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Fandom The Corrupted [Pokemon Gijinka]


Fear the Fluff

Once, humans and pokemon lived together in harmony. But, this was a long time ago. Now there are also gijinka.

What caused this? Arceus herself.

Long ago, humans have began mistreating pokemon. It started as a small matter, one that was frowned upon by the main population of humans. But with time, things change. Over the years, violence between humans and pokemon heightened. Pokemon were forced to battle for the human's entertainment, sometimes to the death. Humans hunted pokemon, no longer out of necessity, but for sport. The violence became so common that many species of pokemon were about to become extinct.

Arceus couldn't watch this happen. Nor could she wait for her most trusted friend, Jirachi, to awaken and assist her. So one day, she prepared herself for the most use her power would have had in many centuries. Using nearly all of her power, she combined humans and pokemon. This wasn't all pokemon and all humans, however. Only the pokemon and humans that were connected- either by touching or by an emotional bond- were affected.

A few years later, Arceus was still weak from the output and a Ninetails gijinka came to her. The Ninetails was angry, shouting about the beloved partner that died, and attempted to put a curse on Arceus. Arceus, in order to protect herself, raised a shield and attempted to redirect the curse back on her attacker. In her weakened state, Arceus' attempt to protect herself not only failed, it backfired. The curse spread through Arceus to the other ledgendaries.

The curse wasn't what the ninetails had planned, either- it became one of corruption. The ledgendaries were no longer the guardians and protectors of the world, but now the very ones that cause it to fear them. When the vulpix and ninetails of the world learned what happened, they all went into hiding, gijinka and pokemon alike, fearing what would happen to them. Very few have been heard of since.

It has been a hundred years now. The ledgendaries continue to rule the land. However, a resistance group that, until now, was never a threat to the ledgendaries has gained many members. It seems that a war between the two groups may break out. Everyone knows that a ninetails curse can last a thousand years, although a little-known fact is that if the recipient of the curse performs a selfless act, usually one including a personal sacrifice, the curse could be broken. However, it seems unlikely that a corrupted ledgendary would do such a thing...
Soltae wandered her castle, bored. Despite being in charge of so much and so many people, most of her time was made up of crushing boredom lately. After all, she pretty much had people to do missions for her, although she was massing the power she had to take out the enemy's main base as soon as she discovered where it was. She was soon approached and told that a messenger was awaiting her in her throne room, Soltae nodded, showing her understanding, and walked over to the room and looked at the messenger. "What is it?"
Ryu was content with how the day was progressing. He'd manage to collect on a sizable bounty, which meant he

had cash in his pocket for the first time in a while. Having extra money to spend, he had decided to go into town and take a look at the shops there. He walked through the city center leisurely, absentmindedly glancing at the display windows of the various stores.
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  • "My lady." Kelva nodded as Soltae entered into the throne room. He'd been patiently waiting for her to arrive since the messenger had first appeared. He kept his hands around his swords tightly as he waited for the messenger to speak. "Where's Fyre? Shouldn't she be with you Lady Soltae?" He was concerned to see her not immediately with Soltae, despite her ability to handle herself. It didn't matter how strong the fighter was if the opponent used a dirty trick. He moved off the wall to take his place on Soltae's left hand side. @AlannaTrebond @Jayden Kisubo

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  • Cass sat daintily on the top of the makeshift bar, swinging her legs over the side of the building. She watched, expressionless, as the Colonel exited the building, lit his cigar and blew out a puff of smoke. The Banette wrinkled her nose at the smell of smoke.
    Aren't you afraid of a hangover?" Her dark clothing camouflaged her in the darkness of the night, the only signs of her presence being her stark white hair and her pink stockings.

    "You can't expect to capture Latias herself while suffering from a massive headache, same goes for your lads in there." Her voice held a hint of mocking and mild disapproval. Of course, she'd been sent here to check in on him, and she was doing that. Cass wouldn't stop him though. If he got himself killed, that was his own problem.


