The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Sadly I need to reject the offer this time," Clears calmly replies. "Besides, are you really that free enough to go play whenever you want?"

(QAQ I didn't receive any alerts I will XDD)
Jesse stopped for a moment puzzled by the calm demeanor of his opponent. His crimson eyes focused directly at Clear's.

"Hey mister, what's your name?" He asked in a curious tone. "I usually slack in my job. Where are you heading? Are you going to cut off someone? Can I join?" He continued asking while he began to lick the tip of the katana until his tongue bled.
"No, I'm not going to kill anyone right now. And we are enemies," Clear looks back coldly. "Don' t tell me you forgot about that, dear man."
"Oh, what's with that?" Jess asked when he noticed Clear's cold stare. "Ahh, so you're not going to kill anyone? That's too bad. I remember taking a slice off of someone important though. She has pretty hair." Jess offered, while sliding his katana back to it's sheath.

"You're no fun," he added, ignoring Clear's other questions while he stand his ground and continued staring at him.
Ariana was walking around town when she saw Jess and...... Clear? She doesnt remember that many people from White Rose. She continued to walk like a normal person and if anything happened to Jess, she knew he could handle it.
Angelo managed to drop Olivia off at the house and set her in the couch. Afterwards, he set off towards the Red Rose territory. He would apply as a member an infiltrate. He had no intention of hurting anybody, he just wanted peace between the two families and the fake White Rose was definitely not helping.
Koujaku pulls Ariana back to him from behind. "Let us leave Jess alone with that man~" He chuckles.

"I've no intention to make you think I'm fun," Clear frowns when Jess said he killed a girl with pretty hair. Important woman with pretty hair...? He shakes his head slightly.
"Ah Ariana! Ko-... Ko.. Kojackiji!" Jesse shouted, after the two, and frowned when he realized they were leaving him alone. "That's so cold! Don't you wanna play too?" He asked, before returning to his opponent.

"Of course you don't. You just wanna go somewhere boring. Ah, do you know that woman? I thought she was important to your mafia. We ransacked someone's home and sliced her to pieces."

Jesse didn't want to lie, but there's nothing else to do. Hopefully the young man before him doesn't know the full "incident" beforehand.
"What if he gets hurt. He's up against Clear. He will need some help." Ariana said as she pulled her hand away from Koujaku and put her weight on her left side and she crossed her arms over her chest.
(Oh. Blame my brain for not realizing that xD )

"I have my own business to do, and it doesn't matter if it's boring or not." Clear regards Jess's words with iciness. This guy...If the spy's words is correct, the one who sing this awkward Jill song must be this dude, who's name is Jess. Must inform boss....He's the one to kill his wife...He has a lot going on with his mind though he appears emotionless.

"Ahh~!! My name's Koujaku not Kojackiji by the way~! Don't call me with that disgusting name~!" Koujaku calls from behind, and all of a sudden Clear wants to laugh again. 
"Huuh? Who do you think Jess is? Plus, Clear's not even up to the mood to fight him yet." Koujaku laughs at Ariana's words.
"You're such a pain Koujaku. Im gunna go get a drink." Ariana said as she sighed and walked off towards the bar.
Jess noticed two of his comrades going back at the corner of his eye. "Ah, Ariana! Can you help me to persuade this whitey here to fight with me? Also, can you tell Kojackiji to shut his dirty cake hole?!" He shouted, loud enough for both to hear.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Withey, you'll not avenge that b**ch? She was an easy game though," Jess added, while slicing the skin off of his fingers until blood started dripping from the severed flesh.

(Lol, it's okay. I was kinda vague about it anyway. xD )
Ariana sighed and looked at Koujaku, "He's going to blow it Koujaku." Ariana sighed and looked at Jess, "Jess lets just go grab a drink. You dont need to fight right now." She said as she slowly walked over to them.
Clear just ignores everything. He will not take action without his boss's command. He decides to walk away then, the other is going to get a drink anyway.

"My name is Koujaku," Koujaku corrects calmly.
frederick woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He only does this when he was dreaming about rebecca. He went down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a snack from the fridge, he went to his office and sat in his chiar.It was leather, with brass buttons sewed in. He opened the his laptop and started to look up gun prices and ammo reloader's. he bought a couple of them. He got off his computer, and called a buddy of his."hey man, hey I need to call in a favor, I need you to find and follow a girl, daughter of a cop, I heard her names take care" he hung up the phone.

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"Lets just go Jess. Lets grab a drink." Ariana said as she grabbed Jess's arm and began to pull him towards the bars direction. She knew Clear didnt want to fight so why force him? She let go and sighed then left Koujaku and Jess alone and walked off into the bar where she sat at the bar and just got a water for now.
"How you're doing buddy~?" Koujaku lightheartedly puts his arm around Jess again, dragging him to the bar.
After awhile Ariana got a bloody mary. Such a girly drink she knew that. She just wasn't in the mood for a beer or anything strong at the moment. She yawned. She was tired. Staying up late was bad for her. Some guy came up to her and she could smell the alcohol all over him.

"Hey there babe." He said

"Go away." Ari said getting annoyed.

"Let me get you a drink first."

"Get away before you end up hurt."

Everyone in the bar could tell Ariana was getting irritated.
Jess frowned and let him be dragged into the bar while slicing his katana towards Koujaku's direction, trying to kill him. "Hey, hey Kojakiji, why don't you take his place? I'll be okay if it's you that I kill," he inquired while stabbing at Koujaku's direction.

He then turned his crimson eyes towards Ariana's direction. "Why did you bring me into your date anyway?" He asked Ariana.
(Oh alright xD )

Olivia arrived home finally and laid back down on the couch. She curled out and knocked out almost immediately, whenever she drank it was so much easier to fall asleep.

Brianne felt calm laying on her roof. She liked it up there, it made her feel free.
"He isn't my date. He is drunk and if he doesn't leave me alone he will easily end up dead." Ariana said as she clenched her fist just about ready to go pop him in the face.

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