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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

As he saw Sarvi walking over to the abandoned cart Varick threw his hands in the air in frustration and spoke to no one in particular, "Great, just what we need, more bandits. Hold on Sarvi, i'm coming too". he said before jogging over to where she was and started looking around for any survivors before stopping immediately "Oh you've got to be kidding me....."
Sarvi was about to hiss at Varick to retreat when suddenly he stopped in his tracks and was going all over the place searching for something along the ground "What the actual fuck are you doing?!"

A loud screech filled the air and a large shadow flew over them, Sarvi gulped, that loud piercing screech came from no ordinary bird, it was much too loud and shrill. Daring to look up she screamed as a particularly large griffin came swooping down to the floor right where Sarvi was crouching however it wasn't going for her. It's gigantic behind landed upon the empty cart crushing it while it sank it's claws deep in to the flesh of the horse. It smothered it's prey with it's huge wings while it finished it's meal, the feathers a gleaming gold in the sunlight. Sarvi starred at it with amazement, it was the first time she had ever seen a real live griffin. However once the horse had been fully consumed it turned it's jet black beady eyes upon her and the rest of the ebony guard
"All maker damn it all fucking everywhere! We will take them as they come he said! We can't worry about it he said! Your such a squire! You had better learn damn it Norven! You had better listen after this!"

Abelard rode away for enough. When the grphon didn't follow him he took off his cloak, and his Dragon tattoo began to glow.

:smile 2:
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"I've always preferred this way, plus it just helps me feel more alive and gets the blood flowing", Varick said, "And of course I can also do this," he took off up a hill, running much faster than Norven possibly could. Norven laughed at the play, and was about to send Nobleflame into a full gallop after the assassin when Sarvi halted the cart. Norven tugged back on Nobleflame's reigns, keeping him next to the wagon, but sidestepping back and forth just in case he had to charge. Varick followed Sarvi to inspect the cart, and Norven took his lance into hand just in case, holding it in the crook of his arm.

Sarvi and Varick began inspecting the wagon. A loud screeched pierced the air, causing Norven to recoil slightly at the pain filling his ears. A shadow blocked the sun for a split second, before the sound of wood cracking under immense weight and the terrified neighs of a horse filled the air. Norven, having recovered, saw just what had made the noise: a griffin. Norven sat in awe of the beast, admiring the way its wings regularly flitted around and its hungry ferocity. It finished its meal quickly, but the hunger was still in its eyes as the orbs turned to Sarvi and Varick. Norven saw the griffin's talons flex, and he knew it was about to attack. Without hesitation, Norven dug his heals into Nobleflame.

Nobleflame, having been bred and raised for battle, didn't hesitate. In four steps, he made it to full gallop. Norven reached behind him, keeping his body facing the griffin and legs gripping Nobleflame, grabbed his shield, and held it up, ready to defend. Before the griffin had a chance to strike either of his allies, Norven's lance found purchase in its front leg. It certainly wasn't a lethal strike, but it was enough to send the griffin rearing up and back. Nobleflame reared back in response, and Norven leaned forward to keep balanced -- his shield hiding most of his body, save his head, and his lance set to keep the griffin at distance.

"Go, run!" Norven shouted over the griffin's hisses and screeches to his allies, "I can handle it for now, get to safety!"
"Are you crazy?!?, We are not leaving you to fight this thing alone!" Varick said. "Besides, how bad can it-", he was interrupted however as the huge beast swung one its massive wings in his direction. "Oh son of a-" before he could finish the wing collided with him sending him flying backwards into a nearby tree and fell to the ground unconscious
Sarvi stared wide eyed as Varick was flung in to a tree and was knocked unconcious "VARICK!" she got to her feet taking aim with her bow and fired an arrow towards the huge beast however it caught the griffin on the shoulder to which the arrow barely made a scratch. Stunned Sarvi backed away a little taking aim once again, this time the arrow hit the beast in it's right wing and became embedded within. Clearly it's wings were the weaker target, she took aim again this time it was her last arrow as the beast thrashed around at the pain of being shot putting Norven and Abelard in danger. She fired her last arrow which hit the beast right in the eye to which she gave a triumphant jump. However now it was down Abelard and Norven to finish the creature off, she herself had just become totally useless to the situation.
Norven couldn't get in the way fast enough, and Varick was sent tumbling by the griffon. Norven felt the pain with him, and wanted to rush to recover his ally, but he had to stay and be a wall between the beat and the rest of the group. Norven stabbed and poked at the griffon, rarely piercing its hide, but managing to keep it at a safe distance. Arrows flew from behind Norven, peppering the griffon - one in the wing and another in the eye. The griffon began thrashing in pain, and Norven saw an opening to attack.

