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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Abelard cursed under his breathe because he would have to leave soon. "Oh well, A night can't hurt anyone plus the monks could use another day off" Abelard thought lazily.

"Norven, whats first you think?

He looked over at Sarvi, and handed her the letter he was given, explaining that he had to leave. "You may want to examine that, even though you can't read it, at least it looks a little less like I am abandoning you" He said while staring at his feet.
"Something feels off about this place if you ask me, like it's almost too nice to belong in a place like this", he replied while observing his surroundings slowly. "I don't know why but i just have a bad feeling right now, and something tells me that beast from before is just the beginning."

As they neared the bridge entering the city a sudden jolt of pain interrupted Varick form walking any further, making him instinctively clutch his left side and fall to one knee, cursing under his breath and pounding the ground with a clenched fist. "Damn it......of all times for this to happen it had to be now".
It was mid-day and this was Tayana's time of the day where she could train along the outskirts of Tharna. Without having to schedule meetings for Queen Ondell. Being the royal adviser to the Queen wasn't always elegant as it would seem, it in fact was usually stressful. There would always be complaints from civilians that she had to deal with and also having to organize cargo coming in for trades from other areas. Lately, there has been some missing cargo and the one ordered to handle it was none other than her. Again, her job was a very stressful one so to unwind she consistently went to the outskirts of town and trained, for what, she did not know but it felt good and that's all that mattered to her. Not only was she scouting the area but she also got some practice in with an open-space meadow she had found a long time ago.

In the meadow she had her rapier drawn out and thrust at the air with it trying to be as quick as she could with it. She knew it was pointless to practice like this which is why she sometimes brought one of the guards out with her to have some sort of being to go up against. Upon swinging her blade at the air she heard a group of people walking by a couple of trees. I don't remember any cargo due to come today. With curiosity, she silently sheathed her rapier and knelt down, walking over to the group of strangers until finding a tree to hide behind.
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Palo jumped a little rather playfully and started to paw the ground almost like the horse was rather excited to which Sarvi chuckled patting Palo's neck "You sensing something Palo? Is it food? What is it girl". She couldn't help but smile as continued on admiring the scenery, the place was infectious. It seemed like the most peaceful and beautiful place on earth, she turned around hoping to see other smiling faces but noticed Varick was in the back down on one knee and apparently in pain. She slipped down from Palo and walked over to him with a rather concerned look upon her face "Hey... You ok?" she said laying a hand on his shoulder "I am sure they will be able to make it better I just know!". She smiled merrily at him.
"It seems to be getting worse", he replied as he slowly began to stand again. "And for my sake i hope you're right". he said as he started walking forward again, however almost as soon as he started he stopped and started looking around, as if searching for something. "This feeling again...." he muttered to himself before placing his hands on the hilts of his blades and turned his head slightly towards Sarvi.

"I think we're being followed again."
"What?!" Sarvi said rather alarmed pulling out the dagger from within her boot and looked around feeling rather uncomfortable. She trusted Varick's judgement and cursed herself for not having any arrows. She was hoping to purchase some from Tharna, her ability to make them just couldn't compare to the skill of the elves. She raised her hand "Shh" to the rest of the convoy before tip toeing towards the trees maintaining a tight grip on her dagger. Her sweaty palms was making it hard though as she creeped over to a nearby bush hoping that if she did have to stab something it wouldn't go flying out of her hand. "Is someone there?!" She called out.
"It's not?" Norven was surprised that they'd have to continue one still. "Hm, oh well." Norven knew he was lacking study in geography and decided that Sarvi knew best of the situation.

The group continued along the path when Abelard said something to Norven. "What do you mean, my friend?" Norven asked, as he wasn't quite sure what the monk was talking about. Before the monk could get a response out, Sarvi hushed the group. Norven had the urge to grab at least his shield in case there was some other obstacle, but he knew he wouldn't be able to do it quietly enough. Instead, he simply stood still and waited, anxious over what might happen.
Tayana lightly hit her head against the tree she was hiding behind and inwardly cursing herself for having been caught. She knew that if she were to run away now they would chase after her thinking she was a threat but she stayed and showed herself she would have less danger put on her. Weighing the options, she finally acted on a decision taking out her crossbow and came out from hiding. She stood before them with her back straightened, tall, and the crossbow not pointed at them but at her side showing them that she was cautious but not wanting to be the first one to come off as a threat.

