The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Clear texts Olivia then, "We're having a huge party," the text says. "The boss throws the managing job on me, what do you want to include?" Walking away from Jess, he feels a sense of relief, as well as the tensing fact that Jess is the one to kill her mother.
"Oooh, I volunteer!" Jess shouted, immediately ignoring Kuojaku. Jess grabbed the man by the collar and unsheathed his Katana. "Diced or skinned alive? Your choice." He asked Ariana, his crimson eyes glinting.
fred pulled out his cell, and called ariana." I know where she is. I know where they are. the girl and her family. go to [insert address here], thats his house, bring back everyone here, alive, but bag them first. we don't need them to know where they are. when you have them call me for more instructions." he hung up the phone, and went to the basement an ready'd it for the guest.

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Koujaku laughs as he holds Jess's katana as it stabs him. "Let's not be so cold brother, and if dear sister is sexier she might lure more men over~~~"He teases and goes over to hug Ariana from behind. "Aw your dear brother is willing to do anything for you~Especially when it comes to killing~" 
Koujaku frowns, "What, another call from the boss? How tense, how serious is he gonna be~"
Ariana elbowed Koujaku in the stomach now annoyed by him. "Just let it go Jess. We have work." She said as she got up, put money on the bar, and grabbed Koujaku by the ear. She waited outside for Jess. This was going to be fun.
Angelo continued into the Red Thorn territory. As he walked, he noticed a man with a sword in a nearby building. He also spotted Clear and Restain. 'This is my chance.' He walked inside and gave a glance at Clear and Restain. He gave them both a look that clearly said 'Pretend not to know me.'. The Red Thorn members didn't seem to notice the look. He then came closer to the man with the katana.
"Hey Mr. Sleazy, I'll be coming back okay?" With a groan of distaste, Jess dropped the drunkard and followed suit. "Do I get to cut someone this time?" He asked in a monotone voice.
"Shut up. I have suspecions about that guy." Ariana whispered as she was refering to Angelo. She continued to walk out the bar and down the street, still dragging Koujaku by the ear.
"Too drunk. Could you come get me?" Olivia texted Clear back as she woke up from the noise her phone made.
Jess looked for the person Ariana was whispering about. He noticed a young man heading towards their direction. Jess's crimson eyes locked with Angelo, while he studied the newcomer. "Eh? What's this?" He asked once again, this time heading towards the young man. "Hey mister, do you want something? Or do you want to play with me?" Jess asked in his usual voice.

He proceeded to keep his ground inches from Angelo, whilst hovering his right hand over his katana's hilt.

"So, will you be my Jill then?"
Angelo stared at the man and took note of the katana. 'This might be easier than I thought.' Angelo looked at the man with calm eyes. "Hmmm. I don't know what you mean by Jill, but let's strike a deal. I'll be your Jill, if you'll grant me one request." He couldn't afford to mess up here.
Jess's brow raised upon hearing something about a "deal." He studied the man's cool demeanor before removing his hand from the hilt. "I never accept requests from those who don't know who Jill is," he replied. "There was a guy earlier with white hair and he laughed at me when I told him who Jill is. I bet you will too." He unsheathed his katana and began to open the wound on his already healing finger.

"I hate people who laugh."

Jess watched as his own blood dripped on the pavement, while he licked the blade clean.
"I don't see anything funny here, Jack." This man appeared to have an obsession with nursery rhymes. "I'm willing to fetch that pail, but you have to be willing to climb the hill." Angelo was starting to understand what this man was talking about. He could sense a fight on the rise.
Restain glanced over to Angelo from her table, getting ready to back him up if anything happened. Angelo was one of her good friends, and she would never let anything happen to him. She sent an apologetic look to Seifer, just in case something happened. She would most definitely make it up to him.
Angelo couldn't foresee any problems at the current moment. Only members of White Rose knew who he was, so he was practically a stranger to these people. All that was left was for the man to accept.
"Ah, so what do you want from me Jill?" Jess asked with a small smile. "I bet you're just waiting for me to fall down are you?" Jess's crimson eyes locked with his opponent's own. "I'd be willing to climb the hill, but you know how this story ends do you?" He returned the katana back to it's resting place and crossed his arms, asign that he's willing to listen.
Restain, eyed Jess, but didn't do anything from her seat. She had her head tilted to the side. Surely one of them would recognize her from stage if she went over there, but they still didn't know she was from the White Rose. She smiled, tilting her head to the side and leaning back against the booth wall.
"Jess. Let's go." Ariana said still holding Koujaku by the ear. She would be Jess's back up, but Jess wouldn't need back up. Ariana sighed and looked at Koujaku, "What do we do now? Who is that guy anyway?"
"I know how the story ends and I have no qualms. I'll cut to the chase, I would like an opportunity to join Red Thorn. I grew up in the slums and despised life, believing I had no purpose. One day, I discovered a organization known as Red Thorn and was fascinated. I instantly knew that joining was my purpose. If you were to fall down, I'd simply pick you back up. My desire is to reach the top of that hill and retrieve the water."
Restain's jaw dropped as soon as he asked to join Red Thorn. He chose us over them? Oh well, that's his decision. He's still mah Wittle Angewo!

She grinned to herself, squishing her cheeks together to make her lips pucker into a silly face.
Angelo caught sight of Resatain and her surprised expression. He paid no attention to it. His father would be sending a message to all White Rose members about his mission. There should be no confusion afterwards.
Join the Red Thorn?! That's crazy. I still don't trust that guy a hundred percent. Ariana thought as she sighed. "Jess... We need to go." Ariana said still trying to get Jess to pull away.
A strange sound suddenly invaded the heavy atmosphere. A hearty laughter emitted from Jess's lips as he considered the man's offer. He normally doesn't laugh, but this is just... Fascinating.

"My,my Jill. It seems like you already fell," Jess chuckled, "you see, only one is permitted on top of the hill. It was clearly set in the rules. So, either it's you, or me."

Jesse wiped the dried blood on his cheek, completely ignoring Ariana's call. "I'm the same as you Jill, I too grew up in murky waters, I always tumble down before I reach the well. You know why? Because of you." He stared icily at Angelo before continuing. "This story is never going to end until one of us permanently falls down. So," he glanced at his katana, "who's it going to be?"
Restain smiled, nodding and pulling her hair back into a pony tail. Ah, I see. She caught his glance, and looked away from him, to make sure that the other people he was talking to saw nothing. He's got something planned. This is going to be good. She rubbed her hands together, acting like they were cold while listening to Jesse's threats.

She tilted her head to the side, thinking. I like this guy. Menacing, evil, and loves to pick on people. I want to be his friend.
Ariana stood ready to help if Jess needed it. She knew Jess wouldn't turn back now. This guy better watch what was coming. Ariana shook her head and let go of Koujaku and looked at him, "We need to help now."

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