The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Angelo released a smirk at the sentence. He was improvising very well. Angelo put his hand on his coat pocket, matching the man's gesture with his katana. "I guess we'll see when we reach the top, Jack. A race to the top, falling along the way and pail in hand." He awaited his response.
"Very well then Jill, as you wish." Jess pulled the katana out of it's sheath, positioning it between him and his opponent, waiting for the first strike. "Let's end this story once and for all, but this time, it will be you who breaks his crown," he added with a smirk that matches Angelo's.
Restain sighed, noting that it was time to help. She danced in front of Angelo, giggling. "Angiee~ I've been waiting for you! Lets go eat now!" She smiled at him, then turned around, seeing Jess. "Oh hello! That's a very nice Katana you have there sir!" She smiled, examining the sword in his hand before grabbing his hand and shaking it. Then she turned back to Angelo, wanting to avoid confrontation to blow his cover. "Now come eat with us!"
"Just great....." Ariana muttered. She would let the two fight but would jump in when she would be needed. She watched the two and she reached in her pockets and felt her hang gun and a few daggers. That should be all she needed.
Anelo removed his own sword from his coat an unsheathed the blade. His smirk grew wider. "Looks like this will be an interesting race. Try not to fall, Jack" the blade shines in the light, ebony looking as beautiful as always. This would be a key part in the mission.
Restain sighed, seeing both of them. "Oh come on you guys, really? You have to fight?" She sulked.
He turned to Restain and was tempted to face palm. "Woman, you are interrupting the story. Begone from this area." Angelo's words practically said that he didn't know her. If you compared the words both of them said, Restain appeared to be the liar.
Restain frowned, looking at him. Oh I see, Mister mysterious.

"Seriously, fighting in a public place? Lets not do it at all." She put her hand on her hips, watching both of them and then looking back to the girl behind Jess. She smiled, walking up to her and placing her hands on her shoulders. "Please make them stop."
"Ah. I lost interest. There's an intruder in the story," Jess deadpanned when an unknown woman stepped into the battleground and attempted to shake his hand. He returned his attention to "Jill" and glanced at his opponent's sword. "Hey Jill, if I fetch the pail, will you let me have the well?" He asked, while staring at the blade. "But we might just save this for another time, as far as I can remember, there's only two characters in Jack and Jill." 
(OHMAYGAD. Restrain! Lololol. Didn't see that coming. xD I... I died. xDDD)
Restain tilted her head to the side, looking back at Jesse. "Oh! Jack and Jill! I love that Rhyme!" She giggled, then started singing it. "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water! Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after!" She spun around them both in a circle then stopped beside them, looking at them both.

( xD ! She's weird c:)
Ariana walked up and grabbed Jess's arm, "Let's go." she said as she dragged Jess along then grabbed Koujaku by the ear again on the other free hand she had and dragged the two away from the scene. She turned a corner and threw the two against the wall. She sighed, "I swear y'all are such children."
Restain frowned, waving after them all as they left. "Bye bye you guys! I hope to see you later!" She smiled, as soon as they turned the corner, she turned around, looking at Angelo. "You know, fighting isn't good." She shook her finger in denial.
"We will decide who gets what when the story is read." Angelo was mentally cursing. Restain was ruining everything. "If there is more than two, we simply fix it. Perhaps we can move to a more appropriate setting." 'Restain, don't screw this up!'
"W-wait!" Jesse turned the corner and went back to where "Jill" and the weird woman was standing. He grabbed Restrain and stared at her in amazement. "Can you sing some more?" He asked with a hint of wonder.

(Might as well join the craziness! lol. xD )
She tilted her head, not understanding. "Story? You mean Jack and Jill? Were you guy's role playing? OH MY GOSH THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN! WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME JOIN?!" She stomped her foot, sulking.

Just then, Jesse grabbed her and asked her to sing. She smiled, looking at him. "Sure! What do you want me to sing?"

Angelo looked at the way the man reacted. 'This gives me an idea.' "Perhaps we've found a narrator for our tale. After all, you appear to enjoy hearing her voice." If he could tweak the situation, this could end up working in his favor.
Ariana walked back over, "Sorry but there will be no fighting as long as I'm around." she said as she put her weight on her right side and crossed her arms over her chest. Jess was being a pain right now. She had never once see him act this way.
He knew Ariana is literally going to kill her after this, but some things like nursery rhymes are much more important than others. Jesse turned his head slightly towards Angelo, with a bored expression on his face. "It seems like Jill is becoming impatient," he replied, "why do you want that pail so bad anyway?" He then turned towards Restrain."Can you sing Three Blind Mice for me? And do you think I should play with Jill for a while?" He asked.
"No Jess. We have things to get too." Ariana said as she walked up to Jess, "I'm so going to kill you later." she whispered as she gave Jess a cold glare. She sighed. She knew there would be no way to stop Jess. Once he gets started, he never stops.
"The pail is the only thing that an retrieve the water. Without the water, the trip up the hill is a waste." He now depended on Restain's answer. Things would've went a lot more smoothly if she hadn't shown up, but he had to adjust to the new situation.
Restain tilted her head to the side. "I think if you want to play with Jill you should do it later! Somewhere more secret." She giggled. "Besides! Fighting is bad! Of course I can sing three blind mice!" She smiled, then began singing. " Three Blind Mice. Three Blind Mice. See how they run. See how they run~ They all ran after the farmer's wife!" She began singing, mimicking the rhyme perfectly.
"Why don't you go find another well then? Somewhere not on my hill," Jesse replied, clearly fascinated by Restrain who seems to be the only person that knows nursery rhymes other than his pesky opponents. "Eh? Fighting is bad?" he asked, clearly puzzled, "but you're just singing about how three rats are being sliced by a farmer's wife!" Jess retorted. "And you sang it so merrily too."

Jess then turned his attention to Ariana, without letting go of his hold on Restrain. "What things? Do I get to slice someone up? I can kill you first before you can though." He added nicely.
Restain tilted her head to the side, watching him. "Well technically its just their tails! But the rats aren't fighting back, therefore it's an unfair battle, and unfair battles aren't fun." She sulked, taking note of his hold on her.
Angelo sheathed the blade and sighed. Restain had single-handedly ruined the operation. "Very well." All traces of interest vanished from his face and returned to the blank expression. He turned the corner and walked down the alley. He needed a new plan.
"I can't say aloud. You wish you could kill me first. I'm just as good of an assassin as you are." she whispered as she smiled at Restrain and then remembered seeing her at the bar from before. A white rose member... not good. she thought to herself.

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