The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Of course, daddy," she said before quietly exiting the room. She stood outside of the door for a few moments before walking away and returning home. She laid across the couch with her headphones in and shut her eyes.
Angelo bid farewell to his sister and turned his gaze towards his father. His expression was even more serious than usual, if that was even possible. "Father, I'm sure you're aware of the state of both us and Red Thorn from the feud. Both our sides out suffering losses and there is no gain. I have a proposition to make. If you agree, it could possibly end the feud and benefit both families greatly."
Kevin laced his fingers together, leaning his chin on them and watching his son.

"State your proposition, Angelo."
"I propose a merger between both families. If you and the other boss can come to an agreement, then we can end the feud. Both sides will stop killing each other and we won't have to keep losing friend and family. This doesn't just benefit both sides from an ethical point of view, but an financial point of view as well. Currently, White Rose and Red Thorn make the same income. If both sides were to combine profits an split them evenly, both sides would end up with a larger payout than usual. Also, with the combined forces of the two most powerful mafia families, we can spread out influence all over the world." He took a lot of time thinking this through an putting it together in a way that would appeal to both bosses. "Father, I know what you might be thinking. That Red Thorn might betray us, but I have a way to make sure that doesn't happen and assure that Red Thorn will support it all the way. However, I'm not sure how you'll feel about the method."
Kevin sighed, considering this. It would be nice to stop fighting, but he would never forgive them for his wife.

"How will you make sure it will not happen?"
Olivia remained awake for a few moments but the calm music put her to sleep. She laid on the couch, peacefully.
"I will infiltrate Red Thorn and pose as a new recruit. I will learn their weaknesses and we can use them to make them accept the merger. I will also try to find a like-minded individual among their ranks and try to persuade them to talk to the boss. I'm the perfect person for this mission. Nobody outside of our family knows I exist, I'm in almost no danger. While I'm there, I can also run interference an interrupt as much of the fighting as possible. Since everybody here knows me, nobody will mistake me for a target." He had explained as much as possible and now he could only await his father's answer. "We'll, Father, what's your verdict."
A smile creeped up Olivia's lips as she dreamed of the good days, back when she had her mother around. It was 5 short years but they were the best.
Kevin frowned, not liking it one bit. "No. You are not going over there for any reason, Do you understand me? No. I can't risk it."
Angelo let out a sigh at his father's response. He was disappointed with what he'd heard, but he couldn't give up. "Father, you have to understand what this could mean for us. Why won't you allow me to go?" He couldn't fathom his father's logic. This was a perfect chance to settle the conflict, but he wouldn't let him go.
Brianne was still waiting in her living room for her father. She was worried. Is he okay? she wondered. Sick of sitting around, the girl got up and walked out the front door. Her mother was already asleep, so she wouldn't notice. She never did things like this, but she needed to go for a walk to clear her mind. And so, the police officer's daughter roamed the streets.
Elana appreciated her fathers willingness to speak to her immediately. Just as she wanted to walk with him to a private place, their huge garden for instance, she saw Aiden approaching dad. They whispered some things to each other with low voices. As quick as she could, Elana walked over to them, patting Aiden's head with a broad smile. 'Hey little bro, long time no see.' It felt good to be home again.
frederick patted his son on the back. "well, son, I told you what you must do. remember, bring her back here."He whispered. he now turned his attention to his daughter."now my dearest daughter. shall we go to a private place where we can talk, say the gardens."
Aidan nodded "I'll bring her here safely father, you can count on me." he smiled a half smile. His hands itched to do something as he shook by his side slightly. "I'll set out in the morning, do you know her last location?" he asked and saw his sister but waited for his father's dismissal before greeting her. He sighed as she walked up to him and patted his head.

He sighed softly and grinned back "Hey sis, how's my favorite and only sister?" he said with chuckle. He turned to his father and nodded at his last words.

(dakup Horinde)
Before talking to elena: "No I don't, I want you to get a crew together and find her, then hide her here, in the basement." he then let aidan go." It was nice to see you again son, now to the office we have some very important things to discuss, and your going to want to be there. but first I wish to speak to your sister elena." he hugged his son. and whispered."my son, I love you, don't let anything happen to you."
Elana frowned and felt à bit concerned, even more when dad told her brother to be careful at all costs. "What is going on Aiden? You obviously are going on a dangerous mission, why did you not say so before? Do you need assistance kidnapping that girl? I can lure her in, act as a decoy or distraction or something so you are not getting yourself unnecessary hurt?" She dropped and ignored her own news for the moment, because she worried for Aiden. Elana looked at Dad, as in asking him permission to cover Aiden's back. "Please Dad."
"I'm sorry elana, this is something your brother must do. If he gets caught, then you would too. I don't want to lose you both. I don't want him going on the mission but it has to be done, I trust him with it." he hugs her and kisses her on the forehead. "Now what was it you wanted to talk about?"
Aidan nodded "Yes father." he smiled and nodded. He hugged back when his father hugged him. He turned to his sister "I'm sorry Lena but, father wants me to do this myself." he hugged her "I promise I'll come home safe." he said and walked to his fathers office and sat down in one of the chairs and sighed. His foot tapped nervously and he reached for his pack of cigarettes and lit one taking a puff. He relaxed and closed his eyes.
Elana felt sick to the stomach. She had decided she would cover his back, although that meant she would go directly against her Dad's orders... "Allright, but be really careful at all times, right Aidan?" she faked a cheerful smile, hugged her brother back firmly and watched Aidan retreating to Dad's office. Her Dad asked her to speak up, she stoutly grabbed his strong arms and looked directly into his beautiful eyes. " I eavesdropped to men of the White Rose this evening, in some dark alley I followed them silently. It seems they are planning something big and catastrophic for us. I think no one is safe anymore, thats why I worry about letting Aidan go on à mission these times."
"just wait my little girl, I have something planned as well. They won't know what hit them till its to late." he took another from his cigar."now if thats it, we shall adjourn to the office, where everyone should be." he walked to the office with her in his arm. he walked into the office and sat in the arm chair behind the desk."welcome fellow red thorn members. Now as we all know we were hit hard by the white rose mafia. we lost a few good men, even my brother, jackson. His funeral is next weekend, but first I want to say. We will take no accord for those white rose pricks, so you ever see one, kill them." He got up from the desk and moved to the front of the desk and sat on the desk. "Now, I used koujaku as a front man for the drug ring. tell me how is it going?"(SilverBlack)
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Elana nodded knowing very well the Boss was one hell of a strategic man. She took her place at her fathers left side, while her brother sat at his right. She folded her arms, her bluegreen eyes trying to study all the faces of their Red Thorn members. Most of them had serious facial expressions - which was understandable. Many died last month, including her best female friend, who had actually nothing to do with the family, because she only cleaned the villa and cooked. Maya, I will kill that beast who raped and slaughtered you, Elana thought. Her thoughts interrupted her concentration to attend the meeting. She tried to brush them off, listening intently to Dad.
Aidan grit his teeth as he heard the name 'White Roses'. He took a angry puff of his smoke stick and looked around at the other members a cold gold gaze raking across them. He would kill every last member of those pricks and avenge his mother and uncle. He listened intently to his fathers words.
Seifer wandered around the city. He looked at the park nearby... The kids and the guardians and everything... normal. He wondered about his own parents. Where were they now? Did they worry about him? Nah, probably not... He chuckled, feeling a bit sad for himself. But then rolled his eyes for being selfish. She shook his head and walked on. He had better things to think about. Like... that war between White Rose and Red Thorn. He didn't know much, but White Rose couldn't have been the one wrong, right? But the clans were both ready to kill each other, which meant it was something very serious.

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