The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Nope," Koujaku lifts the bag up away from Jess. "You pretended to be dead, and I just lied to her. Easy enough."
"I don't know what he is up with, all I know is that he got some important plan," Clear texts back.
"Huh? Why do I get to be the dead one?" Jess pouted, snatching the bag away from Koujaku. He began to drag the bag carelessly towards the house. "Hey, let's start over. This time Koujakiji will be the dead guy, and I'll be the killer," Jess replied while removing Brianne out of the bag and onto the front door.
Koujaku laughs, then elbows Jess away as he pours some beer into Brianne's mouth so it will be harder for her to wake up. He puts Brianne back to the bag then and carries it over his shoulder. "Nope."
Brianne began to cough quite a bit, sounding like she was choking. Finally, her coughing got quieter.
After being elbowed, Jess simply stared at Koujaku, promising to kill him in his sleep. "What are we going to do now?" He asked with a yawn. Jess realized that he hadn't even been able to enjoy the comfort of his bed this day. He wonders what other stupid missions Ariana got for them.
"Go back to the boss I guess," Koujaku laughs happily. "Depends on the tiger~" Meaning Ariana.
Olivia read Clear's text. "Oh alright.." she said back. She put her phone down and contined to lay by the pool, watching the water ripple under her fingers.
Angelo turned towards Clear. "I'm working on an infiltration mission in order to have both White Rose and Red Thorn make a treaty to stop the violence. I had the perfect chance earlier, but Restain messed everything up and I mean everything. I don't think she noticed what I was doing. There are certain things I need you to do in this situation. They are trying to take the daughter of a police officer, which gives me an opening. I will need you to keep your distance, so that they don't know where I'm from. Make sure Restain doesn't come anywhere near the operation. And lastly, if I give you a signal, you will come in and act like you're on a mission to take the girl as well. Do not kill anybody. You an I may need to engage in combat. If so, you can't hold back, it needs to be convincing. You will also need to let me win, at that point, you will need to retreat."

Angelo continued running, until he caught sight of the Red Thorn members. "Hide." He waited for Clear to get to a good hiding place, before approaching them. He walked towards them with a blank expression and peered over at the girl. He would be going with the aloof personality this time.
"Such freakin kids you are. Yes now we go back to the boss." Ariana said as she didn't bother looking at the two kids. She sighed and put her hands behind her head and began walking back to the villa. Then she remembered to text the boss. She grabbed her phone and texted him We got daughter. Couldnt get the mother.

Ariana heard rustling leaves and she turned around only to find Angelo, "What do you want." She said in a cold manner. She didnt need any distractions. She just needed to get all of thos over with.
Angelo ignores the girl, in favor of looking at the girl. He recognized her from files in the database. 'What would Red Thorn want with her?' They could be holding her for a ransom, blackmail, or to fan information. Either way, this wasn't good. He would help her if possible, but it wasn't possible at the current moment.
Brianne stirred a bit but remained out cold. She began to mumble a few words but nothing that anyone was able to make out.

Olivia rolled over to lay on her back and stared into the sky. Her long brunette hair cascaded around her and since she was close to the pool, just the tips of some of it fell in.
"Did you get permission from the boss with this plan?" Clear uses text instead to talk to Angelo. He doesn't like the plan, he wants both sides to continue the violence. Furthermore, he found out the murderer of the boss's wife now. He wants revenge. Clear frowns when he sees Jess again.

Koujaku smiles and greets Angelo pleasantly. "Hello~Fellow enemy~What's with popping up all of a sudden?" He turns to Ariana then. "Tiger~May you please bring Brianne back to the boss before she wakes up? I will deal with him." He tilts his head slightly toward Angelo's direction.
Angelo stands and turns his attention to the other man. "This situation caught my interest." He spoke in a monotone voice. "Besides, I don't recall being an enemy. As I previously stated, I wish to join Red Thorn, not oppose it."
Clear texts again, "Did the boss agree with it?"

"Hmm~~~If my boss agree with it sure~" Koujaku hums his happy tune. "To join us means to betray White Rose, though~Is that a way to seek peace between two sides of the mafia?" To join the Red Thorn either means he want to betray his own side mafia, or want to spy on us.
"Stop calling me tiger. I think i can handle anything." Ariana said as she sighed. She had suspicion about Angelo but now she knew why, because he is from White Rose. Or according to Koujaku he was.
Angelo gave a sigh at the answer. "I would be most appreciative if I could meet with your boss, but you seem to misunderstand something. I am not a member of White Rose." His existence was only known to the top White Rose members, which is why e picked himself for this mission.
Ha! His aura is clearly from the White Rose, Koujaku thought. "Is that Clear standing there texting~? I wonder who he's texting to~?" He is starting to enjoy this as he walks around Angelo. "If you are simply a somebody who wants to join the Red Thorn, then awww so sad we don't accept normal people." He smirks. "But what's wrong with calling you tiger, Miss Tiger?" He replies to Ariana with a lighthearted grin. "Come on~Bring that bag back to boss~And tell him about....About this dude.....Who.....I find very funny...."He starts laughing, not knowing the reason himself. 
"Bring that bag back to boss right now." Suddenly, Koujaku stops, and his eyes glare daringly at Ariana.
"I may not be in a mafia, but I'm far from normal." Angelo was staring to make some progress in this situation. In his eye, he caught Clear texting. 'Good thing I powered down my phone.' It looked like the man still thought he was from White Rose. 'Then there is only one option left to erase those doubts he has.' Angelo gave the signal to Clear, telling him to begin his part of the mission. Members of the same mafia wouldn't fight each other seriously, thats why Clear has to fight with everything he has. The Red Thorn members didn't appear to notice. All that was left was for Clear to begin his 'mission' to bring the girl back and for him to 'lose' and retreat.
Brianne was in the process of waking. She tossed and turned in the back and made a few odd noises. "Wha.." she mumbled out. She couldn't really tell what was going, she was half awake. All she knew was that she was somewhere dark and cramped.
Clear has that cold look in his eyes that said, "Only if boss allows me, since I only listen to the boss."

Koujaku narrows his eyes at Angelo, "You have something going in your mind. Like a plan...Ah. But please stands here for a second, I need to deliver a bag to the boss." He lifts Ariana up by her waist along with the bag while the other arm carries Jess. "Will be back! Don't move! Don't freaking move~!!!" With that, he disappears running away.
Brianne was now starting to move around but she faintly heard the voices. Her head was killing her. Just what happened to her? She was so confused and all she wanted was to be able to move but some sort of fabric confined her.
Koujaku finally arrives at the Red Thorn building. He throws the bag through an open window and doesn't care who is in that room, really. He then shuts the window. "Jess, keep an eye out for her~Please~" He joyfully pats Jess on the head before lifting Ariana by her waist again and heads back to Angelo's direction.

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