The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Jess's breathing suddenly returned to normal. He didn't know why, but it miraculously did. He blinked his crimson eyes open only to find Ariana not in a crushing-him-to-death-mode while talking to Restain. "Wh-what happened?" He asked weakly, while rubbing his forehead.
Restain tilted her head to the side. "You got pinned down by her and she choked you and then I pulled her off cause you asked me to." She said simply, then offered him a hand to help him up.
"Youre off the hook now but just you wait." Ariana said as a smirk danced across her face. "So Restain. I hear from people you like to sing." She said as she smiled. "I bet you are amazing."
Restain smiled. "I love singing! I'm in a band." She clapped her hands. "I don't know how good I am though, I just know I'm good."
His gaze flickered from Restain to Ariana, then back again. "You pulled her off?" He asked in disguised amazement. "Ah, you must be a man in disguise. Only brute men with 100% assassinating skills can trip that old man," he replied, clearly reffering to Ariana as the "old man."
"I'd like to hear you sometime. If you hadn't noticed I prefer fighting as my hobby. I fight in underground tournaments." Ariana said as she smiled then realized the mission. Ehh that could wait.
Restain raised her eyebrows. "I'm 100% a girl." She giggled. "Ah fighting is bad though! I prefer talking it out." She smiled. "And sure! You can hear me at my next concert."
Ariana popped her knuckles and grabbed Jess by the collar, "Shut the hell up." She said as she easily lifted him up then slammer him back onto the ground then walked back to where she was standing. "Fighting isn't so bad. It's fun because I can hurt him." She said as she smiled "and I would love to go to your concert." 
(Omg we haven't even gone on our assignment. Ehh well Koujaku is supposed to go with us so we can just wait till he gets online tomorrow for the assignment)
Jess began to cough up blood while he tried to sit up straight. "Ah... Ariana, I think you destroyed my rib cage and cracked the back of my head open," Jesse implied in his usual voice while watching blood flow down from his neck. "I'm not sure about that though," he replied to Restain's answer. 
(Lol, yeah! I forgot about that too!)
"It's not my fault you don't know how to keep your mouth shut. You know damn well i hate when yall bring love into the conversation." Ariana said as she sighed. She smiled at Restain and looked at Jess, "Hope you heal u p before our work we have to do." She said as she smiled an innocent smile.
Jess glanced at Restain. "About you being 100% girl," he replied with a small smile. He turned back towards Ariana. "That cold Aria. You should close my wounds with stitches." He proceeded to paint on Ariana's face using his forefinger dipped in blood. "There. You look more girly now," he added while drawing a small heart and a mustache on Ariana's face.
Ariana clenched her fist and quickly punched him in the stomach then back handed him across his face, "Go burn in hell." She said as she walked over to the window and cleaned up the blood before it dried. "Anyways. The work I was talking about. We have to go get it done soon." She said as she got all the blood off.
Restain sighed, deciding to leave now. She turned around and walked back to her table with Seifer, smiling and sitting down. "Sorry about that."
Jess once again slumped to ground while clutching at his stomach. After a few more agonizing minutes, he coughed and spitted out more blood. "Huh? I thought this was hell. What are you talking about Aria? Weren't you the demon lady who eats and rapes souls?" Jess asked innocently, while trying to get up despite his injuries. He then noticed that Restain left. "Ah. She went away. She didn't even return my collar." He took out another matching collar from inside his coat pocket. "Don't worry, I have one for you too Ari."
Restain took off his collar and put it in her pocket, promising herself to return it later.
Ariana was going to have grey hair by next year at the rate Koujaku and Jess were going. She kicked Jess in the stomach then grabbed his arm and dragged him to around the corner where she had left Koujaku. "Alright we are just about ready to start our assignment." Ariana said as she sighed, "Why do I always gotta be stuck with you two?"

(Last post. Night guys!~)
(Alrighty~ I have to go too~ Night!)

"Hey Ari, I don't think I can... go any further," Jess gasped as he got another kick to his stomach. He let Ariana drag him to the corner where she and Koujaku had once been. "Koujiki, if anybody... asks.. tell them I was murdered by this crazy old lady." Jess's head throbbed even more as he tried to stand still and focus at his surroundings. Damn. At this rate, the only blood that will be shed for tonight is his. What was this mission about anyway? After a full minute of trying to stand still, Jess gave up and leaned heavily to Ariana, successfully splattering her with his own blood.
Olivia was still waiting on Clear's text. She kept checking her phone every couple minutes, she was not patient at all. She was still laying down, staring at her ceiling. It was white and boring.
Clear lets out a sigh when he finally sees Angelo, "Ah. Have been looking for you. The boss throws me a mission to look out for you. I hate it myself, so no complaints." He walks side way with him while raising an eyebrow at Restrain's direction. "Mind telling me what happened?" Meanwhile, he texts Olivia, "Going to have a party, what do you want to include in it?"

Koujaku frowns at Jess when he sees him all weak with all the blood. "Oh, by the way, ouch." He frees his ear from Ariana's grasp before grinning. "My apologies, I have been daydreaming the whole time. What just happened?"
"I did that to Jess. Lets just say that. Also we have an assignment from the boss. We were supposed to start it by now but Jess here was getting into trouble." Ariana said as she smiled and looked at Jess, "Hurry up and get up. I swear you and Koujaku act like such kids."
"Yah~It's sure will be great to become kids again~All free~~~" Koujaku laughs. "Brother got into trouble huh~? Isn't that great~"

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