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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Valdemire wasn't one for social gatherings either, especially within a tavern such as the one Sarvi led them to. Dismounting his horse, he took more time than was needed to remove the tack and place the saddle aside. He glanced over to the wagon nearby where Cas had taken up post, and for a while he decided against even speaking to the half elf. Picking up a bristled brush, the vampire began to brush down his horse's coat, his pale hand smoothing over the fur after each stroke.

"There's no shame in what you did," Valdemire said to Cas calmly, his eyes still focused on the task of grooming. Sweat had darkened the dapple grey fur where his saddle and padding had been. "You should not seclude yourself over a woman. It is actually quite a waste, really."
As Varick reached the other side of the tavern he stood there thinking of what he should do. "Maybe i should go back and talk to him" he thought to himself, then turning around and walking back to where he was previously, however when he got there he found no sign of his brother.

"Guess i should have seen that coming." he said to no one in particular, and went to the door going back outside of the tavern, trying to find any trace of him, but again found nothing. With a small sigh he found himself leaning against one the tavern's walls with his arms crossed and stared at the orange and blue mixed sky caused by the setting sun as if searching for answers. He sighed gently and quietly spoke to himself. "What am i supposed to do?".
Sarvi watched as the discussion between Varick and Eldrick got rather heated and frowned as Varick stormed off through the front door of the tavern. She sat in silence listening to the conversation between Norven and Ren wondering what the argument have been about. She heaved her body on to her feet while giving Norven and Ren a quick apology before striding over to the door, opened it and peeked around to see if she could spot the whereabouts of Varick. Luckily enough for her he had only disappeared a little further down the building leaning against the walls deep in thought.

Quietly and carefully she cautiously trod, almost tip toed up to him with a rather worried expression across her face, wringing her hands with worry. She came to a stop just slightly to the right of him "What... what was that all about?" she wondered out loud to him.
Varick was so deep in thought that he almost didn't hear the voice that spoke to him to his right. "Huh?.....oh....hello Sarvi". he said looking at her, his expression somewhat softened by the events that occurred earlier. "That was....just a little fight between me and my brother, who seems to have disappeared now. Something that i probably should not have started".
Sarvi stood staring at Varick feeling a little guilty as a cold chill swept between them rustling some leaves that lay scattered on the floor. She thought of the others inside the tavern having a good time and regretted that she wasn't spending her time with Ayrenn and Dravo, the newcomers in order to find out their true motives if any existed. She hoped the others were happy with entertaining themselves for the moment while she rested a hand gently on Varick's arm. Throughout this journey she had never once seen Varick become enraged the way he had just now, she knew assassins were emotionally distant due to their occupation or in this case previous occupation but for once Varick seemed to have finally been overloaded and she didn't want his rage to continue, especially if he started lashing out at the others within the group. With the intention of finally getting some social time in with the rest of the group and to try and tame the wild beast that was Varick, she softly wrapped her hand around his own and gave him a wink "Come on big boy, let's join the others" she smiled rubbing his shoulder with her other hand.
Abelard appreciated the way Varick handled the situation, and he didnt need anyones help, so the monk would try to be there when he actually needed him.

Abelard ordered food a stew, and yook off the scarf. Keeping the hood to protect his face from the eyes pf others.

He ate keeping to himself, and smiled at the way Sarvi cared for Varick.

His attention was taken by Ren's arm. Trying not to embrass her asked "where have you been? Are you ok?"

Abelard remained vigilent, taverns were known for fist fights. If nothing else. Abelard might make money from his flute this night.
Upon seeing Sarvi trying to comfort him he gave her a small smile and said, "Yeah....i guess we should." After that he pushed himself off of the wall started walking towards the door to the tavern, going back inside, waiting for her to come along with him.
"Hope you guys ae okay. You have been out there for a while and I haven't seen you for a while." Alisha tok her feet off the table and went to go order a drink for herself. She looked over to Sarvi and asked her "Hey Sar, which one of those guys was the one that was making that crude joke about us women in the group, I hope you didn't tell him about me because I want to show him how charming I can be, but not mean but in a joking way and I promise to not start a barroom fight."
Sarvi watched transfixed watching his back as he made his way to the door of the tavern, she felt a little rejected when he didn't take her hand however when he stopped for her at the door she quickly jogged over to him...

