The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Jess completely forgot about the retreating man against the rapid firing of information he was receiving. "It's not an unfair battle," Jess replied, "those rats shouldn't have ran up to the farmer's wife in the first place. Even so, they should've at least had the decency to hide and evade her. She's an old woman anyway."

"Does it need to be done now? I think I'm better Ariana. Don't lump me in with you and Kojakiji."

"Hey, what other rhymes do you know?" He continued asking Restrain.
Restain nodded, agreeing with his statement about the rats. When he asked her what else she knew she blinked, then smiled. "I know a lot! Hickory dickory dock, Twinkle Twinkle, Jack be nimble, Do you know the muffin man, Hush little baby, Humpty dumpty, Little miss muffet.." She trailed off, listing every rhyme she knew.
"Hey, hey Ariana. Can I keep her?" He asked, tugging at Ariana's sleeve. "I'll let you try to assassinate me if you let me keep her." From inside his coat pocket, Jess retrieved a spiked collar and proceeded to loop it around Restrain's neck.

(Lololol. I wonder what Ariana will do. xDD)
Restain blinked, completely unsure of what just happened. "Why do you want to keep me." She looked at the collar. Thinking of ways she could make it work with her outfit. I could use a scarf to cover it up, or I could just dress differently.
"You're the only one that's fun," he replied in his usual deadpan voice. "Ariana and the others won't play with me, and they don't know nursery rhymes. Kojakiji is just a pervert, Ariana is a tomboy, and as for the others, they're no fun. That's why I want to keep you." Jess began to fasten a metal chain at the collar's front while he tugged at it, making sure it's secure.
Restain sulked. "Is the chain necessary? " She mumbled, tugging on it slightly and giving Jess puppy eyes.
Ariana was getting iritated and she kicked Jess on the chest knocking him to the ground then she put her foot in between his neck. "No you can not keep her. And I'll tell you why once we are in private." Ariana said as she applied for presure to her foot. She had remembered Koujaku talking about about a girl named Restain. "I didn't happen to catch your name. What was it dear?" She asked while smiling at Restain.
She smiled, extending her hand to Ariana. "It's Restain. What's yours?" She then turned to Jess. "I won't go away. I can give you my number to text me when you want?" She smiled at him.
"Ah. Ariana. I'm dying." Jess replied in a monotone voice. "Why not? Is it because she's prettier than you? Don't worry, Kojakiji really likes you anyway." Jess gasped for air when Ariana's foot pinned himm harder to the ground.
Restain sighed, watching them both and backing away slowly, taking the chain in her hand. "Woah, lets not pull the pretty card." She mumbles.
(Ack, Reito I realized I've been typing your chara's name wrong the whole time. I just viewed all the character's list. orz. Lol, I wonder if Ariana will get really pissed at Jess. xD )
When Jess made the comment prettier he foot only pushed down harder, "Oh I'm sorry Jess. i couldn't hear you. Did you say something?" She asked as she looked down at the man under her foot and smiled. Ariana was pissed off. Everyone kept saying something that had to do on how she looked. She did this on purpose. After her lovers incident she gave up on all things love.
Hey everyone!

Please understand I would love to RP with you, but tomorrow till August 5th, I will be gone with my orchestra (a tour with concerts) and don't have wifi access. I hope it's not very disappointing news, because after these 12 days, I will RP again, till I drop! ^^ So I will RP after I am back. I am sorry for the inconvenience though, wish you all fun!
( Ohmaygad. I knew it! xD )

"A-Ariana. I'm really," Jess gasped while continuing in his deadpan voice, "dying." He knew he shouldn't have made the "prettier" comment, but Ariana is really fun when she's worked up like that. "Yeah. I told you that Restain is prettier," he managed to reply while taking a hold of Ariana's foot. He began to claw at it and managed to shed some skin, revealing a pinkish hue due to exposed muscle. 

Horinde said:
Hey everyone!
Please understand I would love to RP with you, but tomorrow till August 5th, I will be gone with my orchestra (a tour with concerts) and don't have wifi access. I hope it's not very disappointing news, because after these 12 days, I will RP again, till I drop! ^^ So I will RP after I am back. I am sorry for the inconvenience though, wish you all fun!
It's alright, real life is more important! Good luck!
Restain frowned, watching them. Then she kneeled in front of Jess, watching him. "Do you need some help?"

(Good Luck!)
Jess noticed a movement at the corner of his eye. He then heard Restain's voice asking him if needed a hand. "It's almost... impossible," he gasped, "but sure."
Ariana winced when Jess clawed at her foot. He even managed to pull skin. Ariana bent down and sat ontop of him making his head tilt back, "Don't make me hear it go snap." She said as she grabbed his hands and pinned them to the side with her hands. She was enjoying every minute of this. She smiled happily though as if she wasn't bothered by a thing. She looked up at Restain, "Touch me I dare ya. Then all you will see after is a white light." She said cold as ice that could make chills flow down a persons spine.
She smiled, then nodded, grabbing Ariana's leg with her left hand, and then rushing forward with her right, pressing her arm against her neck and pushing her down to the floor within seconds. Restain blinked, then stood up, looking down at her. "There you go!" She smiled, looking over at Jess.
Jess knew he shouldn't be talking, but he can't help it. "H-hey Ariana," each word is a pain, especially when his throat is stretched out like that but he goes on anyway. "Don't... y-you think that we're... in a very.. awkward.. position in... p-public right.. n-now?" Jess knew he was gonna die any minute. Well, it was nice knowing everyone, he thought, while his head started to throb. ( xD This is really interesting) 
(wow. Is there going to be girl fight? Should I grab some popcorn?)
Ariana sat up and rubbed her head. "You're lucky Jess. You just wait till its just us." Ariana said as she shot him a glare then she smiled at Restain, "Nice grip you had. I give you props. Plus I would never hurt you." She said as she stood up and patted herself off. She walked back over to Jess and slammed her heel into his abdomen area, "Oh yeah. You just wait." She said as she removed her foot then just stood next to him.
( xD I know, late post is late. xD Anyway, it can be like he blacked out due to lack of air or something and that's the last thing he remembered. :) )
(Lol. See but Ariana can only be rough like that with Jess and Koujaku since they're like her closest friends/brothers)

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