The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Brianne held her gun and keyed it aimed at anyone who tried to come near her or Clear. "This is all your fault, you did this. All I want is to go home with my dad!" she screamed out at Fred.
"Well, fine." Clear sighs a little before getting ready for a fight. Halfway he will escape with Brianne....
"then put down, the gun, and we can talk, I gave you the chance to talk to him, we have that meet, remember. You can go with your dad, I give you my word, on my wifes grave." he never swore on his wifes grave, only if he ment that." Just put it down, then you can put this behind you."(Britt)
"You almost killed me, why would I ever do that?" Brianne screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Olivia pulled up to the house, took a deep breath and took one of the guns from her brother's car. She got out as other White Rose members pulled up. They looked at her in shock and most of the objected but she was going to do this. She snuck up behind some girl, Ariana and put the gun to the back of her head. "You're going to walk away, right now," she whispered into her ear.
" because I hardly ever swear on my wife's grave, only unless I mean it." he started to inch to her, his intentions were to take the gun away from her so that way, he can get her under control.
"Take another step and I'll pull the trigger," Brianne said, aiming the gun for Fred's head. "Do you not understand? Sure, you swore. But that doesn't change that you tried to kill me."
Ariana smirked, "And you must be Clears little girlfriend." Ariana said as she sqautted down and pulled Olivia with her. The gun didn't scare Ariana at all.
" I might have swore, and yes I did try and kill you. But your words rang in my ears."what if I was one of your daughters." I wouldn't want your father to go through that, cause I wouldn't want to go through that. I told you I will get you back to your father. But I can't help you get back to him if I'm dead, now give me the gun." he said in a calm and peaceful tone.
"This man could just as easily get me back to my dad and my dad wouldn't have to throw away all his work. In fact, he could solve the case if I go back home with him," Brianne said, referring to Clear while keeping her aim at his head.

Olivia laughed softly and smirked, "I could off you right now. Now walk away," she said.
Using that as a chance, since Ariana got that slightly distracted with Olivia, he pulls Brianne as he calls out to Fred. "Aren't we in the same situation? With you mafia end up killing my boss's wife? Did we deal with it with such amount of torture?" He pulls Brianne close to him as he jumps out of the window to the floor. "Olivia!"
"Sh*t.." Ariana cursed under her mouth and looked at Koujaku to go after Clear but she knew he wouldn't. Ariana pulled out a dagger and held it against Olivia, "Shouldn't you get going to?" she asked.
"If he can help you, then ask him about his boss, He killed my wife, for no reason, It was to anger me."as soon as he jumped out fred shoot at clear."you god damn mother fu.cker." he climbed out the window and say what ardriana did to olivia.
Olivia kept her gun to Ariana's forehead. "Quite the perdicament we're in, aren't we?" She raised an eyebrow. She was gonna be useful to this family. For once.

Brianne stuck with Clear and thanked him for what he was doing but kept her gun ready.
fred snuck up behind olivia, and put the barrel of his gun up against her head." First thing I want is bri back in the cell, second I want clear to leave, When I get that, I will let her go." he said as his trigger fingger became jumpy, he could fire at any moment.
Olivia tried her best to stay calm. "I really don't think you want to do that.. I don't think you realize what you'll bring upon yourself, honestly."

Brianne took that moment to run behind Fred, "If you're going to refer to that as a cell, you see me as a prisoner and that's something I'm not. If you don't let us all leave, I'll kill you," and so she moved her gun to the back of his skull.
he spoke to olivia first."lady you don't know how I am, I'm frederick francona, don of the red thorn, and I can pull this trigger and boom, there goes the back of your head." he then talked to bri."pull that trigger, and you and your whole family will have the red thorn on their butts. Your mother, Father, sister , brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, everyone dead. along with you "
"So that's who you are.." Olivia said softly, more to herself than him. In one swift movement, she turned around and slammed the gun out of his hand and kicked it far from them. "You're the one who had my mother killed then? I was FIVE, I'll have you know. Five years old and my mother is killed right in front of me. You bastard," and she slapped him across the face.

Brianne stood silently behind Fred, listening to Olivia. She couldn't help but think how stubborn he was being. If he just let them go, all of this could end. They'd walk their separate ways and continue on.
getting a good look at olivia he watched as she hit the gun out of his hand."Ah, its good to see you again, Olivia, Its been what 12 years sense we last saw each other.My you have grown, I remember when you were 'bout wee high." he gestured to his knee." I remember that day, I remember your face, You watched him do it, I saw you, and decided not to say anything." In one movement, he took the gun from her hand, and stuck it in her face."now be a good little b*tch and go home to daddy, I will see him and you very soon, till then, get out of here."
When Olivia turned around, Ariana found it the perfect time to get away. She was going to help her boss of course. She went to Koujaku and said, "Give me whatever weapon you got on ya. I need something besides daggers "
"You're going to give me back my gun and let us all walk away right now," Olivia commanded as more White Rose members walked towards them.

Brianne's hands shook as she kept the gun on Fred's head.
"do you forget where we are, you might have a few members here to attack, But here in my house, I have an army." as soon as he said army, seven black SUV pulled up and red thorn members got out, and guards came pouring out the front doors."this is my territory, I can have men here in the matter of seconds."
"Oh believe me, there's more coming. We don't need a war right now so give me back my gun and let us walk. You and I both know this doesn't need to go down now. Eventually but not now," she said, getting frustrated. All Olivia wanted to was to go home.
When Ariana saw Brianne had a gun up to Fred's head she kicked it away from her hand. "You seemed nervous." Ariana told Brianne.

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