Upon re-entering the tavern she noticed Alisha trying to catch her attention, in responce she leaned closer to her so no one else would hear "It's the bartender currently at the counter..." she pointed in his direction clearly for Alisha to know exactly who she was referring to. She gave her a clap on the back "Have fun.."

After making a quick request with the barmaids, they pushed a few of the tables together in a room just slightly off from the rest of the locals so the group could all sit together and have dinner. Once one of the barmaids announced that the room was ready she passed a small amount of coins in to the young woman's hand before seating herself half way down the table and waited for the rest to follow suit before ordering food.

She hoped now they were away from the other locals they could enjoy this social gathering before retreating to their rooms, another matter that needed to be discussed, who was sleeping with who.
"Thanks coach, I'll be right back.". Alisha walked up to the bartender and leaned up agains the bar "I would like to order 9 drinks of your most expensive Ale." The bartender looked at her and just scoffed her "How do you think you are going to pay for that sweetie good looks don't get you everyhting. I know you must be accustomed to that and never heard the word no but to bad." Alisha showed the face of someone that had just pissed her off and had to pay revenge. She grabbed him by the collar "DON'T you ever talk like that to me ever agan or you'll end up with your blood all over the floor and they will have to pick up the pieces just to put you back together after I'm done with you" She showed her fangs to the man and they still had some blood and he had the fear of god on his face. "Ah....Alright, nine glasses of our best drink coming up." Alisha had agood smile on her face "Thank you and send them to the group of us over in that group of tables over there."We will have a nice treat coming over to us soon
Ren smiled slightly at Norven. "My name's Ren." She then turned to the monk, Abelard she remembered, and opened her mouth to reply to him but cut short at a commotion on one side of the tavern. One of the other members was talking with the bartender, and they had apparently had a disagreement. Her head slowly turned back to face the monk, though with a slight frown. "Uh, let's just say I overslept. And I'm fine. Just got a bit scratched." She managed to say, rubbing her arm.

Multicoloured eyes scanned the room, watching for any signs of people getting testy. Bleh, alcohol. It turned the kindest of people into unpredictable maniacs, and the unpredictable maniacs into terrifying creatures that smell bad. Ren had never been one for alcohol, but the last time she drank it... Well, long story short, she may or may not have been the cause of one of the bigger bar-fights in her hometown. That, and she seemed to suddenly acquire the need to flirt with people for no reason. Ren shuddered visibly at the memory.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ren," Norven smiled at her. Sarvi, who'd disappeared outside a moment ago for reasons unknown to Norven, reappeared and began rearranging tables in a nearby, less crowded room. She sat down, and Norven took the cue, standing up to move over to the now adjacent tables. He grabbed the bandit by the rope and drug him behind, instead of carrying the man like he had before.

"I'll untie your feet later tonight, friend. It's getting to be a hassle to carry you everywhere." Norven sat down at the nearest chair, a few seats away from Sarvi, and pulled the bandit in beside him. "I'm willing to be you're hungry, aren't you?" Norven smiled at the bandit. The man meekly nodded his head.

"As am I! How about we make a deal?" The man's gaze was fixated on Norven now, wondering just what this deal entailed. "I'll buy you a meal tonight, right out of the purse you intended to steal from me, and in exchange, you'll tell me everything you know. After that, I'll turn you in to the local authorities, and - depending on your behavior between now and then - I'll ask for a lessened sentence. Sound fair?" Norven smiled at the bandit again, and the man hastily shook his head. "Good. We'll be going out after this to do business." Norven turned his attention to the rest of the group still out in the main room.

