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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Lyllias releases Melenda's weapon and faces Xin. "What do I want? WHAT DO I WANT? Are you insane?! You run off with some girl, leave me to do all the work, and now I find her trying to pick a fight with the honor guard........and you're asking me, what I want?", Lyllias shouts. "How about some answers, Xin? What the hell is going on?"
"Yea I have riden a horse before" Elizabth said as she took another bite of her cotton candy. She looked at Calixto and smiled. This was nice hanging out with someone. Xin always tried to protect her from other people especially guys so this felt less smothering and more free. Calixto was a nice person n-not that Xin Wasn't nice it just with Calixto Elizabeth felt more free.
Melenda simply prepared for battle and didnt bother to move. " well....im sent here for no reason...but i need to do what ever i can......tsk...." Melenda looks up the spider looking woman. " so who r u?!" @Mine
Calixto look at her "well wanna try and ride one?" He ask her as he pointer at the ride park "u know my when my fater was alive he brought me there to enjoy with mom." He told her with a smile and start to walk.

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi
Aragon said:
Melenda simply prepared for battle and didnt bother to move. " well....im sent here for no reason...but i need to do what ever i can......tsk...." Melenda looks up the spider looking woman. " so who r u?!" @Mine
(spider looking man* Cinque is a spider-bro /╲/\╭(゚゚ヮ゚゚)╮/\╱\)
Melenda soon relizes she dosnt have her staff. " Cover your eyes its about to get Bright!" Melenda shoots up a ball of light blinding everyone but melenda. Melenda soon grabs Xin and Lyllis " Dont remain in the light too long." melenda says. "only way i escape. @Olivia Acerbi @Astaroth Suzumiya
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Astaroth Suzumiya]Calixto look at the princess and smile "well its called a cotton candy" he said as he added "there is no magic added in those sweets...its just cotton like snow when place in our moth it will melt." He explain to her and smile "so do you like it?" He ask her [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35624-agirl1107/ said:

Syndra look at him "oohhh is thats so then what a fate." She said with a sign as she look down.

@Alaster Von Grim

Valor was asleep as the shadows roam around them as valir touch her hand from his cheeks "Sweet little flower." He said as he said with a smile as he was in a deep slumber.

Surprised when Valor put his hand on top of hers, and hearing him saying sweet little flower. Who is it is he referring to? Kilala see him in a deep slumber as she looking around surrounding his shadows.
(im gonna reply but ill be out again cuz im a bit buzy lol)

valor smile a little "my sweet little ..." he notince something strange as he fell something soft as he gantly grab it and open his eyes as he heard his shadows saying it was killala as "kalala?" he ask as he sat down and face her.

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi
" You okay?" as melenda hands Xin and Lyllus a cloth and a bit of water for xin. " i would have preformed the darkness..but dammit i left my staff at home.... melenda soon heads home she needed sleep and a load of it ( hey that was me today xD )
Astaroth Suzumiya](im gonna reply but ill be out again cuz im a bit buzy lol) valor smile a little "my sweet little ..." he notince something strange as he fell something soft as he gantly grab it and open his eyes as he heard his shadows saying it was killala as "kalala?" he ask as he sat down and face her. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
Just when she staring at him, noticing that her hand is grab and Valor suddenly wake up and face her. "Um....nice weather....hehe..." She said as she look nervous. Too close. Too close.
"yeah im okey" said xin as he take the cloth and water and drink it as he rub her eyes and look at her "are u okey?" he ask her and he look around and take a deep breath "its gonna be a buzy day."

@Aragon @Olivia Acerbi

valor face her but he dint know that as he was still holing her hand and smile "yeah... it is a nice weather...so what are you doing here in the garden?" he ask her as the shadow starts roamina around the forest and tress as he let her hand go "sorry if i starled you"

"I would love to ride a horse" Elizabeth said before taking another bite of the cotton candy. She followed Calixto to where the horses were.
Calixto smile and head into the ride park "alright were do u like to ride a pony? a elder horse or a race horse?" he ask her with a smile as she look around "and if u like i could assisst u on it Princess" he suggested with a smile.

" yea im just tired.....havent slept in 1 week but i still can keep going. your eyes doing alright?" Melenda says as she walks back to her cabin to keep working on making fur pelets
"A race horse will be fine" Elizabeth said as she sat down on a bench. Iz flew to her shoulder and said "So how is your lovers rendezvous going". "Iz we aren't lovers for the last time I just wanted to go get some fresh air" Elizabeth replied hastily. "Iz do you know where Xin is?" Elizabeth asked the small bird. "No why do you ask" the bird replied. "He sometimes check on me to make sure i'm ok and if he sees me not there it's gonna raise a red flag" Elizabeth said. Iz nodded and said "We I think he is busy today so there is a chance he wont check up on you or you cough lover cough". Elizabeth sighed angrily and looked back to Calixto.
Calixto smile "then a race horse it is" he said with a laugh as he talk to the person who own the horse as he pay for it and take the race horse as he walk back to her "here you go princess its my friends horse so u can ride as long as u like" he said as he gently pat the big horse and smile at her "sooo need some help on this?" he ask her with a chuckle.


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