The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

Brianne turned to Ariana and her body trembled but she just went with her gut and trust her leg up to kick Ariana in the face as hard as she could, as to knock her out.
"you want a war, then bring it, cause I will have an easy kill right here." he said as he cocked the hammer of gun that he took from her.
"Did I once say I wanted a war? No, so learn to listen. But you know you can't kill me here and let's not pretend you don't. Don't act all high and mighty. No matter how confident you are in your 'army' you know my dad poses a threat to you and you know he'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant killing you for what you did. So let's be reasonable," Olivia said, sounding just like her father.
"you think your father scares me. I remember the night he killed my wife. we were out having dinner, and your father walked in. After we finished our dinner, your father's henchmen came over. He said your father only wanted to talk, but when we got there, he talked about he was going to take my business. he said unless I hand it all over, he wouldn't give me the antidote. your father poisoned my wife, you threw the first punch, I wanted revenge, and got it, now go ahead ask your father that, he will say the same exact thing."
"Let's not rip up the past, okay? My father poses a threat to you and you know that. Don't act like you're all-powerful. Let's leave this for now," Olivia sighed. She was getting frustrated, this man acted like nothing could touch him. Her father had just as much power as he did.
"go now, and never come back. unless it is to surrender." he grabbed his gun and walked inside as soon as they left." adriana, we have planning to do, and things to discuss. follow me."
Olivia snatched her gun and shoved it into her purse. She grabbed Brianne and Clear's had sand brought them back to her car. The other members of the White Rose left as well.
Clear sighs finally. "Alright, so is everything finished?" (damn so many things happened after dinner) He asks Olivia and looks toward Brianne. "Don't forget about the deal, woman." He still doesn't know the other's name yet so he calls her woman all the way. "Thanks by the way, and sorry I ruined your dress." Clear suddenly remembers as he looks toward Olivia.

"So did the show ended?" Koujaku asks with a sigh.
"Yes and you were no help at all." Ariana said as she walked over to Koujaku, "I could have died!" She added. She wasn't afraid at all.
"It's fine, I told you that," said Olivia giving Clear a warm smile.

Brianne was still shaking and so was her voice, "Y-yes. But I need to call my father.. he can't go to that meeting tomorrow. For all I know, that man will kill him.."
"Oh really you are a tiger no worries," Koujaku laughs happily. "That is quite entertaining!"

Clear sighs at Olivia, it's not okay at all! That dress costs him like freaking $1000. He looks toward Brianne with a tired glance. "You do remember that we are enemies, and I saved you just for a deal..."
"I know that.. but my father isn't going after you, that man is his target. I need to call him.. please," Brianne said softly.

Olivia just put her head down then walked around the car and got into her brother's white escalade. "Let's go guys!" she said to the two others.
"adriana." he yelled. Fred walked over to her, and pulled her aside."Follow me, We're going to talk, First IM promoting you to underboss. congrats, second I want you to jam the cops phone, I want it so he won't be able to pick it up. third, as underboss, your my right hand, Meaning I'm trusting you with a lot of stuff, so I want you to come with me to the meeting tomorrow. but first we need to know where it is, so Koujaku, your going to tail him and if she tries to contact him, run an distraction to keep him business, and one last thing, adriana, your the same build as her, so your going to have to be a decoy for tomorrow, can you do this."
"Wait wait wait tell who what again?" Koujaku scratches the back of his head cheerfully.

"I don't think calling will work anyway," Clear replies bluntly as he nods toward Olivia. "Let's go."
"your going to go and follow that girls father, the cop thats investigating me, and I suggest hurrying, and if they try and talk to him, stop them any way, any how, I give you full legal coverage. Now move soldier."

(guys I got a lot of stuff todo tomorrow so don't expect anything till 9PM est, alright.)
Brianne got into the car, "Then what? I need to warn him. Hell, I'll leave town with my family tonight if that's what it takes."

Olivia sped off, a very noisy exit. But she didn't care much. She wanted to scream and she wished that this night had never happened but it did and she couldn't change that now.
Clear sighs, "Think, woman. Do you expect them to just easily let you call them?" He looks toward Olivia and starts to bet if she's gonna scream or not at this noisy exit.

Koujaku frowns, then sighs. "Yes~yes~Bossy boss~" He starts to mumble then. "Always thinking about work..."
"Then we'll go to my house, I don't know!" Brianne said, frustrated. "And don't call me woman, my name is Brianne."

Olivia just sighed and drove with no direction, she didn't really care where she was going.
"Oye oye Olivia where are you driving to?" Clear frowns and turns to Brianne. "Come to the White Rose then."
"I don't know," Olivia mumbled and never looked over at him, always keeping her eyes on the road.

"What do you mean?" Brianne questioned, confused.
"We have a deal remember? I saved you, now you get Jess, the murderer that killed our boss's wife, or Olivia's mother." Clear tilts his head slightly over at Olivia's direction. "Drive to the mansion then." He adds toward the driver.
"Okay.. but please help me protect my family. Please. I can't let them do anything to my dad.." Brianne pleaded, sounding a bit choked up.

"Okay," Olivia said softly and made a sharp U-turn and drove in the direction of her home.
"If you get Jess," Clear says without emotion. 
(Okay. Since Reito has not been replying to this roleplay and she withhold the position of the White Rose Mafia's boss position, I have to take it away without her permission sorry Reito! QAQ)

"I..I.. Okay," Brianne finally said.

Olivia finally pulled up to the house and got out of the car without a word.
Clear nods as he texts his boss about the whole thing. "Good," he replies to Brianne. "Oh yeah, about the party...." He looks over at Olivia, "You sure you have nothing else in mind?" He texts his boss about the whole stuff and starts leading them toward the library, where his boss is.

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