The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Brianne had fallen hard and her whole body ached. Why was she just being tossed around? Was this a dream? What was going on?
When Koujaku continued to grab Ariana by the waist she was demanding for him to put her down. When they got back to where Angelo she told Koujaku to put her down already. "I don't need to be carried around." She said as she sighed.
fred was in the room that the window was smashed. he dropped down thinking it was a drive by. but he found out that no one was shooting. He stood up from his hiding spot. he saw the bag." ah good. your here." he brought the bag down to the basement, and took her out of the bag. he put her in a chair. and tied her down."now my dear I have a few questions, and if you don't the." a loud noise can be heard." well lets just say that you don't want to answer wrong."
Koujacku texts his boss then, "Boss~~ there's tis dude who said he's not from the White Rose even tho he got this super strong white rose aura and asked to join the red thorn~~~oh and did u receive the bag yet~?"
he walks out of the room when his phone goes off."first I got the package, and we need to talk, bring yourself and angelo in, and bring the guy In, I wanna talk to him."
"The guy seems to be Angelo, if I'm correct with my spying skills, but he claims that he's not from the White Rose." Koujaku raises an eyebrow as he replies. "Oh mister~?" He calls to Angelo then.
fred walks over to the tape recorder. he turns it on." first stay your name. then your family members."
""The guy seems to be Angelo, if I'm correct with my spying skills, but he claims that he's not from the White Rose." Koujaku turns his thought into a text as he messages his boss with a sigh.
Brianne kept crying. Between sobs she gave him the answers. "I'm Brianne Caldon," she inhaled sharply. "My dad's name is Russell Caldon," again, another sharp inhale. "My mom is Maria Caldon."
"well bring him, if hes not then we can use him, if he is from the white rose, then we can capture him, and use him as a pawn if the white roses does something. later." 
"good, now what does your father, and mother do, and remember answer right if you don't then." he flips the machine on for a split second, sending a little shock into the chair she is sitting in."zap"
"Ohhhhh sounds goooooodddd~~~~!" Koujacku cheerfully replies to the text as he looks up at Angelo. "Mister Darling~You are accepted~Come come~"
Brianne looked wide eyed. Why did he need to know that? She winced at the zap but just stared at him in silence. She wasn't going to give that up. Not yet.
"ahh, a fighter then lets see how long you can take it." he turns the machine on, sending volts of electricity into her chair. the lights began to flicker, then fade.
(I'm sorry but I'm going have to drop this RP. Say that Aidan was killed on his mission or something)
Brianne cried out in pain. She had no clue what his intentions are and giving out her parents names already put them in enough danger. Giving out what they did, too, could be very bad. She begged him to stop but she knew he wouldn't. Brianne tried to get him to feel guilty and begged some more, "How could you.. Do this.. To an innocent girl.." She said, panting.
Ariana looked at all the messages and she sighed, "So you brought me here for nothing?! I'm gunna go get a drink." she said as she shook her head and walked off towards the bar. She walked in and sat down.

"Vodka Martini." she said as she sighed.
he turns off the machine walks over to her chair." to an innocent girl who's father is on my case for investigating me. Yeah I know who you are, what your father does. I need him to see that I can reach into his life and take something he loves, and hurt it."
"So that's who you are then? Clearly, you're a pretty messed up guy. You have a family, don't you? What if someone took YOUR daughter and did exactly what you're doing to me?" she questioned. Brianne was good at this. She wanted to make him feel as bad as possible.
fred gets in close and whispers, "ah but thats where your wrong, you see if anyone so much as thinks about touching any of my children then I will make their pathetic lives horrible." with that he goes and turns on the machine. letting the volts run through her body.
(make it the cop that is investigating frederick kills him. that would be good.)
Brianne cried out again but managed to speak, "Really? Could you be so sure? My dad would never let this happen, but it did. Same could happen to you. Would you want her to go through this?" she said sternly but the tears rolled down her cheeks.

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