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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Varick turned his head to the side slightly raising an eyebrow at her before looking over to Castien and Abelard for a moment and rolled his eyes before looking back at her, "Thanks....but i'll pass". He then began walking past her towards where the once warm fire used to and picked up his mask. "I'll be back, i need to clean this off" he called back before walking towards the stream and disappearing behind trees and bushes
"Well I wasn't expecting this kind of morning. Nice to see evevrybody was up and I have might have something to help make this morning a little less chaotic like it is now and make it peaceful like the enviroment. NAvoren and Areberard, do you think you could play the tune of the best song you two both know, I have a plan and I might need some one to help me like you Sarvani. Don't worry if you are shy of doing it, you don't have to but it might help cure the embarassement youare showing on your face right." Alisha waited for the rest of the guys response that were still there.
'An Elf huh?', he thought, smiling. The elves had a way of knowing that he wasn't a full-blooded elf and often looks down on him. Having someone think he's a *real* elf felt pretty good.

"Mine isn't much of a tradition, really. Its just something that old man Haeron thought me. He seemed to enjoy it a lot.", he smiled as he reminisced. "He could play all sorts of songs and they were so beautiful.", he continued, his eyes gleaming now but his voice had slowed down, filled with emotion but it was barely noticable. "When he passed, his flute was among the things that he'd left for me. But I just couldn't bring myself to play it. I've decided to practice and learn plenty of songs and be really good at it and maybe then......maybe I'll be able to play his flute to honor him.", he said smiling.

"I've only actually learned one song from him and its my favourite.", he said with a smile. I'll play the song to you one day, once I'm done with my flute.
Abelard began to play his flute. He had a song in mind, but when he began to play his song didn't come out. The new tattoo starting glowing, and some song he never heard came out of him. It was the most intricate, well developed flute song he had heard.

After the song played, which would probably never be played again, he thought about the interaction between Sarvi and Varick. The way she asked him to dance, and the way he said no. He half expected romantic feelings for Sarvi, jealousy, something. He realized that he didn't understand how he felt. Would she cry? He knew he would comfort her if push came to shove.

"Castien, How can we be your family with you? How can we help you? Your lonely it shouldn't be that way"
Castien smiled warmly at Abelard's words. He shook his head.

"I'm not lonely. I've always had someone with me....... the old man, Kaidan and Kiana, the other orphans and now, you and the rest of the Ebony Guards...... I truly feel blessed. Thank you." His genuine thought were in those words.

He felt at ease and at home, for the moment. Thought it might not always be the case, he decided to cherish the moment. As he did so, the lines covering his body started to faintly glow in an almost unnoticeable shade of gold. The risen sun had managed to completely camouflage this effect as he stood up and put on his clothes and armors.
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Sarvi was a little taken aback getting rejected however shrugged it off, she did after all just ask an assassin for a dance, did she really expect a yes from him. Turning her head to look at Alisha while picking herself off the ground "Maybe another time, I think we have stayed here long enough and we best be going, Gorthek is supposedly in danger and we are here blowing flutes" she laughed.

She then proceeded to tidy up the camp, putting the cooking pot and left over food in to the back of the cart though there was alot more available space now. while others started to saddle up until the only problem remained was waiting for Varick to finish cleaning himself and the snoring figure that was Norven sound asleep still sprawled across the blanket showing no signs of waking up. "Alisha you are ready to go right?" she called over to the vampire before looking down again at Norven.

