The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Koujaku puts an arm around Ariana, "For a man like me~His heart weakens every time he is helping a pretty girl~Pretty girls are my enemies, yet they are so alluring." He chuckles. "Not you though."
Arianas eye twitched in annoyment, "Your sooo lucky I don't beat your a** right now." Ariana said as she elbowed Koujaku in the elbow.
"Ouchie~" Koujaku whines with a grin. He takes out his cigarrete then, lighting them and smokes.
Restain frowned, then sighed. It's obvious that he would be curious.

"My parents. They didn't really think I was the best influence on their newborn baby, seeing as I was always doing dangerous things, climbing high trees and jumping down, hanging off of 3story houses, other bad things. They decided to send me away to boot camp, hopefully I would fit in, is what they told me. The day they sent me away, our car got hit by an SUV. Red Thorn members were inside, and apparently they were trying to get the White Thorn. After that the boss of White Rose found me wandering the streets, losing blood pretty fast, and took me in. He's not a father to me, he's just some guy that saved me, and I'm grateful for it."

She waved down the waiter before he could say anything else, ordering herself an un-sweet tea.

Kevin rubbed his face, walking out of his office and heading out. It was time to go home. He wanted to see his daughter and take a break for the day.
"Stop whinning you big baby. Suck it up." Ariana said as she sighed and looked at Aidan, "So? The plan? " she asked once more.
Clear texts his boss again, "You are too relaxed, boss. Red Thorn's all work up by the way, it seems like they're forever busy."
Aidan clicked his tongue at the arguing "Well all I know is that this is our information person's daughter. The boss never told me where she is and I have little information on the girl at all." he sighed "I say we do a scope of the city find out more about the girl." he said and ran his fingers through his hair "Last but not least we do not kill the girl." he said with a serious tone.
"De, so this girl's neither mafia's sides' daughter?" Koujaku quirks an eyebrow.
Kevin grinned at the text, replying. "I gave you all two days off, and what do you think they're up to?" He pressed send, then walked up to his house, opening the door. "Olivia?"
Clear frowns at the text, "Seriously boss, you are way too relaxed..........." He replies. "I don't know. A lot of observations on White Rose, though."
( Oh, lol. xD I love Koujaku and Ariana's bickering. xD )

"Hmph. Alright then," Jess relied with a frown. Not only did Aidan ignore his questions, but he also managed to dodge the shuriken without his knowledge. Man that prince is damn lucky. Without waiting for another mini speech, Jess immediately backed away from the group and went outside with his katana ready. He wasn't going to kill the girl, maybe play with her for a while if he found her first, but he's going to get get a taste of blood tonight for sure. He then proceeded to go around back, near the garden to listen if the others already moved out.
He tilted his head to the side. "Alright then, would you like to observe my son for me? Angelo? He's infiltrating the the Red Thorn, if anything happens to him, or if he gets caught onto, you tell me." He frowned, replying it and sitting on his couch.
"Is that a command?" Clear raises an eyebrow as he leans against the back gate of the garden and replies to the text, where Jess can easily spots him but somehow he's not in the mood to care. "Ah, I just remembered. If your wife is still alive isn't your anniversary day someday close? Olivia's been depressed. I want a party, maybe to lighten her up." He continues to text.
"Yes, that is a command. My wife has been dead since Olivia was 5, the Red Thorn members killed her. A party sounds great, I'll leave it to you then." He replied, snapping his phone shut.
"Oh..." Now Seifer regretted that he asked. Restain about her past. It ruined the happy mood. He stayed quiet for a long time, until the waiter awkwardly decided to break the gloomy atmosphere and asked Seifer his order. "Okay... then how about cake? To... you know, celebrate our unbirthday."
Clear sighs at the text...Looking over a guy? Like Angelo? A guy? A guy is super hard to deal with compare to a girl! He's not a babysitter! He's an assassin! That command looks exactly as if he has been turned into some babysitter! He groans slightly. Ah, yeah. The party..........Ehhh? He's the one to manage it? Is that command? If he's the one to manage it then he rather not have a party because it will be super annoying...
Jesse was still busy trying to listen in to the muffled conversation when something caught his eye. "Well, it looks like I'm not the only one spying tonight," he whispered gleefully to himself. He walked calmly towards a young man busy texting, while he carefully replaced the katana on his right hand.

"Hey mister, will you be Jill? I want to play tonight," Jess asked in his usual monotone voice. He cocked his head to the side while he continued watching Clear, his crimson eyes boring against his opponent's form. He definitely reminds him from someone in White Rose. Perfect.
Restain tilted her head to the side, watching him. "I'll have a cake for two, then a well done steak with mashed potatoes and soup." Which just so happened to be the cheapest thing on the menu. She glanced up at Seifer.

"What would you like to eat?"
Clear looks up and frowns when he sees Jess. "Ah, hi. Who's Jill?" He questions with an emotionless face as he tucks the phone backs to his pocket. Let's try and act cool. And that's why he replies to his word without the slightest meaning of threat even though Jess's word, "play", sounds like some sort of a threat...
Jess continued staring at Clear, before opening his mouth t0 sing.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water-"

It wasn't a pretty song, especially when sang in a deadpanned voice, but Jess did it nonetheless.

"Do you know what's next mister?" He asked with a small smile while he pointed his katana in the direction of Clear's throat. "I'll play with you if you don't tell father. I don't want him to know I'm slacking off in a job."
Clear's somehow mature mind gets ruined because the way Jess sang the song is just so funny, he nearly laughs, but holds it back in. "Ha-Ah...Then you should not slack off your job and resume back to your job, shouldn't you?" He ignore the katana at the direction of his throat as he tries to reply calmly, his mind flying back to how Jess sang the song.
For some reason, Jess got pissed at the young man who ignored his words. His left eye twitched in dismay as his sadistic side took over.

"Hey mister, I asked you nicely. Will you be-"

He swung the blade in a second, and sent the tip piercing the wall inches from Clear.

"-Jill?" He finished, his crimson eyes gleaming dangerously against the shadows on his face.

( Yayy, yay, yay~ Character interaction at last! xD )
Clear dodges slightly then. "No, I don't have time for your child's play."

(Yayy~!!After dinner first~!Brb! sorry...)
(Lol, alright~)

"Ah, but nobody ignores my offers," Jess replies, while swinging the katana towards Clear's neck.

"Besides, we can just fight to the death if you refuse," he offered, still glaring daggers at his opponent for laughing at his nursery rhyme.

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