With a quick thrust, Norven's arm shot out, slamming the lance it held right into the griffon's neck. Blood began to flow from the wound, and for a moment, Norven thought he'd struck a vital blow. Unlike the arrows, Norven's lance only gave the griffon a point to focus on, and retaliated with a quick smack with its talons. Norven failed to bring his shield up in time, and took the full blow, sending him spiraling off the saddle and tumbling into the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dirt as he skidded to a halt. Pain raked up and down Norven's ribs as he struggled to get back up. Nobleflame backed away from the griffin, ears pinned back and making tiny sounds.
"NORVEN!" Sarvi screamed as the griffin stared at him hungrily watching him trying to get up after the blow evidently wounded by his fall. She quickly grasped her dagger from inside her boot and came charging towards it before taking a leap and landing on its back, grabbing the edge of one of it's wings in order to stop herself from falling off. The beast sensing her on him quickly turned, its front talons missing Norven by mere inches. It tried to turn snapping it's beak wildly where it could feel Sarvi clinging on. Placing her foot on top of the wing joint she heaved herself further up the beast, fastened her legs around the beasts mighty neck and slashed at it's uninjured eye completely blinding it. The beast reared up yet again twisting and turning so violently that it's long tail knocked the cart on it's side sending the palomino galloping further up the road. Sarvi was now clinging on for dear life however it's next violent shake caused her legs to loosen and she slipped on to the floor landing on her back winding her.
Abelard was concentrating, trying to stabilize his spirit. Eventually he got his focus, and he dropped off the horse. He sprinted towards the mighty griffin. He jumped as it flew out of range but his hands grasped its legs. He began to climb up the leg, and eventually it swatted him off, and as he fell he turned and launched a fireball straight at it. The fire engulfed it head and he saw flames starting to grow on it. He stood between his downed friends and the the, hopefully, dying griffin.
For the first time in his life, his body wasn't responding. He froze at the sight of the Griffin, a creature he knew nothing about. His eyes were wide in terror at the sight of Varick being sent into the tree. "Varick.", he muttered, still frozen in his tracks. He was sweating and shivering. 'Why can't I move? I need to....they need me.', his mind screamed for his body to move into action as he saw Norven being sent to the ground.

"No... Norven.", he managed to mutter, barely a whisper. He felt like a spectator, his soul idling behind his body, watching the scene without any control of the situation. 'NO.. MOVE DAMN IT!!', he screamed in his mind.

As Sarvi jumped onto the Griffin, his heart sank even further knowing that it was only going to end badly for her. "Sarvi..", he muttered, his mind was going crazy at the lack of response from his body. As Sarvi fell and he saw the Griffin's tail smashing the cart, his eyes widened at he saw what looked like a bloodied human arm in the cart as it flew past him, falling down the canyon on their right and straight into the drying river below. All of a sudden, his mind became unnaturally sharp. Everything seemed to be moving slower. His eyes moved towards the Griffin, analyzing the situation. Deeming that Abelard seemed to have a handle of things, he shot straight towards Norven, who was the closest to him. ''Get up.", his voice sounded almost cold as he helped Norven up. "I know you'll want to continue fighting, but we need to fall back for now. Get Varick to the wagon.", he said before racing up towards the grounded Sarvi.

At the edge of his vision, he saw a fireball swooping past, towards the Griffin. He continued towards Sarvi, whilst having his sight fixed on the Griffin. The flame had seemed to engulf the Griffin, but he knew in his mind that it wasn't enough......or is it?