"Hey Abelard, you think maybe we would be able to push him in to the back of cart? We can't wait forever"
As Varick reemerged from behind the trees and bushes he noticed Sarvi beginning to place their supplies back in to the cart and began walking towards her, "Listen i apologize for the way i acted earlier with you, i am just not used to seeing someone so comfortable around me. Usually everyone i come across, except for you guys, i either scare or make them want to fight me, so this.......well this is a bit new for me." He then proceeded to place his newly cleaned mask back on his face and turned towards the trail. " At any rate you are right, we need to get moving soon as the sooner we get there the better".
Sarvi had pulled a piece of elastic from her pocket and was tying back her long busy ginger locks when Varick came over and his little speech actually surprised her. She didn't expect that he would apologies and if he did not this quickly. She turned looking at him over her shoulder as he continued to explain that he wasn't used to being around others. She bite her lip, he was being extremely serious for someone just apologies for turning her down for a dance and she started to wonder if he knew how to dance or hell to have fun at all that didn't involve killing others. She however let that conversation slide for another time, she didn't want to annoy Varick two times in one morning and so she ended up attempting to drag the lifeless body of Norven on to the back of the cart which only gave a huge loud snore in response.
Upon listening to Sarvi's suggestion, Cas started to pack what little he had in his pouch. He took out a steel vial and opened the rotating cap. Within it was his roped bolt he had soaked with some rubbing alcohol to rid it of the awful stench it had acquired after the battle last night. He quickly rinsed the bolt along with the ropes and re-attached it to his wrist crossbow. As he placed the vial back into his pouch, he started to head back towards the wagon. Castien walked right past his horse and straight towards Sarvi, offering to assist her with the large man. "Hold on, let me help.", he said as he grabbed one of Norven's arm, throwing it on his shoulder.
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The sound of music heralded the morning as mist rose from the damp earth. Dew flecked the foliage that glistened as the sun began to rose while the early birds chirped above. Valdemire emerged from the woods and began to saddle his horse while the others continued to wake or quietly continue conversation. The vampire was eager to continue on with the journey. Had the task not been so difficult he would have just continued on without the rest. He knew his limitations, and having to rely on others, especially ones so slow, frustrated him.

He calmly stroked the grey fur before cinching the girth and situated his stirrups back into place. There was a small chance the productivity between him and Sarvi would motivate the rest of the group into action and get them on the road once again. And then he noticed the odd display carried out by the redhead as she attempted to move the large Norven over to the cart. Before he could act, the half-elf rushed to her aid to assist. Valdemire carried on with insuring his horse's tack was in order. Falling off a loose saddle was not on his docket.
With Castien's help they managed to get Norven settled in the back, she hoped he hadn't found her ale, she was saving that to share with her comrades when their spirits were down to pick up the mood. It was her one and only strategy to make amends should the need ever arise but she could be persuaded to bring them out after a particularly glorious victory. Climbing in to her usual place as the cart's driver, she turned in her seat glad that Valdemire had returned, she hadn't seen him the whole night and had gotten a little concerned as to his whereabouts.

She smiled as the Vampire emerged to which she gave a wave "No trouble I guess? I hope you had an enjoyable night!" She highly doubted it, staying awake the whole night with nothing to do except keep a lookout was certainly something that would bore her easily. While everyone was saddling up Sarvi decided to check on how much of the supplies were used up last night and figured there would only be enough for another night. It was best to find a place where they could purchase some supplies.
Valdemire's red eyes glanced over to Sarvi as she spoke to him and offered a wave in greeting. He politely smiled in return, the gesture something taught to him by the human that had taken him in. Manners were important to the human race. "No trouble, Miss Sarvi," he responded. "A rather enjoyable night indeed." His attention then turned to the others thoughtfully. "I trust everyone is well fed. We've a long journey ahead. The fewer stops, the better."
After setting Norven in the back of the wagon, Castien sighed as he saw the lack of space left within the wagon for him to sit. He turned his glance towards the horse and noticed that the horse was staring straight at him with a frightening look. "Heh....yeah, no. Thats not gonna happen anytime soon.", he said to himself as he shrugged the idea off. Instead he had decided to relocate atop the wagon. The roofing looked sturdy enough to hold him. Just at the horse looked away, he hopped onto the horse's back, using it as a stepping stone to jump above the wagon, much to the horse's dismay. For the first time since he got the horse, the horse neighed.....though he was sure it wasn't in a good way. He looked down at the horse, rather regretting his actions but what's done, was done and all he could do was nervously look away from the horse's stare.

He could hear Sarvi and Valdemire talking at the front of the wagon. Though he found Valdemire rather intimidating, which is probably why he had done his utmost best not to have any sort of confrontation with Valdmire, he agreed with the vampire. They needed to keep moving.
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Sarvi gave a little tug on the reins and with a slow creaking sound the cart began to move along the road with the rest riding not to far behind. Since losing sight of Windell the landscape had grown more and more wilder, many bushes lined the roads while the trees became much thicker and closer together. The sun had risen high in the sky beaming down upon them, they were glad they were still within the outskirts of Windell, it was the summer but they knew the further away they traveled the wilder the weather would become too.

