The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Olivia smirked and she got up, went back into the house and got ready. She made herself looked even more beautiful than usual and then she was out the door. She got into her all white Caddy and drove herself to a quiet bar that she visited often. She called a couple friends to join but all of them were fast asleep. She used her fake I.D. to get in and got to drinking.

Brianne was leaning against the window of her room when she got the idea to open it and sit on her roof. She had no idea what got into her lately, she was acting so different than normal but it felt.. kinda nice. So she did it and it felt relaxing to stare at the stars.
October stared at her father in surprise. It was very rare for him to speak of her mother. He also said that she reminded him of her mother, a comment that brought a smile to her face. October sat down beside him and looked down at her hands. " Do you miss her? " She asked quietly.
Ariana blinked and she looked at Koujaku, "Don't just volunteer me like that. I have a tournament all this week! I really wanted to fight some of those people." She said as she pouted and sighed then got up, "Killing is not hard. Seeing blood spill is the worst part but it's not that bad." she said.
"You suck you know that Koujaku." Ariana said as she gave him a glare. She sighed, "You're a pain that's what you are." she added as she began walking out.
Drink after drink, Olivia was just getting more intoxicated. Her speech went first, then her cordination. She definitely had enough and she stumbled out. She looked at her car but she knew there was no possible way she could drive it. She was getting desperate and it was too much of a risk to call a cab, she was the daughter of a Mob boss. Finally, she pulled out her phone and found Clear's contact, hit call, and waited listening to the ringing.
he put his arm around her, and looked up at the stars."I miss her every day, I wake up in our bed, and imagine her head right in the pillow next to me. I go to shave and she is standing in the mirror, watching me.I miss her but when I look at you and your brother, even your adopted sister, I see Rebecca, and I can't help but cry, when you and your siblings leave this house. cause I don't know if your going to come back in a body bag, or you will come home alive and well." a single tear goes down his face, as he sees a ghost of rebecca walk through the garden.
October frowned and looked up at her father. She missed her mother everyday but it's not as if she was haunted by the memories. She didn't want to think about what that was like. " Is that why you don't want me to go to New York this September? " She pursed her lips. " I wouldn't be coming home in a body bag. " She whispered. In fact she was slightly offended he would even think such things. She was after all raised around the mafia, if she couldn't handle herself she'd already be dead.
"I don't want you to go cause I don't feel as if you are ready for new york. I have watched you grow into a beautiful young lady, I don't want to hear about this young girl from miami, and how she dances for money. I know you can handle yourself its just..just." he couldn't find the words he wanted to say."I'm not ready to lose someone else in my life, not yet."
Olivia frowned when her call got no answer. This wasn't good. She was someone of importance, it wasn't good for her to be out in such a vulnerable state. She had her purse on her though, with a hand gun in it. She stumbled away from the bar and began to roam the streets. What was she gonna do now?
( Yep~ I'm in Red Thorn~ Ahh, I dunno what to do. xD )

Jesse's crimson eyes roamed around the room lazily. He's been slouching against the back wall listening to random convo for the past five minutes and he's already bored. No one mentioned a plan or anything that involves bloodshed, at least, none that he'd heard of. With a low growl, he stood up straight and went out of the room, letting his feet drag him anywhere. He thought about getting back to the mice, but they're probably rotten by now, and he doesn't want to get berated because of slicing a hole in the floor. On the other hand, they'll probably know it was him because of the bloody spectacle. Jesse shrugged and continued walking whilst humming the tune of the "Three Blind Mice"
October frowned. Not ready? She's been ready for the past two years when she set her mind on New York. She listened to what else he had to say and smiled. " Oh darn, and to think I was really going to make it big dancing for money. " She nudged him with her elbow. " Cheer up, you're bumming me out. Besides it's not like I'm leaving forever. I'm going for what.. three months before coming home for christmas. Come on Dad, you couldn't really believe I could just stay here forever. I need to experience life. I want to make a name for myself. I can't do that here. Please understand. "
Olivia found herself leaned up against a building down the street from the bar she left. It was dark and no one was around, no cars, nothing. "Gooooooodammit.. why did I do thisss?" said the girl, slurring her words. No one was around to hear it though. At least she was pretty sure no one was around.
Fred is still sitting next to her, and hugs her tightly,he kisses the top of her head."alright but I want you to make a promise to me the first sign of trouble, you come straight home, no if ands or butts. you got it."
October laughed and hugged him back. " Yes, because a bit of trouble there sounds much more dangerous than a war between two mafia groups. " She pulled away and sat up from the bench. " Oh and Dad... thanks. "
Angelo continued to walk down the street and stopped when he caught sight of two shady figures. As they got closer, they were revealed to be two older men. "Give us your money, kid." Angelo simply stood there and stared. Did these people honestly think they could make such demands. "Hurry up! You're talking to members of the White Rose here!" That put Angelo on alert. He knew every single member of the family and these two were not members. This could only mean one thing. People were posing as White Rose members. One man pulled out a switchblade and the other pulled out a small pistol. Angelo grabbed the man's wrist and punched the man in his gut. He took the gun and used in to block the knife and hit the man's head, knocking him unconscious. He walked over to he conscious man and brought his head up. "I have a few questions for you."