"Come, friends! There's food to be had and drink to be drunk!" Despite the mention of the latter, Norven didn't intend to drink. Too much work to be done, and it's quite hard to accomplish anything whilst drunk.
Sarvi pulled out a scroll and quill and started to write a list in the right hand corner before starting to draw lines all over the place trying to think the best way to do this. She vaguely listened to the chatter between Ren and Norven smiling to herself, it was good someone was taking good care of her after the accident of leaving her behind.

She murmured a thanks to the barmaid who brought over the expensive ale that was ordered by Alisha and gave it a sip. It was one of the most tasty drinks she had ever tasted before hastily taking a few more deep gulps which emptied half the bottle. She screwed up her scroll, crumpled it up and started again.

Eventually she completed her work, stood up looking a little tipsy and addressed the rest of the Ebony Guard. "Ok here will be the sleeping arrangements for tonight, the first room will contain Abelard, Ayrenn and Castien, now just a word of warning there is one double bed and one single bed in there, Valdemire and Alisha i know the pair of you don't sleep so I am asking you two to patrol the village for anyone here that may appear suspicious or if any suspicious travelers turn up in the night, act as you see fit, room two will contain Dravo, Ren and Noven, Ren and Norven I have placed you two together because you get along so well however same problem as room number one... one double and one single. And Varick well.... Guess your with me..."

The red blush was back, she quickly sat down and gulped down the rest of the ale in the hope people would believe it was just the alcohol taking an effect on her.
When the ale was brought over to their table he immediately picked the mug and started drinking it until it was about half way gone, however just as he was about to finish he saw Sarvi stand up and give everyone the sleeping arrangements for the night, and after hearing this he nearly choked himself on the ale and started having a coughing fit.

He instantly cleared his throat trying to regain his composure, hoping no one had noticed. He then meekly looked at Sarvi and spoke, "Well it had to be someone so that's fine with me", he lied. He then went back to his ale and continued drinking it, only this time as if his life had depended on it.
Abelard rolled his eyes at Sarvi's antics again. The two newcomers made him realize how few of them there were, and this band of bandits hadn't been a problem because they were of superior skill. What would happen when real enemies did strike? Would their intimate friendships save them then? Abelard knew his monk training gave him the commitment to put his life on the line, but would they put their life on the line for the others? The only advantage to small numbers is stealth... and any enemy with half competency can track progress and plan accordingly, slip poison into their drinks...

They were here flirting, and worried about who would sleep where?

Abelard sat away from the group dazed at his realization... of course he saw it all along, but he never realized their vulnerability. Just what it could mean, but he also didn't have any better ideas. He assumed the lord was holding information back, this didn't add up. Why?

He wanted to bring up his suspicions to Norven, but the group dynamics swept that up into the moment....the best he could do now is cause panic... and any monk knows to keep his calm.

He went over to his friends. "Anyone want my ale?", muttered Abelard

"Ren, what is on your mind?"
Norven was about to catch the attention of a barmaid when Sarvi spoke up, "Ok here will be the sleeping arrangements for tonight," she began. "Alright" thought Norven, "sleep is important, and I do enjoy it." Norven began to sip on some of the ale that Alisha had brought over; a bit too strong for his taste, but quenching nonetheless. Sarvi continued, "the first room will contain Abelard, Ayrenn and Castien, now just a word of warning there is one double bed and one single bed in there," at the mention of Ayrenn and Castien - who Norven figured to be the elf boy that he stole the wagon spot from - Norven spurted out the ale in his mouth and began laughing.

"Oh," he said, his sides starting to hurt from the fit, "that's just beautiful, Savi. Simply beautiful." Sarvi continued.