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Giovonni chuckled as he looked to the general. This was one of two women that he actually held in high regard within the rebellion. The other was the darkrai Corali, but he'd never tell her. Afterall, he was the higher rank officer. But he could easily show his higher respect to Cass. "General Cass, how long have you known me?" He chuckled. "I'm a hearty man and all my soldiers both man and woman won't be fighting tomorrow if we find her." He took another deep breath of his cigar letting the smoke fill up and burn into his lungs before it trailed gently out of his lips. "No, that's a fight for me and her. Dragon to Dragon." He smirked as he turned to his higher up again. "This is one mission I ain't puttin my men on the line for. There's no point in wasting them. I just want a numbers advantage to make her think we've got the edge." He exhaled as he walked over to her. "What about you Cass? What are you going to do out here? The only rumored legendary in these parts is Latias. And it's just a rumor. We haven't got a single shred of solid evidence." He heard the troops starting to say their goodbyes. "My kids sure know when to get the message." He chuckled and finished off his cigar.

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Cass listened to his musings, breathing in the cool night air, mixed with a hint of the cigar smoke. She heard his plan, an arched an eyebrow.
Courageous, but also naïve. I can't say I don't understand how you feel, though. She thought back to the time when one of her closest subordinates had nearly been killed. Cass' had faced off the enemy General alone, commanding her soldiers to stand back.

Of course, she'd killed him, but he had just been a normal pokémon. Latias was a legendary.

"You're going to get yourself killed. I told myself I won't stop you, but it seems I might have to." The MG hopped down, landing gracefully on her boots, a few feet away from him. "Your men look up to you. If Latias kills you, they might attack her as well." She turned her head to face him, her orange eyes seemingly glowing in the dark. "It's a suicide mission. And definitely against the orders of the higher-ups." she added simply.

Cass adjusted her gloves as Giovonni inquired of her presence and plan of action here.
"Bael sent me to check on you, I just fulfilled my duty. Though I might stay for a bit, just a few days. Just to see how well you do against Latias." She shot him a smirk, and glanced sideways at the building at the sound of the goodbyes. Her eyes flicked back to Giovonni, a small smile playing on her lips. "Sleep well, Colonel. I'm very sure you'll need it.

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Giovonni merely shook his head as he listened to her. "She may be a legendary, but there was a reason that the Ancient pokemon had to go extinct. And if Soltae changed all of us because of the humans treating us badly, she wouldn't have let the ancients die off without a reason." He smirked as she mentioned a suicide mission. "Suicide missions are how I make my livelyhood Cass. It's not the first time you've said that to me. Remember?" His massive tail swung behind him. "Besides, Latias may NOW be a fighter, but I've ALWAYS been a fighter. Even before we became gijinka, even before the curse." He felt he was missing someone as he reached down. It was a habit he never could break. "Damn I miss you Gnar." Giovonni mumbled only loud enough for him to hear. He looked at the spot and for a moment he knew he looked weak. As he turned back he felt the fire of vengeance burn inside his chest. "Cass this isn't a suicide mission. This is the first step in a long road to getting revenge on Soltae. She merged countless people and ended up costing them their companions. And now she wants to play dictator. Well, I ain't gonna sit around and wait for her to crush us. I'm going to bring her down to the world of mortals and remind her what we're capable of." His rage had sobered him up. He wouldn't be able to sleep and so he took off his jacket to start his daily workout.

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  • It was a cool night, crisp and sharp. A soft breeze pulled at the edges of his hood, bent both of the fabric "ears" back. Soundbyte remained perfectly still, or at least he thought he was perfectly still. He could be moving slightly, in reaction to the wind. But currently, he believed he was a ninja, which meant he was as still and focused as a statue on its pedestal. And nobody could ever detect ninjas. Especially when hiding in trees.

    He was perched there, a good several feet off the ground, watching and waiting. As a self-sworn dark agent of the night, he was constantly scouting for action and adventure. Shifting into prime scouting position, Melvin pulled over his eyes a large set of yellow goggles. He pressed a switch on the side and activated night-vision with a quiet hum. With this, he saw everything, from the forests beyond to the path below him, even if his view was coated in a film of gold glass. Turning left and right, he continued to click the button, switching from night, to thermal, back again, and began to scan the many pathways leading up the mountain's side.

    When he saw two blips on his thermal-vision, he grinned.

    "Mercury, I've found something."

    He bumped the Skarmory, who'd been dozing, in the side. The glare he got was nothing new, and he turned back to look again.

    "Look just there, a couple meters away I think. That's glidable distance."

    He watched the Skarmory perch next to him, blinking blearily as she followed his gaze. "They're probably Geodudes."

