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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins


Freelancer, Empath, Demigod

The world of Eltance:

The year is 1910, there is an ongoing war between the people of Ogvia and Iznia, magic rules and anyone who doesn't have the power flowing through their bones is expendable, one man wants to change this. A school is made to train the magical and non-magical alike to work together and defeat the tyrannical leader of this cruel world.

Everyone has a special talent, from mind reading and super speed to great agile and swordsmanship. No one student is better than the others, but generations of hate and despair has made each one hate the other, the students must learn to work together to make it through the academy alive.

Who will survive, who will thrive...
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The deadly academy: day 1


*ding dong*

Welcome all, today is the first day of your training as assassins. Your first class starts in one hour, please try not to be late as the first day is the most important.

We will begin the day in the auditorium.

Classes will be explained during this time.

Have a wonderful day.

*ding dong*

Lily winced at the loud announcement, balling up her fists and shrinking away from the speaker. Oh, how she hated loud noises. After sitting still for a moment and taking a few deep breaths, she got up from where she was sitting on the wooden floor of her dorm. Lily quietly let out a low note. The echos from it mapped out the entire room in her mind, essentially painting a picture of the room over her void vision. She made her way to the door without any further trouble.
He made his way over to the classroom he was supposed to have this term, yawning and running a hand through his tousled hair. Smoothing down his long navy overcoat, and straightening his waistcoat he set out the piles of paperwork, and tucked a half filled bottle of whiskey into the bottom draw of his desk. The usual set up it seemed. He rubbed his rugged chin, and rolled his shoulders with a 'pop' of bone. Roberts head snapped up at the announcement. He better get a move on, being the man as he was, he hated to be late. With that he swiftly exited the classroom, making his way down to the auditorium.
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Letting out a note once in a while to update her echolocation brain map, Lily made her way down the hallways of the school heading towards the supposed direction of the auditorium. On second thought, she didn't actually know where it was. Letting out an exasperated sigh, she stopped in the middle of a hallway and sat down. Maybe someone would be nice enough to see her and show her the way. She thought about it for another second and shook her head. These were trained assassins, not caretakers.

She continued to sit, staring intensly at the floor.
Making his way toward the auditorium, Robert came across...A strange scene indeed. A young woman, presumably a student, sat in the middle of the corridor. Almost ignorant to the fact. He raised an eyebrow, clearing his throat and walking toward her, stooping down to tap her shoulder "Ehem, are you alright Miss? You...Seem to be sitting in the middle of nowhere" he said, crouching down infront of the girl. Praying the lord she wouldn't start crying. If there was one thing he couldn't deal with, that would be crying children and females... even males for that matter. I mean, what was he supposed to do?
Lily looked towards where the voice came from. She really did hope she was looking him in the eye, or he'd already know that she was blind. She opened her mouth to speak, but she second guessed herself and closed it shut. After a brief second of silence, she sang the quietest and lowest note she could possibly manage without him noticing. The hallway she was in came back into view, along with a man, presumably a teacher, crouching before her. She made a mental note to try and read his thoughts later on.

"I have no idea where the auditorium is.. and I just got frustrated and sat down. " She began, her voice a little quite at first, but got louder as she continued on.

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir, but if you wouldn't mind, can you please lead me to the auditorium?"
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Koruba sighed as she awoke, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as the announcement went off. Koruba sighed again. School, she thought, what the hell was this gonna be like.

Koruba never had the chancw to go to school when she was younger, she was either hunting or earning money to get shelter and clothes. Now she recieved all three of these things without even having to truly work for it. This was going to be strange, and though Koruba didn't want to admit it she was nervous of what was to come.

Koruba quickly got dressed so that she wouldn't be late to the auditorium. She had scouted out the area the day before so she knew approximately where she would find the auditorium so she didn't have to walk away aimlessly looking like a weirdo. She jogged out into the hallway and went on for a bit til she came across an older man squatting in front of a girl who was seated in the middle of the hallway

"Is something wrong?" She asked.
Kazua woke up at the loud announcement still tired and got up whining and rubbing his eyes he looks over at Zazu and throws a pillow at him and says "Zazu time to wake up it's the first day" he said getting up and putting on his pants and hoodie and starts to tie up his shoes and goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth he comes out and puts a blue sucker in his mouth and picks up his scythe and throwing knifes waiting for Zazu.

"I need help getting to the auditorium," she began, slowly standing up. Her eyes didn't move at all, but her head rather adjusted to the general direction of the presumed girl. She began to tap her leg in hope of echolocation mapping out the scene for her.

"This......" She gestured to the crouching guy with her non-tapping hand. "Man here asked if I was okay because I was just sitting here. I'm fine, I was just a little lost." She smiled warmly. "Can you help me, please?"
Zazu groaned. "Five more minutes.." He complained in a baby voice as he sat up, grinning. He got up and put on his jeans and hoodie. He yawned and then went to brush his teeth. It sucked. He ran his hands through his hair before pulling the hood up. He got out of the bathroom and hopped up on Kazua's back, laughing.

