The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Just hurry up. I don't want to fail on this assignment because of some annoying children." Ariana said as she sighed and thought about it. Who were they going to go get? She cursed under her breath and texted the boss, Wo exactly are we going after? It seems nobody on this team paid attention plus you never did give us a name.
"What do you mean?" Olivia texted back as she sat up. She set down her phone as she picked up the remote control to the tv. She flicked it on and changed it to MTV. She watched whatever was on as she awaited an answer from Clear.
freds phone went off. "Your going after a girl by the name of brianne, daughter of the cops who was charged with investigating the organization. we need her for." the text ran out of characters so he sent a follow up text. "for a bargning chip, she is at the location I told you, and if you can bring in the wife as well . then report back after you have her."
Brianne finally climbed back into her room and shut the window. The girl sat on her bed and felt like she should be studying and so she did. She cracked open her biology book in her lap and began to make notes in her notebook. She'd had enough excitement for one night, she needed to get bak to her studies. If she didn't study now, she'd fail her upcoming test. But she couldn't help but worry about her dad and the investigation he was involved in. It distracted her.
"My, my, Aria. You shouldn't lie. Father says that if you lie, you turn into an old man with a bulging belly." Jess tried to compose himself, and managed to finally get up straight without needing any help. His whole body felt like it was being hacked back and forth with a blunt knife, but he carried on nonetheless in his usual deadpan manner. "Koujakiji, Ariana tried to murder me. She's just jealous that maybe you'll leave her for another pretty girl," Jess stated in as a matter of fact tone while looking at Koujaku.

"Anyway Aria, what do we need to do?"
Ariana kicked Jess in the chest knocking him down once more. "For the last time I do not like Koujaku!" She exclaimed as she sighed. She shook her head then looked at her phone, "We're going to get tue cops daughter. Her names Brianne. He said bring her in without killing her. And if possible bring her mother." She sighed and shook her head.
Jess began coughing more blood before standing up, and staggering away from the group. "Oh? That's it?" He asked with a hint of disappointment. This night is really a pain in the ass. He hadn't been able to "play," and his blood had been shed that naggy witch. "Tch. I'll be going first then," Jess called out while limping slowly towards their groups destination.
Koujaku grins, "Ah~! I know many girls like me so it's okay if you like me Ariana~~" He laughs out loud before sighing. "Aye, kidnapped her with the usual child's play as bag her? Why don't we just lift her back bridal style~~?" He lightheartedly starts walking then. "My name is Koujaku though, Jessie~"

Clear sighs at the text as he replies, "It's boss's anniversary day with his wife. A party to celebrate it even if she died already. Just asking if you want to include anything in this party. Not the impossibility though, don't ask me to bring in a real spider man."
Brianne couldn't believe she was practically up all night like this. First she was lost in the streets and now she's back in her room to study. Although staying out was very unlike her, she liked it. She was thinking about doing it again sometime soon 
Olivia read the text. She had completely forgotten.. She felt tears well in her eyes. "Nothing that I can think of.." She replied back. Wow, she really missed her mom. And if she could, she'd slaughter any member of the Red Thorn who took part in killing her. But everyone knew she wasn't strong enough for that.
"Is that so." Clear forwards the message first before texting another one. "By the way, I found out who killed your mother. Had a talk with him today and found out, it's a guy who failed at singing nursery rhythms."
"Is he really? I swear I'd kill him myself if I was capable.. I wish I was," she texted back Clear. He was probably her favorite of all the people who worked for her father.
"You will get strong I promise," Clear replies with the slightest smile on his own face. "And revenge~"
"Thanks! I really hope so," she texted back, grinning. She liked that idea. Whether or not she was the one to kill him, she'd make sure that he heard what she had to say.
"Anyway, you sure you don't want anything for the party? A new dress? Make-ups? Something?" Clear texts back to make sure.
"Um.. I mean yeah, I would like a new dress but I couldn't ask you to pick that up for me!" Olivia texted back Clear. She'd feel bad making him do that.
"What's your favorite color?" Clear ignores what she typed and just sent forward, already decided to pick one for her.
"Probably light blue," she answered back. Olivia was a little confused, such a random question.
Olivia raised an eyebrow at this, then shrugged. "Yeah, that sounds about right," she texted back.
"Alright. I believe I know your measurements. I will get you the dress. Anything else?" Clear texts, walking right around the clothing store and he steps in, dragging Angelo with him. He sighs, relaxed by the air-conditioner.
Ariana let everything go. She did like Koujaku but that would just be weird if she admitted it. Also Jess was on the verge of getting killed by her. "Exactly that Koujaku. We have to bag them. Sadly because that will only take longer." she said as she sighed and followed behind Jess noticing he was leaving a blood trail, "Dammit Jess. You're going to lead people straight to us."
"You didn't have to do that! But thank you very much," Olivia texted back to the boy. She smiled.
Koujaku laughs then, "Won't it be more interesting if somebody follows us? Then it will be so fun to, you know, watching you guys handle them and stuff~"

Clear smiles at the message, "No prob." He replies simply before checking out the store for a dress that might suits her.
Brianne closed the book and set it down on her floor next to her notebook. She pulled her laptop into her lap and began to scroll through her tumblr. She wasn't tired so she thought she might as well.

Olivia stood up and walked into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She thought about her car thst she left at the bar earlier and got nervous. Her dad would be mad if it stayed there and got trashed or stolen. 
Olivia then glanced at her phone, "you're the best!" she texted to Clear.
Clear blinks at the text and a slight blush forms on his face as he replies, "You're the best too. Give your best." With that he decides on a dress that seems very fitting and buys it.

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