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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Astaroth Suzumiya

Puppet Master

The Crystal empire was once a place were everyone have a hope to start a new life and to have a Happy Life with everyone when one day a new King was destine in the Throne. but that king isn't like the others he was a barbaric king who punish everyone and took children as Slaves. he gave no Mercy and he Won many wars.The Crystal empire have change as some try to escape but they end up getting in prison

One day some have enough of his Cruelty and form a team to stop the king from his Cruelty and get the Crystal back to its righteous place in the world were everyone smile and have Fate once again as they called them selves The Resistance Of the Crystal empire.
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(new tab Neutral characters please go check it out)

(the rp has now started i hope u all have fun)

in the land of the crystal Empire there is a king name Valori as he look down to his kingdom and saw the people suffering,some die from hunger,some people steal and people fight and he smirk and sat down in his throne beside his Queen and smile "don't u like to see them all go in pain?' his Queen sign and shook her head to the king with a lil bit of frustration.the Queen was a beautiful woman with her long white hair and to her magnificent looks she is phrase by everyone because of her beauty "i do not like the plans u seek for our kingdom" she said as she stand up and wait for their children to arrive in the meeting hall of the King and Queen.

King Valori stood up and look at his Queen and laugh "you should be use to it Queen Syndra im the new king" he said as he smile at her and she sign and look away if only king Xerax was still alive the Crystal Empire would never have a faith like this and everyone should still have hope to live. this isnt the Crystal empire this is hell and the only way to stop this is the king and only him.


Rengar was standing into the mountain as she look at the people who were suffering and in pain as she cross her arms and look at the palace to were the king live.this isnt what they all expect from him and from the first time they saw him he was a good and king king but in the end he was an evil bastard and now he will soon bring everyone at end. what would happen to the kids for the future? they would become slave soon yet she and her team will stop him from his place and bring back what is right "Shiro!" she call her Vice-leader of the resistance as she look at the hellish view of the crystal Empire.

@Amy the broading \[uSER\=41426\]@Alaster Von Grim[/uSER]
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Samiel got into the empire a few days earlier and ended up showing off his magical abilities to the towns folk.

A few orbs of light started to appear around Samiel.The lights started to circle Samiel slowly getting faster as a ball of fire formed in one hand and ball of lighting in the other.

"Ladies and gentlemen this trick is for master magicians over 2 thousand years of age so don't try this at home"

He said then threw the fire ball into the air and it turned into a dragon that circled the street above the towns people. Samiel threw the lightning ball into the air and turned into a dragon as well but circled the street in the opposite direction. The twin dragons charged at Samiel with the intent to kill, the towns people gasped as the dragons rammed into Samiel. The dragons exploded in a cloud of sparkling dust and Samiel was going, a silence fell over the people for a moment before a single person on top of one of the buildings started clapping

"What a show"

It was Samiel without a scratch and a smile on his face.
Queen Syndra walk to the window as she saw a magician as he do its performance and sign at first. she have seem many Magicians in her life and she always watch the same trick yet it was fun in her childhood years since she was too innocent at magic that time when she look at his trick and almost gasp.well maybe she was a lil bit too wrong yet it was a magnificent trick that could surprise everyone and also give someone a heart attack as she look at him a thoe she would like a trick to make her children smile so she call a guard to bring him to the palace.

@Alaster Von Grim
Samiel hummed to himself as he walked along the roof tops when he noticed the palace guards

"Hey you stop"

One of the guards shouted at Samiel causing him to slip and slide down the roof where he kicked off and jumped across the street onto the building

"You shouldn't shout at a guy on the roof I could have gotten hurt"

He said before he ran away
the guard look at him "the Queen call for your presence immediately as we will escort u back into the palace" The guard said as they look at them in the roof and kinda wonder why the queen would call something like him in the palace.

@Alaster Von Grim
Samiel was above the guards with him luxurious black wing spread wide as he looked down at the guards holding onto the rim of his hat

"Then why didn't you say so"

He said as he landed in front of the guards
Samiels wings disappeared as he looked around at the guards

"So what does the queen want with me, if something went missing I just got into town yesterday"

He asked cautiously as he followed the guards to the to the palace
they head inside the palace and walk into the palace halls and they look at him and continue walking as they look at him "no its not that" they said as they all dont want to speak him further and just walk as they reach the Throne room and open the door for him

the Queen was waiting for the new Guest as the King Fix some papers and some of the important works he burn them as she heard the door open as she smile and the king look at the door with a scoff "Greetings mr.?" she ask him as she look at him and stand up.

