The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"That's where you're wrong. We have plenty of other spies." Ariana said as she crossed her arms over her chest. She felt her phone buzz and she looked at it. It had all the information for the tournamet she was in. A grin slowly danced across her face.
Glinting crimson orbs were suddenly replaced with half-lidded eyes when the bartender looked up to the sole visitor of the bar. "Everyone left minutes ago. You're the last one. What can I get fer ya?" Jesse slowly made his way towards an empty stool and began to slouch. Why do these things keep on happening to me? I mean, I try not to be late. The gods of the universe must be laughing right now while they play with those dead rats.

"Dom Peri."

Jesse toyed with the shot glass in front of him, occasionally dipping his blade into the concoction. After a couple of minutes, he began to wonder how he got caught up in this whole mafia business. He remembers a blade held at his throat, and death before his eyes. Then, the "oath," making him bound to the mafia and the "father" he once tried to bring down...

"Ah. I forgot about the training the boss's daughter was talking about." Since nothing interesting is happening, maybe he'll just waste his time somewhere else.
Olivia let out a sigh. Though she was very intoxicated, she did mean it. She felt like a burden that people had to protect. She felt the only way to fix that was to join alongside everyone else and become some sort of skilled assassin or something. But that wasn't at all what she wanted.
Elana bit her lip when she saw October and Dad walking away to speak in private. She knew she would always come third, at the last place of his children. No wonder, she was adopted, and didn't even look like him in the slightest. "I will continue living to pay my debts to Aidan and his family." Although she didn't like October, because she thought this girl was too carefree all the time. Elana retreated the room, feeling sick to the stomach.
Aidan sat in front of his mother's grave that was in the garden. She loved this place and they knew she would want to be buried here. "I miss you mama." he said as a tear slid down his cheek. He heard his father and sister talking about her. He clenched his fist and looked up at the sky "I promise I will avenge you mother.I know this isn't the life you wanted for me but I will destroy every last White Rose, they will regret the day they killed you." he said and placed a rose at the base of the head stone.
Elana felt like she would throw up, her stomach turning. She tried to reach the stairs towards the bathroom, her knees feeling weak and her head spinning. All became too much for her, she still hadn't told her Dad everything about the White Rose, and she knew Aidan shouldnt go on a mission because of that information. She nearly fell off the stairs, she was happy no one saw the bad state she was in.
(october_rain Nico)

"well my dear its past 1 AM would you mind walking an old man to bed." he stood up and started to walk to the house. On the way he saw Aidan."ah hello their my boy, I was just walking to bed. would you care to join me on this journey to the far away land of mybedrooma." He said trying to get his son to laugh.
Elana heard her fathers voice standing below the stairs. "Damn it" she whispered, not wanting to make a scene. She tried to climb the last steps before they saw her. In a mirror she discovered her pale face, sweat forming on her forehead. Elana tried to wash her face in the bathroom quickly. She ignored her body's wishes to lay down for à while, because she didn't want to appear weak and make her father feel disappointed. She was burning up.
Aidan stood up and smiled at his father as he approached. He heard his fathers joke and laughed softly "I guess I should head to bed to papa." he said and looked down at the grave "I was just telling mother good night." he said sadly. "I'll join you." he looked up and smiled.
fred heard a commotion at the stairwell."aidan will you go and get megan(his fn fal) from her resting spot." he said as he stood with his back straight.
October smiled and followed him into the house. She greeted Aidan with a small nod. She frowned as he mentioned mother, her thoughts trailing back to her previous conversation with her father. She chewed on the inside of her cheek.
(Meow :o )

Koujaku smirks, and pulls Ariana over to him as he whispers, "And which spy last as long as me with the most useful information~?" He takes the cellphone from her hand, "Ah. Tournament again. Why don't you act more like a proper cute lady once in a while?" 
(Feel like some people can't get an equal chance to post. :( )
(if you guys give me a chance to go to bed then I can work on the relation ship part.)
(Let's plan on something. How about a party by one side of the mafia and the other side kinda get into it too so we can all meet each other. =3= Oh, some people can still wander places from places on the streets and continue their meowing lives with other rpers tho :D )
"Are you trying to say I'm not cute?" Ariana asked as she took her phone back. She smirked and turned around. She was texting the number back with a I need to check with my boss. Might have work on some days. You're only allowed to miss two matches right? She sighed.

(I'm on Red Thorn and I like your idea Silverblack)
Jesse headed back to HQ in a slow, lethargic manner whilst licking the tip of his katana that still bore traces of Dom Peri. It was a very unusual sight, but luckily, no one was around to see the unnerving spectacle, and feel the misguided wrath of the young man. The moon was high up in the sky, along with traces of stars, and Jess calculated that the others are either already asleep, or going to bed.

Upon reaching his destination, he sheathed his katana and wandered around the hallway, singing another nursery rhyme with his usual deadpanned voice.

(I still don't know the layout of the Red Thorn HQ. orz. And (silly question) do they all reside in one building??) 

Nico said:
(Who all here is in Red Thorn)
(I'm a part of Red Thorn~)
(Like the idea, otherwise we will have to wait longer before meeting each other at some point, so let's do that!)
"Not cute enough," Koujaku smirks.

(Meow meow meow :) ) We need a boss for that though -3-)

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