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Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

Yang felt the punch dig square into her face, suddenly feeling something else fall into her hands. Groaning and opening up her eyes, in her hand was a lock of blond hair. She felt her aura grow, her eyes flashing a red color. She let the piece of hair slowly fall as she ran up to him, slamming into him and shoving him back down the stairs.
Valon chuckled again as a freight train crashed into him, catching himself on the stairs with his hands with a groan as his insides churned and his hands scraped against the cement of the stairs. He felt something warm trickle down his chin and brought his hand to his chin in curiosity. Irritation flared within him as he saw crimson on his fingers, clenching them into a fist as a smirk slid onto his lips once again.

"Oh it's SO on Missy!" He growled, jumping to his feet and dashing up the stairs, jumping on the railing and sprinting up it to the top where he jumped and kicked the blonde the face once again, his boots slamming against her. He rolled and dashed inside the school to drop his bag off before coming back outside with his fists in front of him. He spat out some blood before motioning with his hand as he taunted,

"C'mon, lets see what you've got, Missy!"
Yang smiled, raising her fists. "It's on pretty boy." She said, charging at him and smashing him into a wall with force. "Not so smart now." She said, giving him another kick to the nuts.
He bit his tongue against the pain and tasted copper, a smirk in place as he looked her in the eyes with smugness, his heavy boots kicking her right in the crotch, right in the no no square. He then charged forward and brought his fist to her chin in a dazzling uppercut, he wasn't a weapon, but he could sure as hell keep his own.

"Now that wasn't smart either Missy."
Yang smiled. "There is one thing you don't know about me though." she said, looking up. Her hair began to look as if it was burning, her smile so dangerous it could make a man piss his pants. "I get stronger with every hit." She said, charging again and smashing him into a wall. She then repeatedly smashed his face, yelling "I HOPE YOUR HUNG-GRY!", accentuating every word with a punch.
He growled at the pain, stopping her fists with his hands and swinging her around before throwing her into a wall, his hands burning with pain. He smiled dangerously back, rubbing his face before appearing before her in a blink and bringing her face harshly to his knee before elbowing her stomach and flipping her over. He spit more blood and put his hands on his knees, aching in pain but unwilling to give up.

"I gotta admit two things right now, One: I actually am hungry but more for steak, and Two: I gotta admit that actually hurt a little." He chuckled, walking over to her and extending a hand in peace. "Truce? I swear to god I will eat this whole school if we end up continuing, plus there are some things you don't know about me that could devastate you as your fists do to me but a little worse, only a little though." The meister offered, his stomach growling agreement and causing him to chuckle.
Yang growled, her eyes slowly turning violet again. She hesitantly shook his hand, smiling as she had spit in her hand earlier. "Alright then. But just a warning. Don't touch my hair." She said, letting go of his hand and walking towards her meister.
Sweeney stood to the side, watching/taking cover as Yang and Valon fought. When they called a truce he walked towards them after deeming the area safe again. "I'm Sweeney, a weapon," he said in answer to Valon's earlier question.
"Don't get near my crotch again then." Valon chuckled, his blood smearing on her hand as her spit slid into his, a smirk spreading across his face as he followed her back to the group. He looked around and came to stand by the snowy haired guy, his bloody nose causing him to tilt his head back and huff in annoyance as soon as it had faded, taking pride that the blonde was in the same shape at least. He cleared his throat from the copper tasting blood and looked to the male beside him, curious. He mustered his voice and spoke, his eyes meeting the other's.

"Uh, would you happen to be a weapon? I don't mean to creep, but I really need one. Do you happen to be looking for a meister?" He said finally, anxiety filling him at the thought of being paired with a lame weapon, this guy at least seemed cool.... 
Valon chuckled as they spoke at the same time, his eyes watching the weapon with an awkward smile. "Need a meister?" He asked with a lopsided grin, holding out his hand for a shake, the hand the blonde hadn't spit in. "Not gonna lie, Sweeney is a pretty kick ass name."
Sweeney had to force himself not to laugh at the state Valon was in and the way he was trying to play it off. It wasn't working that well, but then again it looked pretty hard to play off a bloody -and quite possibly broken- nose. He smiled and nodded shaking hands with Valon. "Yeah, I am. Unless you wanna team up. And thanks. Valon is an awesome name too."
Valon smiled, relief flooding through him at the aspect of finally getting a weapon, hoping their souls could resonate or at least be in sync enough for some awesome attacks. "Hell yeah, I'd love to team up!" He felt a little foolish getting so excited, a light embarrassed dust spreading across his cheeks. "I mean thanks for teaming up with me?" He said it as a question accidentally, he got flustered in these predicaments and he hated that fact. He chuckled and pointed toward where the delicious scent of food drifted from, his stomach grumbling in annoyance at the interruptions. "Wanna get something to eat? I'm starved!" And just like that, with the promise of food, he was back to himself, no longer fumbling with his words.
Sweeney smiled a little. "No problem. Thanks for teaming up with me too," he said and picked up his backpack, putting it over one shoulder and putting his hands in his pockets. "Sure. The hike up the stairs made me hungry anyway." As if on cue, his stomach rumbled loudly, Sweeney's face blushing a very noticeable red. He looked down to hide behind his hair and started walking towards the food, mumbling something under his breath about "stupid stomach" and "stupid stairs" and a few other "stupids".
Valon chuckled at the grumble, picked up his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder as well, hissing in pain as it landed on the achy bruises hidden by his shirt. Damn blonde! He thought with a scowl, following his weapon to the cafeteria. He pictured the adorable red face that his partner had had, a small chuckle floating from his lips as he thought the snowy haired male had resembled a tomato. He smirked as he caught up, looking up the hall eagerly as mouth-watering smells wafted down the hall. "Ah jeez, that blonde really did a number on my appetite! I was only a little hungry before we fought, now I'm famished!" He sighed, shifting his bag uncomfortably on his bruised shoulder. Good thing he healed faster than the average person, he didn't even know how, but he did. "Those stupid stairs might have had something to do with it though," The meister joked, his hands automatically going into his pockets as well.
Cherry bounded to the others. "HIMYNAME'SCHERRYCANIBEYOURFRIEND!?" She said in a loud and rapid pace. She looked like a red bundle of energy.
Yang looked at him and scoffed. "I got a meister, and even if I didn't, there is a fat chance I would be you're weapon."
"Tsk, asshole" he walked up to Yang, cupping her cheek in one hand "Hey, Yang, you like... Hurt badly of anything, I'm already planning my revenge in that prick.
Kahn was on the ground, clutching his stomach in laughter. In between laughs, he said, "My... stomach... huurrts..."
Yang blushed heavily and grinned. "Alright. But trust me, I am fine." She said, wiping a bit of the blood that was dribbling from her mouth.
"You sure?" Leo frowns a little as he speaks "because I could totally beat that guy to a pulp" He lets out another quaint laugh and lets her cheek go, moving his hand behind his head "ah, umm... sorry... about that"
Cherry bounded over to a blonde girl and a bot who seemed to be enjoying each other's company. "HIMYNAMEISCHERRYWHAT'SYOURSCANWEBEFRIENDS?!" She shouted.
Spinning around in an instant, he exclaimed to the new girl "slow down, Its impossible to understand you!"
She nodded. "Hiiii myyy naaaameee iiiisss Cheeeeryyy, whaaats yoouur naaameee aaaand caaan weee beee frieeeendsss?" She said in an excrutiatingly slow way.
"I have an odd feeling you're a psycho girl who'll never give me time to myself..." Leo lightly tapped Cherry's forehead, then flicked it.

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