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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Sarvi shook her head "No I don't particularly feel like eating right now" taking the last few gulps of her ale. In her eyes the stop at Vall Hollow had been a success, she had managed to obtain the supplies they needed while giving her comrades a night full of merriment. It was now however back to buisness as usual and as Valdemire asked when were they to depart she folded the map up deep in thought "As soon as possible though we have a hit a slight problem, if we continue this road we will hit a huge lake soon enough". She unfolded the map and pressed it to the table so everyone could see. "Tt seems we only have two options, go round it towards the right though that means we will have to go through the forests of Tharna, or through the swamp land of BalBone to the left.... it is your call"
Leaning over, Valdemire places a thin hand on the table to support his weight as he views the map. Sarvi's assessment was correct, and they needed to choose the best path. His lips pursed thoughtfully and he curled a finger up to tap it against the wood. "Hmm, I'd say Tharna is our best bet," Valdemire suggested as he pointed towards the drawn forest on the map. "Swamps are no place for carts and we'd likely get it stuck within the mire along with our horses if it gets too deep. No, we should travel more supportive ground."
Nobody joined Norven as he left the tavern, and he preferred it that way. The bandit followed him out, able to walk now. Before exiting, Norven went to talk to the barkeep.

"Hello, my good man," Norven began, leaning both elbows against the bar, "Anywhere around here someone might stable his horse for the night?" The barkeeper finished cleaning a mug and replied, "There's some stables out in the back. They'll cost you a few gold though," the barkeeper smiled deviantly. Norven knew that anything more than a gold was highway robbery, but he didn't mind, especially if it meant getting Nobleflame out of the elements and some food. Norven reached into the purse strung on his belt and tossed the coins over to the man, turning to leave. The bandit followed in step.

Norven exited the tavern, and walked over to Nobleflame. The horse had a weary look, and his flanks were covered in dust and mud. "There there, my friend. We'll get you rested soon." Norven unwound the leash tethering Nobleflame and guided him around the back of the tavern, where there was, in fact, a stable, and of decent size too. Norven brought Nobleflame into the building, who snorted as they entered the unfamiliar place. The bandit followed.

While several of the stables had horses in them, the majority did not. Picking a stall not too close to the other horses, but the not all the way in the back of the building, Norven led his horse into it. "There you go, boy. This should be warm enough. Now let's get all that heavy tack and barding off of you, eh?" He smiled at the horse, who looked at him with one large, round eye. Norven began removed the bit and bridle from the horses head, and the horse whinnied and snorted in relief. Norven smiled at the gesture and continued to remove the barding, saddle, saddlebags, and everything else until all that was left was horse and dirt. Working in silence, Norven retrieved a brush from a saddlebag and began to brush and pet Nobleflame. Several minutes passed before Norven spoke up again, this time to the bandit, "So, my friend, why is it you attacked us?" There was a pause before the bandit spoke up again.

"I was just following orders," he said. "Oh?" Norven questioned, "Seems odd for a lawless man to follow orders." Again, a pause before the bandit spoke, this time with a crack in his voice.

"W-well, we was running low on food and money, and you guys seemed to be rife with it. Plus, Boss said it was just something we gotta do. Never explained why."

"I see. So, was there someone above your boss?" Norven questioned, thinking about Dravo's explanation for having to meet the party late.

"Might have been. All I know was that my brothers and I was cold and hungry. We didn't mean nothing by it," the bandit began to plead, as if Norven were going to cut him down on the spot.

"Relax, my friend. I believe you," Norven continued to brush Nobleflame. He did believe the bandit; after all, the grunts are rarely told the plan. Still, there had to be something that the bandit knew. "Are you sure there's nothing else? What about your boss?"

"Boss was a big man," the bandit said. "Was the one with the greatsword that that funny clothed boy killed," the bandit paused for a moment, as if contemplating if he should continue, "A-and..." the bandit stammered.

"And?" Norven turned and raised an eyebrow.

"And he'd go off for days on end sometimes. No explanation, just 'I gotta go see someone' and he'd go off. Always came back in a bad temper, saying we had to get more people if we was going to keep alive. One of us followed him one time - I think it was Horace, yeah, Horace - Horace followed him one time. Said he went to the swamps, but Horace was scared of the vampires and came back before boss."