"Umm... Yeah sure. I kinda know where it is so I think I'll be able to help you out," stated Koruba. There was something about this girl, something different, she just couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly it was. Maybe because she sat in the middle of a corridor when she was lost, Koruba guessed, I mean who does that. But she still reached out her hand to help the girl up.
Kazu said "what are you doing Zazu" throwing him off and looks at him and says "don't do that without warning" and he walks to the door still putting his throwing knifes in and when he got done he smiled and jumped on Zazu's back saying "my turn" as Kazua was laughing"

Zazu laughed and got up to his feet. He gasped as Kazua hopped on his back but laughed, letting his brother. "No fair! You're five minutes older than me!" He exclaimed, his baby blue eyes almost glowing.

Kazu laughed and said "to bad you fell for it you doof" laughing hard and then gets off him laughing and says "we should get to class now".
Zazu groaned. "Not torture already!" He complained. He pulled down his brother's hood and ruffled his hair. "Such a mess." He joked. He then took his brother's Popsicle. "I'll take this!" He said and ran out of the room.
Kazu said "hey that's rude" and fixes his hair and puts his hood up when his brother took his sucker and said "get back here!" And ran after him laughing and closes the door on his way out saying "your not getting away!".

Lily sighed in relief. "Thank you so much, by the way." She took the offered hand and used it to bring herself up.

"I'm Lillian, by the way. Nice to meet you."

As soon as she touched her, a string of thoughts fed into Lily's mind. I'm weird, she thought. Hmm.

After getting up, she dusted off her pants and looked in the direction of the girl. "Where too?"
Zazu scoffed. "Watch me!" He called as he ran. He might be shorter, but he was faster. "I know you think I'm annoying!" He added. "I can hear it!" He laughed and then stopped out of nowhere. He turned around and as Kazua reached him, he put the sucker in his brother's mouth. He then took something out of his pocket, his own sucker. He grinned and put it in his mouth. "Sucker!" He teased before he ran off.

Kazu was chasing after Zazu saying "you're only faster because of the equipment difference" trying to brush the magic aside and stops as he catches up to Zazu getting his sucker shoved in his mouth and being called a sucker and Zazu running off so Kazua was pissed he pulled out his scythe witch caught fire and said pissed off "Zazuuuuuuuuuuu!" And runs after him throwing his throwing knifes and swinging his scythe.
Zazu ran even faster. "Holy cheese sticks!!" He exclaimed. He dodged the knives and turned a corner. "Kazua please don't kill me!! Pleaaaassseee!!!!!?" He called.

Kazu looked at Zazu with eyes to killed and slang his scyth but stopped a hair away and said "since you learned your lesson you can go" putting his scyth away and walks away.

(Gtg guys be back on tomorrow)
Zazu giggled and ran after his brother. "Kazuuuhuu!!" He teased as he came up beside his brother. He took his sucker from his mouth, a baby blue, and smiled. "Come on you'd never hurt little meee!"

(@Aqua Same)
"It's nice to meet you Lillian, I'm Koruba. Just follow me and we'll find the auditorium." Koruba said as she walked off in the direction of the auditorium. Once outside Koruba looked for a sign that would possibly show exactly where they should. Suddenly two boys ran by one throwing knives at the other. "Well that's just a disaster waiting to happen" She sighed, those who give little care of other's safety were quite a nuisance.
Klick was out side in the woods with bandages wrapped around his hands. In front of him was a tree with a picture of a man's soloeitte nailed on to the trunk. The picture had the title Murderer but the other details were blacked out. Under the picture was damaged wood from being punched all day. "ARRRRRGH," screamed Klick as he unleash another barrage of blows to the unlucky tree. After his combo was finished he backed away to a stump and picked up a small tower and a water bottle. "I had to beg and forge so many documents to come to this school, I hope it would be worth the effort." he then looked at the picture, and gritted his teeth. "I know your flesh is alot softer then that tree bark... I hope your red sap does not stain my clothes." Then he let out a sigh knowing that he was no were near close to being able to find or fight his target. He looked at his watch and screamed, "NOOOO... I AM GOING to BE LATE." He pressed a button on the side of his watch and it glowed showing a fist. Then he slapped his hand over it "JOB CHANGE" and magic infuse with his body. Suddenly a glob of magic covered his arms and legs and orange metal plates jetted out of it forming orange gauntlets and greave. "I cant be late so i have to use my full strength." He took a his sprinting stance and bolted off towards the school while screaming "KYAAAAA"

As he arrived on campus he saw no students around and thought he was late, "NOOO .... cant ... be... late..." he was completely worn out from his run but he did not give up. He kept running until he tripped and with the momentum from his dash, he rolled down the hall and stopped in front of 2 girls and a old man, probably a teacher. "Ouch... not fun..." he slowly stood up and started rubbing his head. He looked around to see where he was and noticed two girls, a teacher, and 2 guys immediately his face went read as he caught a glimpses of the brown hair girls face. She was super cute and... he... just tripped like an idiot in front of her. "I hope she did not noticed what just happened... to embarrass my self in front of a cute girl... What if she thinks im a loser... I have to redeem my self," he said in his head. His face just continued to glow red and his body did not move only trembling. "This is not what it looks like... umm, I was just testing the kinetic energy transfer for a new killer technique..." he said in his head. In real life his body just kept trembling and did not move out of that spot.


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