    "I'm not taking any chances, Snippy."

    Soundbyte quickly turned, opening up the cape-like attachment on his back. It flipped out, pulling taught, forming a makeshift pair of bat wings.

    "Tonight is a night of crusading, my faithful ward! Are we not valiant enough to help a couple mountain climbers?"

    He was met by rolling eyes.

    "Well, I'm going to take a look at least. If you feel like holding down the fort, then go ahead. Squawk if you need me."

    He took off, catching the wind with the large cape, and began to glide silently towards the heat signatures on his goggles.



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  • @Kiroshiven

    Cass only smiled in bemusement, and watched as Giovonni seemed to reach down for something, then correct himself. With some simple deduction, she figured out it was a habit from his trainer days.
    "I do miss Talia, I suppose." She strode a few paces forward, then turned back to him as he continued speaking. "That is, the goal of the Resistance, after all. Remember though, don't be too reckless. You'll let down both you and your pokémon."

    With gloved fingers, she pushed a strand of white hair away from her face, looking on as the Colonel his work out in the dead of the night.
    "I shall take my leave, then. Where's your base stationed?"

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Giovonni was in the midst of his push-ups when he remembered Cass was still there. "Out back behind the bar. 50 meters." He winked at her reminding her that the distance was like 2-3 times greater than what was said. "Tell the troops I told them to treat you like they would me. They'll set you up nice." He returned to his workout as his rage continued to boil. "I will rip your throat out Soltae. Just you wait." His sweat dripped onto the ground as he stood up. His energy was high and he couldn't calm down. It wasn't the first time this had happened. He'd just need to fight something to calm down. "Let's go see if I can find some REAL excitement." He said to himself and waited until Cass left before heading off into Eterna Forest.

Ryu walked in the direction of the ramshackle bar on the outskirts of Eterna City. He had plenty of extra money and he intended to get hammered. Hell, maybe he'd even see a bar fight or two if he was lucky. As he neared the bar, he heard voices; one male (@Kiroshiven), one female (@Mayfly). 'Well, well. What have we here?' He thought as he crept closer, until he could just about make out the silhouettes. It seemed the male was leaving, heading for the Eterna forest. He stayed crouched down and followed the male at a fairly large distance, tracking him more by sound than sight. 'Who are you?' he thought to himself as he tailed the individual.

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  • Soundbyte careened steadily downwards, the wind whipping at his hood and hair, blowing it into his face. He adjusted his goggles with one hand, nearly faltering as he did so, but the cape billowed out behind him and kept him on course. As he got closer and closer, the formerly blurry shapes reflected in thermal-vision grew clearer and clearer. They seemed distinctly humanoid, and he could make out a few details such as hair and clothing. They both seemed to be wearing similar uniforms. And they were definitely not climbers.

    He looked down, and realized all too late he was about to hit a tree branch. One leg snagged at it, driving him off-balance. "Oh jee-" He whirled forwards, now descending rapidly towards the two. He tried desperately to keep both wing-arms out, but it didn't do much to break his fall. Instead, he fell, skidded on one leg, and finally flopped in front of the two gijinka.

    Not to be deterred, Soundbyte launched up to his feet, scraping dirt and bits of leaves off his now sullied costume. "Agh, that really, really stung." He muttered, then looked at the twin Shaymin. "He-Hello travelers!" He grinned.


  • "Thanks, I'll do that." Cass sighed as she made a quick calculation of the distance, groaning inwardly. She almost let out a laugh when Giovonni spoke more of his vengeance plan. She doubted it would come true, though. If anyone should kill Arceus, it would be Bael, and Bael was rather insistent on not killing her during meetings. "I'm off. Don't get yourself in trouble on your quest for excitement." She heard the rustle of the bushes as he entered Eterna Forest as her boots clicked on the stone pavement as she strode away. She'd only made it a little past the bar when she heard some more rustling.

    Raising her eyebrows, she turned around, and eyed the fading back figure of a humanoid shape.
    He's been followed, it seems. Well, that'll be the first test of power, then; Alertness. I needn't help him, he can fend for himself. Without much further thought, she set off for the base, hoping her feet wouldn't ache that much by the time she reached.

