The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"ah son good to see you, I thought I told you to go to the office, but oh well, I was just talking to your sister, she seems to think that there is something going on." he pulled him aside."hows our little pig friend, the one I had taken off our trail by the chief of police."
Aidan shrugged and looked at his father with his bronze gaze "What did she say was going on?" he said seriously. He looked up at his father through his bangs as he was pulled aside and grinned almost wickedly "No worries about him father I took good care of him."
"don't you worry about that, I will discuss it with her in a more private place." He took another inhale from his cigar." and this time I do hope you kept him alive, we need to talk to him, hes got some important information." he begins to walk towards the office."oh and see me after the meeting I have an "errand" you can run."
"Of course father." he said and nodded. "I kept him alive don't worry. When I said I took care of him, I mean I let him stay at a fine hotel." he hummed and put a finger to his bottom lip. "What is it?" he asked he was truthfully looking for some fun things have been to quiet.
he pulled aidan to the side." I need you to do me an "errand" and go and pick up his daughter, we know he has a family but don't know where. your the best, after your sister, I want you to get a crew, and go and find her, and bring her to me. And above all don't let your sister know, she will go nuts if she finds out." He then took an inhale form the cuban cigar, and exhaled a thick black smoke.
After getting nowhere with her beer, Restain Stood up, putting the money for it on the table and waltzed out of the bar and started off to the headquarters, getting the boss's message. Her boots clacked against the pavement and she literally almost bumped into Olivia. "Ups~ Sorry, hun, I wasn't watching where I was, Oh, Hello Olivia." She grinned, wriggling her fingers.

Kevin glanced down at the vibrating phone on the table, then picked it up, looking at the screen. He smiled slightly when he saw it was his daughter. "Hello? Olivia?"

He had always answered the phone, saying hello then stating their name, ever since his wife had been killed. The Red Thorn had called him from her phone, and he never wanted to be surprised again.
Angelo entered the manor and greeted the other members as he passed. He didn't know what his father wanted to see the others about, but he knew he had to talk to him first. He really needed to discuss with his father. He walked upstairs and made his way to the large office. He knocked on the door before entering. "Father, it's me."
Olivia looked at Restrain and forced a smile despite the mixture of tears and mascara that stained her face.

"Hi daddy!" she said cheerifuly into the phone. She loved talking to her father, it was the one thing that could always make her smile.

"Clear wanted me to tell you that he got into some big mess because of-uh-" she paused, looking over at Restrain then placed a hand over her mouth so the girl wouldn't hear her, "Restrain."
Restain frowned, hearing her anyway. "You know that really wasn't my fault. I was on stage, I had nothing to do with what happened in the crowd. Would you tell him I'm on my way there now to sort things out?" She sighed, then patted Olivia on the shoulder and walked off. She wouldn't admit it, but she didn't want to see Olivia like that again. She looked so.. pained.

Kevin frowned into the phone. "Just a second, sweetheart. Come in, Angelo." He said, then returned to his call with Olivia. "What, 'big mess' are you referring to?" He tapped a pencil on a pad of paper, getting ready to find a way to deal with, and solve the problem, whatever it may be.
"I'm sorry!" Olivia said to the girl. "That's just what he told me.." Then she returned to talking to her father, "I don't know any details, he just told me to report that to you incase he couldn't." She sighed, the drunkness was wearing off and being replaced with a headache.
Angelo walked in a nd gave a respectful bow to his father. "Father, I need to discuss something with you. It's very important." Depending on his father's answer, the mafia feud could change completely. He overheard his father's conversation and grew worried. "Do you need me to clean up this mess, sir?"
Restain stepped across the street, passing right by Seifer without saying anything. After walking a few more steps, she stopped, realizing who it was. She backed up and looked at him.

"Hey, where have you been lately?"

She spoke lightly, more curious than anything.

Kevin rubbed his forehead, sighing. "Uh, hold on a second Angelo. Olivia, come to my office and we'll talk some more, how does that sound?" He looked up at Angelo, replying to him now.

"It depends on if it's a big mess or not." He said, sighing.

"What was it that you needed to discuss with me?"

( xD It happens~
He leaned in towards his father and spoke in a hushed tone, so none of the other members would hear. "It concerns the feud between us and Red Thorn. It's very important, so I'll wait for you to finish your call. Please tell Olivia I said hello, I haven't seen her in a long time." He regretted that he hadn't spent much time with his family, but work for the other family took priority at the current moment.
Olivia grinned, "Sure thing!" After that, she hung up. She cleaned her face, reapplied makeup and was on her way to see her father. When she arrived, she knocked first before walking in. She smiled. He was the best father a girl could ask for. The girl only hoped that he couldn't smell the alcohol on her. It was wearing off but she was still a little nervous.
Kevin hung up the phone, leaning back in his chair and looking at Angelo. "So, what is it that you wanted to discuss?"

A few seconds later someone knocked on the door. He sighed, and lifted his finger.

"Hold that thought son. Come in."
She walked in and grinned, showing off her perfect pearly whites. "Hi daddy!" she sounded so happy and she was. "How was your day?" then she turned to her adopted brother and smiled, "Hello Angelo."
Kevin smiled, then rubbed his temples.

"Well, it has been very quiet, a few minutes ago." He chuckled, watching both of his children.
Angelo gave a curt bow towards his sister. "It's good to see you again, Olivia." When he stood straight, he caught the putrid smell of alcohol. His sister had been drinking. He hoped she would be okay. He wasn't sure how high her alcohol tolerance was, but he hoped she could compose herself in front of Father.
Olivia giggled slightly, "Sorry to have bothered you, but what Clear said seemed important." 
Her eyes moved to her brother and she smiled, "You too, Angelo."
Kevin nodded, "That's alright, I don't mind talking to you two. Anytime you need to talk, I'm here, you both know that." He looked at one to the other, making sure they understood his concern for them.
"I understand, Father." He was enjoying the small family moment, but having it now was an inconvenience. His father really needed to know about what he was planning. He didn't want to say it in from of Olivia. He didn't want her to get involved with this if his father accepted.
Olivia just kept smiling, beginning to resemble her mother. She definitely got her smile from her. "Thanks, dad. That means so much."
Kevin nodded. "Alright, well, Olivia, I'll have to talk to you later, because Angelo has just informed me of something that we need to discuss, it's very important. Would you mind giving us some space for now? I will call you when we're finished talking."

He gave his daughter a sympathetic look, not really wanting to send her away, but knowing that once Angelo had something to say, it was in private, or not at all.

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