The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

(sliverback I tagged you in a post back there, frederick asked about the drug ring, cause he made you the front man on the operation.)

After koujaku spoke: "as you all know we lost many people in the club raid a while back. thanks to aidan we have the lead detective in our pocket. He should be in a hiding spot till we can speak to him. now I have asked that aidan try and find his daughter, and bring her here so we can "negotiate" a bargin with him. so aidan if you will" Nico
Ariana just smiled and got of the table and sat in a chair. She was just listening to everything the boss said then she was waiting for Aidan to speak about his report. She yawned again, there was never a time she wasn't tired.
Koujaku yawns, "Oh boss? Did you ask me about something a while back?" He grins, wasn't listening at all.
"yes I asked about how the drug ring is going. I put you as a front man, and you never reported in." he took a inhale from the cigar, which was half way gone. he got up from his seat on the dest, and went back to the arm chair.
"Boss those cigars can kill ya." Ariana said as she leaned back in her chair and yawned. She was hungry and tired. She looked over Koujaku, "Oh yeah how did that go?" she asked.
"Oh I am the front man of the drug ring?" Koujaku laughs. "I completely forgot about it," he grins. "Oh but don't worry~~It's going fine~Fine~Very fine indeed~~No troubles yet~"
"alright, well I guess we should wrap this up. Like I said, watch your back, we don't need to attend another funeral. And we have to attend jacksons funeral. I want you to, if you see one of those pricks, you kill them. I want to kill two of them for everyone one of us."
"Why are you so creepy?" Ariana asked as she looked at Koujaku and laughed. She was just kidding around. She yawned once more. She was bored. She needed work. "Alright boss." Ariana said as she stood up and stretched.
"Three blind mice. Three blind mice.See how they run. See how they run."

The smell of singed hair wafted through a rat's burning body as a figure of a young man with sandy brown hair hunched over a small hole that he had dug just a minute ago. His crimson eyes stared amusingly as three plump black furred bodies scrambled atop each other hoping to get out of the hole while their fellow burned and squeaked in agony.

" They all ran after the farmer's wife,Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,Did you ever see such a sight in your life."

Jesse Sinclair slowly unsheathed his katana, running the newly sharpened blade against his fingers. A drop of blood fell on the floor as he sliced the skin off of his forefinger, making the rats scurry in a frenzy. His deadpan voice continued to resound against the silence while brought his song to an end.

"As three blind mice? Three blind mice-"

A glint of silver went down in a flash, skewering three of the plump bodies at once. Traces of dark blood splattered on his face, covering the small smirk on his lips.


Jesse glanced at his pocket watch and let out a string of oaths. He was late again, and "father" just might probably kill him. Without bothering to wipe the blood clean and bandage his small wound, Jesse walked towards the meeting place and quietly made his way towards the far back. He regretted leaving the dead rats there, especially when he tore apart the floor just to make a mini arena for them. Maybe he'll just play with something different later, besides, maybe there's a mission today. That will be so much fun.
Kevin sighed, nodding. "Yes, please bring everyone in now. I need to inform you all of something." He was going to tell his son that he was finally okay with him going, but he had already left to do his own thing.
(Jesse's on side two, Red Thorn right? :3)

Clear enters the room with a light sigh, "Suppp."

Koujaku frowns slightly, "But I'm a spy not a killer boss~You should ask Ariana to do those~" He smiles lightheartedly.
Kevin folded his fingers, waiting for the others to enter the room. "Clear, mind telling me exactly what happened earlier?"
{ I really hope I'm not too late to join in. I'm really sorry I didn't realize it even started until this afternoon. x( Would anyone possibly be able to tell me what's happening right now? }
(So far the two bosses have called meetings, so either side you're on needs to go to the boss.)
{ Thank you so much!! I owe you a hundred cookies! }

October ran into the room that the meeting was being held in. " I'm sorry I'm late! I was.. " October's sentence trailed off as she thought about how much her father disapproved of her music and anything connected to it. He wanted her to take over the ' family job '. " Sleeping. " She lied and took a seat in the back of the room.
frederick heard some terrible music. he knew that october entered the room."for the last time october, I thought I told you that the music you listen to will mangle your brain now turn it off." he stood up from his seat and walked out the door to the garden.

October frowned in her father's direction. " Well hello to you to. " She grumbled under her breath. She turned her music down instead of turning it off completely. With gritted teeth she turned to Koujaku and asked, " Anything important today? "
Olivia was just sitting by the pool, kicking her feet back and forth in the water. She sighed because she was pretty awake now and all she wanted was to go out somewhere for a drink.. or two.. or four.

Brianne went into her room after the conversation with her father. She didn't like him pursuing the Mafia, not one bit. If it came down to it, they'd gun him down instantly and that scared her more than anything else.
"Boss~!!! Anyway~~~!! I'm a spy~Not a killer~I don't like getting blood onto us~" Koujaku calls from behind and smiles toward October, "Why ask me? Do you think I care?" He grins.

(Just go meet a boss :P )

Clear blinks, "Police blocks my way, I killed that person you wanted me to kill and I couldn't get out of the alley. Restrain won't help me, Olivia's drunk. So I walked out, and then the polices were being annoying so I finished them off, not killing them though. Is that clear enough, boss?"
Dallas got tired of waiting around and decided to go see his father since it seemed like days since they last saw each other. He went to find his keys that he always seemed to misplace.
October sighed. " Thanks. " She got up and followed Dan out to the garden. She stepped up to him and looked around. " Hey. " She said not really sure what to say. Her relationship with her father was always tense and awkward since her mother's death. " I really am sorry for being late. I just got caught up. Did I miss anything important? "
fred (im going to use that to save on typing time.) heard his daughter follow him to the garden. he took another inhale of his cigar, it was close to finishing it. he dropped it and stomped it out. he ran his hands through his slik brown hair. "you know your mother really loved these gardens.every night while you all were little she would come out here, and take a seat on this bench." he sat down on the bench."I would come out here and find her sleeping on this bench sometimes. I would take her to the bedroom and watch her sleep. October you are the youngest of my children, and the most forgetful, and yet I some how see your mother in you."He gestured for her to join him.

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