Sarvi had heard tales of such a thing, Tharna was beautiful but it was also extremely hot and the rain there was always a welcome while the rains would lash hard upon Gorthek coupled with thunder storms. Balbone was rather cold, damp, dark and never got much sunlight while the north east had snow all year round. Of course the weather was perfect for the natives of each area but they also knew that the further away from Windell they became the harder the terrain was to travel.

She leaned back in her seat soaking in the suns rays, it had so far been a quiet peaceful day, everyone focused on slowly trudging up the dirt tracks forever onward until they would finally march upon Gorthek. Sarvi blinked, the rolling hills were turning in to farm land, homes once again dotted the landscape. They were on the outskirts of the small village of Vall Hollow.

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Abelard started riding down the trail, and he wasn't sure where this feeling of unease came from. He looked back at the cart and the others slowly following him.

He noticed the way the new tattoo didn't operate until Alisha told him to do something... What had provoked it? Would he control it? The idea of human spirit mystified him he felt very weak and alone with so many questions buzzing about.

He remembered long days of fighting with his brothers, celebrations as the other earned their tattoos, after his third one he just couldn't earn the next one. His spirit simply wasn't going to grow. He remembered many nights of crying when his mentor told him.

He was afraid of the outside world, he had trouble getting along with his brothers? How was he to survive with people who couldn't understand his ways?

Abelard noticed that tears were streaming down his face into the scarf around his face. He looked into the sky, no matter his abilities he still couldn't protect them all, no matter what he did he could never replace his new family, he was vulnerable, truly, for the first time in life.

What if Varick hadn't seen the brute leader of bandits? What if Norven hadn't killed the bandit about to flay open Abelard? If he had died who would have stood by Varick when it was a 5 to 1 battle? What if Sarvi didn't use her bow or her personal skills to lead them?

Abelard was lost in the negative what-ifs of adventure, and for the first time his spirit was expanding. He just hoped his ways, the ways of the spirit, wouldn't scare his new friends.

He decided to hide this fact from the others from there on. He remembered as a little boy playing the flute with his original father, before all the monk complication to life.

The memory protected his mind, and he let himself soar with the clouds. Onward!
(OOC: Oh God, guys, I'm so sorry for missing this much ;-; I was out with friends last night and couldn't get a decent signal. Thanks for covering sleeping Norven though.)

Norven awoke with a start, irritated at the sunlight filtering right into his eyes. "What the..?" Norven questioned, rising up and rubbing his eyes. All he remembered was sitting around the fire last night, getting ready to exchange tales and eating a delicious stew. Now he was -- He looked around to figure out just where he was -- in the back of the wagon? Norven wondered for a moment just how or when he got in there.

"Must've passed out or something," he mumbled to himself. Yesterday was quite a long and high energy day for him, though the possibility that he missed anything saddened him greatly. Norven popped his head out of the side of the wagon, looking around for someone when he noticed the elf boy sitting upon the roof of the wagon. A twinge of self-disappointment struck through Norven as he reasoned that the elf was only on the roof because of his weakness

"Hail, my good friend," he called out, "my apologies for taking up your space, but where are we?"
The fresh rays of morning rose over the horizon, the dew sitting among the blades of grass glistening from the sudden burst of sunlight. As the brilliant colors of yellow and orange splashed the sky to life, the rest of the world awoke from its slumber. Bees buzzed among the soft purple clovers dripping with honey, and birds chirped their morning tunes as the sun rose higher and higher.

Next to all the hustle and bustle of the wildlife, trotted a magnificent horse blacker than the night itself. Muscles rippled underneath it's shiny coat with every step, and it let out a small huff that fogged the cool air. Sitting atop the tall animal, was a beautiful Elven woman with pink and white flowers weaved into her golden locks. Her eyes were the same color of the sunlit dew, along with a fragile framed face that belonged in a portrait. Red and golden armor protected the pale complexion of her skin, along with hand and arm gauntlets that reached down to her knuckles, and stuck out in jagged claws. Two long, but extremely sharp twin swords rested in a slot between her shoulder blades. The thick leather reigns were gripped loosely in her slender fingers to avoid irritation from the horse, who continued to trot merrily.

