The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"I get it your angry with me, and yes I did have that intention, but I believe that a child shouldn't starve to death. I give you my word on my kids life, I didn't put anything bad in the food. to prove it to you I will taste it before you." he grabbed a fork, and took a small bit from the eggs, then from the hash, then poured a small amount of the coffee into a cup and drank it."I took a small potion and ate it, and I'm fine. will you at least, I know I have been a rude host but the least you can do is that."
"A rude 'host'.." she mumbled under her breath. "Fine," Brianne finally said to him as she began to quietly eat the food. She wanted to cry but there was no more tears left. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her entire body ached all over, especially the wound on her head so she held her hand there, hoping the pressure would stop the bleeding, although it was beginning to stop on it's own.
Clear frowns, "You are ten times harder to deal with than Koujaku." Apparently, if it's Koujaku, he will be so interest in what will happen that he will let Clear do whatever he wants.
fred grabbed some bandaging from a medical cabinate."now lets see what we can do about this." he grabbed her head, looking at the wound."oh its only a little scratch, but best to cover it up, now hold still." he began to wrap a bandage around her head.
Brianne shuddered, she didn't like her touching him. She flinched slightly but let it happen. The girl sat there in silence.
"alright all finished. how was the food, good no?" after she replied."alright I have a little present here for you." he pulled out a phone." I'm going to let you call your father and arrange a meet, a swap for the evidence, and you go back. how does that sound?"
"I don't trust you," Brianne said simply. "You're going to hurt him. Hell, if you can do the things you did to me, I don't want to know what you would do to my father," she said. "I'm not going to play this by your rules." She had no clue herself how she was being this brave.
"alright, we can do it on your location. but if you don't trust me then do it for your father, he is missing you deeply. all I want are the files then you can go with your father, this is all I want." he said as he placed a dead phone on the desk, "all you need to do is call and you can go home."
"I really doubt it's as simple as you say," she said. Brianne wasn't going to go along with this, not that easily.
fred turns on the T.V in the room, and it shows her father looking through her room, looking for what happened to his daughter." You don't want him to have to lose you. I wouldn't want that. so for the love of god, call him, and he might get his daughter back soon." he picks up the phone."his number is still [insert random number here], right?"
"You people are always going back on your word. Why should I trust that when my dad trades over those files that you won't kill him right there?" she said. Brianne wasn't going to make this easy for him.
fred pulled out a picture of his wife."do you see this women, she was my wife. She...she was killed by a member of the white rose. I swore that I would stop them. your father is the only thing keeping me from that." a tear began to go down his cheek. this was a rear thing, fred crying. only when it came to his wife." I give you my word on her grave, I will not try anything, and If something happens then, I give your father the right to kill me where I stand."
She did not pity the fellow, despite his great loss. He had nearly killed her, Brianne could not forget that. A part of her felt a little bad. "Fine.." she picked up the phone and dialed the number. "Hi daddy.. well, I don't really know if I could say I'm okay. I'm..I'm in the hands of that Mafia you were investigating. Yes, yes.. everything will be alright, this man says if you hand over the files you have on them that I can go home with you.."
"I knew that. Koujaku is just so easy going." Ariana said as she sighed, "So what is it going to take to make you leave?" She added as she put her hands behind her head.
"good, now set up a meeting place and a time, and then hang up." he said as he sat on the metal table, hoping that she would do this, he went over and grabbed a new sheet and remade the bed."there you got fresh sheets."
"That girl interests me as well and it's just that," Clear sighs, sitting down on the floor and rests his back against the wall. He seems as if he has no caution but it's actually up at all time.
Angelo followed Koujaku towards the Red Thorn base. 'This was easier than I thought. I need to find a moment to call Father.' He observed the man he was following. He wore a kimono and was referred to as Koujaku. He seemed very playful and carefree, but possessed underlying danger. 'I wonder what their boss wants to discuss.' He didn't really know what to expect. The boss could just interview him or ask for a demonstration of his skills. He was pretty confident that he could handle either one. As he walked, his mind floated back to that girl. 'I hope she's alright.' Although he was in the mafia, Angelo and White Rose followed the old ways of the mafia, instead of the ways people did things now. While they did participate in illegal activities, they did have their morals. They were there to protect the citizens and things like human trafficking were despicable. 'Maybe I could help her once I get there.'

(Sorry for the late reply. I have gotten zero alerts.)
"What's your name?" Koujaku cheerfully asks, though he as a spy is already 96 percent confidence that he is Angelo. He asks anyway as he puts his hands at the back of his head. This guy can be pretty useful, his body seems to be those kinds that has experiences and skills in fighting. If he's useless they can just throw him away anyway.
"Libiera. And the others called Koujaku, correct?" He wouldn't use his real name. Nobody outside of White Rose knew about his existence, even the Red Thorn boss was clueless. However, there was nothing wrong with playing it safe. Besides, he didn't intend to stay for long. He would leave when the two families made peace with each other.
"Your intention is to make peace for both families right?" Koujaku asks. At least, nobody knows that he is a spy of the Red Thorn besides his own comrades.
"I wouldn't call it my intention, but I would definitely like to see it happen. I've observed the fighting since I was a child and I find it pointless. I didn't exactly have anywhere to go, so I simply chose a side and went at my own pace. That side just happened to be Red Thorn." Angelo stretched his limbs and adjusted the sword in his coat. This man kept asking questions, but he wouldn't give any answers. He followed the omertà and knew the penalties for breaking it.
"We have our reasons to fight," And I'm sure you know it. Koujaku simply replies with a smile. "So we never call it 'pointless.'"
"Could you meet me at that park we went to when I was a kid at 3:00? ..okay, bye dad," Brianne said into the phone then hung up and placed it on the table. She said nothing and sat back down on the bed.
Clear frowns at last when he hears the girl talking on the telephone to meet his dad. He kinda understand the situation now despite all the talk with Ariana. Since he understands the situation, he throws a tiny paper bal at Brianne's head to catch his attention without catching the boss's. Let's make a deal, the note says. He know sthat Ariana is watching him all the time but oh who cares.
"so we have the meeting place, mind telling me the place so I at least know where we are meeting?" he asked before she fell on the bed that had clean sheets.

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