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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Nodding to both Varick and Norven he perked up, "Good, three I've finally caught up with you. My name is Dravo Stormblade and yes I am the fellow that missed the ceremony, but for his reason. I was kinda taking down a bandit camp for Lord Gavril. Anyways, its a pleasure to meet you both." He made eye contact with both men, well as close as he could get with Varick's mask and such, but he meant well and that's all that really matters.

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"So we weren't the only ones dealing with them then" he said, "They seem a bit worse than usual, something must be going on. I think we need to be more careful from now on. At any rate what brings you to our little band of misfits?".
Abelard glanced up at the new comrade. Abelard was still in the shadows with his horse, and his teammates had not acknowledged him, which was great for Abelard. He thought about the large swords these men seemed to wield, and his mind flew back to a time when he to practiced the blade.

It was over 10 years ago when Abelard was just starting combat training, he wanted to be a monastic knight, and started to practice the sword. One day a larger boy came over and beat the snot out of him. All Abelard could think of was how defenseless he was without his practice stick... the child wiped away the tears , and realized he could learn to fight with his hands. He would learn to cry blood with his hands as well.

....there talking snapped Abelard out of the flashback, and he looked up at the approaching elf woman. He could see the two elves staring at each other for a moment. He felt there was something amiss there, something interesting, but Abelard couldn't quite place it.

Abelard pulled off his hood, to show his grey eyes, but kept that black scarf covering his face. His hair was swept forward for once thanks to the wind.

He approached the group.

"Er, Norven... hello Dravo, hello Elven lady, I am Abelard the Mystical Monk. Excellent description of us Varick, we are quite odd."

Abelard patted his intricate horse.
"Bandits, you say?" Norven was interested in the idea, "Like Varick here says, we happened to run into a group of them not too long ago. Even managed to catch one for ourselves!" Norven slapped the bandit on the back, startling the man awake and illiciting a tiny scream. "But either way, it's nice to meet you as well, Dravo. You can call me Norven ShieldHeart."

At that moment, Norven noticed the monk Abelard and greeted him loudly, followed by a pat on the back. "We'll have to catch up on what happened last night," Norven told Abelard, "But for now, we should probably get into town and figure out just which direction we're supposed to go."

Norven turned back to continue on into the village, when he noticed the elf woman atop a horse in the road. Her eyes were locked upon something, and Norven followed them back in attempts to figure out just what she was staring at. "Ah," he said lowly, so that only Abelard, Varick, and Dravo could hear him, "It seems our elf friend is a little smitten. Let's give them their distance, shall we?" Norven smiled and began following the wagon once more, this time widening the girth between them in the road.
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When their gaze met, Cas had wanted to turn his eyes away but saw that the elf had beaten him to it. 'D-did that just happen?', he wondered as he calmed himself down. The next thing he knew was a soft voice talking to him. He turned towards the voice and his heart did a somersault in his chest. 'Crap, she's here.', he panicked a little before answering her query. "Uh, yes we are. The Ebony Guards.", he said nervously. 'Crap, now she'll know what I am. There's no way she'll miss the fact that I'm a half elf when we're this close to each other.', he sighed at the thought. In his heart however, he hoped that this would be different. All the other elves can mock him and give him looks of disgust, but hoped to the gods that she isn't one of those elves.
At this Varick snorted, "Smitten is an understatement, he's practically drooling over there. Can't say i blame him though." As he saw Cas struggle with his words he gave a hearty chuckle "What's wrong Cas?, Cat got your tongue?."
Varick's question embarrassed him even more. He looked away from everyone, his face was red as he gritted his teeth. Without another word he stood up and swung himself into the back of the wagon. Closing the wagon cover as he did so. "Stupid Varick", he muttered under his breath.
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Slowly, the wagon began to widen the space in between Ayrenn and the elf, and she looked a bit confused on why. Agnarr let out a relieved neigh as his chestnut brown eyes watched the wagon drift away. Enclosed spaces always made him nervous. The woman heard a loud chuckle coming from the wagon, and a deer-in-the-headlights look invaded her expression as she heard the man speak:

"Smitten is an understatement, he's practically drooling over there. Can't say I blame him though. What's wrong Cas? Cat got your tongue?"

The woman stared forward for a moment or two, trying to shake the irritation she felt brewing up in her throat. Feeling the angered emotion from his owner, Agnarr let out a deep sigh, his eyes now alert and open for any danger. She heard the slam of the wagon cover sliding across the back of the wagon, and she looked up to see that the elf was no longer sitting on the roof. Glaring slightly at Varick, she cleared her throat.

"My name is Ayrenn Dracoseir. I'm also one of the newer members. I missed the ceremony as well... Family issues and such." Ayrenn let out a troubled sigh, as if this so called 'issue' was too stressful to even mention. The brightness of her gaze turned back to Varsick and Novern.