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Fyre walked down the hall to Soltae's room, spending the time glaring at the servants who she passed. She was slightly amused by the terrified looks, but it was kinda getting boring as well, they always did it. She opened the door and froze before her eyes narrowed at the now empty room. With a small growl she slammed the door shut and jumped into the air, flying back the way she came with the food still in her hand. She landed outside the throne room and sighed before walking in and up to Soltae. "You were supposed to wait for your food in your quarters...." She shoved the food at her leader and went to stand at her right, she finally noticed some people staring at her and glared. "What, miss me?"

@Kiroshiven @AlannaTrebond

Tahl looked around the forest and sighed, turning back to the hole he had dug a few moments prior. Bending at the knees, he scooped out a rectangular stone and stowed it away in his robes. "This should be a good gift...." He spoke in a mutter and turned to begin his trek, soon arriving outside of the infamous castle run by the Corrupted God herself. He patted the dragon plate he'd retrieved and pulled his sword from its sheath in his cloak before he began to walk into the building. It is time I come back to your side, my love.... He turned at the first sound of noise and stared down the servant. "Tell your mistress I request and audience with her in her wing." His deep voice traversed the distance but was met with a negative response of "the mistress doesn't take audiences there." before Tahl ran the guy through. He turned to the next and said the same thing. This time the servant ran off. Tahl sighed and began to make his way to Soltae's room, killing any who stood in his way.
Vitani wandered the rows of the library, looking for something to read that might interest her. She'd already set her pokemon's pen up in the back and looked for books there, but considering the back shelf was nothing but romance novels, she'd quickly given up. She sighed slightly and looked down a row about history and soon picked one up about Unova. After walking back to her table by the pen and sat down to begin to read.
"Is there something that requires my attention Nyrvana?" Shiranui stepped out from behind the pillar he had been leaning against. "Or do you truly believe that the rebels can reach me here?" The Dragonspiral Tower was a place he sometimes came to to think, in the midst of the chaos in the world he found the tower comfortingly unchanging.

Idly looking his bodyguard up and down Shiranui noted that, as usual, she looked ready to fight a war. Having the woman foisted on him had been infuriating at first but arguing with Soltae was an exercise in futility and over time he had conceded that he couldn't keep constant vigilance alone. Now she just had to get the hint that he didn't need a grim Valkyrie following him around every second of every day.


  • Giovonni held his jacket over his shoulder as he continued through the forest he was hoping he'd come across some gijinka that had lost themselves to their pokemon instincts, but alas there was nothing. He then felt eyes on him from the shadows. "Is it a curious bypasser or someone working for Soltae I wonder." He smirked to himself as he started to play games with the eyes. He moved into the shadows of some darker trees and would knock over a couple with his tail, angling them so they fell in the direction of the stare. I wonder how good this person is. Plus, this little show may get Latias' attention. Killing two birds with one stone. I lose the tracker and get to fight my prize. He grinned as his energy started climbing to new heights.


Soltae rolled her eyes at her two 'bodyguards'. "Yes, yes. It must be terrible for me to be alone for a whole two minutes." She let out a long, irritated, sigh. She honestly didn't mind having guards most of the time, but it was rather annoying, too. It wasn't like she was without skills. She mostly ignored their squabbling until Kelva said that he'd miss the traitor before Fyre. She turned to him, giving a good, solid glare. "I will not hear of her. Now, if you must argue, go outside before you smash a wall. Again." The last part was directed at the both. She turned to the servant and heard his message, who informed her that someone was heading towards her room and requested an audience there. She let out a sigh. "If this is a waste of time, I'll kill him." She decided, taking the food from Fyre's hands. If it's not a waste of time, perhaps I'll alleviate a little boredom. "Well, he may die, either way." She added, walking towards her room. It depended on who it was, really.
As his quarry started taking measures to disrupt his pursuit, Ryu decided to switch up his tactics. He drew his tanto and rushed at one of the trees, climbing up it and digging his blade into the tree bark to scale it faster. Once he had ascended to the treetops, he continued his tailing, hopping nimbly and silently from branch to branch. 'Nice try, but I'm no amateur. And I don't need to see you to know where you are. ' he thought to himself as he traversed the branches.