A small, yet largely inhabited village lay ahead of the woman and the horse. The Elven woman's eyes scanned the village like a hawk as they neared it, and she pulled the reigns gently towards her hips to slow the horse's speed. Flicking it's head backwards at the command, the horse slowed it's trot and padded carefully into the small village. Wandering eyes stared in her direction, whispering among themselves at the beautiful newcomer and her grand black horse.

Bringing the reigns to her left, she led the horse to a wooden post, and gracefully slipped off from the saddle. The horse neighed softly and nudged the Elf with it's nose as she tied the reigns to the post tightly. Running her gentle fingers across it's sleek muzzle, she reassured the animal with a silent stare, before turning to enter the small store. Minutes or so later, the woman came out with a red apple and a bag full of fresh food. The black horse pawed at the ground and neighed excitedly at the brilliant sight of the apple. Smiling, the elf held the fruit towards the animal's mouth, and watched the whole thing get devoured in one single bite. Untying the reigns, she walked back towards the side of the horse.

"You were hungry, eh?" The woman said in soft voice, patting the horse's muscular shoulder before flinging herself onto the saddle.
As the group began to enter the village Varick felt a sense of unease surge through him, although he was not sure why. This village seemed....familiar to him for some strange reason, but he was sure he had never seen this place before. Absentmindedly he place a hand on one of his blades, gripping it tightly.

"Where is this coming from?" he muttered to himself.

He looked around as if trying to find the source of his qualm but only finding an array of small houses, shops, a few inns, and a blacksmith or two, nothing to cause concern. After a few moments he eventually let this feeling go, determining it was just his paranoia. Little did he know that a certain someone was awaiting his arrival inside of the village...
Something snapped in Abelard, every moment of failure and disgust in the monastery to every compromise and emotion of regret came flooding to the surface. He hadn't a clue what was wrong, but he needed to get it out, now.

He urged the horse to a full sprint, as fast as the critter would go, and stopped just outside of town. He walked his horse into the woods a way away from the trail, and took off the cloak, the bracers, and left the scarf covering his face. He practiced his favorite kicks, particularly the axe kick, and his running kicks. He also practiced kicking the tree as hard as would go with his shin, and using forearms strikes against the tree as well.

After a good while, he was gasping for air, and was drenched. He quickly cleaned himself off, and put his gear on, and from himself back in the town. He had just seen Varick go inside of it. Something bothered Abelard, something was drawing out his anger....

He continued to have the horse go through the town. Looking around and w0ndering about his god, his purpose.

Where was he in his life?
Dravo rode aimlessly the bright white stallion he had chosen and named Palewind lived up to his name, after being held back by Lord Gavril's investigation into a series of raids led on hapless villages he had missed the ceremony and was behind the group by a few hours. Though the coin felt good in his pocket, twenty gold for their leader and he was a pushover. He snapped himself out of though and watched the trail ahead of him, he could see the tread marks of their horses and a...cart? He simply followed the trail even through the mess of footprints and bloodsplatters that marked their battle. He stayed awake through the night used to it after long hunts with his kinsmen. Gradually he relaxed a bit seeing newer, fresher prints. He was gaining on them, finally after hours upon hours of riding he saw a small village up ahead. The night had past and the sun shone brightly in the new day. "A good day to bein the Ebony guard." His smile was as bright as his electric blue eyes, and showed no signs of fading. His shield strapped to his back and his sword on his hip, he slowed his horse seeing his goal up ahead as the other members of his group arrived at the village. He spurred his steed onward murmuring, "Just a little more." His approach was gradual not wanting to startle anyone with fast hoof beats and get hurt. He kept his smile excitement evident but remained calm riding up next to a particularly regal if not pale fellow and greeting him with a wave though when he spoke his words were aimed at the entirety of their posse. "You wouldn't happen to be the Ebony Guard would you?" Although he knew they were baring it from them carried with it a little something special.

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Cas's mind was elsewhere, blankly staring out into the distance. The sky was cloudy enough that he didn't need anything as a shade against the sun but he was sweaty nonetheless. A familiar voice snapped him back to reality. He turned to see the source of the voice. "Uh, hey.....Um, we're heading to a nearby village. For supplies.", he said with a small smile. "Don't worry about the wagon. Its better up here, I can see further and its windy.", he lied, trying to comfort Norven.

