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Fantasy The Ebony Guard: Champions of Namira

Norven marveled at the world around him as they followed the elf inside; at the arches and curvature of the architecture, the profound masonry and craftsmanship, how every detail seemed to be meticulously hand carved and worried over. He'd heard stories and tales of the elves and their majesty, but he never thought said tales where true. Windell was almost nothing compared to this beauty. Norven was almost jealous to have been born into the wrong race, but he laughed the idea off as pure silliness. Norven let out a whistle as they neared what he assumed was the Queen's palace, "It surely is a beautiful place, eh?" Norven nudged Castien in his side. "Plenty of cute little elf girls around too, I'll bet!" Norven chuckled and slapped Castien on the shoulder.

"I am giving these people full permission to pass they are the Ebony Guard," their elf guide said to several guards. Norven saluted to them, coming to attention and placing his fist over his heart. The guards replied with what Norven assumed was the standard elf salute, the same bow their guide had performed before. The entrance creaked open like a tired man's eyelids and Norven fell silent in amazement. If Tharna made Windell look like nothing, the palace made Tharna look just the same. Norven overcame his awe, coughed slightly, and waited politely to be lead in to something he surely thought would be one of the most spectacular sights in his life.
Castien had his eyes on their elven guide, particularly on her clothing. It was the first he saw it but the design made him feel nostalgic somehow. He shrugged it off just in time for a nudge in the side by Norven. "Yeah, it is beautiful...", he said, now taking in the beauty of it all. At the mention of "cute little elf girls", he blushed slightly as he looked at his feet, not wanting to reveal too much of his emotion. He simply accepted the playful slap on the shoulder from Norven without much of a response. In fact, he didn't know how to respond to it. He's always been rejected by the elves and his whole life was made to believe that he wasn't a part of their world. Even now, in his little party, he was the only remaining elf, even if he *is* a half-elf.

There were discrimination from both sides, human and elven. Both had rejected him, but the orphans as well as his current companions showed him that he can still have faith in humanity. The elves on the other hand, is foreign to him. How will the elves treat him? Will they be the same as the elves living in human cities and look down on him. Or will they be different, graceful creatures as they seem to be. Perhaps even treating him like an equal. He couldn't bring himself to expect such treatment however, lest he be disappointed yet again. Through the years he had come to accept that there are good and bad in everything society. Balance. From rude kids teasing his funny ears to those few who stood by him, defended him and got in trouble for him. He hoped that was the case here as well. Bullies or no bullies, it would be good if he could find some elves he can trust.
The gates to the palace courtyard opened up revealing another intricately designed bridge going across a fast pond filled with many multi-coloured fish drifting near the surface. The edges of the pond were surrounded in bushes with bright purple lights fluttering around them. Across the bridge stood the palace made entirely of white marble with a small set of steps leading up to a pair of extremely tall and almost rather intimidating doors. Sarvi jumped down from her Palo rubbing the horses neck staring up at the huge building before them. A group of elven servants clad in silver uniforms and trimmed with gold bowed low to the group, the leader a rather tall and elegant male with long silver hair and an intricate silver circlet upon his head spoke out. "Welcome to Tharna, during your audience with the queen allow us to attend to your horses dear sir's and ladies".