His pace slowed down as the brilliantly colored flame completely engulfed the beast. He hesitated for a moment. 'Maybe it is dying from the flame.', he wondered before shaking his head back into the game. "Can't take that risk...", he muttered to himself as he continued his pacy run towards Sarvi who was rather dangerously close to the action. Reaching her, he grabbed her arms and pulled her back to a safe distance, regrouping with all his other injured comrades.

A loud roar shook the ground, he had been right. While it did appear to be a little burnt, the blind beast had survived the fireball. "We should just cut its head off.", he thought, now a little pissed off at the beast's resilience. He raced straight towards the creature, now free from the extinguished flames but still writhing in pain as it trashed around. As he made his way, he ducked under the beast's randomly attacking wings and did a reverse somersault which narrowly avoided the beast's tail swipe. He jumped up onto the creature's back and before the creature could retaliate, he drove his dagger into the creature's back. All it did was provoke it even more. He quickly grabbed the half burnt arrow in the creature's eye as he jumped off, literally seconds before it started trashing due the sensation on its back.

He knew it wasn't working. Their individual attacks weren't good enough. He looked at his team mates as he stood his ground a little ways away from the trashing griffin. They needed to act together to have any chance to put this creature down. He then proceeded to shoot his roped bolt towards the creature, piercing its left leg. His mind raced for an answer and it came to him. He needed Abelard's holding strength to hold the rope and keep the creature in place. Sarvi's arrowed distractions would be useful combined with Varick's precise attacks to disable the creature enough to slow it down, giving Norven the chance to deliver the finishing blow. He needed them to trust him and prayed they would listen as he shouted his plans to the rest. "Hey guys,....."
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When safety had finally been reached thanks to Castien she sat up coughing hard trying her best to rub her own back waiting for the sensation to pass. Eventually she just sat there shaking next to the unconscious body that belonged to Varick and looked up rather scared to see if Abelard's fireball had managed to defeat the animal. She glanced over rather scared towards Castien as he called out to them.
Dravo was surprised by the appearance of the griffin, it seemed too obvious to have been a coincedence but that didn't matter now, his friends were in trouble Varick and Norven already being wounded and Sarvi looked like she was on the fast track to getting killed. Thankfully, Cas stepped in and rounded up the others at an amazing speed, while Abelard struck the griffin with a very impressive fireball. He wanted to help but Palewind was stubborn and afraid not moving an inch forward. Dravo sighed and quickly hopped off of his horse grabbing his shield as he dismounted. "Probably a better idea I don't want to lose my horse." he charged forward shield up and sword drawn a strange barely visible aura around the blade. His first move was to Castien who had called out for them to regroup. He stood next to the man with both eyes on the griffin having already seen the speed it possessed, he would. "What's the plan, besides killing it."

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Norven was stuck on the ground in pain before Castien helped him up. "My thanks, friend," Norven smiled and grunted, feeling as if a spike was being drive into his ribs as he tried to keep his feet. Norven tossed his shield aside - he couldn't fully support its weight with his wound - and reached his hand down and across, feeling for the wound. He found one, slippery with blood, though he wasn't sure how deep it had gone. "No time to worry about it now," Norven thought to himself. He stumbled over to where Varick had landed, clutching his side in pain, and retrieved his comrade. Half carrying, half dragging Varick, Norven managed to get the man back to where Sarvi was at. Quickly finding his lance, Norven dug the butt of the weapon into the ground, trying to do his best to stand between the griffin and his two wounded friends. Blood oozed out onto his armor, and Norven was panting just from the simple exertion, but he'd be damned if he let his friends get hurt anymore.

Castien and Abelard were handling the fight well, keeping the griffin away while injuring it severely. Norven was glad to see Dravo join the fray, sword drawn and ready. Castien spoke, "Hey, guys..."

"We're going to have to kill it, yes," Norven panted, "If you have any ideas, I'll be glad to listen. I won't be much help, but what must be done will be done." The griffin's broken body thrashed about all around, thankfully just out of range.
Castien had missed Norven's wounds, caught up in the heat of the battle. His plan was starting to fall apart. Asking Norven to deliver the final blow might be a little too much considering the wound. Varick was still out cold with no signs of regaining consciousness anytime soon. Luckily enough Darvo was now in the picture. Darvo, who had also slipped his mind, would now have to replace Norven for the killing strike. Sarvi still seems capable of handling her part. Abelard looks ready for anything and he would have to take over Varick's part himself.

