The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Restain stepped across the street, passing right by Seifer without saying anything. After walking a few more steps, she stopped, realizing who it was. She backed up and looked at him.

"Hey, where have you been lately?"

She spoke lightly, more curious than anything.

Kevin sighed, rubbing his face. "Let me think about it. I'll get back to you when I've come to a decision." He looked at his son, really not wanting him to go, it was too dangerous.
Brianne continued to walk the streets, so worried about her father it was making her physically sick. She just wanted him to come home, that's all. Finally, she stood underneath a street light and looked around. She wasn't entirely sure where she was at this point, everything looked different at night. She began to panic.

Olivia woke up and sat up on the couch. She rubbed her eyes and listened for any sign that her father was home. He wasn't. Of course. She sighed and considered going up to her room but she didn't really feel like it so she laid back down on the couch and fell asleep.
Seifer turned to the familiar voice. "Oh. Hey, Restain." He greeted, when he saw who it was. "I was just waiting for some missions, but I didn't get anything, so... yeah." She could probably understand that it was weird, having nothing to do. "But, what is going on?"
Restain tilted her head to the side. "I'm not too sure. Apparently Clear got into some trouble and blamed me for it, even thought I was nowhere near it." She grumbled angrily.

"So now I don't know if the boss is going to be mad at me or what."

She sighed, not sure of what to do.
Brianne, still confused, heard a couple of voices around the corner. She couldn't tell what they were talking about but she heard "boss" and wondered what they could've been talking about. She was still scared and confused so she ran to opposite way. But where was she? She wished she never left her house. The one time she does something out of the ordinary, she screws up bad.
"Well, he shouldn't have done that." Seifer commented, and crossed his arms. "Could I help in some way? I have nothing else to do anyways." Then he heard someone's foot steps. He looked to the direction and saw someone running away. "Was someone eavesdropping on us....?" He asked Restain, so that he knew for sure.
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"I don't know what you can help with honestly, I don't even know exactly what I'm gonna do." She said grinning.

"But hey, you want to hang out for a bit? Unless you have something else you want to do, that's fine too."

She shifted from one foot to the other, watching him.
Brianne found herself at a park. It was the one she went to as a kid but she wasn't entirely sure how to get home from there. So she sat on a swing and looked at the sky, at the stars. She figured her dad would call when he got home and he would come get her. He'd be angry but he'd understand.
Seifer shrugged and then grinned back. "Yeah, sure. Like, I said, I have nothing better to do. Where would you like to go?"
She tilted her head to the side, contemplating this. "Oh! The park! I haven't been there in forever!" She grinned, grabbing his arm and tugging him along after her.
Olivia was curled up on the couch, the music still playing through her headphones. "Mom.." She mumbled. She tossed and turned a bit and it was surprising she didn't end up falling off the couch.
Seifer let himself be dragged to the park. It would be so much better being at the park with someone else. You know, less sad feelings.
She smiled, letting go of his arm and climbing up a little kids play set. She crouched ontop of the monkey bars, looking around the park like an excited little kid.

After a few moments, she spotted Brianne on the swing, and her smile disintegrated.

"Hey, isn't that Brianne?" She murmured to Seifer.

She had met Brianne once before when her father was talking to the boss. She grew to like her a little bit in the short time they had talked.
Brianne saw two people approaching and she tensed up a bit. She tried to stay as quiet as possible so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. She leaned her head against the chain of the swing and sighed. 
(It's actually Brianne haha, the police officer's daughter)
Seifer leaned against the play set and kicked the wood-chips layered on the ground. And then watched Restain. She was still childish somehow. Seifer had stopped playing in the park when he was just a kid. But the smile he didn't even know was there disappeared when he heard what Restain said.
The girl saw the people but couldn't really make out the faces in the dark so she kept quiet. She was still scared for her father and se wanted to cry. Where was he?
"Should we go say hi to her?" She looked over at Seifer, curious. She wouldn't do it if he wasn't comfortable with it, mostly because she was a police officers daughter, and the people she hung around didn't exactly like police or anyone related to that title.
"I think we should go..." Seifer whispered to Restain, though it was impossible Brianne could have heard them from the distance. "Somewhere else."
Dallas intentions were to go home, but he knew his father wouldnt be there so he decided to continue to walk around alone for awhile. Dallas came across a park and saw a few people over there, and decided to go. Dallas walked up and sat on the park bench and laid back looking up at the sky.
Restain nodded, hopping off of the bars with a crunch in the wood chippings below. "Alright then, you pick the place this time." She grinned, looping her arm through his and waiting for him to lead her. She was pretty open minded to everything, and hadn't hung out with anyone in the longest time. She was loving this.
Brianne's stomach was in a million knots. Her phone rang and she slowly looked at the caller I.D. It was her dad and she breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up.
Seifer kept his eyes on Brianne and started panicking a bit when he noticed her phone ring. Could it be his dad? Would she tell him about us? That would cause extra trouble. He took a deep breath, managed a smile to Restain. "Do you... uh, want to go to that fancy restaurant on 72th avenue? But I think it's about to close. I think."
Restain tilted her head, pondering the idea. She wasn't really much of a fancy girl, but she didn't mind it.

"Sure." She smiled, tugging him so he would walk with her. "I can pay if you want." She grinned.
Seifer walked, about as fast as he could, while his arm being looped with Restain, without being impolite. "No, no. I could never let my friend pay. It was my idea, remember?" He smiled at her. But what he said, was not out of politeness. It was real.

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