He wanted to continue the conversation but admittedly, keeping a conversation was not one of his strong suits. He simply smiled before facing the front of the wagon once more. This continued until they reached their destination. His eyes scanned the small village, and smiled at how simple it looked. "Looks like a nice place.", he muttered to himself. "Vau...um...Vaul?", he tried to read the signboard but finally decided to give it up all together. 'Times like these, I really wish I could read like the others.', he shrugged, hugging his knees atop the wagon which came slowly to a stop. He laid down and spread his limbs, staring at the sky. As the cloud moved, he too moved his hand to block the sun from his face. As his vision adjusted to the sun's rays, he turned away from it. His gaze falling onto a beautiful Elf who was climbing onto her horse. His eyes widened as he frantically sat up, mesmerized at the sight. "Whoa..."
Though the elf boy reassured Norven that taking his spot in the wagon was alright, Norven still felt bad about it.

"Is it?" Norven asked when the elf boy told him that the roof was actually better, "Well, then allow me to join you!" Norven smiled and began to try to climb out and up the still moving wagon. The dried mud caked to his armor, general muscle soreness from sleeping in his plate mail, and slight grogginess had different ideas, however, causing Norven to topple right out of the wagon like a drunk out of a pub. Norven landed on the group with a solid thud and, like he had when he slipped in the mud the day before, he laughed at his own misfortune and clumsiness.

His muscles ached as Norven got up and started after the caravan. Thankfully, they weren't traveling too fast and he could catch back up. Finding Nobleflame tethered to the wagon, toting the still tied up bandit on his back, Norven untethered and took lead over his horse again. Patting the dirty beast, Norven began to talk nonchalantly to it, "Well, you certainly need to be cleaned up, don't you?" Norven then looked down to himself and noticed the large amounts of dried mud clinging to him, "And so do I!" He laughed. Mentally, Norven made a note to thank whomever had taken care of Nobleflame.

"Ah, a village!" Norven exclaimed as they passed tiny, thatched roof houses on the road. "Perhaps now my friend and I can have our chat," Norven smirked and glanced over at the out cold bandit. Until then, Norven was content with following Sarvi's lead.
As they entered the village Varick noticed a man coming towards them wearing a light suit of armor with a sword on his hip and shield strapped to his back riding a solid white stallion. He then turned to the man as he got close enough for him to hear and spoke."So you must be the new member we were told about before"
Norven heard the sound of clapping hooves, followed by a question: "You wouldn't happen to be the Ebony Gspoke uard would you?" Varick answered the question first, and Norven perked up at the mention of a new member. Norven stopped and turned to greet the voice.

"Indeed we are," Norven happily responded, "Are you, by chance, the one who missed Lord Gavril's ceremony?" Norven took the time between the question and response to size up the man, just in case he was an enemy. Like Norven, he wore a full set of armor, though the sword on his hip and small shield distinctly pointed out that the two had very different fighting styles. He carried him self proudly, and he seemed an honorable fellow. If he was an ally, Norven would be glad to have him as one.
The magnificent black horse took a few steps backwards, and pawed gently at the ground as Ayrenn arranged herself onto the leather saddle. She slid the grocery bag across her shoulders and underneath her arm, making sure the delectable fruits inside did not slip through the opening of the bag. With both the reigns gripped in hand, the beautiful Elven woman pulled them to the side, and turned the massive horse away from the wooden pole. The horse's head bounced slightly as it walked foward, the Elf's gaze glancing suspiciously at a wagon that had just arrived. A girl and what looked like a vampire sat in front, leading the two horses that drove the wagon.

Flicking her honeyed gaze upwards, she caught the sight of two men sitting on the roof of the wagon. A man and an elf sat there comfortably at the top. A faint blush tainted the woman's cheeks as she stared at the elf, their gazes locking for just a moment before she looked away. They seemed to be a suspicious bunch of people...

Could they be the Ebony Guard my father warned me of?

Ayrenn's eyes lit up at the thought, and she immediately steered her horse towards the passing wagon. Swooping past the back of the wagon, the Elven women led Agnarr to the side of the wagon, looking up at the two men sitting atop the roof.

"Excuse me! This is the Ebony Guard, isn't it?" Ayrenn called up curiously, seeing that the other man was busy talking to a 'new member'. Turning her eyes towards the elf, she stared up at him while weaving around a person in the middle of the dirt road. The black horse huffed in irritation at the closeness of the wagon, and flicked his head upward.
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