A particular elf in the back of the group with black hair appeared disgruntled as if bowing to humans and half elves brought upon his great displeasure. Sarvi glanced at the elf a little nervous, she hoped this was not the general outlook upon them from the rest of the elves.
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Tayana saw the disgruntled elf in the back and decided to something fun with it. She turned around towards the Ebony Guard with a smile on her face, "You all have my word that your horses will be fine. Even more than fine because this fine man," She pointed the blacked-haired elf, "Will be cleaning your horses because it seems that from your journey they have not been touched with a nice brush in a while?" She gestured to the elf. "Just a small ways to go before we reach the palace. I wish to send medics to tend to your wounds there before you all are to meet the queen. I'm sure she would want to speak to you without blood dripping on the floor." Tayana waited as they all dismounted as she stood in front of the rest of the group of elves. She thought of the one elf in the back and how he looked as if he did not approve of the Ebony Guard's presence. She knew that there would be some who didn't as she brought them in, but this was the normal reaction to any race if they are introduced to something they are not used to, disapproval.
Sarvi chuckled to herself at the fate of the disgruntled elf but found quickly that the group had moved onward towards the palace that was only a short way ahead. It came as a surprise though to find a young female standing right before the doors leading in to the palace itself, she had long platinum blonde hair with a simple elegant circlet sitting upon her head. She was clad in a long sweeping white gown which showed off her shoulders and curved as her body did. She awaited for the group to stop before her to which she inclined her head in a delicate graceful manner. "I am Queen Ondell of Tharna, I couldn't help but notice a small pack of humans being lead here, Tayana, I assume that is the reason a small gathering of healers has appeared in my court". Her eyes swiftly darted over Norven and Varick, her voice had a soft grace to it but it wasn't without it's sternness, she clearly didn't feel like they were worthy of being there. "Humans are like children, they get hurt too easily. wouldn't you agree?" She said as she approached Norven and Varick.

She tilted her head towards Norven and Dravo "They always have this false sense of honor for friends and family, but it's just all talk isn't it? Humans don't care for their comrades or their families, only what they think of themselves. It drives them to their stupidity" She gave a graceful sneer towards Norven's wound before speaking to both Norven and Dravo. "All you want is power and admiration for your already inflated ego. If you won your hearts desire you would abandon these "friends" in an instant. You are both betrayers, selfish". It was almost like she was trying to get a reaction out of the pair but she swiftly moved closer towards Varick "So I am guessing you would be the lone ranger type, honor maybe a false illusion to your childish society but lone ranger? That is pretty pathetic. You don't need anyone or anything by your side do you? You prefer to do things alone? Avoid attention? Admit it, that is all you want without strings attached. You are just one attention seeking little brat aren't you!"

"I think you should watch what you say?! We aren't just anyone you know!!" Sarvi shouted at her. Queen Ondell licked her lips, looking up at Sarvi who quickly stood back a few steps. "Well I am guessing your the little fake of the group?". Sarvi went straight to crimson "Huh?!".

"Please... you want to be smart but you are just a bumbling fool, you want to be brave but honestly just want to hide. You probably pretend like you care about everyone gathered here but you probably only care about one! You surround yourself with these people because you can't protect yourself, you are just one big drain on their resources, you are a useless pest!" Sarvi looked like she was about to cry. She was waiting for Queen Ondell to continue however she focused upon Castien "And what disgusting creature are you? Human's mating with elves? What an abomination, you think you have some kind of right to be here? A product of such a betrayal to our race is far worse than any human!"
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After hearing the sudden outburst Varick simply stood there with a somewhat eerie smile shaking his head, "I knew I had a bad feeling about this place." His expression suddenly turned into a malice and hate filled stare as he quickly marched over to her, inches away from her face. "Let me fill you in on something, none of us here are perfect, not even you. We have risked our lives to come here, and nearly lost them twice. I did not come here only to be insulted and treated like garbage by a spoiled little b**ch that calls herself a queen, and neither did the rest of us. Now I have never killed in cold blood but I dare you.....no I beg you to give me a reason to start now." As he finished he slowly reached for his blades and quickly swung them outwards resting by his sides.
Castien simply stood silent. He may not be a full blooded elf but he could still sense that something was not as it appeared. The Queen standing before them wasn't anything he had expected from a royalty. Indeed she had a strong aura but not one of royalty. Starting to think more calmly, he wondered why the queen would even be there just standing, waiting for them. 'What are they up to?', he wondered.

"Varick...... please stop.", he called out calmly, hoping that his unsaid words would reach him. It was a chance for them to prove themselves of being worthy members of the Ebony Guards. "We should stay calm. The cause is bigger than any of us." , he said feeling surprised at himself for saying something rather insightful.
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Norven patted Nobleflame as the elves led their horses away. "Don't be too much of a hassle now," he smiled at the horse. Nobleflame snorted some air into Norven's face before following the elf that had his lead. Norven entered with the others, gawking at the splendor of the place the whole time, when he heard a woman begin to speak.