"I am Tayana Linn royal adviser to Queen Ondell of Tharna and I demand to know who you people are," She said taking a good look at each of their faces. She knew that if she didn't address herself as a royal adviser and if they were thieves they would just kidnap her for ransom rather than attack then kill her on sight.
Castien lowered his wrist crossbow which was trained on the elf. "Royal advisor? Sounds important.", he inaudibly mumbled to himself as he jumped off of Nobleflame. Though in his mind he knew it was just a matter of time before he sees another elf, being this close to Tharna, he was surprised nonetheless to see Tayana. "We're...", he started to say but then realized that by doing so he would be put on the spot. He decided not to answer, figuring that Sarvi or one of the others would be better with dealing with the elf. He gritted his teeth somewhat, not knowing if it was the right thing to do as he turned his attention away from the elf and simply stood in silence.
Upon hearing a new voice Varick turned slowly to find the source until he rest his eyes on a silver haired girl holding a crossbow to her side. After seeing Castien start to speak but then almost immediately stop he decided he would speak up for him. "What my friend is trying to say is we are not bandits or thieves or anything of the sort. We are simply a convoy of sorts traveling to a far away village in need of assistance, Gorthek to be precise. Since Tharna was in our path we decided it would be best to come here first for weapons and armor if we need them, as well as medical assistance since some of us are not at full strength", he finished as he gestured to his left side which was still covered in dried blood.
Sarvi frowned at the announcement Varick made, he had mention everything except for the fact that the group was the Ebony Guard finalists, surely they would snap in to action to help them if they knew this information. She was about to give this information before stopping, what if the the elf was bluffing, she was sure there was alot of people out there who would see another generation of Ebony Guards as a treat, particularly the more shady types of people. This could of been a trick. Standing up she bowed towards Tayana "May we speak with Queen Ondell, we have matters that seek her attention".

She planned to announce their position when in a much closer proximity to the city for safety, she had a gut feeling that if the queen knew of their identity then she would get their towns people to help them. After all the Ebony Guard held a place of huge honor.
Abelard rolled his eyes at the couple, asserting authority with no back up and showing how weak they are.

She now knew they were cocky and weakened they were further disadvantaged, and if she decided to take advantage they were screwed.

"Hail elf, you question our motives? You're the one sneaking around, and hiding yourself! What do you have to hide?!?"

The cloaked monk leaned forward. He slid off the horse and put himself between his friends and the new elf.

Abelard wasnt thinking straight he nearly made a quip about sicking castien on her. Luckily he caught himself...

