to bring us to wherever he might be. I think it'd be best if we could work this out without having to resort to blade and bow." Norven smiled broader, hoping that the elf would be as kind as she had been earlier and would help in getting Abelard out.
"I think it would be best to discuss this at a later time", Varick replied while noticing the intense glare in Castien's eyes. "While I apologize for not mentioning anything about that sooner I think we have a bigger problem in front of us right now. If they bother to put up effort setting up this trap, and by they I mean the Queen....", His face bore a flash of anger before continuing. "....then I have a funny feeling that this is only the beginning", He then turned around and began retracing his steps back towards the city without saying another word.
Castien gritted his teeth, without saying a word. Cursing under his breath at the situation but he knew Varick was right. This was not the time to argue. Every second they waste could be devastating to those who were still within the city walls. Castien looked up in anger, his lips trembling lightly as he pulled out the dagger which kept the elven guard in place, causing the elf's left leg to fall into a horizontal position next to his limp, unconscious body. Sheathing his dagger, he walked up to Varick and the two continued in complete silence.

Pretty soon, they found themselves sneaking past some of the elven guards right back into the Elven City of Tharna. The last place any of them had wanted to be at the time. Keeping to the shadows and back alleys, they headed towards the large, breathtaking structure of the Palace. Using his rapier to carefully unlock a window, Castien entered where he found out to be the kitchen. Just as his foot touched the floor within the kitchen he heard the sound of bells ringing frantically. 'Did they found out we were sneaking in? Or is something else happening.', he wondered as he hid from the group of guards who were active in search for something around hallway right outside the kitchen. He turned towards the kitchen window, wondering if Varick would decide to follow him inside or would opt for another way in.

Castien waited until it was quiet before exiting the cupboard he was hiding in and slowly exited the kitchen out to the abandoned hallway. Something had happened and it was serious enough to put the whole castle in high alert. As he was moving along the hallway, he noticed a hooded figure running towards him. The figure seemed not to notice he was there and Castien, on the other hand, found himself in a predicament. He was right in the middle of the hallway, the nearest doorway was out of his reach. He couldn't hide, running would definitely alert the hooded figure to his presence. Castien slowly reached for his dagger and took an attacking stance, waiting for the right time to pounce. It didn't take long before he found his cue, the hooded figure had apparently decided to look back, probably making sure that no one was in pursuit. Castien jumped, pushing the figure down and his dagger was placed menacingly right under the hooded figure's side. A small yelp from the figure however, caused him to lose his focus. Before he could do or say anything, his free hand had removed the hooded figure's hood, revealing a female elf with gray hair. Her eyes were in fear, her skin dirty and unkempt; nothing like any of the other elves he had seen.

When their eyes met, tears had apparently formed on her tired eyes. "Caidan....", she muttered with a small smile before her consciousness faded. "What ?", Castien muttered, his eyes wide in confusion at what had just happened. He had no idea who the elf was or why she was there. The fact that she was unconscious was convenient for him but the way she smiled piqued on his curiosity. "Hey, lady...wake up.", he said as he tried to stir her awake but to no avail. He looked around, contemplating whether to leave the elf unconscious in the middle of the hallway or to take her with him. "Damn it to hell.", he said through gritted teeth as he lifted the elf, hoping that Varick would show up soon and help him. Not that he knew how he'd explain everything to Varick when the time came.
Sarvi groaned a little as Norven pushed her bow down but she suddenly now realized that she herself had no knowledge of where the jail actually was. She turned to Tayana after Norven's announcement in the hope that Tayana would help them out, surely she would. Just to be on the safe side Sarvi maintained a tight grip on her bow in case negotiations didn't go according to plan.

In the market place Lord Rimédur looked at all the wrapped up food and clothing in his arms wondering if this would be enough. It was at that moment that movement on the edge of the market place caught his attention. He caught a glimpse of Castien's and Varick heading to the palace in a rather shady manner. "I wonder what those guys are up too..."
Abelard fell to the floor shortly after the elf left. He had trouble standing and staying awake, and slowly faded to sleep. He found himself with his friends, and he was training with friends when they all bursted out laughing nearby. He noticed things were fading to darkness while listening to Norven's hearty chuckle and Sarvi's giggle. "I'm getting sleepy".

Slowly and surely everything went black and his friends started to fade away. Slowly disappearing into the distance, and Abelard ran after their image. He didn't bother to drop any weight he just kept running, and he noticed that soon he was in his training shorts. He found his skin shuddering to that dull grey, and slowly the muscle melted away from under skin. He looked down and saw the tattoos continue to evaporate until they were just as gone as his friends. He tripped and found himself lying alone in the dark.