"I am Queen Ondell of Tharna," she introduced herself, Norven dropped to one knee and bowed as he'd been taught to do from a young age in the presence of royalty. He knelt for several seconds before rising back to his feet, though he held his fist over his heart in salute as the queen continued to talk. "Humans are like children, they get hurt too easily. wouldn't you agree?" The queen asked, apparently directing the question himself and Varick. She continued on, seeming to picking out the flaws and insecurities of each and every one of them. Norven felt a flush of anger in his face and his jaw clench. He bit his tongue to remain silent and respectful. Varick had other ideas, though.

"Come now, Varick, my friend," Norven said. "There's no need to be so rude to our hostess." Norven smiled at the Queen, "My apologies, your highness. My friends and I are a little tired from our trip here; please forgive my comrade here for his infraction." Castien spoke up, "We should stay calm. The cause is bigger than any of us." Norven smiled at Castien and nodded in his direction. "You're correct my friend," Norven turned his attention back to the queen, "Your highness, while it'd be an honor to discuss with you, I must beg that you allow us rest here for the night and your healers' services. After that, we must handle what we were sent to do. I can't stress how important our assignment is." The room went quiet as the queen glared as Norven with squinting, accusing eyes. He simply remained silent and saluting, hoping that Castien's words stuck with everyone else.
The moment Varick marched over to the queen two of the guards quickly got between her and him their war axes raised rather threateningly. Their uniform had blended so well with the surrounding walls of the palace it had at first glance looked like their was no guards at all but despite the outburst Ondell continued to look just as calm and collected as ever. The sneer was firmly in place "Perfect? My dear child do you not know the life span of a pure blood elf though I suppose you have only been fed the garbage this thing has taught you about our race?" She indicated Castien with a jab from a long slender finger. "Our life span is far longer and superior and with that age comes perfection, your race dies out far too quickly to become perfect, your like rats you see. You lot just multiply and fill the world with war and destruction! That foul temper on you like a whiny brat not getting his way is another reason why I can't stand your kind! Just like I said ranger you are nothing but a stupid pathetic man wanting attention!". She snorted as Castien tried to pull Varick away "He might be a low life but he does have common sense". Her attention flickered to that of Norven who it seems her criticism was not getting through to. "And what makes you think I will allow vermin in my palace?!"

Sarvi glared at her, she was nothing like the elves she had heard stories about, she was a horrible person. On her last line she marched up to Varicks side "Because we are The Ebony Guard!" which only made the sneer on Queen Ondell's face more pronounced. "The Ebony Guard?". She licked her lips but her sneer had vanished and if anything just looked even more disgusted with the lot of them. "The Ebony Guard... Do you even know how they became to be? The Ebony Guard was an elven concept and only elves became members but one incredibly skilled man made the ranks. As time went by more talented and heroic men joined but elves do not breed like humans, it is rare to find elven children, and with every guard that fell a new one needed to take it's place until eventually no elves qualified for that task and it became a completely human concept. You do know that The Hall of Ebony, the resting place of The Ebony Guard lays with the elves, but the fact of the matter is I don't see the The Ebony Guard, I just see a bunch of children slandering the good name."
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As soon as they had reached the queen she knelt down on one knee and waited for her to give permission to rise but she didn't. Instead she inspected the travelers and then when she asked about the gathering of healers Tayana did nothing else besides nod her head. She proceeded on a insulting each and everyone of them. This was not what she had expected from Queen Ondell and has never seen her this rude to anyone before. Then again, this was the first time she had ever seen the queen deal with anyone other than elves like herself. Nonetheless she was appalled, wanting so badly to help these people that were the Ebony Guard, but her duty lye with the Queen as she did take an oath upon taking up her job for working as an adviser to the queen. They all seemed like good people, strong too she saw no reason to turn them away. With these thoughts in mind she balled a hand in a fist and lightly bit her tongue with her head hanging feeling sorry that there was nothing she could do.
"And what makes you think I will allow vermin in my palace?!" The queen sneered at Norven before refocusing on Varcik. She went on a tirade, explaining about how the Ebony Guard was originally elvish and how they were only disgracing its name by claiming it. Again, Norven felt the flush of anger. He bit down on his tongue a little harder this time. Norven decided to speak up and try to douse the situation before things started getting out of hand.