"Hm," Norven hummed contemplatively. He'd gotten to Nobleflame's flank, who was trying to nibble on some hay lying on the ground. Norven wasn't quite sure what to make of the bandit's tale - whether it was true or false, or if parts were exaggerated to make it sound better than it really was - but Norven figured he'd tell it to his companions and they'd all decide from there. "I believe you, my friend," Norven told the bandit, as he gathered some hay together for Nobleflame to eat. "Now, you've held up your end of the deal. I'll hold up mine." Norven finished caring for Nobleflame and locked the horse into the stall. Norven headed out of the stable and began walking to what he thought would be the center of town. The bandit followed, unsure of what would happen. After a few minutes of wandering and asking several people for directions, Norven found the jail.

Norven hailed the guard and explained the situation. "Him and a few of his friends decided to pick a fight. Needless to say, he lost." The guard nodded, ready to take away the bandit. "But," Norven intervened, "this man has seen the error of his ways, and has chosen to correct his course. He's told me everything he knows, and I believe him. On my honor as a member of the ShieldHeart family, I ask for a lessened punishment." The guard looked suspicious at the mention of Norven's family name, and Norven had to debate with the guard and prove that he was who he said he was. Eventually, as Norven was getting red in the face, the guard relented. "I'll tell that to the judge," the guard said, "but I make no promises." Norven smiled at the guard, and spoke a final few words to the bandit. "Well, my friend, this is good bye. I hope you a long and happy life," Norven smiled at the bandit before leaving. The bandit, for once, smiled faintly in return. Norven hoped the man really did turn over a new leaf, but a different matter was at hand.

The majority of his work done, Norven returned to the tavern and headed to his room. He wasn't sure if anyone else was in there, but he attempted to remain as quiet as he could, just in case other patrons were sleeping. Norven removed his armor, nearly tumbling over in the process, and began cleaning it and his weapons. While it was just a simple brushing, the steel needed it desperately, lest it rust and become useless. The cleaning wasn't as thorough as Norven would have liked, especially with the blood that had dried up on his lance, but it would have to do until the group had reached a better resting spot. Norven brushed and cleaned for several hours into the night, eyes slowly shutting on him until they darted open. He was fighting to stay awake at this point.

"Eh, this is good enough," Norven mumbled, trying to stammer up and find a bedroll. He took one step, then another, before he tripped over nothing and thudded against the floor. He passed into sleep immediately, sprawled on the hard wood without so much as a pillow.

Norven awoke in the morning, more sore than he had been the day before, and rubbed his eyes to wake up. Nobody else was in the room. "Must've already headed down," Norven squinted, "Best not to make them wait." Norven clumsily put on his armor, missing several straps due to dreariness and not wanting to make the others wait, and grabbed his lance and shield, strapping those onto his back. After fidgeting at the door, trying to get himself through with his weapon strapped on, his managed to stumble down the stairs, and quickly located his friends in the morning emptiness.

Norven sat down by them, grabbed the attention of a waitress, and ordered "the biggest whatever you can make in five minutes" Norven tossed her a few coins, and focused his attention on what his friends were discussing.

"It seems we only have two options, go round it towards the right though that means we will have to go through the forests of Tharna, or through the swamp land of BalBone to the left.... it is your call," Sarvi noted as she unfurled a map.

"Swamps are no place for carts and we'd likely get it stuck within the mire along with our horses if it gets too deep. No, we should travel more supportive ground," the vampire said, as he pointed to a different spot on the map.

"I agree," Norven spoke up, his food arriving. He began shoveling large amounts of luke-warm, undercooked eggs and cold, greasy bacon into his mouth. Apparently, the cook had anticipated the group wanting some food, and had made this earlier in the morning. That, or just wasn't a morning person. "Our bandit friend told me his boss had been visiting the swamp. Might be something in there, and we don't have time for any more detours or stops." Norven gulped down more food.
Sarvi tapped her boot against the table leg even more impatient, Ayrenn had disappeared, Alisha was... somewhere, Dravo and Varick still seemed sound asleep in their beds. After drumming her fingers on top of the table's surfaces pondering when they were finally going to get up she got to her feet "I will be right back, going to wake the others".

Walking up the steps she wondered where Alisha had gone, then again she did send both her and Valdemire to patrol during the night, maybe she had run in to some trouble. The elf princess' disappearance also weighed heavily on her mind too but then another problem surfaced, what if the two men were in the middle of getting dressed.