The vampires weren't assigned a room, due to not having to sleep. Norven thought that to be odd, since even vampires would surely like to rest at some point, but he said nothing. "Room two will contain Dravo, Ren and Noven, Ren and Norven I have placed you two together because you get along so well however same problem as room number one... one double and one single." This time, Norven didn't have any ale in his mouth, and his softer laughter was more directed at Sarvi's seeming prodding. Turning to Ren, Norven spoke "Don't worry, Ren, you can have the bed to yourself. I much prefer a firm wooden floor to some cushy mattress. Helps keep the back strong and the spirit stronger!"
Dravo was outside by the cart most of the time tending his new horse and his items. Checking the pouch he kept for cleaning he made sure everything was where it needed to be, satisfied he stood up dusting himself off and heading around the cart after tying off Palewind. Dravo heard a soft murmur from the cart and turned around seeing Castian sound asleep, he smiled somehow it reminded him of his friends back home. He went back to his horse and opened a saddlebag drawing out his leanest blanket. He returned to Castian and threw it over him fixing it so he would be comfortable. “All-maker protect you.” He turned and entered the tavern the others had gone into not sure the state he would find it in.

Entering he slipped located the group hearing something about room assignments, it wasn’t until he got closer that he understood. Apparently he was with Norven and Ren, and he was ok with that, knowing Norven he seemed a trustworthy fellow, though not knowing his other roommate he was curious. “Ren? Who might that be?” He swept a few stray strands of his pink hair out of his eyes watching the others for a response. He sat down next to Norven, noting the collection of tables that surely weren’t like this before and picking up a mug that seemed untouched. He took a drink and nearly spewed it. “This is not Vraal mead.” He thought, he coughed not sure what he expected so far from home. He looked around realizing that he knew nothing about any of his comrades except that they were his comrades. “Well now that bit of business is handled why don’t we get to know each other better, beats keeping to ourselves constantly.” He put his arms up in defense, “Though if you’d prefer not to that’s your right.”
"Dravo, I am a monk who trained in unarmed combat of various types. I come from a far away monastery and won two tournaments to get here, and now I am growing my spirit, building honor for my monastery, and enjoying the company of my comrades.

Tell me where are you from? What are your goals? What did you have to get through to be one of us? Be long winded if you would please, I enjoy listening."
“Ren? Who might that be?” Dravo asked as he took a seat next to Norven.

"Why, she's that pretty little thing over there," Norven hooked his thumb in pointed in her direction and smiled. "You, my friend, get the auspicious honor of sharing her bed!" Norven's smile broadened as Dravo took a sip of a drink and immediately spat it out, cursing it for not being some type of mead Norven had never heard before.

"Well now that bit of business is handled why don’t we get to know each other better, beats keeping to ourselves constantly,” Dravo suggested, and Norven immediately took up the idea. Clasping Dravo on the shoulder, Norven began getting loud, "I've been saying that the entire time, my friend! As it is, I passed out by the fire last night and couldn't get a single song out!"

Before Norven could continue, Abelard began speaking. It was interesting for Norven to hear just what Abelard had to go through to become on of the Ebony Guard, and now he was curious to hear anyone else's response. Norven quieted down in case someone else decided to speak up.
/The wind was howling violently and crashing sounds of unsecured window panes could be heard somewhere in the background. The cold air felt piercing as the rain had finally touched his skin.He remember pulling his clothes tighter. "Mom? Dad?", he called out in an unfamiliar voice. The scream he heard just moment before had faded along with the screeching sound. A dog's bark started to come into focus. The angry bark sounded louder and louder as he slowly backed into the house. He tried to close the door but the wind was too strong. The bark stopped and though he could see nothing, a low angry growl could be heard a few steps in front of him./

Cas woke up with a jolt, gasping for air. He was drenched in sweat and his breathing was erratic. He sat up, realizing where he was. A soft blanket was covering him. As he calmed himself down, he could hear merry cheers from the nearby tavern. He smiled as he laid back down. He blew his breath out slowly. 'That dream again....', he thought before deciding that he needed a drink. A vague memory of Valdemire talking to him entered his thoughts. He shrugged it off as another dream as he folded the blanket and set it neatly along the other cloths in the wagon. He looked out the wagon, making sure that no was one around before leaping up onto the wagon's roof. At night, being on the wagon's roof really was as good as what he had described to Norven. He then proceeded to take out his unfinished flute and continued carving on it. "Almost there....", he muttered as he lightly bit his lower lip in concentrated.
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When Varick finished the rest of his ale, albeit a bit too quickly, he decided he would take the opportunity and spoke. "Well there really isn't too much to my story, but i guess i could give this a try." He paused for a moment with a thoughtful expression on his face as if trying to find the right words before speaking again.