"Excuse me, Your Highness," Norven spoke rather loudly, his voice carrying across the area, to interrupt anything the queen or anyone else may attempt to say, "But we're only asking for your help. We perfectly understand if you don't wish to grant it to us and we'll leave if that's what you wish." Norven paused for a moment and swallowed, unsure if his following words would be wise ones. He continued anyway, "While I understand your frustration with the Ebony Guard and its history, we are nevertheless members of it. I'm sure you can understand and respect the weight that name carries." By now, Norven was just hoping he'd distracted the queen enough to remove some pressure from everyone else. "Your highness, on behalf of the Ebony Guard, I request you grant us your help."
"Norven, lets just stop this. This obviously isn't helping.", Castien said, disappointment in his voice, he placed his hand on Norven's shoulder. "We should just leave now and find a village we can stop by. You two need treatment.", he continued with a somewhat shaky voice.

Castien turned and started walking towards the door they came in from when he saw a familiar insignia embossed on the wall. It was a collection of different insignias arranged on the wall above the large doorway they had come through. He stopped in his tracks, for a moment he was staring at the design. Slowly, he lowered his eyes towards the scabbard which held his rapier and found the exact insignia engraved in it. Sighing in disappointment of not being able to find out more about his origins even after getting so close. He stood his ground, waiting for the others.
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Queen Ondell stood smiling a little at Norven "I may one day come to look upon you lot as The Ebony Guard, but until you have proven your worth you are nothing but children in my eyes, I will allow you to stay within Tharna for one week and then you will leave immediately on the last day, the healers are awaiting in the hall"

Her eyes rested on Tayana and quickly snapped her fingers "Come my dear we have much to discuss..." to which she walked swiftly across the courtyard leaving The Ebony Guard to enter the hall alone.
"Prove our worth ?", Castien said looking away from the rest of the group. "She herself admitted that no elves are *even* qualified to join our ranks.", he said as he turned back towards the group. Castien had found his voice as the queen left them in the entrance to the hall. "We are here because we *have* proved ourselves. Not to these selfishly deluded bunch, but to those who really matters. If anything, they are the ones who have to prove themselves to us. We are putting our lives on the line for them. We are unbiased protectors, The Guardians. ", he cursed the arrogant race. "I *am* ashamed....not because I'm a half-human.......but because I'm half-elf.", he said.

"We should leave as soon as we're able to.", he said as his eyes subconsciously wandered back towards the insignia on the wall.
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Sarvi looked around a little nervously until Castien snapped at the queen stating that elves didn't qualify anymore "I think what she meant was, you begin training as teenager but I don't think elvish children are a common thing... let's face it they are pretty hard to imagine especially with their life span". It seemed like no one really wanted to enter the hall to which Ondell had instructed so she decided to open it up first and peered inside. Two elves wearing once again the matching silver uniforms were down on one knee "Ladies and Gentleman we are here to tend to your wounds". Another elven man was standing within the hall as well but he stood straight however gave the group a graceful bow. "My name is Lord Rimédur and I will be your guide, once you have been cleaned up I have been instructed to lead you to your bath. Our baths I have been told is unlike your kind, it sits within a grand building in the center of the city and is open to both royalty and the public. It is very much like an extremely large hot spring which all the elves share."
After Queen Ondell gave the group permission to stay for exactly a week she beckoned Tayana to leave with her to have a discussion. Tayana stood up as she looked over to people of the Ebony Guard with a apologetic facial expression and then did as she was told following the queen. Tayana waited until they were both quite a distance away from the others to say something. "My Queen, you wished to speak with me?" She asked inquisitively and felt as if she were to be scolded after what had just happened.
"Might as well get this over with", he muttered to himself as he began walking towards their guide. "So how exactly is this going to-", he was suddenly cut off by another man appearing by his left side, his hand hovering above his wound. His hand then began to glow a bright white, a slight burning sensation coming from the area. His wound slowly began to close itself, along with the dried blood slowly evaporating until eventually it looked as if nothing had happened.