The monk got into a position where he looked ready to react, but not overly offensive. He was glad his face was hidden.
She saw that the man needed medical attention heavily, but she wasn't sold just yet. When the woman bowed she requested to speak to the queen. Does she really think it's that easy for a group of travelers to speak with the queen? I guess I could bring them to the palace and ask the queen what to do with them. From there I'd have more backup and they would be satisfied until then. Tayana was about to speak and lead them. But then, another man spoke in a very demanding tone and took to a slightly offensive position. "I question them because you are the strangers who have come on this land, not I. And are you that dull? I was sneaking around because I am alone. You have many, and I am but one." She tightened her grip on the crossbow. "But if you are going to continue to act like this I see no reason why I should have any of you visit my queen." Another one of her defenses were down. She had just revealed that she was the only one in the area. She knew that if she were to give them that valuable of a detail they would trust her a bit more... hopefully
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After seeing Abelard step in front of him and start to shout at Tayana he quickly grabbed his shoulder and spun him around roughly. "Have you lost your mind?. She is our only way into the city and you decide to shoot your mouth off like this?." After letting go of his shoulder Varick stepped around him and gave Tayana an apologetic look. "I apologize for my friend here snapping like that. We have just had a long journey and apparently some of us are a bit pensive at the moment." he paused as he gave Abelard an irritated stare and continued. "Would it possibly comfort you to know that we are members of the Ebony Guard?."
She loosened her grip in the crossbow again and thought The Ebony Guard? That makes so much sense now. No wonder why they all have such good armor, weapons, and the gash in the man's side. It would also be the reason why they didn't state them being a part of the Ebony Guard in the first place. They were being cautious. She stayed serious and raised her arm above her head. "Ready the arrows!" She called out. She saw the Ebony Guard members all get in an offensive position and she just then quickly smiled and laughed. "I'm just kidding you guys, I'm still all alone. Of course I'll lead you all to Queen Ondell." She bowed down and then put her crossbow away happily.
Sarvi looked rather concerned as Varick announced they were members of the Ebony Guard but mentally forgave him in an instant upon seeing on how Tayana had taken to that piece of information. "Thank you very much Ma'am" She inclined her head before jumping back on to Palo taking up the reigns of the palomino. In all honesty Sarvi was ecstatic that their travels had brought them to Tharna, it was the one place Sarvi had always wanted to visit as a little girl and that had only grown since her training to be a member of the Ebony Guard. The elves were master builders and architects having built the famed Hall of Ebony, the resting place of Ebony Guards. Not just buildings either, almost everything created by the elves was far superior to anything human hands could do. They wove their passion and magic in to everything they made from weaponry to food. The whole city was built on magic, it was a place that filled every little girls fantasy. It was even rumored that instead of horses, they used unicorns to pull carriages. Elven magic is a strange thing people used to say it is all around them and it has some of the most wondrous effects on those who live among them.
Abelard looked to Varick "You trust a stranger, a elf woman with your life after meeting her for the first time, and yet it takes my wisdom and Sarvi's badgering to get you to trust her with your bed, not even that just resting? Varick, consider your priorities before you judge me. I wish you took better care of yourself and paid more attention to your abilities, or your lack of them. I speak out of love my brother.

As for you Elf woman, thank you for your kindness I apologize for the misunderstanding, our cultures are evidently different."

With that Abelard got on a horse, and rode away toward his monastery. He wasn't going to stick around Varick and his macho attitude. Brothers take care of each other and put their selfish pride away, and it frustrated Abelard that he couldn't man up. Nevertheless he had to let it cool down, and he couldn't judge his friend too much. He was potentially the last time he would see Varick. Abelard didn't regret his words, he meant them out of love for Varick and his new friends.

Soon he would be at his first home...
Sarvi sat silently watching the exchange between Abelard and Varick, wishing she was able to do something about it. While he kept up a string of apologies in order to not sound offensive it seemed like he pouring his anger in to every word he uttered much to Sarvi's disliking. His snappy remark towards Tayana was more than she could handle and it was totally out of character "Abelard was has gotten in to you?!". It seemed to had fallen upon deaf ears as he got up on his horse and road away, Sarvi kicked her heels sending Palo in to a trot to go after him but pulled on the reigns to stop before Palo could get going, there was no point in chasing after Abelard, she could only watch as he turned in to a small cloud of dust in the distance. She sighed sweeping her reddish mane of hair out of her face looking at the group gathered before her. "Ok, forget him... lets find the Queen's residence"
Norven kept quiet during the conversation between the royal adviser and the others, his wound caunsing him to feel a little faint. "Only doing her job," Norven thought to himself when they were being questioned. At mention of meeting he Queen, Norven grew excited. "First we come to the elf capitol, now we meet the queen," Norven mumbled in awe. He wasn't quite sure how elfish courts worked, but he knew human ones and hoped that they were similar enough to get by. Norven saluted the elf woman that had stopped them, figuring that it was only polite and protocol.

As they began to move again, Abelard rode off. For a moment, Norven thought of rushing after him and questioning why the monk was leaving, but he decided against it. "Monks truly are strange people," Norven thought, "Hopefully he'll return soon."