"Sarvi, I could only find a few of your arrows but I'll need you to shoot at its limbs.", he said as he threw several more arrows he could find that wasn't completely damaged. "I'll try to get in as much damage in on its limbs as well and I'll need you to hold the rope, Abe.", he said to Abelard, gesturing the rope attached to bolt he just fired. The rope was no longer attached to his wrist crossbow as he was forced to release it to avoid being dragged along by the griffin. "And Darvo,..... You need to kill it off. I've never seen this creature but cutting its head off will most certainly do the trick.", he said lastly at Darvo before running towards the Griffin.
Abelard grapsed the rope, and wrapped around both arms, and knelt down and leaned back. He felt the creature begin to tug against it, and he might slide away, but then the firey sensation came. The spider tattoo became active and his muscles became taunt, and he did not slid anymore.

As the tugging went on, and the spirit energy poured out, he realized that if he made it out alive. If, then he may have a very dear price to pay for their victory.

"The faster we end this the more likely we will end" Said the monk
Dravo nodded, whatever he was needed for he would do and upon hearing that he would deliver the final blow he tightened his grip on Vraalsung and ran towards the beast seeing after seeing Abelard's struggle with it. If he attacked as well it would redirect it's attention to him instead of Abelard. He appointed over hopping over the rope and slashing at the beasts leg creating a wound on the griffin's thigh. He made a sharp turn anticipating a counter attack and made a wide arc proud the front of the beast. He swung his sword channeling wind magic and sent a blast of wind at it's face and moving quickly from his spot. The beast was still far too mobile for him to finish it now, but he continued attacking hitting it with wind to keep it distracted.

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Sarvi looked down at the arrows that Castien had given her and raised an eyebrow, most of them looked like they didn't stand a chance of flying straight but it seemed that was all she was given to work with. She had never worked with arrows in such condition before and therefore had to guess at how each one was going to fly. Taking aim at the beast while the others tried their best to bring it down, she released the arrow only for it to fly in the complete opposite direction in to the field. "Dammit!" she cursed taking aim with another, this time however it sailed towards the griffin at a slightly bent angle but no matter, it flew in to the beasts neck and got stuck in the side of it's throat. The next arrow curved the other way but found itself embedded within the beasts wing joint causing the griffin agony as it tried to flap around frantically.
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Abelard kept his head up. He was watching Dravo hit the creature several times, and he saw it distracted. He tied the rope to a tree. He quickly ran up to the griffin, and kicked it in the leg. He kept kicking, and kicking, and the creature kept swatting and swatting, and it never really hit Abelard but it's claws began to leave marks, and the marks began to bleed. Eventually the creature, and Abelard were slowed down. If it wasn't for Dravo he would've been hit much more significantly. The Griffin never really had a chance to put too much effort into attacking Abe, and the rope helped things.

"Dravo, you think you can hit it?" Said Abe
"Let's try it." he rolled under a swipe and hopped over an attempt to bite his leg off before circling around to get at it's neck. The beast was strong having a think neck and tough hide Dravo had to get creative he ran forward as the griffin tried another one of it's feeble attempts of hitting Abelard. Thinking of his home, more importantly the weather there he retreated a snowstorm around his blade parting the wind in front of it and increasing it's speed his blade had a sharp edge to it the was augmented by ice that formed along the length he started his swing low bringing Vraalsung up from the front of it's throat all the way through, cleanly beheading the griffin and sending up a wall of ice in the space that he swung. The force Dravo put into his swung dissipated and he stood there wiping off his sword with a rag from his belt's pouch before sheathing the blade. "That old trick has yet to fail me."

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Abelard sprinted to put on his cloak. He hopped up on his horse, and took the scarf off and put it around his face, and put up his hood.

Hopefully, before anyone would see his skin went from the normal Bronze-White color to a pale sickly color. He tattoos lost their color, and became just black lines of the shape.

Abelard would have to switch more conservative styles of fighting as his tattoos would no longer function. His teammates might notice this change...