He saw himself from a birdseye view and slowly the blackness receded. First tiles appeared around the shrived man, and slowly the circle expanded to include tiles with cuts, and holes. Shortly he realized he was in the cell laying there... his eyes shot wide...

He was glad something woke him from his nightmare. The foot steps quickly reached his ears. The guards came to check on them like usual, but Abelard didn't want them to chase the woman he worked hard to free. "Perhaps my words are short, but my actions aren't" Abelard muttered to himself.

He stood up as the guards approached. They screamed exclamations and turned a violet red color at seeing a missing prisoner. "HOW DID SHE ESCAPE!!!???" they screamed at him, and one reached through the bars to grab him.

Abelard pulled the mans wrists together and quickly tied them with some string he found. When either guard reached to untie the hands, Abelard broke their fingers. Their swords screamed silver shards of sparks as they clashed at the bar, seeking the blood of the monk. He batted it aside, and eventually took the sword. He continued to toy with them as long as he could, and used this one guard as the human shield. Shortly thereafter they had many bowmen threatening to turn the poor prisoner into a porcupine. Eventually he complied with the guards and gave up. Hopefully she had escaped, and his actions weren't in vein.
The Directors updated The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira with a new update entry:

Slow Pokes

As everyone should know this has been quite a bad few weeks for posting and it has its reasons. Almost everyone has been effected by something in some way.

Thewarsword went on holiday

Maxacec had his religious celebrations

Dreesirk had his issues with his computer

Both myself and Chao5Th3ory got hit by the Destiny Beta

And on top of that thanks two 5 people on holiday, 3 people in hospital, 2 people have quit my shift hours at work was increased dramatically!

However Thewarswords...​
Read the rest of this update entry...
"Well what do you say to that then?!" Yelled Sarvi at Tayana hoping to get some kind of response "What are you going to do?!". It seemed however she had stopped moving altogether and was standing their giving the same stern expression. "Tayana?" She asked cautiously taking a step towards her, on a closer inspection it appeared as if she had a sheet of ice covering her. As Sarvi continued to inch forward she noticed the hem of a cloak, one that matched the attire of the royal guards, disappearing round a corner and out sight. "Norven... I think that ice blast or whatever it was, was mean't for for us... Come on! We need to find some sort of way to get to Abelard!". She quickly turned on her heel grabbing Norven by the arm and charged off to find a way out of here, hoping they won't going to be followed.

As Varick and Castien had sneaked past the market place in order to get in to the palace where Lord Rimédur was shopping for supplies. It was out of the corner of his eye that he saw them making their back in causing the lord to chuckle to himself "Glad you two made it back alive". Abandoning his hunt for shopping he silently tailed the two watching as they got themselves back inside the palace.

He stepped inside announcing his presense "I am so glad you two made it back I really was..." he stopped mid sentence noticing the female elf slumped unconscious in Castien's arms to Varick standing beside him.
Norven watched as Sarvi inspected Tayana, suspicious of the elf's lack of movement or response, until Sarvi said she was frozen. A moment later, and he was being dragged alongside the archer girl, who was quite a bit stronger than Norven thought she could be. It took him a moment, but Norven eventually got his feet under him and began running alongside Sarvi.

"We're certainly not welcome here," he said mid-stride, "And it seems someone would rather have us dead. I have my suspicions who, but I don't think it really matters at this point." Behind them, Norven could hear the rattling of metal. Though he wasn't sure just what could be happening, he knew they had to find everyone else and get out of the city as soon as possible.

Norven spotted a door slightly ajar as they continued to charge down the hall. "This way!" He grabbed Sarvi's arm and pulled her, crashing through the door in the process. Norven stumbled on his feet before quickly getting back up. As quiet as he could, Norven tried to ease the door shut before he slumped down against it He quietly hoped nobody was following them before speaking, "We need to figure out what we're going to do. There's no way we're going to be able to move around now without being watched or targeted by another attack."
Castien's eyes widened at the sudden sound of the door opening behind them. His heart leapt as he turned around but sighed in relief as when he saw Lord Rimédur. His relief didn't last long however as Lord Rimédur's sudden pause caused him to again, be alarmed. He has no idea who the woman was and it had just occurred to him that the woman could be the reason behind the sudden chaos within the castle. The fact that she was sneaking around the palace made a whole lot more sense when combined with this new "wanted criminal" theory of his. He felt a sudden churn inside, the feeling you get when you know you've done something terribly wrong and yet feel as though you can somehow fix it but then the harsh reality kicks in and you find that the door is already closed. He was stuck with his decision and all he could do was man up and deal with it.

His eyes became apprehensive, looking straight towards Lord Rimédur, who in turn, was looking at the limp woman he was carrying. After a short moment of silence, he decided to speak. "Is she someone you know ?",he asked, his voice breaking the silence where only the distant voices of the market could otherwise be heard.

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