Deciding that Varick would be less of a risk she walked over to the door and pushed it aside peeking around the corner. It seemed he wasn't getting dressed, in fact he hadn't moved at all and so she crept inside. Tip toeing over to his sleeping body she poked him in the shoulder and prepared herself to jump back however he didn't move at all. She raised an eyebrow, the last time she tried to remove his hood he had caught her before she even had the chance to lay a single finger on him. "Uh... ahem... Varick?" She asked cautiously, when that didn't work she changed tactics. "Uh... breakfast in bed?"
A woman's voice caused Varick to stir slightly before slowly opening his eyes and he noticed Sarvi standing above him. "Well i see you took a different approach this time", he said laughing softly before sitting up slightly. "I think i'll pass on that since we need to be on the move soon" he said, getting up from the bed and walking past the door and down the stairs where everyone else seemed to be, give or take one or two people.
Swamps slow monks down, i vote the forest. Besides horses and norvens i bet wouldnt be too efficient in swamps . What if our bandit friend wants us in the swamp? It sounds what he said provokes some curiosity. Best not find put what is there right?

Caught in munk and grime, our cart stuck in it, that bandit fight could have gone differently, worse yet, if he was serious about vampires...

That of course is under the assumption the swamp is more mud then water...
Sarvi stood up from the table, not everyone had voted but the majority had, the call had been made, they were going to head towards to the forests of Tharna. She was a little concerned for Castien if they suddenly got in to a situation involving the natives and wondered if Ayrenn who hadn't shown up throughout breakfast would be ok being so close to her home but the decisions had been made and they couldn't change their mind. "Alright then... well there is no point waiting here any longer, it's back on the road for us lot!" she beamed, the sense of adventure was calling her again.

Marching out of the tavern she double checked that all the supplies she had brought earlier was all there before jumping in the drivers seat running a finger along her circlet "You better be my lucky charm" she murmured running her index finger over the emerald. She pressed her left hand over her pocket checking that she had picked up the map and placed it in there at some point before grabbing the reins of the Palomino that pulled the cart and waited patiently for everyone to saddle up and ride out. It was time this was taken seriously.
Dravo had spent the night with the others talking about nothing in particular and gettig to know them more, he ended the night by going and washing up making sure him amd everything else on him was thoroughly scrubbed. He fell asleep a small bundle in his hands and a peaceful look on his face. Eventually he woke up and ha ing gone to bed with a decent amount of clothes on only took a few moments to get his clothes and gear on his armor nicely shined. His sword strapped on his hip and shield on his back he gathered his belongings and left leaving Ren but not without muttering a blessing. He arrived downstairs and saw the others at the table, he smiled and walked over greeting them with a smile. "Morning, ready for another day? He sat down waving a waitress over. "A light breakfast please." He handed her some coin and returned his attention to the group. "What's the plan for today, we headed anywhere special?"

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"We cut through the tharna forest ,dravo"

"Sarvi where is the destination after the forest?"

Abelard took off his scraf, and wrapped it around the neck of his horse. "Protect me well, for i gave you a token of my will, young horse "

Whispered Abelard to the horse.
Castien had taken a shower and changed his set of clothes for the first time since the start of the journey with the Ebony Guards. The clothes itself however, looked identical to the ones before and the only difference it brought is the fact that it was fresher and cleaner. Appearance wise, he looked just as he did before, except for the wet hair which was combed back as opposed to his usual messy look. He didn't spend much time for breakfast though he did eat thanks to the generosity of Abelard who had decided to buy breakfast. He felt guilty as he could not afford to buy food for the others and had to financially rely on them. He felt ashamed of the fact as he continued to keep his financial status a secret though some of his companions may have already seen the signs.

After a quick bite, he headed towards the wagon, not knowing the actual plan that was decided by the group. He didn't really care though, he had reached the point where he trusted the others to make the best decision available. The absence of the female elf did sadden him, for reasons he didn't dare to admit but life goes on.....and he knew this better than anyone. He questioned Sarvi's soberity as he jumped onto the wagon's roof. For the moment at least, he would remain silent and keep and eye on her.
The group had unanimously agreed upon going through the forest instead of the swamps. Norven was glad of this, and finished his breakfast quickly. He attempted to greet Dravo, but a mouthful of food got in the way, tiny bits of egg sloshing out from his lips. Norven swallowed and apologized, then explained to Dravo what the group was doing.

"Heading through elf land," Norven told him, "Let's hope elves are nice folk." Norven finished eating his food, and called a waitress over to take his empty plate. He tipped her an extra few coins and followed Sarvi out the door. As she loaded onto the wagon, he headed around the back of the tavern to the stables to retrieve Nobleflame.

