The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Dallas already bored of being out got up, walked passed Olivia and made his way home. Dallas walked into the house, and went straight to the kitchen to look for any amount of alcohol he could get.
Restain grinned. "Are you sure? Fancy restaurants are expensive, and I eat a lot." She matched his pace, keeping up with him while she walked. It wasn't a lie. She ate a lot more than the normal person and somehow, she kept her toned and muscled figure under wraps. She never exercised, unless it was while she was working.
Her father was freaking out and yelling but Brianne tried to explain herself. He was angry but he understood. "So you'll be here soon then?" She asked into the phone. "Okay," she said after he told her that he'd be there in about 10 minutes. She hung up and the wait began. 
(Desiree, Olivia was on the couch at home)
"I am sure." Seifer simply said. How much could she eat? Maybe they would have a contest. And there was no need to worry about money. Seifer had much more than needed. All earned with had work that he was proud of, and would brag about sooner or later.
She grinned, tilting her head to the side. "Don't say I didn't warn you~" She said, teasing him and looking up at him just as they came around to the front of the restaurant.
Olivia stirred at the sound of her brother in the kitchen but she didn't wake up. She was exhausted. She curled up again and began to mumble some more. "No.."

Brianne was alone at the park now. She waited as ten minutes went by and she saw her dad's car pull up. She prepared herself for the speech she was bound to get from him. She got in and he was definitely mad but he took some of the blame.
(Whooooops. meant to say Brianne. My bad.)

Dallas grabbed one of the first bottles he saw and begun to drink it. He walked up and sat on the chair in the living room letting out a sigh and putting his fee up on the table.
"No, I won't~" Seifer copied Restain's teasing tone and then laughed as he tilted his head towards the entrance. "Let's go."
Olivia stirred some more and her eyes fluttered open. "What are you doing Dallas.." she said, sounding groggy. She noticed the bottle and smirked slightly, he was a drinker like her.
Restain laughed when he copied her, and walked inside, looking up at the tall ceiling. She had never been there before, and wanted a good look. There was big, brown, wooden pillars holding up the white ceiling. The walls were a light creamy beige and the flooring was covered in lush red carpet. She looked back at Seifer, grinning.

"It must be hell to get spills out of that carpet."

"Table for two, ma'am?" A waitress walked up, wearing a white button up shirt with a black sleeveless jacket, black shoes, and black pants. Her sandy blonde hair was thrown up in a tight, neat bun and she had deep blue eyes.

"Yes, please." Restain smiled back at her.
"What I always do, girly." He smirked. "What have you been up to tonight? Talked to dad at all?" He sighed again.
"I went to his officer before but he had to talk to Angelo so I left.." she said, still laying down. She don't feel like getting up. "I just wish he wasn't out this late. I want him to come home."
Seifer walked to the the table they were assigned and got into one big and comfy chair. "So... what are you going to order?" He asked Restain. Okay, so he was hungry after all.
She smiled, looking through the menu for a few minutes, then setting it down and leaning forward, staring him dead in the eye. "Everything." Her eyes glinted happily and she wanted to see just what he would do.
"Ah... are you sure? They have some really weird stuff on there. Like, snail soup." Seifer said, hoping she would change her mind. Because everything had to cost something in the wow factor.
Restain laughed, sitting back and opening her menu. "Second thoughts on buying?" She said, bringing the menu up to cover her nose and mouth.
"I know, Olivia. So do I... What was Angelo doing there?" He said with a bit of anger. He didnt hate Angelo but he knew that he was adopted after his mother had passed and he felt like it was just a way for his dad to forget about it, so he wasnt exactly thrilled.
"Not sure, he had to talk to dad about something.." She said then yawned. "I'll call him and see when he'll be home." She sat up and opened the sliding glass door to the back yard and walked, sliding it shut behind her. She sat a the edge of the pool, dipping her feet in and took out her phone and pushed call under her father's contact.
Angelo stares at his father and he managed to remain composed. "I'm sorry, Father, but I cannot wait any longer. I need to put this plan into action now. I cannot wait for you to think it over. Whether it's risky or not doesn't matter. My life is insignificant compared to the family and I would die before giving up information. I'll be heading out now. Please inform me if you change your mind. Goodnight, sir." Angelo walked out of the office and left the villa.

Angelo let out a deep breath, as he roamed the streets. 'Did I make a mistake?' He had never disobeyed his father before and today he had done just that. He wasn't rude when speaking, he was always respectful. However, he didn't feel right about doing what he did. He always did as he was told, but not today. Perhaps this mission was too much of an opportunity to pass up. He only wanted what was best for the family. If he had to take the risk of being killed to stop the bloodshed, then he would. 'I know this is the right decision.'
(To all the humans that asked if they can join, okay sure~~If you can keep up..Cause I can't keep up myself right now.... 8D)

YukiUchiha - "Why did you ask about my day when you already answered 'boring' for me?" Koujaku smiles at Ariana, leaning against the wall of the office.

Clear frowns, "It's your fault because you didn't come to help," he replies to the text as he approaches the door where the boss is in. "Boss~~? You call for us....."

(Somebody explain what is happening..? 8D)
"I don't know. It was random." Ariana said as she chuckled and smiled at Koujaku. "I just wanted to break the silence." She said as she yawned and sat up on the table that was in the office.
"Hmm~Break the silence huh~~Well I am bored especially when the boss is not doing anything fun~~" Koujaku leans toward Ariana. "Would you like to entertain me while we're bored~?"
Brianne arrived home, with her father and they sat down in the living room just to talk. Her dad told her about the commotion at some club or something and how it had ties to Mafia orginzations. He told her that he was working on cases to bring them down and that terrified her.
"I'm bored as well." Ariana said as she pushed Koujaku back with her hand on his chest, "but I'm not that desperate. Just cause you're cute doesn't mean anything." she said as she smiled. She honestly did like Koujaku but she would never admit she actually loved someone again, "Plus you already know I gave up on all things love related. Sorry~" she added.

(Oh and Red Thorn is having a meeting with the whole mafia and I'm not sure what White Rose is doing.)
"Ehhhh that's so not cute~~~" Koujaku pouts slightly. 
(White Rose's boss is very busy right now. QAQ)

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