" I guess i should start with my early life. To put it bluntly i was orphaned when i was 6 because my parents.....well i'll just say it, they were very evil people. You see i come from a long family line of assassins and they were possibly the strongest and most ruthless pair of them in the entire family. They didn't do this because of reasons like mine, no instead they did it for.....entertainment. They went from village to village killing anyone that stood in their way, even those that did not deserve to die. One day i was to be taken in with the rest as one of them at the age once again of 6, but the way they tried to bring me in was.....it was just too much for me. They wanted me to kill an innocent little girl for my 'induction', and when i refused....well let's just say i didn't do this myself.".

He paused pointing to the scar on his right eye before continuing, however becoming visibly shaken from sharing this information. "Then they just simply shunned me away as if i were nothing but common street trash. Ever since then i have been trying to find a place to belong to and.....well i think I've found it finally". He finished motioning to the group around him.
Abelard took off his hood, and slid the scarf down to his neck. He stared Varick deep in the eye, and focused every ounce of energy he had into speaking to Varick.

"I told you that you trusted me with your life, but not your story. You were running from it, and now that you have put it aside, you have told us that you have finally found home. I agree, but you could have found home anywhere that you would've told that story and people wouldn't have run away. I can't imagine many people wouldn't run from you.

What I am about to tell you is from astute observation. I noticed you giving Castien a pep talk about Ayrenn. Give yourself a chance with Sarvi, the way you just gave yourself a chance with this group. How can you expect Castien to face his own emotions when you will not face your own? You may hide behind daggers and masks, but she hides behind pink cheeks and her duty. Your scars are on your face, but hers are obviously in her heart. I am not saying take her as your mate, although it would be the most logical thing, I am simply saying that you should make tonight one where you open up to her. She needs someone to heal that fragile heart, and like you she is picky as to who gets to do that.

You trust her more then you are aware of. You have nothing to lose by not being her close friend, but you have a lot to lose if you're not going to be her friend. You will only hurt her."

Abelard felt he had just made himself a blazing idiot. As hot as the tattoos burned into his skin, but he knew someone needed to cut through the bullshit around here. The monk was already socially awkward, and had a hard time talking. He had nothing to lose by opening his mouth, but everything to lose if he didn't help his friend along.

Abelard didn't wait for a reply. He reached into a pocket within the cloak, and he pulled out a small wooden horse figureine. He placed it before Varick.

"Look, she may hide in a crowd of people and be the center of attention, and that clashes with your style, but you hide in the dark without people. Regardless, you and her are both hiding, but she had the courage to look beyond her comforts for your sake. You tread where she cannot go, yet she pursues you there. May the item be a reminder of yourself, and I hope you are not too angry at me for my words."

Abelard walked away. He went through the front door and went straight to the cart.

"Castien, wood carving elf, the sleeping arrangements have been set. You are to share a room with Ayrenn, and I am to sleep in this cart. Try to be a friend first, and a lover later. She has nothing to gain by making fun of you, and if she did she would answer to us, your friends. You have only this opportunity to lose if you do not take it."

With that Abelard grabbed his bed roll, climbed into the cart, and got ready to sleep.
After hearing Abelard's words Varick just simply sat there stunned, not sure of what to think. "He's right, here i am giving advice that i can't even follow myself" he thought. After pondering his words for a bit longer he decided to stand from the table and proceeds to make his way to his room for the night, and sat on the side of the bed closing the door behind him, and waiting for a certain someone to join him.

