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Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

Cal Rader

The Vet
It has been two years since the start of the outbreak nobody really knows how it happened or if it will ever end. What we do know is that our only goal now is to survive. Civilization as we know it is gone and it is up to those who remain to build a new world in the ashes of the past. its not easy but those of us who are still around have proven that we have the will and strength to live to fight another day, and with that a new world can be built

During the outbreak many towns and cities were bombed in an attempt to stop the spread of the outbreak but clearly it didn't work


standard Rpn rules apply obviously

and just be respectful guys lets make this a fun rp

Feel free to play multiple characters just keep them active  

No BIo or backstory is needed I believe that should be discovered through role-play 




Appearance: (realistic description or picture only please)

Weapons: (I am not putting direct restrictions but please be reasonable)

Other equipment:

Feel free to add any other information you want 
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Name: Matthew L. Alexander

Age: 33





Other equipment:






winter coat

change of clothes 




trench shovel 
Name: James B. Alexander

Age: 13





Other equipment:





winter coat

change of clothes 




Name: AJ Schmidt

Age: 17

Appearance: AJ has long, brown hair that goes down to her shoulders with black tips, big red glasses, pierced ears

Weapons: Bow and arrows that she owned before the apocalypse (about 20 arrows), knives, hatchet from her family farm

Other equipment: Backpack with nonperishable food and bottles of water, rope, horse named Ginger
Name: Brian 'Dorson'

Age: 15

Appearance: He's nearly seven feet tall, with broad shoulders and plenty of muscle. His right wrist ends in a clean stump. His back has several scars from begin whipped, and a few from brands. Lines where he was cut with knives are here and there along his body, mainly his arms and legs. His nose is slightly crooked, where it was broken. He's black with short, dark hair. He keeps his torso, where the worst of the scars are, covered at all times. He wears pants and long sleeves year-round.

Weapons: Brian uses blunt weapons. Currently, he has a cylinder-shaped metal table leg, but the weapon he has changes from week to week, as they get damaged or he finds something better. While he doesn't have any with him, Brian has knowledge and experience with many different types of gun, but he can't use them, because of his missing hand. He could hypothetically learn how to use some of the smaller ones with one hand, but they hold bad memories for him and he couldn't bring himself to practice.

Other equipment: (all in a backpack)

Twine (used to set traps for animals)



Most of their food

a can opener

a large wage bottle/small cooler to store meat and berries

bleach (for water purification)

two water bottles

a change of clothes

a coat

a swiss army knife

Originally from Zambia, Brian was kidnapped and trafficked (enslaved) for a year, with most of his owners being cartels in different countries. When owned by a particularly violent cartel, he and some of the other boys worked together and escaped. His handless stump is a trophy to him, as he lost the hand after it was shot (it got infected and had to be removed) when escaping. His originally family dead, Brian was adopted by the Dorson family. It was a difficult adjustment, which cheerful, kind Rosalie made much, much easier. He's good at telling stories, which is one of the things that made him closer to story-loving Rosalie. He was a Dorson for four months before the outbreak.

Name: Rosalie Dorson

Age: 9

Appearance: Short and petite, long brown hair, light skin, an easy smile.

Weapons: A slingshot to distract zombies temporarily. Rosalie has learned how to run fast enough to get behind her brother before the zombie reaches her.

Other equipment:(in a bag worn on her hip)

a box of matches

a small amount of food

a can opener

a water bottle


rubbing alcohol

a change of clothes

a sweater

a coat

a swiss army knife

Rosalie used to love going for walks in the woods near her house. Though they aren't by her house anymore, she remembers how to identify certain edible berries.
Name: Beth Nexis

Age: 15



Other equipment:She wears this mask when in fights 

(pshhh defently not basing this on a charictor on a show pshhhhh)

She is a good singer and likes to keep moral in the group but when it comes to a fight she can be deciving sneaky and strong . she has an older brother too he likes to think he protects her but they protect each other more. She dosent like killing and finds it very hard to do unless someone is hurting a freind. She will always choose to go around conflict rather then charge right in.
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Name: Max Nexis

Age: 21



Other equipment:
He keeps the grenades on his belt.

He is very very preotective of beth some would say a little too protective willing to sacrifes his own and other ives to save her thats what happend with the rest of there family beth got into some trouble and max running from the door he was holding saved her causing there mother father and twin little brother and sistor to be eatan . beth still hasent forgin him for that always saying that he should of let her die.

Name: Max Payne

Age: 37


Weapons dual Glock 16s

Switch blade

Ammunition hollow point rounds

Road map

Flares and flare gun

Beat to hell NYPD squad car
Before I start Matthews posts will be made like this 

                      And James like this 

Location: Staten Island Boardwalk 

                base of the ferris wheel 

two years hard to believe we have been living this for that long Matthew thought to himself as he sat at camp keeping an eye on his son James 

who had to Matthews sorrow stopped engaging in the normal childhood activities of playing and laughing, and instead spent his days training cleaning his gun and shooting his bow learning how to survive as best he could in case anything happened and he was on his own. Before long Matthew walked over to tend to their two horses feeding and brushing them looking in the direction of every small sound their may be a wall now but he didn't want to ever get comfortable with this safety if their is one thing he learned from his time in the Marines it was that you could never be too prepared 

James sat cleaning his gun and put it back together before repeating the process over again he wanted to make sure that if everything ever happened to his father or anyone else and he was ever alone he would be able to survive on his own. he knew his dad was watching him and he knew how much it pained his dad to see him like this but that didn't matter anymore all that mattered was survival and in order to be prepared for what was to come their was no time for childish games.As his dad went to tend to the horses James holstered his gun before grabbing his bow and he began making trips around the perimiter of the camp making sure their was no breach in security 
When beth is speaking it will be like This

when max is speaking it will be like This

Beth walked toward Matthew smiling "Need any help?" she asked politely she loved animals and wanted to help out in anyway she could . She had a country accent with a bit of a city accent mixed in.

Max sat legs crossed sharpening his axe watching beth he still dident trust Matthew or James yet and wanted to makesure they were not going to try do anything to beth she was just too trusting in his opinion.

@Cal Rader
Matthew shrugged "sure you can brush him" he said in his usual gruff voice handing Beth the brush " Just make sure you brush down so his saddle wont bother him." he said with as much of a smile as he could muster in such a time before moving on to his sons horse 
"Okay" she replied begining to groom the horse.

Max stood up putting away his sharpining stone and went to look around before walking towards Matthew "We should go for a run soon see what we can find"

@Cal Rader
Matthew looks at max as he approaches "yeah sounds like a good Idea we are running low on food and other essentials we can head out after I finish here" Matthew says gesturing to the horses wanting to make sure they were well taken care of as they were the only form of transportation him and his son had and they were one of the few things they had left from the old world 

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