The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Oh so you won't help if we do get followed? Fine then at least come up with a plan on how we are going to capture her." Ariana said. She honestly was going to have grey hair in about a year or so.
"Hey, guys, can you please stop flirting? You remind me of Georgie Porgie," Jess says in distaste. "We can capture her by using Koujiki as bait. We can beat him up and wait until she notices and helps him." Jess finally spotted the house they were after and stopped on his tracks. "So how about it Aria? Koujiki?" He asked with an innocent smile.
"Nope," Koujaku smiles. "Even if Ariana approves, I'm not going to part of that~"
Olivia smiled at the next text she recieved. "Thank you Clear, that means a lot," she replied back to the boy.
"Umm no. Koujaku will infiltrate yes because that's his specialty. Thing is how..." Ariana said thinking about how they could possibly capture Brianne and possibly her mother, if she was even home. "Koujaku can't you just charm your way in like always?" she asked still trying to think of a better plan.
Angelo walked along with Clear, as he was pulled to a store. "Clear, you don't need to keep an eye on me. I haven't even encountered a dangerous situation. Restain saw to that." Angelo was starting to feel annoyed, which was extremely rare. "She just ruined the operation by interfering. If you're going to watch somebody, watch her." He let out a sigh and pulled out his phone. 'Not that it really matters anyway.' A map with a blinking dot appeared on the the screen. The Ref Thorb member didn't even noticed when he put a tracer on him. He took out a pair of earbuds and plugged them in. He hit a button, turning on the audio. He caught a few words of the conversation, before shutting it off. 'Is that the plan? Looks like I've found another opening.' Angelo began to walk away and turned to face Clear. "I'm heading out to work on the mission. Please, do not interfere under any circumstances and make sure that Restain keeps her distance. 'Now I just have to make my way to the daughter.'
Brianne went down into her kitchen while her mom and dad were fast asleep upstairs. She got herself a glass of water and sat down on the couch in the living room. She flicked on the television and flipped through the channels. "TV this late is so weird.." she mumbled to herself.
"Wait wait wait wait, what are you thinking on now? What daughter...And no, I keep an eye on you because that's the boss's command. Not like I want to keep watch of you since the start." clear grabs Angelo's back collar.

"How I charm people is not a tool~~But it might work yes~But come on guyssss things will unfold its way eventuallyyyyy~" Koujaku chuckles.
Ariana sighed, "Then you come up with a way. You are the spy after all. Jess and I are assassins!" she said as she shook her head. Why did the boss have to give this assignment to them? Jess was the only spy here while Jess and Ariana killed.
"We'll I never use things like plansss I just let things happen and see what I should do from there~~~" Koujaku laughs happily.
Brianne curled up under a blanket to get comfortable. She had no idea why she was restless like this. She continued to flip through the channels, trying to find anything that seemed decent to watch.
Angelo broke the grip on his colar and gave a serious look towards Clear. He never acted like this, he was always the respectful member the boss adopted, but this mission was extremely imortant, he was bound to adapt along the way. "I need you to listen to me. I don't care about orders, this is extremely important. I can't stop you from following, but you need to keep your distance. If someone spots you, you do not know me. We have never met and we have no connection whatsoever. I cannot have another incident like the one Restain caused. I cannot stress this enough." He then proceeded to walk out and run towards the tracers location. 'I don't have time for this.'
Ariana sighed. "I don't have an idea. Lets see " Ariana said as she thought about it. She honestly couldn't think about a thing, "Well how old is she?" She asked. Maybe one of the three could act like they knew her or something.
"Stop worrying~Just throw the job at me and I will lure her out~We don't need a plan~We just go with the flow~" This is how Koujaku works things out every time.
Ariana sighed, "Fine." she wasn't one to just 'go with the flow' but whatever would work. "You knock her out though I don't care if you are a spy." Ariana smiled.
Brianne finally settled on a movie that looked interesting. She sipped at her glass of water and curled up under the blanket. She was still wide awake.

Olivia lifted herself up to sit on the kitchen counter. She was bored and thought about the party, she couldn't wait. She wondered how her dad would act, since its for his anniversary.
Seifer raised his eyebrow. "What happened there?" He asked Restain, curious. Was he really being left out on something? Weird... Seifer may be coming up with his own conclusions... Yeah, that's what it was. Overthinking.
"Yah~Don't do that~~! It will hurt~! Come on woman~Is violence all you think of?" Koujaku is actually pretty strong, though he has no interest in showing it since he doesn't like to fight unless necessary. He pats Ariana's head instead, "Just hold Jess outside with you in the backyard~I will handle things from there~" With that, he walks lightheartedly to the house where Brianne is. He wonders if she will recognize her as a member of the Red Thorn, though.
Brianne heardsr noises outside but shrugged it off. It was probably a raccoon or something. She continued to watch the movie.
Koujaku happily knocks on the door, "Anybody home~~~?" He frowns at his own voice as he coughs and makes his voice sounds serious, "Anybody home!"
Brianne looked a little shook up. Who would be at the house at this time? She considered not answering for a moment. The brunette finally built up the courage to lift herself from the couch and go to the door. She opened it and looked at Koujaku, "Um hello, can I help you?" she said sheepishly.
Restain smiled. "It was nothing. Just Angelo was starting something and then there was a person that put a collar on me and tried to take me home... But yeah, that's it" She smiled, waiting for him to order his food.

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