The horse was awake, either because he already was or because Norven's armor always made a clicking sound as he walked. Either way, Nobleflame wasn't too happy with such a short rest, and snorted an argument. "I know, boy," Norven said, stroking his mane, "But there's much to do and little time to do it," Norven smiled at his horse and continued fitting on the barding and other gear. Several minutes later, Nobleflame was fully geared, and Norven lead him out of the stables. Norven easily hopped up Nobleflame's back, swinging his leg over like he'd done hundreds of times before, and rode him around to the front of the tavern to wait for the others.
Dravo nodded seeing no issue with this, "I rode through Tharna on the way to Windell quite pleasant and I got through unscathed." He followed the others out and untied Palewind from the cart before putting on his riding gear. "Time for another day my friend." He murmured gently to the horse getting a soft nuzzle in return. He got on smoothly seeming to just slide into place after slipping his leg over to the other side. He shifted to get comfortable and did his standard of strapping Oathkeeper to Palewind. He looked to Norven and smiled, "Looks like another beautiful day ay Norven should be easy riding." He then looked to Abelard and waved deciding to give the monk time to set his own pace when forming their friendship he found the monk intriguing and appreciated him for his perspective and honesty in sharing it. He looked around not seeing Ren but remembering her presence at the breakfast table. "I'll have to greet her later then." He muttered to himself.

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"Hail, anyfriend of Norven's is a friend of mine!" The monk said to Dravo.

The strange monk brought his horse close to Norven's and Dravo's, "how well did you sleep?"]

The monk was worried about the future. What if a ambush waited them in the forest? It seemed the group might be shrinking, people were mysteriously disappearing. And what if the enemy planned a ambush for their full party? Those left were good, very good, even great. But were they that great?
"Looks like another beautiful day, ay Norven should be easy riding," Dravo said, as Norven trotted around on Nobleflame to get the horse ready for the day.

"Indeed it is, my friend," Norven smiled back. "Let's hope for a quick and easy travel, and a nice meal at the end." Norven began to think back to the night before and the delicious meal they'd had. Already, Norven was feeling yearnings of nostalgia.

As he waited for the others, Norven checked to make sure he had everything, inspecting saddlebags and tightening straps. He padded the belt pouch that contained the scroll given to him by Lord Gavril; thankfully it was still there. After confirming everything was where it should be, Norven unslung the shield from his back and set it on Nobleflame's flank.

Abelard joined Norven and Dravo, and Norven smiled a greeting. "How well did you sleep?" Abelard asked.

"Like a rock!" Norven laughed. "Passed right out on the floor! Can't feel my shoulders, but it was the best sleep I've ever had! What of you, my friend?"
"awh, I slept well, had to get up early, this whole Ebony Guard thing is really making it hard to train like I used to. I fear getting out of my physique. Norven, I think we should consider ambushes along the way. And things don't add up. We are a very loud, small group of people, the only thing achieved by small groups is stealth. Are they trying to kill us? Is it mobility their after? Look at the cart, no speed in it, what is the tactical point? If we don't start thinking for ourselves...."

Abelard said this quietly only Norven or the new guy would hear. If any of this "sensitive" information got leaked he would know Dravo was a spy, but he really wasn't sure. In all honesty, Abelard thought they were valid points to be addressed.
Sarvi sat upon the cart listening to the chatter between Abelard, Norven and Dravo, it did seem that their little party was getting quite short. Alisha appeared to never have returned from her nighttime patrol, Valdemire had mysteriously vanished though she wasn't too sure if they had seen the last of him. Ren was nowhere to be found and Varick, well he was probably just lurking somewhere.

Deciding that it was time to make a move lightly tapped the horse with the reins to which the cart started to pull away. Eventually they found the edge of the city to which Sarvi looked behind her at the town they were leaving and the possability of the all the people they were leaving behind with it wondering whether they wanted to go and travel in their own direction, live in Vall Hollow or return to Windell. She highly doubt they would return to Windell, Lord Gavril wouldn't be impressed, life also wouldn't be easy after agreeing to do this as an Ebony Guard to just bow out at the last hurdle. She leaned back in her seat rather comfortable as the scenery became once again a mass of fields to which she looked up at Castien "See I can still drive" while hitting a particularly nasty bump in the road.
At the sudden bump, Castien fell flat on the top of the wagon, grabbing the edges. His eyes were wide open, obviously shaken up by the unexpected bump. He almost looked like a frightened cat with his back arched upwards trying to maintain his balance. Sarvi's comment had only distracted him from noticing the bump which made it all the more surprising. He sighed as he looked straight at Sarvi, rather annoyed. "Keep your eyes on the road.", he muttered as he moved into the seat next to Sarvi. Looking straight ahead, not reacting to anything but the road ahead.
"You could have waited a bit longer!", Varick called from behind them sprinting to the cart until catching up to the left side of it and slowing to a brisk walk. He then looked towards Sarvi with an amused look on his face. "And please do yourself as well as the rest of us a favor and keep your eyes forward, i saw what happened back there", he said pointing a thumb to a huge pothole behind them.
Hearing Abelard's concerns, Norven thought for a moment before speaking, "I'm not sure how to answer all those concerns, my friend. The best we can do is handle them as we come. Besides, unlike you, I'm not very stealthy!" Norven laughed, his armor emphasizing the point by clinking together. Quieting down so only Abelard could hear him, Norven continued, "I understand your worries, friend. Especially of Dravo there, but we've got to trust that he is who he says he is. After all, if we begin doubting each other, we won't be able to hold together and do what must be done." Norven spoke up again, "Hey, why don't we see what each other is made of tonight? A nice little spar would help to bring us together, eh?" Norven laughed, though he was hoping someone would take him up on the offer.