He would train less, eat more, and spend much more time taking care of himself. He knew it was coming, and he would be miserable the whole time. He hoped this was the end of the consequences, but he knew it could get much worse....or perhaps it was already going to get there.
Norven watched on as Abelard and Darvo handled the beast, angry at himself that he was unable to fight along side them. His hands clenched and squeezed his spear in and he teeth ground against one another in anxiety. By the time Dravo beheaded the griffin, it felt as if the small bones in Norven's hands had been broken as well. With the final slump of the beast's body, Norven finally relaxed, his entire left half aching and in pain and lungs gasping for air - he'd apparently been holding his breath as the fight was going on. Norven stood his spear straight up into the air.

"Excellent work, my friends!" He smiled at Abelard and Dravo. Their combat skill truly was amazing, and Norven came to admire the two a little more. Norven hobbled over to where his shield lay, using his spear as a makeshift crutch, and picked it up, loosely carrying it by the rim. Nobleflame stood not far off, moving about anxiously. Norven made his way slowly to the horse, smiled, and patted its neck. "There there, boy. We've made it out alive yet again." Norven set the shield back upon Nobleflame's flank, and set his lance in the leather thongs along his saddle parallel to the horse's body. Norven grabbed Nobleflame's reigns and lead him back to the rest of the group.

"Nobody happens to know some first aid, do they?" Norven chuckled, feeling the wound in his side. With his gauntlets on he couldn't tell how deep or severe it was; only that it was a rather large hole. "I didn't think to bring bandages with me. Probably would have been a good idea." Again, Norven chuckled, this time nearly doubling over in the shooting pain.
Sarvi clapped and cheered beside Norven at the grand defeat of the griffin by Abelard and Dravo. Looking towards Norven who seemed a little more preoccupied with his hand Sarvi gave a little grin "There were bandages spotted in the cart, I suppose Lord Gavril kind of expected us to get in to scrapes like these" she chuckled however the cart was on it's side a good length down the road from where the palomino horse had bolted at the sight of the griffin.

"Wait here..." she said softy about to take after the cart, it looked like Norven wouldn't be able to go any sort of length without being in terrible discomfort, however it quickly dawned upon her that she wouldn't be strong enough to push the cart over to how it should be. "Castien? Dravo? Abelard? Do you think either of you guys have the strength to push the cart over?" pointing down the road to where the horse had galloped off too.

It suddenly dawned on Sarvi that Varick had been out cold during the whole battle and swiftly crawled over to his unconscious body that they dragged in to the middle of the road. "Varick? Varick can you hear me? Varick?" asked a concerned Sarvi gently pushing his side.
A sudden shake caused Varick's eyes to slowly, his vision being blurry for a few seconds before clearing and noticing Sarvi hovering above him with a worried expression on her face "Well i always seem to be waking up to you lately" he said as he began sitting up. "I don't know if i can- Gah!" he yelled immediately clutching his left side and slowly laying back down "Ok.....no i can't. God i can't believe i was so careless about that thing, and now something may be broken because of my idiocy" He then let go of his side looking at his hands and revealing that they were covered in blood.

Castien's eyes were small as he smiled at Abelard and Darvo. "Its over.", he muttered to himself. His knees shook under the weight of his body. He breathed heavily as he moved towards the toppled over wagon. His body was rather clean and free from cuts but it was as though the life have been sucked right out of it. He felt like a hollow shell with an out of body experience. His mucles were overworked and aching. His mind started feeling fuzzy.

"I..don't think I can lift....that.......", he said as he slumped down next to a nearby tree. His voice trailed off sleepily as he slowly succumbed to the fatigue and finally lost conciousness.
" We ought to abandon the cart, he said it would only last us some of the journey anyway, and we have to get medical attention yesterday. We don't have time to push it over." He punched the ground as hard as he could. Tears streamed down from his eyes, landing on the ground like meteors. "All this time training and I still can't protect anyone!" Looking as Varick an Norven. He took a moment for a few deep breathes, and his usual calm demeanor came over him. He was no longer crying.

"Norven, lets get Varick onto Nobleflame and you two go to the town we came from. The rest of us will catch up? you two need medical attention pretty bad..."

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