"It's nice to meet you."
"Oh come on, i was joking" he said towards the wagon even though he probably didn't hear him. With a sigh he went over to the wagon and opened the door revealing him. "Alright look i'm sorry if i embarrassed you". he said in a way only he could hear him and continued speaking. "It's clearly obvious that you like her, so why don't you go over and talk to her?. You might even start something for all we know".
The monk watched the scenario play out. He was growing suspicious of this ayrenn. He quickly snapped his eyes from the elven girl to Dravo.

The monk hoped he didn't seem to send the same message as Castien did. He was sort of thankful that Norven and Varick spelled it out for him.

His steely eyes focused intensely on the this knightly character.

"Dravo is it? Where are you from? I am curious about you."
Cas's expression calmed a little at Varick's apology. "I can't...", he said softly. "I mean, look at her. She's so beautiful and elegant and....", his eyes lit up as he spoke but then it turned into despair. "and I... I'm just an orphaned half-elf.", he said with a pained face, staring blankly into the far end of the wagon. "She'd probably hate me even if I did have my family. Its just the way it is with half-elves like me."
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At these words Varick grew a bit agitated and spoke again "Alright listen to me kid, If she had even half a heart then she could fine a way to look past all of that because that is what true love is. You may not think it but i wasn't always like this, hell at one point i was even in this position just like you." He then paused for a moment and sighed looking at the ceiling of the wagon for a few moments before focusing on him again. "My point is don't let any of that stop you, because you may only get one chance".
Sarvi sitting within the drivers seat looked a little startled as two people in the space of five minutes had announced they were a couple of Ebony Guards who had been kept behind. That was too suspicious no one would surely believe a word they were saying... but as it played out they all did much to Sarvi's astonishment. Dravo had announced his reason for staying was dealings with a bandit camp, but that would be an actual job for the Ebony Guard and not them until they had been properly knighted as such. While family issues was a little more believable, she was an elf therefore her family would surely of been in Tharna and not in Windell. It seemed only her had become suspicious and wanted to get to know them before continuing, so she came up with a cunning plan to hault their progress a little before finding out some more about them..

"Well since we have two new members why don't we stay here a bit? We need to get supplies, sleeping on the floor again doesn't sound too enjoyable and we can get to know our latest comrades!" She beamed smiling at the group. "Not to mention beyond here I think it gets alot more difficult to navigate so I'll see if anyone has a map I can buy off them, I once stayed here with the family you see there is tavern here called The Crooked Claw, it has some really nice food!". She wondered if she had made it too obvious she was stalling. At the sound of weird mutterings coming from within the wagon she turned around to see Varick and Castien having quite the conversation. A small smile spread across her lips, Varick seemed to be quite the softy at heart.

While the group was engaged in welcoming their two new members to the fleet, Sarvi slipped from the drivers seat and walked down the side path where she remembered the tavern being in order to purchase their rooms for the night. Counting on her fingers she muttered "Ok Me, Castien, Norven, Varick, Alisha, Valdemire, Abelard, Dravo and Ayrenn... so three rooms with three people each..". She pulled out her little purse as she walked counting out how much that would be.

When Dravo didn't respond Abelard looked around himself, and before he could find anything interesting he saw sarvi slip away.

He knew better then to let her go alone, she always seemed to attract trouble. When he caught up with her she was mumbleing to herself about 3 to a room or something.

"If I have any say in this don't stick me with the new people, one of them is causing trouble.... and the other is strange....and they both give me this uneasy feeling Sarvi. Besides, i am not feeling my normal self this day...

Are you feeling ok today my friend?"

His grey eyes shining strangely today with anticipation and caution.
Cas stared in amazement at Varick's explanation. The fact that Varick, an assassin, was giving him love advise was surprising. "L-love?!", Cas yelped before lowering his voice. His face red as he looked down at his feet, clearly perplexed at his own reaction. "I-I'm sure someone like her is already taken..... besides, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to be an Ebony Guard and to help all those who needs our help.", he blurted out trying his best to change the focus of their conversation.
"Well there's no harm in having a little fun right?. All i'm saying is to give it a try, and if it doesn't work then at least you can say you tried, plus i can see it in your eyes, i know you really want to." After saying this he began backing up allowing him to come back out. "So come on, go get her". he said motioning in Ayrenn's direction.
Sarvi agreed pushing her ginger locks out of her face returning her purse back in to her pocket once she figured that she should have enough. "I don't know Abelard, something isn't quite right about them, of course it could just be my own personal opinion, they could be just bandits masquerading as Ebony Guards but if that were the case wouldn't they have gone for the official line up? "I just want to see how they are within the group thats all" she smiled as they approached The Crooked Claw.