"Ok......that's how", he finished with a slightly stunned expression on his face.
Castien was still fuming when Sarvi had decided to defend the elf queen. He turned towards her with an irritated glare. "You're defending her?! After all that? You're an expert on elves all of a sudden?", he spat, now gritting his teeth.

"After all these years living in this world... You'd think they would learn some decency. Some.. some common courtesy.", he said audibly but it was as though he was directing it to himself.

His eyes went back to the insignia for the third time. "You tell me they have longer lifespan... so shouldn't they be an Ebony guard for that much longer? If living longer only makes me bitter and bored of the world.... I'll gladly live a normal human life and die.", he said with a calm yet somewhat breaking voice. His breathing was irregular and he calmed himself down by taking a few deep breaths. "I need some air.", he said slowly as he headed out the door without waiting for a reaction from the others.
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Norven smiled at bowed to the queen as she left, "Thank you for your kindness. We'll do what we can to live up to your expectations." Norven's posture relaxed when she left.

"Well, my friends. That certainly was quite the encounter, eh?" He laughed and continued, "Despite her rather cruel way of saying it, I can't help but understand how she feels. To her, we're just a bunch of strangers, human no less, sent to handle a problem in her lands. She knows not what we can do, so it's only reasonable that she want us to prove herself." Norven saw that Castien seemed rather upset, but wasn't sure how to remedy the problem. Instead, he turned his attention to the healer that was coming to his side.

"Hail, friend!" Norven smiled. The elf gave a curt greeting and began his work, first unwrapping the bandages and then casting his magic. In a few seconds, the aching would soothed and patched over. Norven sighed at the relief. "You have my thanks, kind healer. How might I repay you?" "Not needed," the elf said, "You're here on official orders and it's only my duty." Norven thanked the elf again as he parted away before noticing Castien angrily leave everyone for the door. A look of worry crossed over Norven's face, but again, he wasn't good with these sorts of things. Norven turned his attention toward Lord Rimédur instead. "Sounds delightful! Lead the way, if you would!"
Sarvi hastily jumped back as Castien rounded on her but it did nothing more than irritate her as he accused her for standing up for the woman who literally almost made her cry moments ago. When Castien finally decided to shut up she saw her chance to retaliate. "No I am not fucking defending her! And no I ain't some elf expert! It's just common sense! She stated they have long lives and well this place isn' exactly overpopulated!"

As Castien went to the door she shouted after him "That doesn't mean anything, they might of died in battle!" But it appeared to have fallen on deaf ears to which she quickly folded her arms tightly "What an arse!". She saw the elf healers looking rather uncomfortable at her shouting "Uh, sorry for that outburst.. that won't happen again...". Sarvi turned bright crimson. Lord Rimédur decided to approach the group looking a little nervous since he had to just witness the emotional outbursts of humans for the first time "Please... follow me".

He guided them to the center of town to a long building right in the center once again featuring the expert craftsmanship of the elves covering every inch. He allow them entry towards the public bath which was as huge as swimming pool with steam filling the room. "Ladies and Gentleman, would you like to de-robe yourselves and relax, you must of had a long journey". A small gathering of elves were already in there but paid them no mind.
"After what just happened I think relaxing is impossible at this point", he replied as he began taking off his hood and upper body armor and both of his blades and placed them near the edge of the bath, while deciding to keep the rest on. "But i guess it can't hurt to try", he said as he proceeded to dive in head first, creating a somewhat large splash around him and came back up for air a few moments later.