Angelo placed the unconscious men in a nearby alley and called the police. It felt weird, but that was their job. He released a sigh as he pulled out his phone. He had learned some troubling news. He called his father and waited for his father to answer. "Father, I have troubling knews. A smaller mafia has been posing as White Rose. They've been doing so for over ten years and nobody has noticed. I'll patrol the area and call you back later." He ended the call and ran a hand through his hair. These people have been causing trouble for a long time with their name. This could be bad between White Rose and Red Thorn. Who knows what they've done all these years.

He continued walking, until he spotted a familiar person. "Olivia?"
Once all of his nursery rhymes where exhausted, Jesse went outside and began to roam the dark streets hoping to entertain himself. Of course, the night owls are wandering around this time, he just needs to find a psycho who wanted a job done, or probably those who wanted to end their life. With blood still drying on his cheeks, Jesse hummed to "Jack and Jill," while wandering the quiet streets.
Olivia looked over, her head drooping a bit. She was really drunk. She stumbled closer, "Is that.. Angelo?" she said, confused. If it was her adopted brother, this would be a miracle. However, if it was someone else, this could go bad so fast. With her eyelids drooping and the dark streets, she really couldn't make out his face.
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Angelo approached his sister an took a good look at her. She was obviously intoxicated. "What are you doing here, Olivia? Shouldn't you be back at home?" He waved for a cab and helped her climb in. He sat down in the seat next to her. "Father won't be happy about this."
"But my car.. It's sssstill at the baaar.." The girl complained. "He's never happy wwwwith what I do ssso who caressss! I don't!" She shouted and the cab driver glanced back at her. She made a face at him then leaned her head against the window. She had always felt like a disappointment to her family. She wasn't in the business and it seemed like that's all that mattered.
Jesse's wandering led him to an unused alleyway covered by shadows. Unfortunately for him, both the alley and the streets seemed to be deserted. As he was walking towards the direction of a well-known bar, a cab passed by him, successfully splashing him with mud which covered his already bloodied vest.

"Tch. Somebody's gonna pay for this." He continued walking until he reached the vicinity; he pushed the door wide open, while his crimson eyes glinted dangerously.
"I'll go back for it after your back at the house." His sister was even drunker than he thought. He gave a silent apology to the driver and turned back towards his sister. This was a bit awkward. This was the most they had talked in years. "You know that's not true. Father cares about you and Dallas very much. Times are tough right now and he just wants to keep you two safe." He hoped she would understand. The alcohol was getting to her.
"Oh yeaaaah? That's bullsssshit! You know it. All her cares about is this stupid family 'business,' that's it. Nnnnot me," she said. Though she was exaggerating a bit, that's how she felt.
Angelo let out a sigh. Talking to her was of no use right now. She was too drunk to from a coherent thought at the current moment. He would drop her off at the house and maybe he could find the time to have a talk about the issue again.
"Come on Ariana~" Koujaku lightheartedly follows her out. "Without me this mafia wouldn't have survived that long~"

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