The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)

"Positive," Olivia mumbled as she walked towards the room with the other two.

Brianne kept her head down and didn't speak.
(sure fred.)

(and since ariana hasnt replied Koujaku didnt reply as well lol we three are still stuck over there)

"Hmm......" Clear opens a huge door. "Boss! The police's daughter is here." He says while looking over at Olivia. "I think, we need to go buy a new dress again..." He sighs.

"Oh oh...Welcome back my sweetheart!" Kevin is halfway examining a new kind of gun when he sees Olivia and grins. The grin turns into a frown though when he sees Brianne. "Ah~So you are the police's daughter. Brianna, is it?" He smiles only from the outside.
"Meanie." Ariana said as she punched Koujaku on the arm. She sighed, "Me as like a second boss? Can I even do that?"
"yes, you can. I have faith in you, plus when you took on this mission and had koujaku bring her here, you showed your leadership. Now follow me, we have to talk about our war plan and the meeting tomorrow." he said as he shifted the gun on his back. putting his 357 in it's holster.
Olivia spoke softly, "Hi father." She then looked to Clear but she had no words.

"Um, it's Brianne, sir," said the police officer's daughter, her voice trembling just as much as she was. She probably looked disgusting to him, all bruised and bloodied.
"No, I's sorry Kouj but I need you to watch the father, incase bri tries anything. its only so that way, I can get everything that he has on me. I need to make sure arianna knows what were going to do, incase it comes to war. but you will be needed soon." he said as he started to walk for the door.
"I heard that the White Rose is gonna have a party~~" Koujaku starts to talk then.

"I heard that we're going to have a party," Kevin smiles warmly at Olivia. "I hope you enjoy it~Take care of her, Clear." Clear nods. "Now, now, Brianne, my mistake. You look all dirtied! How so?" He asks with a light smirk.
Olivia made a slight smile.

"Well uh.. That boss of the Red Thorn.. He wanted information from me so he hit me and shocked me, put a gun to my head and knocked me out.." said Brianne.
Clear blinks, "Oh right...............The party......imma go prepare for the party now...." He remembers as he starts walking toward the main room of the mansion. "What do you plan to do? It's hard to avoid the Red Thorn from entering the party either way."

"Hoooo~" Kevin tilts his head to one side in interest. "That old lad hasn't get tired of it yet huh...If i'm him I will ask somebody else to do that," he laughs slightly as he spins his chair around looking toward the window. "So Clear brought you here because of the deal, correct?"
Ariana sighed and followed after Fred. "Yeah. White Rose is throwing a party." She said. This was ridiculous to her. Could she honestly do this? She didn't know.
"Yes," said Brianne simply.

Olivia had her head down and wasn't paying much attention.
"I heard that Jess is the one to kill my wife," Kevin plays with his own fingers. "I don't know why Clear chooses you to capture him but, if you want to protect your father, you better capture him successfully and bring him back here." He smirks lightly.

"Olivia?" Clear frowns. 
(ToxicVirtue will be joining this RP btw just saying :) too lazy to tell her to post it on the sign up sheet which is closed so i just let her in xD )
Rachel peeked around the corner and stood behind Kevin. "Hello.." she whispered, her accent heavy. The girl looked around at the people standing before her. "White Rose is having a.. party?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

(Thank you for letting me join! ;u;)
(Kevin is the boss of White Rose :) by the way)

"Woah, when did you appear behind me?" Kevin notices Rachel's existence with a laugh.
Rachel straightened her back and held out her hand "My name is Rachel Eberstark, a recruited assassin from Berlin, Germany." her stance was strict, she showed little to no signs of emotion. She turned her gaze to the others there, raising a brow. Her blonde hair danced in the wind and pulled away from her face, revealing her black eye patch.
"I have no idea how I'll do it.. But anything to protect my father. But the Red Thorn boss made me set up a meeting with my dad for tomorrow.. I can't let him go, they'll pull something," Brianne said softly.

"Hm?" Olivia raised her head to look at Clear.
"I know you, girl. You are a member of the White Rose after all," Kevin lets out a sigh. 
"That so," Kevin tilts his head to one side at Brianne's words. "Heh.......A meeting huh......And why do you tell me? Do you expect me to do anything about it?" he smirks.

"Are you listening?" Clear frowns.
Brianne bowed her head, she didn't know what to say anymore. She couldn't believe the world she got involved in. With her head down and hair in front of her face, silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Brianne wasn't this type of person, she was far to emotional for this world.

"Uh, yeah," Olivia stammered. She was just out of it.
"Crying in front of me won't work," Kevin sighs. "It will matter only if you get more information about Jess for me." He raises an eyebrow.

"...What's wrong?" Clear raises an eyebrow, clearly worried.
"I'm crying for you," Brianne said as she snapped her head up. She wiped the tears from her face. She wasn't trying to get him to pity her, she just couldn't hold in her emotions.

"Nothing," Olivia mumbled.
"Crying for me? And why is that?" Kevin raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh, Rachel by the way, do me a favor?" He notices the assassin's existence and asks. (ToxicVirtue)

"You sure?" Clear frowns still with an eyebrow raise.

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