"Well maybe it's not impossible after all", he said as he tried to keep the water on his face from going in his eyes.
Sarvi who was in the middle of getting undressed at the time that Varick jumped in to the pool, she suddenly stopped at pulling her pants off noticing he had left his on. Many of the elves were showing signs of disgust at him neglecting to get completely undressed which put Sarvi in an awkward position. Biting her lip she decided to try and mimic the elves, after all it was their culture they were in. She handed her pants to Lord Rimédur and quickly jumped in the pool to keep her dignity, luckily it was a lot deeper than her height and ended up swimming to try and stop herself from drowning.

Escorted by a couple of the royal guard Queen Ondell entered the bathing room along with Tayana already undressed and settled herself within the corner of the bath rather comfortably eyeing Sarvi and Varick. She placed her elbow on the side with a slightly smile resting her head against her hand. Sarvi who had also started to cling to the side couldn't help but stare at the queen. It was like some kind of female ritual to compare themselves to another at any given opportunity and this was no exception. The pale skin of Queen Ondell just made Sarvi's rather tanned skin stand out in comparison from the endless days of travelling exposed to the sun. Ondell licked her lips "See, humans are so flawed". Sarvi glared at her back, the humidity of the room making her do the usual crimson clash of skin and hair. Ondell leaned back sticking one of her long pale slender legs in the air "I am just making an observation, even female humans seem remarkably hairy". It had now just occurred to Sarvi that Ondell had been staring at her legs which had accumulated quite a bit of stubble from neglect on the open road. Her eyes darted next upon Varick who was splashing around in the pool, his features seemed familiar like from a vague memory or a dream. She quietly swam up to him before clasping her hands on his shoulders from behind "May I ask you your name?"

Sarvi glared at Ondell with disgust, it looked like steam was coming out of her ears, or that was just the stream that laid on the surface of the water. Swinging her wet head to the side, her hair flicking water droplets against Ondell she kicked off from the side and swam down the other end.
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Tayana walked into the bath house and nodded over to the people who were now relaxing. As she was taking off her clothes she counted the people and noticed that one was missing. It wasn't until she was fully unclothed before she remembered that it was the half-elf. She took another glance around and then walked into the bath staying towards the very edge. I sure hope he didn't get too mad at the Queen and left. Not only that but there would be no one to escort him. I'm assuming there are many more like the black-haired elf and the Queen here that would frown upon a half-elf like him. She then drew her attention back to the Queen seeing that she was actually singling one of them out asking for his name. She looked over at the others expressions and saw the auburn-haired leader glaring at the Queen and a bit red in the face. Tayana looked at Queen Ondell and then back to the leader. Lover perhaps?
A feminine voice and the feeling of hands on his shoulders caused him to turn around and he noticed Queen Ondell behind him. "And just what makes you think I would share my name after the way you treated all of us earlier?", he asked with a somewhat irritated expression on his face. After a few moments he just shook his head with a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Alright fine, my name is Varick Malwyn, though i fail to see the significance of this."
Her sneer smile was firmly in place and it continued to grow with a wicked flash of her eyes and uttered "Just as I thought..." though it seemed more to herself than towards him. She slipped a hand around his and with a small wink she proceeded "My name is Queen Mellimeldisiel Ondell, please tell me more about yourself Mister Malwyn, after all that is a rather elvish surname you got there... I am most intrigued to find out how you came to possess such a name?"

Sarvi got out of the bath to which Lord Rimédur quickly hurried over with a towel so she could dry herself off. She had heard a portion of the conversation and turned to look at Rimédur with curiosity "Do you know of a family called Malwyn?". Lord Rimédur inclined his head "It was a most common name here in Tharna at one point but as far as I am aware no other Malwyns are still alive to this day". He caught Tayana's eye and quickly looked away "I work in the registry here, that wasn't information I should of given away". He had hoped that Tayana hadn't over heard the pair of them.

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