"Indeed!" Norven affirmed Sarvi, before a puzzling look crossed his face, "How do we go about that, exactly?"
Dravo stayed silent throughout their journ eh and their encounter with the elf queens ambassador, more focused on a searing pain that enveloped his left arm were his enchanted mark was. It was only now that it had gotten worse glowing and shifting colors. He covered it with his sleeve but the grim pained look on his face would reveal all, he wondered if it was an effect of overworking himself with the earth magic considering he rarely used it, or if.th elves magical aura was causing it. He simply grit his teeth and continued behind the others ignoring the glow that emanated form underneath his sleeves. He hoped it would end soon or that he could get help either way it was better than this. The words of the shaman in his village echoed in hos head but in his state he coud remember what exactly he said, all he knew was that something was changing with his enchantment for better or for worse.

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She did not care for the apology nor did she care that the man named Abelard left. Through her eyes, what he said was foolish and was obvious that he did not think before he spoke. Tayana made her way to the front of the group as she heard Sarvi and Norven's statements about the queen's residence. "Oh do not fret about that. Follow me and I'll lead you to the entrance. From there, I will inform the guards of your arrival and tell them that I will be escorting you all through the kingdom if you do not mind. Escorting you will be my way of apology for causing you trouble." She bowed waiting for one of them to accept her request.
"Good bye Abe....", he whispered to himself. He had wanted to say it out loud but the tense situation prevented him from doing so. 'Another one of us left...', he thought, feeling somewhat depressed. 'Once I do get to Gorthek, will there even be anyone left with me?' He sighed as he turned his attention back to the elven girl.

He looked around for someone to respond to the Elf's request before finally speaking out, "L-lead the way." He tried to imitate Tayana's bow, figuring that it was some kind of an Elven tradition but from his mounted position it looked highly awkward. Not to mention that he almost fell off the horse completely. Managing to grab the saddle and regain his balance, he looked away from the elf; couldn't help blushing in embarrassment as he repositioned himself on the horses. 'Stupid...stupid...why did I try to bow on a horse. That's just stupid.', he cursed himself in his mind. As he regained his composure, he turned towards the elf once more. Confused. 'Why did I get flustered when I saw her smile?', he wondered but decided to ignore the thought for now.
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Norven smiled and returned the bow in response to the elf's offer. "We'd highly appreciate it, if you have the time," he said to her. "As for apologies, don't worry about them. You were only doing your duty, and I'm sure we can all appreciate that." Norven smiled again before a thought struck his mind, "Oh, yes, I'm sure you've seen my friend Varick's wound over there. Stubborn man refused to bandage himself up like he ought to have." Norven beamed a smile over in Varick's direction, hoping the assassin would understand that it was just a joke. "I'm a little hurt myself as well. Is there any where we can go after meeting the Queen to find medical supplies? Our cart was lacking in anything more than cotton and a griffin packs quite the punch," Norven laughed and wound in his side ached in slight pain.
Turning Palo around from where Abelard had ridden off she followed the rest of the convoy as Tayana lead them to the queens palace hoping that Varick would be able to keep up despite his wound. Upon reaching the location of the bridge she stared in wonder at how beautiful elves could make something as mundane as a bridge sparkle with wonder. It appeared as if it was purely made out of white gold, trees grew close together form some kind of archway where loads of bright purple flowers hung down, as they rode slowly across she raised her hand to touch one of the petals, it felt like silk against her skin.
She saw the young man attempt to bow and almost fall off his horse. This made her smile and stand back up. Taking a better look at the young man she realized that he looked slightly like an elf but obviously was not one meaning he must have been a half-elf. This bit of information she decided to tuck away for later. Tayana then heard another one speak about how all apologies were accepted and that many members of their group were injured. "Ah of course let us get going and get there as quick as possible... well as quick as you can be without hurting yourselves," she chuckled at her thoughtlessness.

Once they had reached the bridge she saw the guards and looked back at the group. Many of them had awestruck looks about them and she wondered what it was about. Tayana looked around trying to see what they're looking, but then she noticed that she sees this place all the time and the scenery to them must look extremely exotic. "Wait till you all get inside, it's even more beautiful there." They traveled a bit farther down the bridge until reaching the guards. They were in armor, helmet and all so Tayana could not see their faces but if she did she was sure they would be giving her a look of confusion. "I am giving these people full permission to pass they are the Ebony Guard." Without another word being said one of the guards made a hand gesture signalling to the men in the towers to open the entrance.

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