"Time to take my own advice".
Sarvi finished her bottle of ale and hiccuped loudly quickly covering her mouth with the back of her hand, her cheeks had turned a delicate pink but not because of embarrassment for once. It appeared like her plan was working, everyone was talking, everyone was happy and the idea of drink, food and a good comfortable place to sleep had put everyone at ease. She smiled happily at everyone until she felt a sickening sensation in the bottom of her stomach, she hardly drank and it seemed this rather potent drink had finally gotten the best of her. "Excuse me..." she muttered staggering a little in to the next room and up to one of the barmaids "The other room... we would like the hog roast" Sarvi slurred at her. "Yes my lady.. are you alright?" the barmaid looked rather curiously at her.

Sarvi nodded "Yeah... but my I ask you where the bathroom is?" Barmaid turned pointing up the stairs "First door on the right up the stairs"

Sarvi have the barmaid a thumbs up, not daring to speak before staggering up the stairs in to the bathroom.

(10 minutes later)

She washed her hands, thankful she hadn't eaten yet, after going to the toilet she felt alot better. Looking forward to the hog roast she pulled open the door and noticed Varick entering what would soon be their room. Wondering if anything had happened downstairs she tip toed over and knocked calling "Are you alright?" through the wood.
Dravo listened to the monks story and was very interested seeing as it was kind of a summary he figured he would ask more later. The hearty clap on the back from Norven made him spit out his second attempt to take a drink, instead of anger as most men would feel he looked at Norven with a grin on his face, it was starting to feel like he never left home. Returning his attention to the others he listened to Varick’s story, feeling saddened by the fact that his own family had done such a thing to him. But That emotion was soon replaced with surprise as the monk spoke, bluntly and truthfully. For a moment he just sat there watching Varick’s expression and found that he reacted well. Simply standing up and walking to his room, or at least in that direction. “Wow, Abelard pulls no punches huh, well I guess if you’ve given him a reason to punch you why would he, but that’s besides the point. He’s honest and speaks his mind and that is the mark of a trustworthy person. Though with him leaving I think he’ll miss out on my story, I’ll tell him when we’re riding it’ll pass the time.” He said this out loud originally intending to say little and think the rest but he ended up saying it all.

“Though since the rest of you are here I guess I’ll take my turn. I come from the Vraal village, I’m sure we have an official name but no one cares to remember it there. We are a pretty self-sufficient people providing for ourselves better than you would think. The warriors are fierce and well-trained, our hunters can take down a buck from fifty yards away and me, well I just follow their example. I was a pretty good hunter in my village but preferred the way of the sword. This upset many people at first because I was very young and they thought I would run off as soon as my training was done, but I stayed not really intending to leave until the All-maker kicked me in the rear and got me going. One day there was an attack on my village, Marauders all of them rode in from the south. We heard them coming so there was little surprise, fifty horses at full gallop in the mountains. Pssh we could hear them miles away. We were prepared and had every able-bodied warrior to defend, the archers laid about a dozen low before they reached us and our shaman froze many of them but as the battle raged on it didn’t look so good. Few had died many were injured to different degrees and we found ourselves with our back to the great hall where all of our friends had taken refuge somehow I found myself inside breathing heavily and with a very wounded left arm, feeling like someone was dragging me sure enough it was the shaman mumbling something about the ancestral weapons and “A touch to change his fate.” Needless to say I was scared and kinda dying so I didn’t put up much of a fight. Next thing I know the crazy old man’s trying to force my hand closed around the sword’s handle which was very painful but it worked. My wounds healed and I was able to rejoin the fight and ultimately finish off the leader myself. Since then I was sent out “To better the world” like I needed them to tell me what I wanted to do.” He sighed rolling up his sleeve to reveal the blue marks on his forearm. “I’ve been travelling south since and had become especially good at fighting bandits eventually catching wind of the Ebony Guard and after doing one last assignment for Lord Gavril, here I am.” “My sword’s name is Vraalsung and my shield is Oathkeeper the treasures of my village there is an odd enchantment on them that even the greatest wizard I’ve encountered couldn’t figure out, though I primarily use it to generate ice for attack or defense, I’ve occasionally surprised myself with it’s other magic. Otherwise yeah that’s me.” He smiled at the group and found his hand resting on Vraalsung a tremor going through it at his touch.

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