@Alaster Von Grim
Samiel took his hat off and made it disappeare as he bowed

"Samiel Vale, to what do I owe the pleasure of your invitation your majesty"

He asked as he stood up straight and his gaze was drawn to the queen
Queen Syndra look at him as she nodded "well it was a pleasure to meet you Samiel Vale i saw you performance to the people out of town" she said as she smile at him as the King made a dagger look on Samiel as the Queen ignore him as continue on talking "if it would be nice to show some tricks for me and to my children when they got into the throne room?" she ask him with a smile as the King scoff in irritation.

@Alaster Von Grim
"It you be a pleasure"

Samiel said as he looked at the king with a smile spread across his face

"I can't help but feel some animosity towards me, perhaps his majesty should let someone else wear the crown for the while"

He said as he made the kings crown appear in his hand then placed it atop his head
Queen Syndra giggle as she look at him and laugh a little as the king stand up and groan with a lil fit of anger as he grab his crown back and wore it "dont tempt me Child" he said as he wore his crown back with an irritating sign as he walk back into the his chair and sat down as he look with his papers again.

@Alaster Von Grim
"Me, a child"

Samiel said with a slightly chuckle

"I'm over ten thousand years old, if anyone here is a child it's you"

Samiel said as he gave a lust filled smile to the queen as his eyes glowed red
Queen Syndra smile at him back and clap her hands as King Valor stood up "just be thankful the king called on for u because if i was the one then ill send u in the Dungeon and torture you from your UN-mannered accent" he said with a scoff as he added "and can u quite staring the the queen or i shall make your eyes disappear" he said with annoyance.

@Alaster Von Grim
"You would condemn an archangel to the dungeon shame on you"

Samiel said as he looked back to the king with a devious smile

"And it's going to be difficult to not look at the queen since I'll be preforming for her and her children"
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the king scoff "your a magician and even 10 thousand year old why don't u try and perform a magic that is Blindfolded?" he ask him as he prepare manipulating his dark crystal and the Queen stand up and look at the king "could u just please enjoy a happy performance?" she ask him as the king stand up and glare at her "im the king and that is what u must know and follow what i desire."

@Alaster Von Grim
"Then you'll like this trick"

Samiel said as he pulled out a large golden sword from the inner pocket of his jacket

"All you have to do is stab this sword through my stomach"

He grind as he tossed the sword to the king

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The Queen gasp a little and look at him with oddness "are u serius of this?" She ask the Magician as the king made a wide grin"alright i accept the offer" he saud as he walk to him and take his sword "morely i would prefer beheading u but this would be alright by me." He said said as he stab him in the stomach with a malicius Grin.

@Alaster Von Grim
The sword didn't come out Samiels back

"Sorry but I don't die in this act"

He said as he moved to the kings side and put his arm around his shoulders and smiled at the king and opened his mouth having the rest of the sword came out of his mouth
The king take his Blade out as he groan in anger and pull the knife out of his stomach and the blade dissapear from his mouth "this is the last time ill be humiliated by you!" He spat as he walk out of the throne room as for the Queen she was rather shock but in the end she was starting to laugh becuz he have the urge to face the King anf even Made some tricks upon his sleve as she was amaze from his bravery.

@Alaster Von Grim
"You could do so much better than him"

Samiel said as he walked up to the Queen

"So do you want to see some of my other tricks, syndra"

He smiled and kissed her hand as he bowed and looked up at her
Princess Elizabeth was trying to avoid the inevitable. She looked out her window and frowned. The entire kingdom was under his rule now and she hated it. When she was called to the throne room she wanted to pretend she didn't heat the order and stay in her room. I wasn't until that evil man sent his guards to drag her into the throne room did she come out of her room. She was the first of the children to get there. Elizabeth awkwardly shifted and began to walk towards the thrones.

After Elizabeth sat on her small throne did the others file in. Elizabeth played with her hair to distract herself from the presence of the dark king. She looked at the argument between the king and the magician. It was amusing to say the least. She was wonder what was going to happen when the Magician was stabbed.

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