The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"I'm not spying, I'm not a spy. You know who I am...." Clear frowns, somehow he doesn't like being called a spy. "Uh. I'm not a stalker as well." Being called a stalker is definitely not cool either. He looks back through the window, "Thought that may be a bit too violent for a young girl," he sighs.
fred put her into a bed(Britt) and walked up to the first floor. he goes to the office and calls araina"Come to the office we have things to discuss,"
Brianne was laying there in the bed, her wound still bleeding.

Olivia sat up and texted Clear, "Hey, what's going on?"
"Got caught near the Red Thorn, still can't go With the saying that curiosity can kill a cat." Clear texts back sighing.
"No need to worry. I can handle it. But ur dress might get a bit dirty."Clear texts again with a sigh.
"I don't care about the dress as long as you come out alive," she texted back. Olivia laid back down next to the pool and stared into the sky.
Restain stood from the table after eating, wriggling her fingers at Seifer. "That was really good. You're paying, remember?" She smiled, then pranced out of the restaurant, completely unaware of anything that was happening.
"It might be but that's the bosses decision." Ariana said as she sighed. "Anyways just excuse yourself out." she added with a smirk.
( Oh gawd, I'm seriously missing out in this RP. I'm sorry guys! (busy time schedule) )

Jess woke up next to an empty bag inside the Red Thorn Headquarters. He must've blacked out again due to blood loss and the searing pain coursing through his body. Damn that old witch for trying to kill him. Wincing in pain, he slowly got up and began rubbing the back of his head. Hmm, I wonder what's happening, Jess thought as he stared at the bag Brianne had once been. After a full minute, he strolled through the hallway and was surprised to see Ariana talking with that white-head he had met before. "Hey, hey old demon lady. Don't you think you're too old to fight? You should just leave this to me," he told Ariana.
"Says the one I just beat up." Ariana said as she shot a glare at Jess. "Would you like me to finish where I left off?" she offered with a wide smile.
"Tch. I just let you beat me up so you wouldn't tell father I slacked off," he countered. "Sure, you can do that oldie, but don't cry if I hit you back," he continued in his monotone voice. Jess let his right hand hover over the hilt of his katana, while staring coolly at his new "opponent."
"I still don't think I'm in the mood to fight..." Clear sighs. "Not in the mood to ask myself out either." He stares at both of them coldly. He doesn't like to listen to his enemy, really.

Koujaku starts poking Angelo all over, "Come on~~Boss gonna see ya~~" He starts texting Aiden (Nico) "Got a suspicious person into the mafia~~"
"Then I would be glad to show you out. You are not wanted here." Ariana said as she smiled. She was having fun. She had never liked White Rose members.
"I know I'm not wanted but I don't want you to show me out either, and I don't want to fight either..." Clear replies calmly.
"Aren't you a pain." Ariana sighed then put her arms across her chest and shut her eyes for a bit. Clear is a pain. Where's Koujaku when ya need him. Ariana thought to herself and sighed.
"I'm glad I am a pain to my enemy," Clear nods slightly. "I will accept that as a compliment, then."

Koujaku drags Angelo toward the Red Thorn happily because Angel won't say anything.
"My goodness....." Ariana muttered as she sighed and shook her head then grabbed Clear by the arm and began walking towards rhe door, "Then I'll drag you out."
Clear clicks his tongue slightly as he pulls his arm away, "That girl interest me, I want her as well." He says it plainly, not minding the dangers.
"Well you can't have her." Ariana said as she turned around and looked at Clear. She really wasn't in mood for any fuss. "Just hurry up and leave."
Brianne stirred in her bed and the blood from the wound on her head smeared into the sheets. It wasn't bleeding as bad anymore.

Olivia sat up and hugged her knees to her chest, she was worried. If Clear and Angelo were with the Red Thorn, there was no telling what could be happening right now.
"ah your finally awake." fred said as he stood in the door way. "So my little darling, we have somethings to discuss." he pulled a chair from the corner."now first where does your father keep all the information and evidence on me."
Brianne just barely managed to get herself to sit up. "Don' me.. that," she said, panting between the words. "And I don't know."
"alright I won't call you that, but I need to know that if you tell me I will let you go." he walked over to the table."you know there is fresh food and water here. I cooked it myself. you got fresh scrambled eggs, some hash browns, ground coffee. would you like anything else."
"How am I supposed to trust something you made when not that long ago you had every intetion to kill me? I told you, I don't know where he keeps it," she said. Brianne didn't want to take anything from him, not from someone so cold. Someone who could kill a child when he has one her age and feel nothing at all.

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