Upon opening the door there was a small group of people occupying the middle of the room, local villagers perhaps thought Sarvi non of which showed her or Abelard the slightest ounce of interest. The village had seemed kind of empty maybe the life and the soul of the party took place mostly here. She made her way over to the counter where a short man with a rather round face smiled at her "What can I do for you my pretty lass? Something sweet and tasty perhaps" he gave a wink licking his lips.

Eww thought Sarvi, the company that occupied this place must of changed rather dramatically since she was here as a child. "Hello, yes me and my group of travelers are looking for a place to stay, there is nine of us in total but we only need three rooms , I am sure we will all be spending a great deal of money here wouldn't you say?"

The man shrugged his shoulders but his sneer hadn't gone unnoticed "Well I don't know... are they all gorgeous women like you?". Sarvi laughed trying to throw his comments off "Unfortunately only two of them but as you know women will be women". Sarvi gave him a raised eyebrow trying to slip in to the mans sense of humor though she would happily introduce him to Alisha. "So anyway those three rooms what do you say, it will only be the one night" Sarvi smirked tapping the man on the shoulder.


Sarvi chuckled getting out her purse "Wise choice my good man!" She slipped a pile of gold in to the mans grubby hand "Here's the money, it's all counted! I will be back later with my fellow travelers yeah?" She winked with delight.

When she finally stepped in to the cold air with Abelard off to tell the group the news she shivered "Looks like I will be avoiding him tonight..."
"Hail friends, Sarvi got us some rooms over at the tavern, follow me"

He didn't bother looking back... He rolled his eyes at the thought of Sarvi the way she and the bartender acted, he wasn't a genius in these matters but that was just blatant, and she just stoked the fires....Will she ever learn? He thought.

Abelard had a strong urge to go to the wood, and pound some sense into himself, but he also wanted to hang out with his friends....what the dilemma, at least it's a good problem to have he thought.

He slowed down and found Norven, being actually quiet for once, he explained the situation to Norven about the rooms and the newcomers. He was actually quiet for once, and no one seemed to hear.
After he finished with his conversation he looked around to find the others only to notice they had all gone in to the tavern. Turning back to Cas he said, "Ok i'm going to go meet the others, just think about what i said." he said before beginning to walk towards the tavern and going inside. Upon reaching them he took a quick look around. "Well this place is.....inviting". he said.

However while he was taking the place in his eyes eventually rested on the bar, observing the individuals drinking their problems away. Among them he saw one figure in particular that had worn clothes remarkably similar to his, only they were solid black instead. His eyes then made their way up to the man's face and the moment they did his blood froze.

The man looked almost exactly like him, except his hair had red streaks going along both sides of his head. "No....this can't be...." he muttered to himself. He quickly looked away hoping not to catch his attention, but his prayers would go unanswered as the stood up looking in his direction and began walking towards him. "Excuse me sir, but are you Varick Malwyn by any chance?". he said. Varick reluctantly looked at him and said, "And who's asking?". The man began to laugh at his response, "I knew i would find you eventually.......brother".
Sarvi and the majority of the group ended up settling down within the tavern though she made sure she wasn't within direct sight of the bartender who looked rather disgruntled at having a packed tavern full of strangers and seemed to be sticking near his regulars. As one of the barmaids walked past she snapped her fingers to get the nearest ones attention "You couldn't get me a pint of mead could you?"

The barmaid, a young blonde girl inclined her head "Yes my lady" before heading off to back with the empty tray she had been carrying at the time. There was no way Sarvi was going to get up and have to deal with the bartender again, not if she could help it.

As the barmaid returned with her mug of mead Varick entered the room to which Sarvi smiled taking a long gulp however lowered it as one of the villages approached him. The chatter from within the tavern meant she couldn't hear the exchange between the two of them.
"Well isn't this a nice place Sarvi. I see the bartender you were talking about Sarvi, he seems like a man that likes to joke about women. I could surprise him latr if you want me to. Show him what certain charm I could give for fun of course." Alisha sat down and scanned the room, she didn't like human taverns because they were always skeptical towards vampires and because they didn't serve anything she liked. "How are we going to work out this room situation Sarvi, I don't mind roommates but I like to know who I'll will be sleeping near so I'm not nervous, especially the new 3 that just joined us."
Castien could only smile politely at Varick's suggestion. As Varick left for the tavern, he was left alone with his thoughts. He laid back with a complacent smiling. "I don't think I can even show my face around her anymore, not after what happened.", he muttered said even though he was alone in the back of the wagon. "I'll probably just stay in the wagon and not come out ever again.", he joked and smiled at the thought.