Sarvi started the wagon forward, and Norven tapped his heels into Nobleflame to follow suit. The sunlight filtered down through the trees, resting warmly on Norven's face. Norven hoped it didn't become any hotter through the day; he hadn't taken a bath last night and probably smelled worse than the horses. Sarvi was looking a little hungover from last night, and as if the universe were trying to prove a point, she ran into a pot hole right as she was trying to reassure Castien. Norven chuckled at the elf's startled face, and cantered up beside Sarvi.

"A little too much drink last night, eh?" He chuckled again. Varick charged up behind the group, shouting about the group not waiting.

"That seems to be quite a common theme," Norven noted as Varick set in step, "Forgetting each other, that is. By the way, Varick, why don't you have a horse?"
Sarvi chuckled a little at Varick "I was keeping an eye on the road". The sun twinkled above the edges of some trees lining the road, watching it made her feel like it was going to be a good day. She thought for a moment pondering what Norven had said about the sparring idea "Well I would take you up on that but I don't have a sword... I honestly have never been very good with one but I could always use some training". The gentle chatter in the morning showed just how much they had bonded since the beginning of the journey and grinned to herself listening to Noven question Varick's lack of a horse.
"I've always preferred this way, plus it just helps me feel more alive and gets the blood flowing", he said still keeping pace with them until a small smile showed itself on his face. "And of course i can also do this" he said before immediately taking off in a sprint scaling a large hill in front of them and making his way to the top. He then turned around as soon as he made it there to face them again with his arms crossed, his smile even wider now.
Sarvi rolled her eyes urging the horse to go at a quicker pace after him ignoring the fact that their was quite a few more pot holes in front of the cart "Hold on Castien, it's going to be a bumpy ride!". She urged the horse in to a gallop, the carts wheels banging hard upon each pot hole causing all those within the cart to bounce up and down in their seats. By the time she tugged on the reins to slow the cart down next to Varick she was rubbing her bottom which was rather sore after constantly slapping the wooden drivers seat.
"Ugh...", Castien exclaimed at Sarvi's sudden need for speed. 'I'm gonna need to ask Norven to teach me how to ride a horse.....really soon.', he thought as he simply sat there, not muttering a word. Obviously nothing he says will convince Sarvi of her hangover, she seems to be pretty convinced of her soberness.....which was probably caused by the morning ale she decided to have just moments earlier.

As the sun began making its way higher in the horizon, they had settled into a paced strut. The seemingly endless road ahead, for the time being at least, looked to be smooth. Cas's eyes lost its focus as he stared out into the distance ahead. 'I guess even in a journey like this, things can get a little dull sometimes.', he thought. Not a second after the thought had crossed his mind however, he spotted something in the distance. "Uh....is that a horse cart up ahead?", he called out to his companions.
Dravo smiled at Norven's response and gained hope from Abelard's. He rode alongside them but rode forward as they began muttering among themselves. He tried not to listen to respect their privacy but overheard something about sparring later, he kept it to himself until Sarvi spoke up he turned his head bit kept an eye facing forward. "Sounds like a good idea to me as well." When the carriage sped forward he spurred Palewind onward getting into a gentle gallop that kept pace. Slowing as Sarvi did, "What was tha- " he stopped, hearing Castien's voice and turning his attention to the object ahead. "I'm not quite sure myself it appears to be a cart but we should best proceed with caution given our history." he put a hand on Vraalsung the normal tremor passing through it as he made contact.

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Sarvi pulled on the reins bringing the cart to a stop, she jumped to the floor slipping her bow off her shoulder and held it out at arms reach. She reached behind her shoulder taking another arrow from her quiver and placed it along side the bow and started to creep towards the cart ready to fire in the event that this was to be a trap.

Her mind wandered a little to the fact she still needed to make some more arrows and made a mental note to ask Castien or Varick to drive the cart while she made herself some more. She knew if anything were to happen the others would come to her aid immediately. The horse attached to the cart pawed the floor nervously.

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