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Cathryn walked across the bridge that connected two smaller towns. Underneath ran a wide river, although she wasn't worried about that. She noticed that the crowd was quite large, and that was what worried her, as she knew wild Pokémon used the bridge as well. Sure enough, she heard a fearful cry of a pokemon. She turned, intent on throwing a human into the water if she got an excuse. However, what she saw froze her to the spot. A cyndaquil backed away from the humans, flame on its back burning brightly. Beyond even that was fire.


In Hearthome City, Tsura stared out at the sky as if the most interesting thing in the world was there. And to her, it was. She knew something or someone was coming... she was just waiting to be able to see it, whatever it was. She sat down, frowning. The vision was coming, she was sure of it. But what was taking so long?

@Jayden Kisubo
  • His excited grin drew back even more, like he'd just heard the best news he'd ever had all week. Actually, that very truthful a statement; For once, he thought he was about to actually set out on a real mission. It was a bump up from being beaten up by hostile Pokemon. Or particularly numb-skulled trainers, who might mistaken him for an actual Gliscor... "I, good citizen, am perfectly fine!" He posed with both arms out, as if to demonstrate he was unscathed. A loud crack was heard as soon as he did so, followed immediately by a quiet whimper.

    Not missing a beat, he quickly started talking again, dropping his arms slowly and carefully this time, "I have no idea about any old men, but I do know a thing or two about these woods. I'm a researcher, a professional survivalist practically. And you two have come to the right place, for I am here to help the help-needing. I-"

    "Melvin," The low hiss of the Skarmory at his side cut him off.

    "Not now, Snippy." Soundbyte waved his hand, "Like I was saying, I'm here to be of assistance. Also I have a map."

    He could practically feel the daggers coming from Mercury's eyes, and tried to ignore the Skarmory's growing irritation.

Anton leaped off a large boulder, safely landing on the rocky ground below. He had been living in solitude for a while, making sure he hadn't been seen by anyone who was at Mount Coronet. This mountain was the only place that he really knew anymore, and a lot of the towns near where he lived were destroyed before. Whatever was happening with the legendaries, this curse, fighting, and everything else was so confusing to him, since he was so out of the loop.

He looked over into the distance, seeing the practically decimated Solaceon Town. Hearthome City wasn't too far from there, and sometimes he could vaguely see it being rebuilt from certain mounts of Mount Coronet. While he thought, the Clefable gijinka heard some kind of noise from nearby, something like footsteps perhaps? However, when he whipped himself around to see who it was, there was no one in sight.

Anton breathed a sigh of relief. Whenever he saw someone, he always got so worked up and nervous. He learned how to deal with it if he had to, but he preferred to not have to deal with that if he could. He was curious to see if there was someone, though...

((Anton's completely free to interact with, if anyone wants to :D ))
Corali walked through the trail on Mount Coronet, walking towards Hearthome City. The path was mostly empty, but she could hear someone walking ahead of her. She sped up somewhat, and soon, she saw a Clefable- or what was most likely a Clefable- gijinka. However, he whipped around, and automatically, without thinking, she stepped back and blended in with the shadows. He seemed... relived, if she had to guess. Corali shook her head at herself. Old habits die hard, I guess. She thought. It was instinct for her to hide. Most people didn't take kindly to her existence in the past- combined with the fact that she was a legendary, there would be no going back if she revealed herself. Well, it's not like this is Soltae. It can't be much worse, then. She decided, then stepped out of the shadows. "Hello, there. I didn't expect to meet another traveler." She called out as she walked toward him once more.

@Du Pain

(Works for me. I didn't know where to put her anyway, so it helps~)
Anton's eyes widened a fraction of an inch when the person revealed themselves. He fought the urge to hightail it out of the place—it'd be so much easier, since he could climb the rocks on the mountain much easier—and instead nervously smiled. He felt much more nervous than usual, probably because he had gotten himself a bit nervous earlier when he thought he saw someone. He didn't have any idea who it could have been, so he got gotten himself a bit worked up in his head.

"Ah, yes, h-hello. I wasn't expecting anyone either," The Clefable gijinka greeted politely, doing his best to not seem nervous. After all, it'd be rude to just stand there. And he definitely wasn't rude... not usually.

Taking deep breaths, he calmed himself down. He still felt intimidated, and then Anton realized why. This lady, as far as he could tell, was a Darkrai gijinka. He remembered people had always told him how scary legendaries were, but she didn't seem to be doing anything threatening, so he didn't allow himself to make assumptions.


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