The tavern was not a place for someone like him, not with all the people crowding the place. He was a boy who lived in the streets and nothing could make him happier than his freedom to enjoy some peace and quiet. He was in fact ready to spend the night in the wagon though he wasn't sure what Sarvi would day to that. 'Someone needs to watch the Wagon after all.', he thought as he closed his eyes, putting his arms under his head, he hummed his favorite tune; the tune old man Haeron had thought him. His humming started to sound heavier and heavier and ever so slowly, his conciousness began to fade.
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Ren sighed heavily. "Well then. I can see you're off to a great start as a member of the Ebony Guard..." She grumbled, the village quickly approaching into view. She had been exhausted already, and the fight with the bandits had just added to her tiredness. After falling asleep, she must have just kept sleeping. Apparently, no one noticed, and she was just left alone in the clearing.

Sighing again, she made her way into town, trying to find the others. Finally finding the tavern, Ren walked straight in and sat down near Sarvi and the others. "Thanks for leaving me in the bloody clearing guys. I really appreciate your concern for my welfare." She muttered. Ren didn't care that much, since it had given her some much needed thinking time, but still. Was she really that unnoticeable? Even with the red hair? Okay, she had to admit she had slept in a tree, but still...

"So. What have I missed?" She asked, hoping they hadn't gotten attacked again. Her hand instinctively went up to her injured arm at the thought, then quickly fell back into her lap, not wanting to draw attention to it.
"Why are you here?", Varick replied to the man hotly. "Why isn't it obvious?. I am simply here to congratulate you on your joining of the guard." Varick quickly grabbed the man's collar and shoved him against one of the tavern walls nearby, startling the people around them. "Bulls**t, you and i both know that is not true, so i ask again. Why are you here"?. The man simply laughed, "You always had a bit of a temper didn't you?". he asked. "Answer me!" Varick yelled, his anger starting to grow. "Alright....if you must know, mother and father sent me to find you." Varick just stood there silently for a few moments before speaking, "And what makes you think i would ever go back to them?".

"Because they want to see you". Varick just stood there slightly astonished at this. "I'm sorry, but i fail to see why the people that leave me to die would suddenly want to see me". The man just looked at him, slightly dejected. "They want to make amends with you" At this point Varick had enough and proceeded to violently throw his hood back and takes off his mask with his other hand, revealing his face revealed once again and looked him in the eyes. "Look at this!" he yelled at the man, pointing to the scar on his right eye. "They did this to me, and you honestly expect me to suddenly welcome them with open arms?!?". The man just stared back at his eyes, "That was the past Varick, they regret ever doing anything like that and only wish to see you now"

Varick let go of the man and spoke, "Well you can relay these words to them then", he said before getting in to the man's face." I will never go back to them after what they did to me and nothing they say will change that". Varick then away from the man and began to walk farther into the tavern before stopping and turning back to the man and spoke "Goodbye Eldrick" he said, revealing the man's name, before disappearing out of sight in the tavern, ignoring the looks he received from their altercation.
"My name is Ayrenn Dracoseir. I'm also one of the newer members. I missed the ceremony as well... Family issues and such." The elf introduced herself as. "Pleased to meet you, Norven spoke up, still following the wagon. "My name is Novern Shieldheart," Norven smiled and waved, moving too far out of range for a decent conversation. He'd have to get to introduce himself again

Norven was glad to hear the news that they'd be resting at a tavern; it'd give him a chance to clean Nobleflame and himself up, enjoy some good food, and maybe pack away a few more hours of sleep.

When the group pulled up to the tavern, Norven tied Nobleflame to a post outside the door and took the bandit upon his own shoulder. As he entered, Norven received strange looks from the patrons. "They probably don't see a tied up man being carried around all day," Norven thought to himself. He smiled in response to their strange glances. Sarvi had already been sitting at a table, so Norven sat down across from her, setting the bandit upright in an adjacent chair.

"Thanks for leaving me in the bloody clearing guys. I really appreciate your concern for my welfare." A not-Sarvi red-haired girl who had also been sitting at the table said. Norven vaguely recognized her from their travel on the road, but he wasn't quite sure who she was.

"Sorry about that, friend," Norven attempted a sincere apology, "I was nearly in the same boat at you were. Luckily, you can't ignore a big snoring man!" Norven chuckled.

"So. What have I missed?" She asked.

"Not much," Norven answered. Or at least, that's what he thought; he himself had been asleep also. "Two more of us showed up today - Ayrenn and Dravo, I believe. Oh, by the way, you can call me Norven. Perhaps a meal would make up for our forgetfulness?" Norven smiled at the girl. He planned on ordering the largest cut of meat the tavern offered, and possibly even paying for the entire group, but he felt it only fair to put priority on the girl they'd forgotten.
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